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Fimfiction site users...and FIMfics! =)


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Hej! So I was wondering, how many people on here also have a Fimfiction account? Do you just check out the stories or have a variety of you own written FIMfic stories? If you have your own stories that you might like to share; give a brief description and link! :)


I'd like to see what you guys have written!


I'm still working on the 2nd chapter of my FIMfic, if you want to check it out, links below. Be warned, it's not any ordinary fimfic...bunch of Sci-Fi, and some hard to understand concepts involved...I've been told its good though, so I'm happy about that.





  • Brohoof 1
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Pretty much what I think of FIMfiction in a nutshell:

Posted Image

I tried making a story on it once. 10 seconds later I get 41 notifications. All of them dislikes.

That's what I get for not using that grammar checker. :I

I'll read it, I guess.

I've already read Cupcakes a few times.

Edited by Random Sushi
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Hmmm...I guess I can try this!...So I think :blush:


Anyway, I'm posting both my stories here. With the description of each copy pasted from FimFiction.




"Don't be fooled by the name. There ain't no conquering in here. When Twilight was re-reading a book for like the umpteenth time, she found out she had missed something...how could this be!? However when she thought of going to that certain place she missed, she kind of screwed up...big time. Reaching a mysterious place that seems too different, she'll find that not only she is not alone, but with the

princesses, Spike and her friends...but also in another world...OUR world. But this is not all. While out of her knowledge, other ponies were brought here...but on different countries. And with them none the wiser..oh yeah, misadventures is the right word! Follow them in what they shall see is crazy world...our Earth!"

What can I say? I loved PoE (Ponies on Earth) stories, but I wanted to expand myself. Hence, what better than to do it with several countries and several ponies at the same time :lol: . The story is also divided in arcs, representing each group, and each arc is divided in parts. And it's also on editing so far...even though I'm SLOW on it. The image you see as the cover represents the main leader of each group of ponies, and where they will land. For those who don't know ALL the glags, especially the state ones for non-USA born, flags, I'll make it easier for you.

Clockwise, it's Twilight in Argentina, Braeburn in Colorado, USA, Cherilee in South Africa, Soarin' in Australia, Shining Armor in Hawaii, Vinyl Scratch in Nevada, USA, Bon Bon in Brazil, Fancy Pants in France, Discord in England and Trixie in Japan. Remember, this are just the leaders. Other ponies are with them... :ph34r:




"A human ends up teleported from Earth. Only it's not his body the one teleported. Rather, his mind. And what could be more weird than ending up in someone else's mind? Or should I say...somepony? And even more...the very Princess of the Night's mind? Watch as Shaun Weller goes throgh the mind of Princess Luna, and also living her life with her...inside her mind"


Yeah...I don't have much to say on the idea, other than the fact that it MIGHT have been based on the premise of, according to my older sister, The Host by Stephanie Meyer. So...I have no idea :P. Anyway, pretty much, what it says. I wanted a HiE (Human in Equestria) story that was original, this came up. Pretty much trapped inside Luna's mind. Nightmare Moon will be making her appereance as well. All I can say, is that a lot of Luna's life shall go in this story...well, both canon, and from my head :P.


I don't know if either of them are good, but eh, to whoever may want to read it. For some reson, I feel like I'm promoting like a bastard doing this :unsure:.

  • Brohoof 1
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This.... May or may not count as advertising. But whatevs, I love good fics. And theoretical physics. Well, I don't love theoretical physics. Well, in theory, I love physics. But theoretical physics, well, I'll just say this. Math hard.


Seriously though, I'll give this a read through. Physics is an area near and dear to my heart, for reasons I can't explain. Always love a good rational sci-fi world. Also, yes, I do have a FIMFiction account. And currently two and a half stories resting happily there. I'm actually procrastinating working on the third story to respond to this thread. haha Good times.


Link to them is in my sig but as far as description, my stories follow Shadow Chaser, featured as my avatar, and he is a detective. His job is to find ponies that go missing or that don't want to be found. He rescues Octavia in the first story, has a sea-fairing adventure with Rainbow Dash and Applejack and the CMC in the second story, and in the current installment he's begun work with a new organization and is on the job in Las Pegasus.

  • Brohoof 1

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
OIF 07-09 Veteran

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I have one story on there started:




Immortals, men and women from all over the world who live hundreds, even thousands of years. Throughout the centuries they have walked among mortals in secret, moving and taking new identities as needed to stay hidden. Some abuse their power, treating normal humans as their playthings and carving a path of destruction to satisfy their selfish greed. Others use their gift to act as heroes, and protect

humanity from evil.

But one thing holds true for all immortals. They fight a secret war amongst themselves, each with the goal of being the last. When a challenge is called forth two immortals meet blades and fight to the death. The victor takes his foes head and with it their power. There is only one rule in these battles, an immortal cannot kill on holy ground.

One of them is Duncan Macleod, a warrior born in 1592 in the Scottish Highlands. He has spent 400 years fighting evil immortals and protecting us in secret. Tonight with the drop of a head a great evil sets her sites on him, and lures him into her world.

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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This.... May or may not count as advertising. But whatevs, I love good fics. And theoretical physics. Well, I don't love theoretical physics. Well, in theory, I love physics. But theoretical physics, well, I'll just say this. Math hard.


Seriously though, I'll give this a read through. Physics is an area near and dear to my heart, for reasons I can't explain. Always love a good rational sci-fi world. Also, yes, I do have a FIMFiction account. And currently two and a half stories resting happily there. I'm actually procrastinating working on the third story to respond to this thread. haha Good times.


Link to them is in my sig but as far as description, my stories follow Shadow Chaser, featured as my avatar, and he is a detective. His job is to find ponies that go missing or that don't want to be found. He rescues Octavia in the first story, has a sea-fairing adventure with Rainbow Dash and Applejack and the CMC in the second story, and in the current installment he's begun work with a new organization and is on the job in Las Pegasus.


Wow, it's great to finally stumble upon another brony on here with an interest in physics! And no worries, not too much math shall be involved, it really is based on mostly the domain of physics in general. With some philosophic stuff included too...but yeah I'm already spoiling a bit haha. And sounds like a nice story you got there! I'll be sure to check it out! ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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