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S01:E06 - Boast Busters



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Title: Boast Busters
Air Date: November 19, 2010
Synopsis: The arrival of Trixie, a boastful pony with magical skills, irritates the ponies in Ponyville who turn to Twilight to challenge her.

An entire character fanbase was born this day, from this single episode. I never understood the fascination with the Bragging and Obnoxious Trixie, but I suppose it's in the attitude or belief for potential :3 Edited by DashForever
  • Brohoof 6


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Why do you all hates the Poor and Misjudged Trixie so much?


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Whatever you said, it was Snip and Snails' crime to lure the Ursa minor, Trixie's words were harmless.

Edited by Star Weaver
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Whatever you said, it was Snip and Snails' crime to lure the Ursa minor, Trixie's words were harmless.


Snips and Snails are morons who slack-jawed over Trixie's so-called ability, though. It's her 'harmless words', her bragging, that convinced them to go and get the Ursa in the first place. No, Trixie couldn't have foreseen two village idiots going so far as to lure an Ursa there first-hand, but the fact remains that you can't just pit the blame on the two idiots. It was a domino effect more than a singular event.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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Title: Boast Busters

Air Date: November 19, 2010

Synopsis: The arrival of Trixie, a boastful pony with magical skills, irritates the ponies in Ponyville who turn to Twilight to challenge her.

An entire character fanbase was born this day, from this single episode. I never understood the fascination with the Bragging and Obnoxious Trixie, but I suppose it's in the attitude or belief for potential :3


Yeah, I agree, I don't understand the fascination with Trixie. She's loud, obnoxious, rude, and quite the boaster (who would've thought? :P ). The only thing that I really enjoyed about her was her constantly talking about herself in the third person, and does she just call herself Trixie? HECK NO!!!!!!! She's got a title and everything!!!!!! That was hilarious, and I loved that the entire episode, but then again, I love it whenever anypony has the balls (in a manner of speaking) to constantly refer to themselves in the third person. It just gives me a little chuckle, because I get to say, "My gosh, somepony does have that big of an ego!!!". But overall, I'm not looking forward to or calling for Trixie to come back, much less get reformed. Some people in this world are just jerks, plain and simple, and there's no changing that, and that's what I especially appreciate about characters such as Gilda and Trixie; they don't change!!! Instead, friendship overcomes their attitudes, and shows them for who they really are; jerks, braggers, and overall, petty and unpleasant company.


Also, Spike was a total pimp with his mustache, and that right there makes this episode solid in my book! B)


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PIMPIN'!!!! B)

Edited by Batbrony
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"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Her words are you know what every proper magician should say to impress the crowd. Sure her Ego is of the charts but as I have said many times would you go watch a magician show hosted by the mediocre and not so powerful Trixie ? Magicians say they cut people in half and then re attach them but we know it a trick. if someone was stupid(snips and snails) enough to go there with a hacksaw in a real box and said to cut them thye woulnt be able to.


Now on to the episode itself. Trixie was doing what she was supposed to as a magician and the mane 6 tried to outstage her in her own show. What did you expect her to do ? Just sit by and say oh yea you outdone me ? of course not that would be unproffesional so she did what she did.


As I said I am not saying she is isn't egoistical and all that stuff but that what makes her a fun and good character to begin with but putting the blame for the event to her is unreasonable bot for being rude to the mane 6 and the ursa event


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it's her 'harmless words', her bragging, that convinced them to go and get the Ursa in the first place ... It was a domino effect more than a singular event.

It's like blaming everything wrong about Microsoft to Bill Gates :/


Yeah, her words can be said as the major cause why the idiot duo aggro'd a mythical beast, but that doesn't simply means that the idiot duo was innocent and everything was Trixie's fault


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It's like blaming everything wrong about Microsoft to Bill Gates :/


Yeah, her words can be said as the major cause why the idiot duo aggro'd a mythical beast, but that doesn't simply means that the idiot duo was innocent and everything was Trixie's fault


I didn't say it was, I'm saying it's a mix of both of their actions and how they interacted with each other that lead to the problem :3


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I really don't care for anypony with a big ego. I watch magicians on youtube and on T.V. all the time, you never see them purposefully call out people just to show them that they suck (so to speak). A magician can display his/her power without being pompous about it, and that is a fact. But also her tone of voice, after proving she was better then the mane's, got under my skin for some reason. I suppose some people can stand her type of atitude and maybe even embrace it, but I am not one of those people. I dislike everything that pony stands for, but I do see her value as an antagonist. Because what would the world be without antagonists? Boring, thats what.

Edited by Bronynonymous
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Trixe, trixe, trixe.


I really don't care for her ego. I like a cocky attitude. (Though RD does it better).


Anyway, the episode was good. Learning more about unicorns was a good addition. Though, I felt how they stopped the ursa major was a little bland. I guess I felt it needed more action. :/

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I like Trixie. She makes a pretty good rival for Twilight even though it was kinda proven that Twilight's magic is stronger than hers.


Plus they could expand on Trixie's backstory so we could learn why she acts like the way she does.


(My Theroy: She craves attention so maybe as a filly she didn't get much of it....even from her parents so she would want to make up for it now)

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I really enjoyed this episode. It gave us a chance to look more at Twilight character and develop her a little more. ^_^ Now for the Great and Annoying Trixie. I just don't like her that much. Also I get so mad when she starts to say that Twilight, could never handle a Ursa Major. She could not even beat the Minor and she can still claim that she could.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow Trixie was a show off! And when I saw the Ursa Major it looked way huge. And comparing it to a Ursa Minor, a pony would be squashed if a Ursa Major stepped on them! :(


Made by: villan97

I will be making background stories for them soon YAY!

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  • 1 month later...

So many Trixie haters. Have you all forgotten who was around before Trixie? Gilda. Trixie is a showoff and there's no denying that. Gilda on the other hand was a complete bully. Plenty of showoffs turn out to be good people/ponies deep down. Fluttershy terrorizing griffins don't.

You think you're better than the Great and Powerful Trixie? You think you have more magical talent? Well, come on, show Trixie what you've got. Show us all

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  • 3 weeks later...

People hate this episode. Worse, the arguments they have against it are compelling. Watch the reviews of Strebiskunk, DigibronyMLP, and Brony Nutcase. It's at the point I'm not sure I can any longer rationally justify liking this episode. Tell me anyone who's smarter than me, what arguments can be made in its defense? 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Before I write this I want everypony to know that I like Trixie and she's awesome!!

This one scene has bothered me so much, proably more than any other time in the MLP epsiodes.

How did Trixie "Beat" Twlight's friends? Rainbow Dash showed off her amazing feats of furious fastness, and some how Trixie is better at it than her by spinning her around? The same for Applejack. Only Rareity did she actually show up.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Worst episode of the series in my opinion....


Trixie is the only thing I like about this episode. Why? Well, Trixie makes a great show-mare, and it's obvious that she's just performing a magic show. Of course she's going to call herself "The Great And Powerful Trixie." What magician would call themselves mediocre during their performance? What the mane 6 do in this episode is just rude. Would you interupt a magician's performance to tell them that they are "boasting?" 


And I really don't like snips and snails. But luckily, we don't see them that often, and when we do, it's never as bad as this episode.



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, might as well put up another of my reviews.


The plot of this particular episode, once again, features Twilight Sparkle (Tara Strong). After experimenting with her magic, and shrugging off all compliments about said magic, the unicorn finds out about another traveling magician who is in town, The Great and Powerful Trixie (voiced by Kathleen Barr, who did the voice of Kevin in "Ed, Edd, & Eddy"), who specializes in, well, basically showing off and one-upping everyone while proclaiming how awesome she is. Twilight, despite her friends' encouragement, is unwilling to step up, afraid that to do so would be just as bad as the boasting that Trixie specializes in.



This plot...is actually quite good. There is a threat later on in the episode, but it is a minor part of the story, overall. The main plot of the episode focuses on Twilight's battling with her feelings of wanting to one-up the braggart, while feeling that doing so would be just as bad as what Trixie does. It's very...Nietzsche.



Of course, Tara Strong's voice acting is quite, well, strong. The big surprise in this episode is Kathleen Barr as Trixie. For a villain with little screen time (she gets a few scenes, but not even as much as last episode's Gilda), she shows a talent for very easily getting the character's personality of bragging across, something that is not easy to do.



The characterization is one of the strongest parts of this episode. Twilight, despite having more episodes around her character than the other members of the mane six combined, shows that there is still more character development left in her. She is definitely proud of her magic, but she doesn't want to brag about it, feeling that it is simply her talent, no different than Rarity's fashion, Rainbow Dash's speed, or Fluttershy's affinity with animals.



As for the villain, considering her lack of screentime (seriously, Trixie gets less screentime than Gilda did last episode), Trixie leaves quite an impact. Granted, her character isn't exactly original, being basically "What if the Wizard of Oz was a villain and a unicorn?", but the character is just done with such gusto that you look forward to the character getting what is coming to her. At the same time, when it happens...you almost feel bad for her, since what happens isn't directly her fault, and the people truly at fault get away with almost no punishment, one of my issues with the episode.



Overall, this episode is definitely a step up from the last one. While the villain isn't really that much more developed than Gilda, she still is at least enjoyable, something that Gilda was not, despite both serving as a dark side of what the mane cast could be (Gilda being Rainbow Dash without the underlying kindness, Trixie being Twilight without humility). Twilight's struggles through the episode are also easier to relate to, since she is aware of what her dark side is, and is trying to avoid that dark side. Both of these elements take a plot that has been done fairly often (that of the braggart having their bragging come back to bite then), and make a new twist on it. Finally, this episode shows just how Twilight became Celestia's student in magic, and is pretty awesome to behold.


Overall: 7.5/10 (5/10 average)

Edited by thebobmaster
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Trixie is such a hilarious character.


Following the precedent set by the previous episode, this episode is impressive in that it shows a character already knowing a lesson (don't show off) before it begins, then learning the expanded thesis of that lesson by the end.


I notice how this is one of the first episodes in which we see just what Rainbow Dash is capable of.


Didn't Dash, AJ, Spike and Rarity kind of jump to judgement on Trixie? She was just performing.


I'd like to say, watching this a second time and letting it sink in, that I no longer hate Snips and Snails. But yeah, how can you not hate those two characters? At least in this episode?

Okay here's what it is; if either their faces looked less stupid, or their voices were less annoyingly stupid, they'd be fine. But having both is too overwhelming.

That's what makes Derpy a much more enjoyable (and lot less offensive!) character; she's a lot more toned back and subtle.

Snips and Snails remind me of those two 'twins' characters from Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.


I'm a little annoyed whenever some character says "[noun] is the most [adjective] in all of Ponyville! No, in all of Equestria!"

How often do you say "that's the most [adjective] [noun] in all of [state/province]! No, in all of [country]!"?


One thing this episode does that I find annoying is a bad habit the show mostly had in the first season: employing the mane six in a kind of awkward, gimmicky way. Like, out of all the ponies who could try to show up Trixie, it's just those three?

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Trixie is such a hilarious character.


Following the precedent set by the previous episode, this episode is impressive in that it shows a character already knowing a lesson (don't show off) before it begins, then learning the expanded thesis of that lesson by the end.


I notice how this is one of the first episodes in which we see just what Rainbow Dash is capable of.


Didn't Dash, AJ, Spike and Rarity kind of jump to judgement on Trixie? She was just performing.


I'd like to say, watching this a second time and letting it sink in, that I no longer hate Snips and Snails. But yeah, how can you not hate those two characters? At least in this episode?

Okay here's what it is; if either their faces looked less stupid, or their voices were less annoyingly stupid, they'd be fine. But having both is too overwhelming.

That's what makes Derpy a much more enjoyable (and lot less offensive!) character; she's a lot more toned back and subtle.

Snips and Snails remind me of those two 'twins' characters from Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.


I'm a little annoyed whenever some character says "[noun] is the most [adjective] in all of Ponyville! No, in all of Equestria!"

How often do you say "that's the most [adjective] [noun] in all of [state/province]! No, in all of [country]!"?


One thing this episode does that I find annoying is a bad habit the show mostly had in the first season: employing the mane six in a kind of awkward, gimmicky way. Like, out of all the ponies who could try to show up Trixie, it's just those three?

Twlight couldn't show her up because that was thepoint of the whole episode. that leaves Futtershy and Pinkie Pie. luttershy would never openly challenge someone. She's too shy and kind. Then there was one. Pinkie Pie could - what? She's awesome and has talents, but could they do a bake off right there on stage? How would she "outparty" her?





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Oooh, Trixie made me so mad!!!!! I wanted to go up and... well, I'm not really good with threats. I might bite her or something... my teeth can be painful (for myself AND others) when I'm mad.


Overall, it was an awesome episode!

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