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private Founding of Equestria (RP thread)

Cherry Blossom

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Velnir blushed, but leaned faintly back into her. "If I had my choice, I wouldn't have been involved in the first place. It wasn't worth it." He looked ahead, frowning. "For the good of the cause," he turned his head away and spat, "Hindsight's 20/20 and such. This is it, right?"

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Velnir blushed, but leaned faintly back into her. "If I had my choice, I wouldn't have been involved in the first place. It wasn't worth it." He looked ahead, frowning. "For the good of the cause," he turned his head away and spat, "Hindsight's 20/20 and such. This is it, right?"


"Yes... it's a shame how some leaders force you to do evil things, or else they do the things to you..."

She opened the door and walked in, sitting down on a couch, curled up. She looked down at the floor, then back up at Velnir, making a motion that he should come sit on the couch with her.

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Velnir took off his bag and set it awkwardly on his lap, after sitting down awkwardly next to her. Umm, friends sit on couches, right? Or do friends sit in chairs. Am I supposed to curl up as well? Did I accidentally use something else in the tea earlier? She doesn't seem to care about my history. Maybe she forgot that I was supposed to tell her about Surge when we got here. Is now the time to get the water? No, I don't think so. I feel drained emotionally; I hate that prison. Shelby smells nice. She looks nice too. Wait, where did that come from. I'm so confused. He blushed.

  • Brohoof 3


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Velnir took off his bag and set it awkwardly on his lap, after sitting down awkwardly next to her. Umm, friends sit on couches, right? Or do friends sit in chairs. Am I supposed to curl up as well? Did I accidentally use something else in the tea earlier? She doesn't seem to care about my history. Maybe she forgot that I was supposed to tell her about Surge when we got here. Is now the time to get the water? No, I don't think so. I feel drained emotionally; I hate that prison. Shelby smells nice. She looks nice too. Wait, where did that come from. I'm so confused. He blushed.


She leaned into him a bit.

"Was Surge always like this..? Did he always do the torturing himself..? Because you say Martin never did, but Surge says Martin was training him or something like that... And, if you don't mind in me asking, how did you get the scar on your chest?"

She moved her hoof slowly, lightly over it, then blushed very much. She just wanted to feel it and didn't want Velinr to get an implications from it.

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Cherry Blossom slowly woke up again and she watched as the holding cell area was void of most ponies. She got up and sat on the cell bed and turned her head to the direction of the remaining Unicorns. "I-I would like to leave now, if you ponies just wouldn't mind t-that."

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"Surge has always been slightly crazy, and Martin was teaching him, but Martin taught him by explaining anatomy. And no, Surge wasn't the only one torturing ponies. I can tell you three ways to kill a pony without a weapon, exactly where to apply pressure to cause excruciating pain, and the best way to use a sickle as an interrogation tool." He blushed when she rubbed his scar. He got off the coach and faced a window. "The scar is when I tried to kill myself. I guess I didn't try hard enough."


Aelicine sighed, "I am sorry Miss Blossom, but we still need to ask you a few questions. You say you came to help our pony, but why were you here in the first place? Pegasus territory is in the north," she said gently. She wondered if the pegasus like the night time offhandedly.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Surge has always been slightly crazy, and Martin was teaching him, but Martin taught him by explaining anatomy. And no, Surge wasn't the only one torturing ponies. I can tell you three ways to kill a pony without a weapon, exactly where to apply pressure to cause excruciating pain, and the best way to use a sickle as an interrogation tool." He blushed when she rubbed his scar. He got off the coach and faced a window. "The scar is when I tried to kill myself. I guess I didn't try hard enough."


"You... before or after... wait... I'm confused..."

Shelby leaned back on the couch, still curled up.

"So you got your cutie mark, but were blackmailed into torturing ponies. Then you tried to commit suicide... But how did you get out of the torturing job? After the attempt to commit suicide..?"

She was starting feel bad about how rough his life had been and how easy her life had been.

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"I w-was heading towards Earth Pony territory and I was just about at the b-borderline between all 3 territories. Then I saw that pony downed behind a rock, but it also seemed like she was heading somewhere south," she explained as she leaned back against the wall.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"So, you were on the border. Why were you there? Did a pegasus send out-of-country mail?" She asked.


Velnir looked down, "I told Surge I wasn't going to work anymore. The next day Martin showed up at my home. I through all of my money at him. The day after that my house burned down. I built a shack over the basement. The day after that I was told that I would be killed if I stopped making poisons. I didn't get out. I just stopped showing up for it. With Martin gone... I don't know what it means. I stopped having friends because friends could be targeted. I distanced myself from Surge as much as possible; I think it was him who burned my house down and gave me the death-threats. I don't know though."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"I was travelling to the Earth Pony kindgom, but I was instructed to go by sneaking into their airspace by using a c-cloud." Cherry Blossom turned her full attention to Aelicine. "I only stopped to help theat unconscious pony and that is all I-I did here."


Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"So, you were on the border. Why were you there? Did a pegasus send out-of-country mail?" She asked.


Velnir looked down, "I told Surge I wasn't going to work anymore. The next day Martin showed up at my home. I through all of my money at him. The day after that my house burned down. I built a shack over the basement. The day after that I was told that I would be killed if I stopped making poisons. I didn't get out. I just stopped showing up for it. With Martin gone... I don't know what it means. I stopped having friends because friends could be targeted. I distanced myself from Surge as much as possible; I think it was him who burned my house down and gave me the death-threats. I don't know though."


Shelby looked down. She herself seemed sad.

"I understand... Maybe I could help, or maybe..."

She faded off, shaking her head.

"Never mind."

She laid down on the couch, then sat up immediately.

"I'm sorry, I never showed you where you could stay!"

She facehoofed and looked like she was starting to cry.

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"It's Fire, ma'am... Fire Blade."

This made him feel a bit more depressed. Her little speech did make him raise his head, but he closed his eyes every now and then for a short time.

"And it's not really getting caught... it's just.. I've got no one to talk to personally. I kinda feel alone..."


Sapphire realized her mistake may have made the situation worse. "Oh... I'm sorry, Fire. Well, I know the feeling of having no pony to talk to." She replied to Fire.

"I can understand that...loneliness can be soul crushing. Well besides my spear and armor, obviously, I brought some food, water, rope, bandages and...that's it. Nothing too special. So we didn't have a clear destination in mind, this is more of a general recon?"


"We are just here to check on the earth pony's situation, we need to see how much food they have and what's the strength of their fighting force." She replied to Snowy's question.

"What are your specializations in magic?" Sapphire asked both Snowy and Fire.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Velnir looked away from the window back at Shelby. She was starting to cry, really know what to do about it. He walked up to her, "I can, um... Leave. If you want." He wanted to hug her, but it seemed like a stupid thing to do. It was presumptuous and would probably get him slapped.


Alli sighed,"So you were supposed to sneak into Earth Pony territory. Did you, or were you just going there."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"I-I was just heading there," she replied. At this point, Cherry Blossom didn't have any more answers to give. She explained to Aelicine everything she knew, but she could probably ask more questions herself. "S-So what are you Unicorns planning to do with this 'assignment'?" she asked.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Velnir looked away from the window back at Shelby. She was starting to cry, really know what to do about it. He walked up to her, "I can, um... Leave. If you want." He wanted to hug her, but it seemed like a stupid thing to do. It was presumptuous and would probably get him slapped.


((Your characters sigh a lot...))


She got up, wiping tears from her eyes. They still fell, but it was in small amounts.

"No, no, I'm just tired," she tried telling him.

"Here. I'll show you to your room, if you want..."

She looked at the floor, then back into Velnir's eyes. She figured she had been depressed by his story, and she wanted to help him more somehow.

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"My specialization is in ice magic. Mainly I just use my spear as a focus for my magic. I'm not very good at other magic types or spells. Well besides the basics. I don't believe I've ever seen you train, so what about you Sapphire?" Snowy Fields asked his commander.
  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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(Celestia, why you so hard to draw? Q.Q)


Velnir knew he'd made her sad, it was written all over his face. Before he had time to think about it, he'd kissed her. His face turned scarlet. "I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't- I wasn't- I'm not using my head."


Alli looked out the window, "I think it's just some border patrol. Do you like the night, Miss Blossom?"

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"S-Sometimes, but not when it's too pitch black dark. I'm u-usually scared of the dark and the only light that provides me to see, is the Moon." Cherry Blossom nodded before she replied, but she got off of the bed, still wrapped in the blanket. She headed towards the cell bars.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"We'll, if you can invented boots like that, you can probably invented many more things. We have a workshop that I'll let you work in."

She turned to Stormcloud.

"For now, go guard the most recent prisoner. Or sign some paperwork or something. No, prisoner first."


((OOC: They're horseshoes not boots. I don't know why everypony is thinking that they're boots))


"I'm sure I could. I had plenty of designs to better the Earth Kingdom back when I was their leader. Things like walls, advanced armor, these shoes..." he gestured to the horseshoes he was wearing "But don't worry. The designs are hidden away and I'm wearing the only set of these shoes in the world" They were coming up to a large building on it's own cloud, separate from Pegalopolis' mane cloud with a cloud bridge spanning between them "So what's in this workshop huh?" Martin was starting to get excited about the possible equipment he would get a chance to work with. He'd always been limited to what the Earth Ponies could afford.

  • Brohoof 1

avatar and sig by your's truly
ask me anything


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"I am the head of a religion who worships the moon as a god. Syline is mostly all that matters to me. Syline, she is the moon. She tells me to be honest with you; it is not my decision weather or not to let you go I will say that you have bettered your chances. It's her's," she points to Vinyl.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Oh okay..." Cherry Blossom frowned and her ears drooped. It could be a while until they actually let her out, but it really bothered her. Her life at Pegalopolis and her job could be revoked because of this. Now she just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Flame flew from the cave to a small street on Pegalopolis, Then began searching for Greylight and Martin.

After a few minutes he saw them crossing a bridge to the workshop... But Martin was walking by himself. How is he doing that ? Flame thought, Flying over to the ponies. Um... Forgive the interruption but, The prisoner is in his cell and the troops you sent to spy on the earth ponies have not returned. He said to Greylight. And Martin... I like the shoes.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"My specialization is in ice magic. Mainly I just use my spear as a focus for my magic. I'm not very good at other magic types or spells. Well besides the basics. I don't believe I've ever seen you train, so what about you Sapphire?" Snowy Fields asked his commander.


"I prefer fighting with my spear or dagger. I store magic in the object enchanting it, giving it special properties, but from what I found gemstones seem to have the ability to hold a stronger magnitude of magic, here take a look." Sapphire replied to Snowy's question as she levitated a ruby from her saddlebag and gave it to Snowy, the gem was warm to the touch.
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Sapphire realized her mistake may have made the situation worse. "Oh... I'm sorry, Fire. Well, I know the feeling of having no pony to talk to." She replied to Fire.


"We are just here to check on the earth pony's situation, we need to see how much food they have and what's the strength of their fighting force." She replied to Snowy's question.

"What are your specializations in magic?" Sapphire asked both Snowy and Fire.


"Like my name implies, it's all fire magic. Messing around with balls of fire and spewing it everywhere is what I like best..."


(Celestia, why you so hard to draw? Q.Q)


Velnir knew he'd made her sad, it was written all over his face. Before he had time to think about it, he'd kissed her. His face turned scarlet. "I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't- I wasn't- I'm not using my head."


Alli looked out the window, "I think it's just some border patrol. Do you like the night, Miss Blossom?"


Shelby was a bit shocked.

"Oh! I, um.. it.."

She flushed.

"It- it doesn't matter... Come on..."

She started walking away, but turned and faced Velnir.


((OOC: They're horseshoes not boots. I don't know why everypony is thinking that they're boots))


"I'm sure I could. I had plenty of designs to better the Earth Kingdom back when I was their leader. Things like walls, advanced armor, these shoes..." he gestured to the horseshoes he was wearing "But don't worry. The designs are hidden away and I'm wearing the only set of these shoes in the world" They were coming up to a large building on it's own cloud, separate from Pegalopolis' mane cloud with a cloud bridge spanning between them "So what's in this workshop huh?" Martin was starting to get excited about the possible equipment he would get a chance to work with. He'd always been limited to what the Earth Ponies could afford.


Flame flew from the cave to a small street on Pegalopolis, Then began searching for Greylight and Martin.

After a few minutes he saw them crossing a bridge to the workshop... But Martin was walking by himself. How is he doing that ? Flame thought, Flying over to the ponies. Um... Forgive the interruption but, The prisoner is in his cell and the troops you sent to spy on the earth ponies have not returned. He said to Greylight. And Martin... I like the shoes.


"Many things, Martin. You might recognize some things, but I'm sure we have more... not to brag."

She then turned and addressed Flame.

"Well, can you see if we can get in contact with the spies..?"

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I suppose we could try sending another group to search for them, But that would risk having more of our soldiers caught.

But if you think it would be a good idea, we could send a group along the same trail that they went. He said to Commander Hurricane.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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