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I'd really like to see somepony elses rendition of my OC. Jaster Shadowcaster


Refrence: this a vector i made of him http://mlpforums.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=24259

Backstory: (short version)

His backstory is kinda long, just cause i keep adding to it. Jaster was born half blind, raised by a family he didn't even belong to, He was accepted by them until his talent began to show, he could imitate any weapon with magic and was naturually gifted with using them. War and weapons were despised by all ponies of the kingdom, when he was discovered practicing his talent he was thrown out on the street, where he eventually met the captian of the Lunar gaurd doing her rounds. "lightning" Lanchette took pity on him and took him to the palace where he met Luna, young though he was, he was recruited to the Lunar Guard. He was trained and grew to be an exceptional warroir, Luna always told him " All one need do is look at our past to know war is in our future, my sister may deny, my mother may deny it, but it is coming, be aware." As she predicted it came. Envy, the green eyed monster had been sealed away for ages by the queen had found a new host and was slowly cacooning alicorns to turn them into her army of changling to declare war once again on the queen. Jaster and Lanchette fought at the forefront of the war, but they were slowly being driven from the island of "Canterlantis?" As the remaining survivors evacuated Jaster let his gaurd down to shove luna onto the ship, When he did this a changling Named Mimic, impersonated his magical talents and cut off his lower right leg with his own blade. Lanchette and a few others dragged him onto the ship before it set off, And the queen sunk the island with herself and Envy locked in crystal. When they arrived on equestria they discovered a wild forest full of dangerous creatures, Jaster was attacked by a manticore who clawed up his neck before being driven off, His voice was permantly changed to a deepy raspy voice. Finnally they they encountered another civilization, but it was in total chaos, The king was none other than discord himself and everypony else suffered under his rule, Begged by the townsfolk, Luna and Celestia defeated him, sealed him in stone and ruled in his place, but then sometime later Luna lost her mentor and freind. she was so devastated she was determined the night he died would last forever, Nopony could console her, nopony could convince her to let the sun rise and the day of his death pass. She began to become aggressive and wild. The elements of Harmony, the greatest weapon from the old kingdom were assembled, Jaster was the Element of magic, Lanchette was the element of loyalty, Celestia was the element of laughter (before this event she was an avid prankster according to my little story.) and there were three others that I haven't and won't yet mention. Everyone suffered from her selfish descision and she couldn't be reasoned with so they used the elements of harmony to banish her to the moon, it was only later they discovered it would last a thousand years. Jaster and Lanchette requested to follow her, Celestia made them into stars to watch over the moon. "and the stars shall aid in her escape."


Jaster is very resolute, he stands like a brick wall against everything he thinks is wrong, He is also a bit taciturn and doesn't talk a whole lot, escpecailly after he gets a scary voice, He is curious but not intrusive. a scene with him goes something like this.

Teacher: please celestia you must study. It is important to know the effect of social relationship on magic.

Little Celestia: Boring! I don't wanna study, I'm a princess, Can't I just make somepony else study for me and then send me a nice organized report with the import bits?

Teacher: well I...

Celestia: OH I know, Jaster! your one of Loonies Cronies right? I want you to study the magic of freindship and send me a weekly report!

Jaster: But princess... I don't have freinds.

Celestia: *puppy dog eyes* Aww now I just feel bad. ooo You can be Loonies friend! LOONIE get over her *scoots the two of them together and runs to the back of the room with the teacher and a bowl of popcorn*

Teacher: what are you doing?

Celestia: Waiting for the magic to happen!

Check out my Art threads everypony

http://mlpforums.com...tor-art-thread/ and http://mlpforums.com/topic/35635-01s-traditional-art/#entry847552 I love getting critiques and such. Check back at my threads often for art will continually be updated on the first post of all my threads. ummm other than that... hmmm. MUFFINS FOR ALL!

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If you are still taking requests, friend, I would be greatly interested to see if you could perhaps ponify something.


Seeing as how I am MasterCombine, I'd like you to draw a ponified (that is, a pony version of) a Combine Overwatch Elite.




Reference 1


Reference 2


Reference 3


The third reference is somewhat shoddy, but anyway, if you would be willing to take on such a challenge, that would be awesome. And I would appreciate it greatly :)

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Are you still taking request?




Here's webnet if you are.


Refrence: post-20-0-35829000-1350267035_thumb.png This is where it goes right?


I don't know if you accept additional things added but, if you do, I would like to have the scattergun with him as well. http://wiki.teamfort...wiki/Scattergun


Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.


Backstory: Webnet began as a simple pony. He admired things that came from the internet and with his knowledge of the internet he got his cutie mark. He actually wanted to design video games, but they are one and the same to him at least. He also was part of the track team. In fact, he was the best at track. All the ponies cheered for him. But then, his friends and family were murdered by the CELESTT, (Celestia's Emergency League (of) Superior Takedown Tactics), Team. Wrongly accursed of crimes they didn't commit by none other then celestia. Webnet was furious. So what did he do? He murdered some of the CELESTT team members. Luna saw his capabilities and so, she hired him as a mercenary for the LUNAR, (League United Negating Awful Rulers), team. Now, he plans on stopping Celestia as LUNAR's faithful Scout. With his faithful Scattergun



Off Job: He is a kind pony usually, just don't talk about his past life or things will turn ugly. He generally believes in justice and is happy to serve and is incredibly loyal to Princess Luna.


Your pony dislikes Celestia. Your pony was wronged by Celestia. Therefore, your pony and my pony have somehting in common. I like this pony.


I'd really like to see somepony elses rendition of my OC. Jaster Shadowcaster


Refrence: this a vector i made of him http://mlpforums.com...attach_id=24259

Backstory: (short version)

His backstory is kinda long, just cause i keep adding to it. Jaster was born half blind, raised by a family he didn't even belong to, He was accepted by them until his talent began to show, he could imitate any weapon with magic and was naturually gifted with using them. War and weapons were despised by all ponies of the kingdom, when he was discovered practicing his talent he was thrown out on the street, where he eventually met the captian of the Lunar gaurd doing her rounds. "lightning" Lanchette took pity on him and took him to the palace where he met Luna, young though he was, he was recruited to the Lunar Guard. He was trained and grew to be an exceptional warroir, Luna always told him " All one need do is look at our past to know war is in our future, my sister may deny, my mother may deny it, but it is coming, be aware." As she predicted it came. Envy, the green eyed monster had been sealed away for ages by the queen had found a new host and was slowly cacooning alicorns to turn them into her army of changling to declare war once again on the queen. Jaster and Lanchette fought at the forefront of the war, but they were slowly being driven from the island of "Canterlantis?" As the remaining survivors evacuated Jaster let his gaurd down to shove luna onto the ship, When he did this a changling Named Mimic, impersonated his magical talents and cut off his lower right leg with his own blade. Lanchette and a few others dragged him onto the ship before it set off, And the queen sunk the island with herself and Envy locked in crystal. When they arrived on equestria they discovered a wild forest full of dangerous creatures, Jaster was attacked by a manticore who clawed up his neck before being driven off, His voice was permantly changed to a deepy raspy voice. Finnally they they encountered another civilization, but it was in total chaos, The king was none other than discord himself and everypony else suffered under his rule, Begged by the townsfolk, Luna and Celestia defeated him, sealed him in stone and ruled in his place, but then sometime later Luna lost her mentor and freind. she was so devastated she was determined the night he died would last forever, Nopony could console her, nopony could convince her to let the sun rise and the day of his death pass. She began to become aggressive and wild. The elements of Harmony, the greatest weapon from the old kingdom were assembled, Jaster was the Element of magic, Lanchette was the element of loyalty, Celestia was the element of laughter (before this event she was an avid prankster according to my little story.) and there were three others that I haven't and won't yet mention. Everyone suffered from her selfish descision and she couldn't be reasoned with so they used the elements of harmony to banish her to the moon, it was only later they discovered it would last a thousand years. Jaster and Lanchette requested to follow her, Celestia made them into stars to watch over the moon. "and the stars shall aid in her escape."


Jaster is very resolute, he stands like a brick wall against everything he thinks is wrong, He is also a bit taciturn and doesn't talk a whole lot, escpecailly after he gets a scary voice, He is curious but not intrusive. a scene with him goes something like this.

Teacher: please celestia you must study. It is important to know the effect of social relationship on magic.

Little Celestia: Boring! I don't wanna study, I'm a princess, Can't I just make somepony else study for me and then send me a nice organized report with the import bits?

Teacher: well I...

Celestia: OH I know, Jaster! your one of Loonies Cronies right? I want you to study the magic of freindship and send me a weekly report!

Jaster: But princess... I don't have freinds.

Celestia: *puppy dog eyes* Aww now I just feel bad. ooo You can be Loonies friend! LOONIE get over her *scoots the two of them together and runs to the back of the room with the teacher and a bowl of popcorn*

Teacher: what are you doing?

Celestia: Waiting for the magic to happen!


Sure enough, I suppose I can take yet another request.

If you are still taking requests, friend, I would be greatly interested to see if you could perhaps ponify something.


Seeing as how I am MasterCombine, I'd like you to draw a ponified (that is, a pony version of) a Combine Overwatch Elite.




Reference 1


Reference 2


Reference 3


The third reference is somewhat shoddy, but anyway, if you would be willing to take on such a challenge, that would be awesome. And I would appreciate it greatly :)


Now this project sounds FUN. Let's have us some FUN.

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Not interested in a request right now, but I can't wait to see what sort of stuff you can produce. Talking about how professional you are and how perfect you'll make them... You know that's a rather high expectation you're putting yourself, right? o_o


I used to think my stuff was all perfect, then I took a critique to me ego. But... surely your stuff is sure to impress anyways.

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Not interested in a request right now, but I can't wait to see what sort of stuff you can produce. Talking about how professional you are and how perfect you'll make them... You know that's a rather high expectation you're putting yourself, right? o_o


I used to think my stuff was all perfect, then I took a critique to me ego. But... surely your stuff is sure to impress anyways.


I never said it would be perfect, I said that I wouldn't accept a request I can't do well. I give myelf very tough critique. As a wise person once said, "You are your toughest critique". My goodness is it true! I say it is professional because it is. This is the stuff that I get comissions for ordinarily. It isn't the best, but I sertainly do try my best to make it as worth-while as possible.

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I never said it would be perfect, I said that I wouldn't accept a request I can't do well. I give myelf very tough critique. As a wise person once said, "You are your toughest critique". My goodness is it true! I say it is professional because it is. This is the stuff that I get comissions for ordinarily. It isn't the best, but I sertainly do try my best to make it as worth-while as possible.


Well, you did say word-for-word that you won't accept if 'you cannot make it perfect'.


I guess there's not that much harm in letting people know that there are things you will find difficult, but at some times, it can't really hurt to try something new once in a while.

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Well, you did say word-for-word that you won't accept if 'you cannot make it perfect'.


I guess there's not that much harm in letting people know that there are things you will find difficult, but at some times, it can't really hurt to try something new once in a while.


Of course! That is why I encourage the unusual. If you read the rest of it you will see that I generally search for the odd. In fact, I don't accept dull characters at all.

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Would you mind if your pony was drawn as an anthro? I think it would look rahter nice, but I need approval from you before I do it. I'm fine if no.


Ok sure. What evs you think would look the best. I shall be waiting eagerly (although I'm expecting it will take a few weeks or more considering there's like 6 others before me lol.) Edited by HistoricallyInaccurate
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Starting mine yet? I posted the image, so you could just save it as a JPEG. And if you have started it, Thanckz <3



Add my Ponysa on FB: facebook.com/tobi.yukisaki


First come, first serve. Therefore, no, I have yet to begin your request because there are many others before you that I must attend to.


Tis' seems interesting. Wait I just said Tis'.....typo...but sounds cool. Hmm...I hope I'm not being pushy by asking you to do my OC. I completely understand if you reject him though. Many people dislike the connection to the USSR and Communism. That's just your opinion I guess and I respect it.


Reference: http://mlpforums.com...ri-hammer-r1569


Backstory: Dimitri was born a Unicorn in Sovestria. Many hated him for being a magically gifted pony. In Sovestria unicorns were looked down upon. Until Lenoy Trotmir came into power as Chairman of Sovestria. Lenoy banned the Anti-Magic laws and adopted Dimitri as his apprentice. His family was middle class, father was a blacksmith and silversmith. Mother was a stay at home type. Dimitri learned magic from Lenoy until one day a evil former companion of Lenoy's....Stalhoof overthrew him and started a revolution. Many unicorns died, Dimitri's non-unicorn parents were murdered by Stalhoof's royal guard. Dimitri was harshly mentally affected by this. He was captured and tortured violently for days until he broke out (he's still a young colt) and ran to a family friend that his parents told him to run to in a will they wrote. Dimitri traveled for many years through mountains to reach a port town. He had to kill and he faced terrible physical and mental pain through the whole journey. To cut the story short he wound up moving to Equestria after he took a boat to this strange new land. He became harshly sick from the strange climate and settled down on the outskirts of Ponyville. He eventually made this place his home.


Personality: Kind, Dependable, Trustworthy, Prone to fits of depression, Loving, Shy, Gentle, Brave and courageous if his friends are in danger, Stutters around ponies he likes, Gets enraged if anything happens to his friends.




I could put more backstory but my hands are killing me from working all day. Hope you accept this...if not that's perfectly understandable comrade!


Ref: http://s.mlpforums.c...30866a3c478.png


Backstory (Taken from my OC's Character page here on the forums):

Aero is an adventurer. His one sole purpose for adventuring is to get inspiration. Inspiration for what you may be asking. Well, along with being an adventurer, Aero is an artist and musician. When he isn't out doing adventurific stuff, he's at his hidden home, drawing and making music. He adventures in hopes that he will find something to make music about OR something new to draw. That is Aero.


Personality (Also taken from my OC's Character page):

Calm, cool, creative, adventurous


Can't friggin' wait to see it. :D


Both of your requests have been completed, give me a little time for me to get an image onto deviantart so that I can give it to you.


Oh why does everyone think pervert immediately...he's not a pervert! I'm not in my 50's! He's not old either! I just seem old...because of my bad English.


Congrats, your artowkr has been completed and uploaded. If you don't find the image up-to-par it is most likely due to the fact that I have to upload it by taking a pic o it with a phone and then emailing it to myself. It's an annoying process because I don't actually have a scanner. Enjoy.



Posted Image



I can shrink it for you if you don't currently know how or where to go.


Ref: http://s.mlpforums.c...30866a3c478.png


Backstory (Taken from my OC's Character page here on the forums):

Aero is an adventurer. His one sole purpose for adventuring is to get inspiration. Inspiration for what you may be asking. Well, along with being an adventurer, Aero is an artist and musician. When he isn't out doing adventurific stuff, he's at his hidden home, drawing and making music. He adventures in hopes that he will find something to make music about OR something new to draw. That is Aero.


Personality (Also taken from my OC's Character page):

Calm, cool, creative, adventurous


Can't friggin' wait to see it. :D


Your artwork has FINALLY been uploaded. I am quite proud about how it turned out, and I sertainly hope you enoy it as much as I did,



Posted Image



Thankfully, my eraser lines aren't obvious. ;)

Edited by Moriko
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Your artwork has FINALLY been uploaded. I am quite proud about how it turned out, and I sertainly hope you enoy it as much as I did,



Posted Image



Thankfully, my eraser lines aren't obvious. ;)


My response:

My friend, I swear. I swear, yo. Holy crap, I swear.


And I'm not a potty mouth; I never swear.


It may just be my strange optimism from listening to an aggressive album, but I literally am about to explode with sheer friggin'-impressedness.

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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My response:


My friend, I swear. I swear, yo. Holy crap, I swear.


And I'm not a potty mouth; I never swear.


It may just be my strange optimism from listening to an aggressive album, but I literally am about to explode with sheer friggin'-impressedness.


My goodness that is a long video! And I must say, I'm a bit surprissed about your optimism, I didn't think it was THAT amazing. Thank you, thank you so very much.

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Congrats, your artowkr has been completed and uploaded. If you don't find the image up-to-par it is most likely due to the fact that I have to upload it by taking a pic o it with a phone and then emailing it to myself. It's an annoying process because I don't actually have a scanner. Enjoy.



Posted Image




Haha! Dimitri looks wonderfully strong and confidant! What a wonderful job! You're fantastic my comrade!


I love everything about it! From his scar to his beard to his muscular physique! I cannot even think of the correct English translation for what I want to say! I'm as happy as a Bolshevik in 1917!


Ты замечательный товарищ!



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

Avatar by me
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My response:


My friend, I swear. I swear, yo. Holy crap, I swear.


And I'm not a potty mouth; I never swear.


It may just be my strange optimism from listening to an aggressive album, but I literally am about to explode with sheer friggin'-impressedness.


Oh yes, and could you please put something in your signature seeing as you are using the image as your avatar? Nothing big, just asking for credit and all.


Haha! Dimitri looks wonderfully strong and confidant! What a wonderful job! You're fantastic my comrade!


I love everything about it! From his scar to his beard to his muscular physique! I cannot even think of the correct English translation for what I want to say! I'm as happy as a Bolshevik in 1917!


Ты замечательный товарищ!


I'm very glad you like it so much. I was pretty happy about it aswell and I'm quite flattered.

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Hana, could you give me a quick summary of your second character. I should have finished a while back, but I couldn't figure out what position to draw her in.


i didnt really thought about it...

something that look tiredish, like, low head or head that aiming backward or something .,.

i dont know XP




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i didnt really thought about it...

something that look tiredish, like, low head or head that aiming backward or something .,.

i dont know XP


Tired? Why woudl yoru character be tired? There must be a reason for everything after all XD


HEHEHEHEHEH.........(akward silence)


It's been an off day for me.

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Tired? Why woudl yoru character be tired? There must be a reason for everything after all XD


HEHEHEHEHEH.........(akward silence)


It's been an off day for me.



i am just so confused D:

(and no, she isnt tired, more like depressed, not really the most hyper pony >_>)


is an off day is a good thing? :<




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Can I get a picture of vinyl scratch without her glasses snuggling twilight if you don't color do I have permission to color it?I will cite you if I use it for my income fan fic


I'd rather you not try to clor my art, simply to preserve the origonal feel. When you try to digitally color a shaded (traditional) peice, it tends to ruin the artwork.


Oh! Where do you work at!? Are you working as an freelance artist maybe?


I don't have an OC for you to draw, otherwise i could have asked for a request.


Hmm? Do you mean for commissions or something? I don't do them very often and I'm not with any company or the like because I'm only 13. I normally jsut do my artwork for free, it's less complicated that way and it's something I enjoy so it's really no hassle.



i am just so confused D:

(and no, she isnt tired, more like depressed, not really the most hyper pony >_>)


is an off day is a good thing? :<


Uhm....allright. I'll get on that as soon as possible :D Hopefully you like the outcome, but I have to warn you, I've beemn working on Alora a lot lately sooooo....

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Hmm? Do you mean for commissions or something? I don't do them very often and I'm not with any company or the like because I'm only 13. I normally jsut do my artwork for free, it's less complicated that way and it's something I enjoy so it's really no hassle.


Oh, the title said 100% professional. So i thought you had a job.. D:

I personally think that saying that you're an Professional artist without having a job as a freelancer or similar is an insult. Just like the way you neglect people's OCs because they aren't worth your time...

Now i know you're doing this for free. But the way you act is not professional. Your drawings are good! But not professional.


I'm not saying that i'm a professional by the way... That's because i know i'm too far away from having that title.

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Oh, the title said 100% professional. So i thought you had a job.. D:

I personally think that saying that you're an Professional artist without having a job as a freelancer or similar is an insult. Just like the way you neglect people's OCs because they aren't worth your time...

Now i know you're doing this for free. But the way you act is not professional. Your drawings are good! But not professional.


I'm not saying that i'm a professional by the way... That's because i know i'm too far away from having that title.


Silly silly, it's not an insult. I've done many professional works, and I've done commissions before. There was a time when I worked for a production team a while back, and I did a bit of concept art for them aswell (though I've improved). You don't have to have a current job in the art industry to make professional artwork. I don't neglect OCs, but I did say in my CONDITIONS that I have the RIGHT to regret them. So far I have only done this to one character. I'm not necessarily saying I'm a professional (If you had read an urlier conversation you would know this), but my artwork can be considered professional even in a business sense because I've sold a very large amount. I CAN act professional, but wasn't I among friends? I'm not charging, I'm not trying to present a business voice, so there is no need for such formalities. Next time, please consider what your saying because you obviousely don't know the whole story. I'm not trying to insult you, but I am quite serious about this.

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Hmmm, a chance to get art from Alora!?


I don't know if you would be interested in doing my request, it's rather plain...

Look at my avatar, could you do a drawing of my OC Amare, and the mare Clover. Similar to how it is done in my avatar, but not the same. A cuddly cute picture... wubs if you do... lots of wubs.


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Silly silly, it's not an insult. I've done many professional works, and I've done commissions before. There was a time when I worked for a production team a while back, and I did a bit of concept art for them aswell (though I've improved). You don't have to have a current job in the art industry to make professional artwork. I don't neglect OCs, but I did say in my CONDITIONS that I have the RIGHT to regret them. So far I have only done this to one character. I'm not necessarily saying I'm a professional (If you had read an urlier conversation you would know this), but my artwork can be considered professional even in a business sense because I've sold a very large amount. I CAN act professional, but wasn't I among friends? I'm not charging, I'm not trying to present a business voice, so there is no need for such formalities. Next time, please consider what your saying because you obviousely don't know the whole story. I'm not trying to insult you, but I am quite serious about this.


Fine, if you don't have a professional work at the moment. But still has done professional work before, then i'm a-ok with it.


It was wrong of me to jump to conclusions and accuse you for something like that.

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