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How do Applejack and Rarity fans feel?


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Before you go and roll your eyes at another one of my complaints about AJ being unpopular or whatever, read please. This thread isn't about any of that.


All I wonder is how AJ and Rarity fans feel about their favorite pony being the least favorite in the majority of the fandom.


Do you get angry when best pony results always have them in last place? Do you get annoyed when people call AJ a background pony or Rarity a total snob? Or do you not really mind, because as long as you love the pony, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks?


Please tell me your opinion.


Again, all I wonder is how other fans feel. I have no complaint in this post, nor am I getting angry or being biased, so please do not say that I am.

Edited by Clarity
  • Brohoof 16
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I'm not a number one fan of either of the ponies, but I do have an opinion on this.


Why would you people get mad if your pony isn't highly appreciated or rated as best pony? It's an opinion, not fact. Zoop hates pineapples, but me and Star Weaver don't go, "DUDE Y U HTE PINAPLZ U DUM U SHUD ET DEM"


Even though this thread is about that, I'm just saying, I lose respect for a person every time they say that AJ or Rarity should be higher up on best pony list, cuz, like I said, it's an opinion, and trying to dictate other's opinions is a lost cause.


Anyhow, I can relate this topic to my favorite pony, Scootaloo. Though she isn't favored by many besides me and the adminichiken, I can say that I don't mind really. As long as the writers keep her the same awesome way she is, I'm content.

  • Brohoof 6
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I'm afraid people would say that.

Again, I said in my post that I have no complaint or opinion and keeping it carefully neutral. I wasn't being angry.


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Please quote me where I stated that you were getting angry in your post.


I was just stating my opinion on the matter that this was related to.


Then I answered your question.

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It doesn't bother me because I know and feel in my heart of hearts that Rarity is best pony and that people who disagree just have poor taste in best pony and they have my pity. Especially those Trixie fans.


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  • Brohoof 12

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Do you really need to get the approval of the majority to like your favorite pony? Posted Image


in fact, the more people said how AJ is 'unpopular and treated like a background character', the lesser people will try to look more about her.


I like Rarity, she arguably have the most noticeable personality (snobby rich mare that is not afraid to get dirty), but just because she have less fanmade content about her compared to Gilda (off all thing...) doesn't mean I will have to be upset about it.


Let others enjoy their fave pony, as long as they don't come in and insult yours :P

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, I'm a bit of a closet AJ fan, I respect and admire her because she's strong and I'm not because she's actually very nice, understanding and honest. (Most of the time.)


My opinion on the dislike or unpopularity? Well, I understand it. She hasn't exactly gotten a lot of chances to shine and she doesn't always live up to her element the greatest. (Then again, what sort of person has never lied in their life.) I tolerate it easily. I think she just needs people to recognize her positive traits a little more.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rarity is my second favorite (after Fluttershy). I can see why some people don't like her, though, and I don't really mind at all what others think. Why would I care that a character I like isn't as well liked as the others? I mean, while RD clocks in at 5th on my scale, I can see why she's first on a lot of other people's.


Can't speak for AJ, though, since she is my least favorite. Not because I don't like her, because I like all the Mane 6, I just like some a little less. She just seems so... dull, for lack of a better term, compared to the rest of the Mane 6.

  • Brohoof 3

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Thanks to most of you for answering the question correctly. :)


But I have to repeat, again: I am not complaining about Applejack being background pony or whatever in this thread, please do not say that I am.

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I just let everyone have their own opinion and it doesn't bother me. Rarity has been my favorite pony ever since I became a brony about three months ago. I just really like her design and her personality makes her a fun character to watch in my opinion. I don't care what others have to say about Rarity and Applejack, as long as I keep seeing episodes with them and enjoying their personalities and antics in the series.

  • Brohoof 2


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You know I'm never really botherd, I'm a huge Rarity fan, I know what a seeming majority of the fandom thinks of Rarity and that's okay. I don't think she deserves the criticism or the animosity, but I don't think Bronys deserve the same. What can you do?


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It doesn't bother me because I appreciate and love all of them equally, or at least I try to; if I see that some fans don't like AJ or Rarity as much as some of the other Mane 6, I don't get mad, I just feel sorry for them, because I think they're missing out on appreciating some of the unique qualities that those two bring to the group. If somepony wants to have a "best pony," that's their choice; I choose to consider the Mane 6 best ponies, because each of them have unique qualities that they bring to the group that no other pony can emulate, and the group would be a lot less special if even one of them were gone. So, to the Mane 6, I only have this to say:


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  • Brohoof 6


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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I love Rarity, and a lot of other people love her too, so I think there is certainly enough love for her in this fandom even if she does get some rather nasty hate sometimes. I do feel bad that Applejack doesn't really get appreciated enough though, I love a lot of things about her too even though she's not my favorite, she really could use more attention. :(

  • Brohoof 2


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I love Rarity, and a lot of other people love her too, so I think there is certainly enough love for her in this fandom even if she does get some rather nasty hate sometimes. I do feel bad that Applejack doesn't really get appreciated enough though, I love a lot of things about her too even though she's not my favorite, she really could use more attention. :(


Yeah, what's the deal with AJ? She's a great pony, with, in my opinion nothing but good qualities. I honestly think she needs a little more face time.She's not my favorite pony but she's a solid part of the Mane 6.

  • Brohoof 1


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She just seems so... dull, for lack of a better term, compared to the rest of the Mane 6.

I'd say 'lackluster' works a bit better, seeing as how AJ isn't a boring or uninteresting character as much as she simply lacks the flashy and capturing characteristics that make most of the other Mane Six stick out in comparison to her.


I'm personally a big fan of a AJ. I didn't used to be but she grew on me once I began to notice things about her, like:

-She's a terrific big sister

-She's one of, if not the most mature and level-headed of the Mane Six. Which also makes her the best role-model.

-Great work ethic

Etc, etc.


I don't personally care what other people's placement of ponies are. I love Dash and she get's just as much hate as she does love, and that doesn't bother me either. Applejack is very unappreciated, but that's because her well-rounded character simply doesn't capture the interest of people when they're too busy being distracted by Twilight's vast knowledge and power, Pinkie's bubbly personality and antics, Dashie's arrogance and speed, etc.


But you know, I don't think the real Applejack would give much of a shit about not being the most loved, come to think of it. She's confident, she knows who she is and she'd just be happy for her friends. She's not like Rarity or maybe Dash, who seek fame as a part of their dream. She has her farm, she has her friends and she has her apple trees. That's all she needs and wants.


As for Rarity, I don't really like her and she's in last place on my list. Doesn't mean I hate her, just means she's the odd man out that interests me the least of the Mane Six.


I'll cut this rant short. No, it doesn't bug me.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 6


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I can't speak for the whole community, since the only portion of the brony fandom that I interact with are here on the forums. So, from my perspective, Rarity gets a significant amount of love on here. There are plenty of Rarity fans on here, but there are also, not want to say haters, but people who still think that she is shallow and artificial. But I have to say that here on the forums, Rarity is one of the most populars, not so sure about the rest of the community.

The problem it's Applejack, you are right Clarity, for what I've seen Applejack is not so popular like the rest of the mane6 (on the forums), Rarity is target of negative comments but at least she's a target of something, Applejack is not even mentioned (not much) to receive hate. At least you and akimBrony make sure that everypony gets a free dose of Applejack each day ;)


you 2 are just crazy for her XD

Edited by Motion Spark
  • Brohoof 2


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Honestly? I've not really noticed. Yeah, I'll see people complain that AJ's boring as hell but it's few and far between. I've seen great art for all of them and lots of fans of each and every one of them. So I don't think it's as big an issue as it might seem.


Then again I kind of stick to the periphery so my view might not be the most accurate.



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even tho Applejack and Rarity are both best pony for me because i can't decide who is the better character because there both great scene takers.

it doesn't bother me because, well its a talking point. and also the're not unpopular just think of how many Bronies go around complaining that they are, and i've seen tons of it on youtube.

Edited by PonyEcho
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Before you go and roll your eyes at another one of my complaints about AJ being unpopular or whatever, read please. This thread isn't about any of that.


All I wonder is how AJ and Rarity fans feel about their favorite pony being the least favorite in the majority of the fandom.


Do you get angry when best pony results always have them in last place? Do you get annoyed when people call AJ a background pony or Rarity a total snob? Or do you not really mind, because as long as you love the pony, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks?


Please tell me your opinion.


Again, all I wonder is how other fans feel. I have no complaint in this post, nor am I getting angry or being biased, so please do not say that I am.


Well, they are my favorite ponies, so it doesn't really matter for me what the rest of the fandom thinks....

except that I'd like to have more fanart/comics with them as main character. That would be a lot "fresher" than the 100th comic about Pinkie breaking the 4th wall


PS: It seems like ponies either love Rarity or hate her, so at least she got a loyal fanbase(including me) :D

Edited by Wildcard
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I'm a rarity fan... I don't think she is too snobby... She will get her hooves derty ocationly... But isn't all bad...


She's kind of like Sonia the hedgehog... Another one of my fave sonic characters...


Idk I guess I have a thing for thoes kind of characters...



But the best part about rarity is her songs... And I can relate to her in the way I make signatures for people...



I'm also kind of a AJ fan... Because I'm a farm boy...

And where did you get the idea of AJ being a background pony?

  • Brohoof 1



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so many Rarity fans posting and showing their love!!! I'm obsessed with her so add me to the list of proud fans! heck even my new OC is based on her! :D

Miss Rarity is very happy!

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But do keep it light and washe your hooves first dear...


I just had a hoofacure and I'm not going to spoil it from excitement




And more... Rarity has some good quotes...


Also she is the element of generosity...


Remember that episode where spike grew up?


Rarity is passing on her generosity to others... And that's one hell of a character development!

  • Brohoof 2



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Rarity is passing on her generosity to others... And that's one hell of a character development!

yeah, I remember that episode. and hell yeah brah!!! she's quite a character, very difficult to comprehend at first but she has the most deep and complex character development of the mane6 C:
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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And where did you get the idea of AJ being a background pony?








...sorry there. Fainted for a second.


...Are you sure you have no idea where I got the "background pony" info?

I mean, it's everywhere.

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