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gaming Favorite Character to play in Skyrim


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I'm curious what race you like to play as well as perhaps what path you follow in the game. I've only made one character (an imperial ) and I've played her the entire game but I'm in LOVE with Skyrim. I also just kind of wander around and do whatever I feel like. Is this more enjoyable or is it more interesting to stay focused in one skill set/craft?

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I find it waaayy more enjoyable to stay on task. But never fast travel so you still have time to derp :3. My favorite race is definitely the Dark Elf. He can light everything around him on fire for buck sakes!!

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The High Elves looks like they got hepatitis. Seriously, look at that skin.

The Argonians are pretty cool. Specially when you find "The Lusty Argonian".

The Wood Elves are like High Elves, exept that they don't have hepatitis.

The Brenton is just "wat"

The Dark Elves are Wood Elves chimney Sweepers.

The Imperials are the closest to humans.

The Khajiit are furries favorite.

The Orcs are.... Well, Orcs.

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I wanted to play Skyrim after I saw the post. When I tried it it was broken... All of my saves were gone, and when I tried to make a new one the wagon wouldn't move and all Ulfric did was to say "stop" every third second. If it had been working I would probably play as one of the human classes. When the game was working a month ago I played as redguard and nord.

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I played as a Khajiit because I wanted to make a stealth character and if I remember correctly, they have bonuses for that stuff. Basically I just focused on archery, enchanting, alchemy and blacksmithing. After completing the Brother Hood and Thieves Guild quest lines. I just worked on making myself crazy op. Now my bow has like 300 damage and I one shot almost anything when crouched. I then proceeded to murder everyone in every single fast travel able town. I murdered pretty much anyone I could by level 44.


Needless to say it got pretty boring when nothing was a threat. Maybe I will start a new character sometime. *shrug*

Edited by Bohtty


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My favorite race to play as is Dark Elf hands down. They were always my favorite characters in fantasy stories because generally their like the best character but extremely misunderstood because well their title is Dark Elf which doesn't give people pictures of happy fuzzies if you know what I mean. I only just started in Skyrim myself but I have seen other people choose different races and I just seem to be able to get through easier with Dark Elf. So yea.

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Since the days of "Ye Olde Morrowind" I have always played as a Nord. Resist Frost and boosts to Melee skills are win. I kept this tradition even in Skyrim. Heavy Armour and Smithing are my main focus, along with dual-wielding one-handed war-axes. When I redid my character for the second time (named Raven, for no particular reason other than as a vague name of ill omen) I added a focus on Bows. I love the animations when I make a killing shot with my bow, but I have my trusty Daedric War-axes as backup. I like loot, so my Lockpicking is very high, and my Sneak is getting up there too. At level 50, it's quite difficult to advance, but since I'm pretty much invincible at this point, I can afford to take it slow.


I just have to say that I think Morrowind was the best in the series in terms of world-building. The mechanics of Oblivion caused some problems that really just broke the immersion (like not being able to level, since the world geared up faster than your attributes did), and although I think Skyrim repaired those mishaps, the sheer scale of Morrowind makes it the best game in the series for me. I dunno, what do other people think of Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim?

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Imperial. They're very versatile, and make great sword-mages. (Which is my favorite class)


The first thing I do is get my smithing and enchanting up as high as I can. (Smith daggers, then enchant them all)


After that, I get potions that up my enchanting even more, and I'll enchant my ring to give me -25% destruction and restoration magic cost, my amulet to give me -25% destruction and magic cost, my armor to give me -25% destruction and restoration magic cost, and my helmet to give me -25% destruction and restoration magic cost. That makes it so I can cast unlimited destruction and restoration spells. I'll just throw in 1 handed and health enchantments wherever I can.


What's really cool is when you get the restoration ability that also restores stamina, you can run almost indefinitely, and use a lot more power attacks.


Infinite Nobel prize.

Edited by Urdnot Shepard
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Played as a Wood Elf for my main playthrough, mainly for the level boosts in thievery, archery, sneak etc just being able to sneak around and take out enemies at range without them knowing was so nice, the resistance to poison and disease was a nice bonus too.


Tried to make him look like a Snow Elf getting the hair right was the easy part just couldn't get the right skin tone, also had a set of Ancient Falmer (or Snow Elf) armor to go with him.

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Let's see, I'd have to choose the Altmer race (or in other words, the High elves). I just love the magic abilities in skyrim and the high elves have the starting ability of +50 magika, so that race is fitted to my likes.


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I played as Nord. My character started off doing smaller quests and stayed around Whiterun in the Beginning where he met Lydia with whom he started to go on Adventures together. Sadly, after a while Lydia died in a Dwemer dungeon.

The hero himself was barely able to escape and angry about the loss of his companion. After gaining fame as an adventurer he had been invited to the Stormcloaks as well as to the Imperial headquarter. After listening to their goals he decided to side with the Imperials as soon as he heard that the Stormcloaks are about to attack his beloved hometown Whiterun.

As a training to the battle that lays ahead and because of his good sneaking abilities he decided to join the Thievesguild in Riften.

During his time there he met Mjoll The Lioness who will become his new companion and future wife. Together they helped the Imperials to defend Whiterun and to win the war.

After that they went adventuring together but because of the fear of again losing a person he loves he asked Mjoll to stay at home while he followed his fate as Dragonborn.

He faced a lot of dangerous battles until he reached Sovngarde and duelled himself with Alduin.

After he won the epic battle he went home to Whiterun happy to see his wife again and looking forward to a bright future.



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I usually either go Redguard, Imperial, or High Elf.


My best character is indeed an Imperial who I made to level 67 and wears Nightengale armour and uses Mehrunes Razor.

Edited by Death the Kid
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Nearly every character I made for Oblivion was a Nord. Nords have long been my favorite race and when Skyrim came out I was excited by the prospect of playing as my favorite race in their homeland. Oddly enough, I haven't felt overly compelled to play as a Nord in Skyrim, and my first character (and the one I've spent the most time on) was a Dunmer. The changes made to character models and the combat system better reflect my sensibilities, which from martial and aesthetic standpoints are closer to that of dark elves, regardless of the franchise in which they appear. I favor dexterity over strength and prefer two-weapon fighting to single-weapon or sword and shield. Most enemies die before they know that I'm present but I can overcome multiple opponents without suffering much damage myself; if only I could block with one of my swords. Pole-arms would have made a welcome addition to Skyrim's arsenal but it's not a devastating loss to me.


At times I like to imagine that I'm playing as a drow with a similar history to that of Drizzt.


I dunno, what do other people think of Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim?

The music in Morrowind was fantastic and the graphics were good for its day. As for the plot, it was phenomenal according to everything I've heard and seen in some playthroughs, but I never got very far myself. The one thing that held me back from getting very far was the combat system. Seriously, I could never get past that to enjoy the rest of the game. It drove me nuts.


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I love playing sneaky/stealthy/rogueish characters. The first thing I try to do is get in contact with the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. Use their stealth/archery enhancement armor, then focus almost exclusively on bow and stealth with a bit on secondary skills like light armor and lockpicking, with a smidge in speech. I can't swing a mace worth anything, but I can shoot a dragon out of the air in just a couple shots!

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I have to say, I'm really interested now in creating a character based entirely around the stealth skills (I would probably use a Kahjiit), I've been working on that with my current character but my problem is that I started out focusing on heavy armor and strong weapons. This was mainly due to the fact that I started playing on my laptop that had super lag and bows didn't work. Now that I've switched computers and finished the Dark Brotherhood quest line I've been trying to focus on stealth.

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I usually play as a Breton, and only use magic as my attacks when I play. It makes the game pleasantly challenging when that's your only answer to not getting killed. Nothing's funnier then when you shoot an enemy with a powerful lightning bolt and see their body fly clear across a room, if I do say so myself. I'm also pretty good at the stealth classes. I practically mastered that stuff in Oblivion.

Edited by The Silly Filly with Books
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I have made several characters in Skyrim and so far I've enjoyed my orc the most, with heavy armor and a greatsword. It's great fun.

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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Kajiit like to sneak.


Give me a dagger and a dark place to hide and I can kill the everyone in the world - Famous Kajiit proverb

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My favourite would have to be my unarmed Kahjiit. The claws bonus combined with almost all of your armour given the fortify unarmed enchant makes for some mighty fine combat. Punching a dragon priest to death was my best moment in skyrim.

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For me, I really don't have a one race only race. I really like the Khajiit but it all depends on the class I'm playing. If it calls for stealth without using bows, then Argonians or Khajiit fit the bill. If it's going to be a stealth archer, Wood Elf. Crazy 2H weapon person? Orc. So for me, its the class the determons the race.

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My favourite race to play is Orc because I play a table top game called war hammer using orcs so it kinda fits(and now I put this here so I can post it if that's fine by you)

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