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That terrible brony feeling...


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You're walking through school, trying to get to class when you:


•See a blindbag pony/other pony merchandise

•Hear someone hum the first few notes of the theme song


Now why is this a terrible feeling? Because 1. You're far too scared to confront anyone regarding the show, even if the merchandise has a name on it, or

2. You're not sure if the hummer was a brony, a girl who watched the show for the girly charm, or someone who watched it with their little sister or something.


Now, both of these have happened to me, and it pains me to this day that I don't know if I just met the only other brony in my school or if someone was just watching along. Heck, it may have been a first-grader walking by.


Anyone else know this feel?

  • Brohoof 4
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This feeling is absolutely horrible. I'm quite shy, so even though I knew this certain person was a brony (he wore brony shirts quite frequently), I just couldn't get the courage to just ask for a brohoof. That feel is miserable.


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I don't get that feeling, because I'm badass. jk


I wish that I were in your guys position, you actually find bronies in school, I haven't met a single one irl Posted Image


I'd just walk up and talk to the person.

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Nope that doesn't happen to me. I'd totally talk to those people, but there are just almost no bronies in Holland. Would love to meet another brony irl.

Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd

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i still have yet to meet a brony face to face in real life. However, I find it interesting that someone else had the bravery and courage to be proud out loud and think nothing of it. That terrible feeling is nothing more then the conjuired up negative emotions you have had from negative experiences regarding coming out with being a brony. At least that's my take on it.

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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This hasn't happened to me. What has happened to me is that I'll see someone I don't recognize at all with a Derpy or Rarity shirt, and then they'll walk away before I can say anything and I'll still not know who they are.

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I'd probably get excited. I won't immediately assume they're a brony or anything, but if they at least watched a few episodes of MLP, I'd be happy. xD So whether they're a brony or not, I'd still talk to them, even in front of people.


I got encountered by three guys that saw me looking at MLP merch and they perfectly assumed I was a brony too. xD Don't see them as often anymore though D:

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Not me. Anyone who shows signs of bronyism instantly gets a brohoof. If I'm wrong, who cares (though I'm seldom wrong)? I've made an ass of myself in public enough times to not care if I mistake someone for a brony.


It's also awesome to find little girls who watch it because they're in the target demographic. I was at the grocery store a few days ago with my Rarity shirt on, and this little girl gets this surprised look on her face when she sees me. Then she points at my shirt and says something like "mommy look! Rarity!" Almost died of diabetes right there. I love little kids, so adorable :D

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Its hard to find bronies at my school, but there are occasions when people will sing the MLP theme song in kind of a joking manner. When that happens then im too scared to ask, they may be making fun of the show, and soon turn to making a mockery out of me. So i just keep quiet, and if that same person shows more signs of brohood then ill try to ask

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I've had that feeling and i didnt quite know the person that was wearing a shirt with Rainbow Dash on it, I was so excitied yet nervous at the same time so eventually near the end of class i just came up the the person (who was a girl) and said. "....Nice shirt!" and i left,


Im only quiet about my own "bronyisim" untill i see someone with some merch of it.

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I don't get that feeling. I've met two other bronies and one of them was the person who told me about the show. The other one was someone I saw at my school wearing a DJ pon3 shirt who was getting called gay and fag from other guys and I just went right up to him in the middle of the other people and said to him "that's a fucking great show and you get respect for having the DJ pon3 shirt," Then I nodded to him and just walked away.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature By  Gone ϟ Airbourne





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Considering that almost no one at my school besides me even know that MLP is a TV show, and that the ones who do consider it to be for little girls, I don't think I'll find any bronies anytime soon. Especially over here in Germany, where the show isn't very well-known to start with...


I've mainly given up hope on this one; that's why I turn to the Internet, after all.

~Rhain the Semi-Combustible, AKA turiq or turqulis

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I just told someone at my school about my bronyism!!!

We were talking about freedom of opinion, regarding American politics of course, when he said "If you're a brony, I don't care." I asked him how he found out - he told me he heard about it on the radio...


I couldn't help myself.

I think I'm going crazy....


I have to get this monkey (or is it a pony?) off my chest; I have to tell my class soon or I'll go bonkers.

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This had never happened to me :/ Bronyism just hasn't quite spread enough here in Czech Republic. Which reminds me, I should get back to plotting a missionary activity aimed at getting more people addicted incereasing the number of bronies around here.

  • Brohoof 1


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Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.
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I just told someone at my school about my bronyism!!!

We were talking about freedom of opinion, regarding American politics of course, when he said "If you're a brony, I don't care." I asked him how he found out - he told me he heard about it on the radio...


I couldn't help myself.

I think I'm going crazy....


I have to get this monkey (or is it a pony?) off my chest; I have to tell my class soon or I'll go bonkers.


Um... Go for it? If you want to tell people u can. Hell, it might even be a good thing. And if not, its proaly doesn't even matter cuz i bet 90% of em don't even know what a Brony is haha.


Also i know that feel man. It sucks. Happened to me a couple of times. Both in the halls. The first time i didn't even get a good look at these two kids faces cuz i was hurryin' to get to class cuz i was about to be late. I just heard 'em talkin' about fan fiction and "My Little Dashie". I couldn't get to talk to 'em. Second, i saw a kid in the hall who had on a Brony shirt. I wish i could of talked to him, but i could tell he was senior and he was talking to some other kids and one of 'em was someone i knew. It would of been akward and rude. (And plus i'm too shy :( )

I did meet two other "Bronies" an got to talk to 'em but one just found out about the show on 4chan and embraced it for the "irony", don't think he actually liked it much. Second is hipster who got into it cuz it was some fad. And to be honest i think he forgot about the show over the summer. Ah well, At least there are Bronies at my school. To be honest several kids know about it at my school. Thing is i don't think they like it much. They don't hate on it. i just don't think they like it. That or they're in the closet :huh: ... Eh, i guess I'll see how things play out.

Edited by AnonBrony
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I just told someone at my school about my bronyism!!!

We were talking about freedom of opinion, regarding American politics of course, when he said "If you're a brony, I don't care." I asked him how he found out - he told me he heard about it on the radio...


I couldn't help myself.

I think I'm going crazy....


I have to get this monkey (or is it a pony?) off my chest; I have to tell my class soon or I'll go bonkers.


Just spam their email with pictures of ponies. That's what I did.

Nah honestly just tell them, just don't make a big deal out of it.

Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd

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I know that exact feeling and it happened to mee too!


It's so anoying hearing a Non-brony singing any kind of MLP song and then you ask them " Are you a brony? ". They are like "What's a brony?"


"My Little Pony? Are you kidding me?! I would never watch that!?"

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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Fortunately yet unfortunately, I haven't had a brony on brony encounter IRL. I believe i'm the only one in my sad little town in NC. But I would probably go up and talk to him/her. Usually shy around people who I'm sure I won't like i.e. sports jockies. But i'm sure I wouldn't be afraid to go up to a brony and say hello.

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i kinda know the feeling but it doesn't trouble me that much i have three friends who i know are bronys and that's all i need i don't need the whole school knowing im a brony just because i think one other person is a brony

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Nope never felt that. But if I ever saw anything pony related in school and heard someone humming the theme, I'd find them and tell them that I like the show, and see where it goes from there.


Surely someone with pony merchandise is a fan, I doubt he or she would have anything to do with ponies if they were also worried about reputation.

Edited by featherheart

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