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gaming [Gaming] The Team Fortress 2 Thread

Ron Jeremy

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Also, is anyone interested in buying a Strange Widowmaker? It's a tad expensive, about 5 keys. You can try to haggle for a lower price if you have things besides keys.


How about some crates?

JK, I don't use my normal Widowmaker enough to warrant getting it.


I need to get back on TF2 to get some burned items, anyone want to play?


Hey, I'm about to go on.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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I need to get back on TF2 to get some burned items, anyone want to play?


Maybe for like 10 minutes. My dad is the ingelligentest person ever, and put an internet block on my computer. -_-

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^I don't like that weapon, or I might buy it. :P I didn't know they existed.Also, update.

Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released July 2, 2012 - ValveUpdates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM, CS:S)

  • Fixed a problem that allowed spoofed IP addresses to make connections to the game server

Team Fortress 2

  • Teddy Roosebelt can now get assists in Pyrovision
  • Fixed Pyrovision sometimes activating in killcams for more than just weapons and cosmetics
  • Fixed exploit where the Scorch Shot could fire its short range kill pellet at the very beginning of the taunt
  • Fixed blood getting sprayed on the world in some cases in Low Violence and Pyrovision
  • Fixed decapitations creating head gibs in Low Violence and Pyrovision
  • Fixed Hitman’s Heatmaker headshot not properly getting counted on the scoreboard
  • Fixed tracers being fired for other weapons (SMGs) while in focus
  • Fixed Sydney Sleeper’s bonus not properly protecting against Decapitating Headshots
  • Added team color to rainbow-showered players in Pyrovision
  • Updated localization files

Counter-Strike: Source

  • Added ConVars sv_rcon_maxpacketsize and sv_rcon_maxpacketbans to allow server admins to control the maximum RCON packet size and whether or not users get banned for exceeding that limit. The defaults reflect the existing behavior.
  • Fixed not being able to import custom spray images on Macs
  • Fixed Macs cancelling http map downloads that take longer than 30 seconds
  • Updated the HTML renderer for displaying server MOTD

So, stuff relating to the new content and Pyrovision. What I'd like most is the ability to disable the border added when you use Pyrovision-enabling weapons. It's distracting, and narrows my field of view. :(Had fun with Platinum Rook and JOZZEH (lol was typing while distracted) earlier. We three topped the scoreboard on a server, was awesome. Also, I obtained a strange Lollichop to go with my strange Rainblower. <3Edit: lol, posts happened while I typed this.

Edited by Torneko Taroop
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TF2 Lobbies? Whatever it is, I'll do it.


Also, is anyone interested in buying a Strange Widowmaker? It's a tad expensive, about 5 keys. You can try to haggle for a lower price if you have things besides keys.


On the spread sheet it says "1.5-2 Keys" I'm willing to trade some reclaimed and stranges for it if you will sell it to me at that price.


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Had fun with Platinum Rook and Jonke earlier.


Woa-woa, Jonke isn't a fan of the FPS genre..and I think you got the names mixed up xP


Anyway, I might not respond too much today, since family will be all around due to it being my birthday!


So have fun ponies!

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On the spread sheet it says "1.5-2 Keys" I'm willing to trade some reclaimed and stranges for it if you will sell it to me at that price.


Last time I checked it was 4-5 keys. Oh well, I didn't buy the crate so I'm not really losing anything.

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Last time I checked it was 4-5 keys. Oh well, I didn't buy the crate so I'm not really losing anything.


So is that a yes? Because I have 1 hat worth a key and 1 hat worth 2.46 ref. and some stranges I'm willing to trade now.


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Woa-woa, Jonke isn't a fan of the FPS genre..and I think you got the names mixed up xP


Anyway, I might not respond too much today, since family will be all around due to it being my birthday!


So have fun ponies!


Yeah, I noticed the name mixup and fix'd it. That will teach me to type while distracted. xD


Anyways, who here knows of good servers to join? I don't know of any anymore.

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Yeah, I noticed the name mixup and fix'd it. That will teach me to type while distracted. xD


Anyways, who here knows of good servers to join? I don't know of any anymore.


Ace Fortress 2 is one. I'm also an admin in it as well.


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Guys, about Pyro's gender, it's obvious what it is:



Hi, I've been watching MTP several times, and I've noticed some digging around and actually discovered pyro's identity! I serched, and nobody's posted this before.


Okay, in "Pyroland" if you look up, you see a rather misplaced cloud, as I show here.


See? To the trained eye, it becomes obvious. Now, I did some MORE digging around to support this. CHECK IT OUT.


From wikipedia:


Quote: In meteorology, a cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. These suspended particles are also known as aerosols. Clouds in earth's atmosphere are studied in the cloud physics branch of meteorology.

Clouds are visible masses of water? That's suspecious. Time to dig more.


Now, clouds = water, as we learned, and as most of you know, water = H20.


H20 standing for 2 hydrogen atoms, and 1 oxygen atom. But why 2 hydrogen, why more then oxygen? Clearly valve is placing some significance on hydrogen when they created water. Time to do more digging.



Quote: Hydrogen gas was first artificially produced in the early 16th century, via the mixing of metals with strong acids. In 1766–81, Henry Cavendish was the first to recognize that hydrogen gas was a discrete substance,[9] and that it produces water when burned, a property which later gave it its name: in Greek, hydrogen means "water-former."

SLOW DOWN HERE. Now, it produces water when burned? An CLEAR reference to the pyro which valve set in place when they made hydrogen. And hold on, it makes water when burned?


You know what else makes water? fountains.


From wikipedia



Quote: A fountain (from the Latin "fons" or "fontis", a source or spring) is a...

SLOW DOWN THERE! From the latin "fons"


Where is that sounding familiar?




There you go, pyro is Fonzie.




Alright, so the opening lyric here is "Do you beleive in magic? In a young girl's heart."


Seems awfully suspecious.


But let's do some research on this.


From wikipedia


Quote: The heart is a myogenic muscular organ found in all animals with a circulatory system (including all vertebrates), which pumps blood throughout the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. The term cardiac (as in cardiology) means "related to the heart" and comes from the Greek κaρδιά, kardia, for "heart".

The connection is obvious.


Now, who is the one who begins that song?





Pyro confirmed for Fonzie.


Further more:


2 H and 1 O

Hungry Hungry hippO




Posted Image

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Hey I have a question. A while back I was banned from tf2tp for trying to sell a Minecraft account. (I know it was stupid, I forgot to read the rules.) Yeah so I got a month ban (over now for a while) and I now have this staining my profile:



I wasn't planning to scam them or anything, I just got a Minecraft account for free and i'd figure I see what I could get for it. So now you go on my steamrep profile:



and you click on tf2tp and you see that stupid thing. So my question here is, if I start trading unusuals and money with paypal for tf2, will this tf2tp ban effect the way people see me. I mean, i'm no scammer or anything, I didn't even sell the account. Do people even care about tf2tp rep? Help?

Edited by DeletedAcc

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened...”


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^I haven't got a clue on that stuff. I'm not a trader, but I'd figure people might be weary until they realize it's a off-steam key trade attempt and not a scam attempt.


Also, I did a little nubkilling on a Valve server. Was fun. Became BEST FRIENDS (dominated) with people a few times with my Rainblower. The fact that thing's taunt can kill through spawn-room doors needs to be fixed.


I also crafted most of my spare weapons into refined. I had a lot of spare weapons. About 8 refined worth. :D

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Hey I have a question. A while back I was banned from tf2tp for trying to sell a Minecraft account. (I know it was stupid, I forgot to read the rules.) Yeah so I got a month ban (over now for a while) and I now have this staining my profile:




I wasn't planning to scam them or anything, I just got a Minecraft account for free and i'd figure I see what I could get for it. So now you go on my steamrep profile:




and you click on tf2tp and you see that stupid thing. So my question here is, if I start trading unusuals and money with paypal for tf2, will this tf2tp ban effect the way people see me. I mean, i'm no scammer or anything, I didn't even sell the account. Do people even care about tf2tp rep? Help?


TF2tp is actually hated throughout the community, they PROMOTE sharking (Scamming people who don't know prices) use TF2 Outpost instead.


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Hey everypony, new update.



Team Fortress 2 Update Released

July 5, 2012 - TF2 Team


An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Added new options for Pyrovision to the Advanced Options dialog

    • Added enable/disable for the HUD border
    • Added the ability to make the HUD border static
    • Added the ability to turn off the skybox depth of field
  • Fixed The Sandvich and The Buffalo Steak Sandvich using the wrong models when thrown
  • Fixed not seeing the blue team skin for the Robot Chicken Hat
  • Fixed not seeing team colors on the sleeves for The Equalizer and The Escape Plan
  • Fixed The Escape Plan allowing medic calls
  • Fixed The Beggar's Bazooka exploding on random targets in the world when overloading
  • Fixed The Hitman's Heatmaker bodyshot damage penalty affecting the Sniper's other weapons
  • Fixed The Amputator's radius heal effect applying to players who have The Escape Plan deployed
  • Fixed the Rainblower taunt attacking players through walls
  • Optimized the Rainblower taunt particles
  • Updated Sd_Doomsday

    • Fixed rocket lid staying open sometimes after a player drops the Australium on the lift
    • Fixed case where the lift could continue traveling up when a player with the Australium died at the same time he touched the lift
  • Updated the localization files
  • Updated the gamehaptics file:

    • Added recoil/reload/draw/crit forces for the Baby Face's Blaster
    • Added new recoil forces for The Beggar's Bazooka, The Cleaner's Carbine, The Hitman's Heatmaker, The Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol and The Scorch Shot
    • Added more detail to the reloads for the Scattergun, the Baby Face's Blaster, the SMG, and The Cleaner's Carbine



Fixes for bugs relating to Pyromania content, and such. That's nice, since some of the bugs I saw fixed are ones I actually noticed that annoyed me (framerate drop on Rainblower taunt, Rainblower taunt killing through walls, wrong models on sandviches, etc.). The Pyrovision options will be especially helpful considering that silly border is annoying.


Other news: Gave my Sight for Sore Eyes to Jozzeh, and I have a non-strange Lollichop I'm willing to give to anypony who wants it, since I already have a strange one.

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Hey everypony, new update.



Team Fortress 2 Update Released

July 5, 2012 - TF2 Team


An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Added new options for Pyrovision to the Advanced Options dialog

    • Added enable/disable for the HUD border
    • Added the ability to make the HUD border static
    • Added the ability to turn off the skybox depth of field
  • Fixed The Sandvich and The Buffalo Steak Sandvich using the wrong models when thrown
  • Fixed not seeing the blue team skin for the Robot Chicken Hat
  • Fixed not seeing team colors on the sleeves for The Equalizer and The Escape Plan
  • Fixed The Escape Plan allowing medic calls
  • Fixed The Beggar's Bazooka exploding on random targets in the world when overloading
  • Fixed The Hitman's Heatmaker bodyshot damage penalty affecting the Sniper's other weapons
  • Fixed The Amputator's radius heal effect applying to players who have The Escape Plan deployed
  • Fixed the Rainblower taunt attacking players through walls
  • Optimized the Rainblower taunt particles
  • Updated Sd_Doomsday

    • Fixed rocket lid staying open sometimes after a player drops the Australium on the lift
    • Fixed case where the lift could continue traveling up when a player with the Australium died at the same time he touched the lift
  • Updated the localization files
  • Updated the gamehaptics file:

    • Added recoil/reload/draw/crit forces for the Baby Face's Blaster
    • Added new recoil forces for The Beggar's Bazooka, The Cleaner's Carbine, The Hitman's Heatmaker, The Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol and The Scorch Shot
    • Added more detail to the reloads for the Scattergun, the Baby Face's Blaster, the SMG, and The Cleaner's Carbine



Fixes for bugs relating to Pyromania content, and such. That's nice, since some of the bugs I saw fixed are ones I actually noticed that annoyed me (framerate drop on Rainblower taunt, Rainblower taunt killing through walls, wrong models on sandviches, etc.). The Pyrovision options will be especially helpful considering that silly border is annoying.


Other news: Gave my Sight for Sore Eyes to Jozzeh, and I have a non-strange Lollichop I'm willing to give to anypony who wants it, since I already have a strange one.


I'll buy the lollichop. How much?


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That'll do too.


:) I'm currently on my alt. Feel free to add it to your friend list, since the Lollichop happens to be on it.


On another note, Steam really needs some kind of "mailbox" feature where you can "mail" items/steam gifts to people, so you can send an item to somepony who isn't online at the moment.

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:) I'm currently on my alt. Feel free to add it to your friend list, since the Lollichop happens to be on it.


On another note, Steam really needs some kind of "mailbox" feature where you can "mail" items/steam gifts to people, so you can send an item to somepony who isn't online at the moment.


Done. :)
  • Brohoof 1


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Gift wraps is a solution (Which you don't have to wait for the other pony to be online)Torneko, but for games you don't have to wait for the perosn you wanna gift it to be online ^^

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Gift wraps is a solution (Which you don't have to wait for the other pony to be online)Torneko, but for games you don't have to wait for the perosn you wanna gift it to be online ^^


Well, gift wraps cost money. I'm talking about sending an item with a message that pops up, that appears in their Steam notifications. I mean, that little icon on the interface already has a picture of a letter on it...

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Well, gift wraps cost money. I'm talking about sending an item with a message that pops up, that appears in their Steam notifications. I mean, that little icon on the interface already has a picture of a letter on it...


Gift wraps would become rather..useless if that was how it worked, wouldn't it?

Like who'd wanna spend money on it if you can just go do it the free way?

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