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mega thread Rate the Avatar of the User Above You!


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Quite a nice OC, but the avatar needs something more imo.

Guise, after you rate my avatar could you write why have written such a score (was it because of the background, Calvin's pose, the borders, the badly cut-out image, etc.)? I mean, I'm just curious, is all.


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Oh, it's to the person rating my avatar.. just a little experiment.


Guise, after you rate my avatar could you write why have written such a score (was it because of the background, Calvin's pose, the borders, the badly cut-out image, etc.)? I mean, I'm just curious, is all.

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Well I'm not very good at describing things but I'll try to see the positives and negatives.

The image a kinda small and a tiny bit blurry in my eyes compared to the images in your signature, although the character in it reminds me of Ratchet from Ratchet & Clank except he looks a bit shy, which is good of course x) Hmm, what else...I like the background, the patterns are quite pretty and give it that 'old' taste if you know what I mean xP It's nothing bad though.

So the positives are:
+ Cool character, neutral/shy pose
+ Good looking pattern
+ Reminds me of child-hood gaming character x)

- Small picture
- Tad bit blurry compared to signature (might be just me though)

I give it a 8.5/10

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