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private Krystal's Romantic House Party (RP)


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The rest of the upstairs was dark, nearly too dark for her to see. As soon as she heard some whisper, her ears perked up to attention. Was that...?


"Descant?", she whispered back. She started to head out the dark room, but as soon as she moved a wrong direction, Rockshire bumped into a lamp, causing a domino effect with more items falling down. Eventually, she was covered in a bunch of junk...

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Descant heard a clatter from the floor above. Praising his magically enhanced hearing, he rushed up the stairs to the floor the noise was emitted from. Pausing in the door to the stairwell, Descant whispers powerfully again. "Where are you? I'm coming."

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Tons of different things piled onto Rockshire's body, as she could feel pain in her right backleg. She winces through the pain as she could hear Descant coming up the stairs, hearing his whisper. She tried to whisper back, but all she could do was a whimper from her pain.

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Again praising his magically boosted hearing, Descant gallops down the hall. Entering the room, he saw Rockshire stuggling to extract herself from a large pile of clutter. "Oh, Celestia," Descant murmurs, quietly this time. He could tell from the way she was moving that something was wrong. He gently climbed onto the pile, careful not to distress her further, and started removing objects from on top of her, one at a time.

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She could hear something entering the room, and the thing was pushing stuff out of the way for her. Was that Descant? As soon as she thought it, her sight was no longer by stuff, as, sure enough, Descant came to save her. She still felt pain in her leg.


"Descant?", she whispered.

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El músico began to get a bit uncomfortable near Sky and Krystal, and convinced himself that he best move and give them as much privacy as possible. He swam to the deep end, where, to his sudden realization, Cloud Puff was, clearly bored. She seemed to be treading water, so he surfaced near her, not wanting to be too sudden or surprising, but he didn't want to be behind her either. He simply appeared diagonally from her, and he shook his mane and tread water as well, trying to think of something to say...


((OOC: :)))

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"I'm here." he whispered back. "Don't worry, I'm here." He cleared away the last piece of the pile that covered her. It was with sad eyes that he inspected her. Eyes lingering on one of her hind legs, he whispered again, even more quietly this time, "Rockshire... Rockshire, what happened?"
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Rockshire tried to get up, but her injury forced her to stay down. "I was trying to find you... I turned around for a second, and everypony else left... So, I searched the house. Then, I came in here, and I ran into something. Everything started falling on me, and one of those things landed on my hindleg wrong.."

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Descant frowned. "I had gone up to the pool with everypony else... I thought you had followed me up there." Glancing around the room, he said, "We probably shouldn't stay here. Here, let me help you..." He helped her up, supporting her injured side. "I'm no good at tending to injuries. Everypony is up by the pool. I bet somepony there can patch that up for you."

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"Wait. There's a pool in this house?! That should have been my first place to look...", she said, starting to walk alongside him. She winced at every step they took, knowing the leg was bruised badly, or worse. Broken. She didn't want to think about that right now.

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"Yeah, it's on the roof. Didn't you hear Krystal announce it? ...nevermind." He was aware that she was in pain walking. Not having any better ideas, he slowed down to where they both stopped, and, with a strained look on his face, lifted her with magic, repositioning her gently to where he would be able to carry her, without brushing against her leg overly much. "Is this better?" He asked, sounding concerned. Edited by Descant
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Rockshire couldn't feel as much pain as before now, now that she was being carried by him.


"That's a bit better... Thank you a bunch...", she quietly said to him as they both went up the spiral staircase and up to where the pool was located. Ponies there were already having fun.

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Descant climbed the stairs arduously. He was not a strong pony, like his friend Tag, but he was certainly determined. Sighing with relief when they reached the top of the stairs, Descant and Rockshire emerged onto the roof. Seeing that everypony was there, Descant said, horn glowing softly, "Rockshire's hurt. Can anypony help her?" His voice, sounding as it would normally, carried as if he were speaking through a megaphone.

Edited by Descant
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"Uh... Hola?" Cloud fumbled with her words- she DID NOT know Spanish- AT ALL. "I'm Cloud Puff. Nice to meet you!" She said, trying not to be too awkward. *This... Is odd. The stallion I hooked up with at the last party I was at is flirting with another friend of mine... And now this odd Spainiard is greeting me in a language... Wow.*

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That was a good enough excuse to get some time away. Star did after all know some basic first aid after reading through the entire latest edition of Medical Practice. Seemed like a good idea at the time. "Um, I may know a thing or two."


Star pulled himself from the water and shook himself off before trotting up to Descant. What a rather good looking stallion, wait, focus man! Okay, first of all, address the patient. "Sorry, mind if I can take a look?"

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"I don't mind, but you should really be asking Rockshire, not me." Descant said. Again showing a slight strain, he telekinetically lifted Rockshire off his back, and laid her gently in one of the lounging chairs he had occupied earlier. He was completely oblivious of how Star Keeper was gazing at him. Edited by Descant
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Well, that was meant for Rockshire, but it seems Star Keepers eyes were looking else where. "Oh, um, right." Star regained his focus and looked down at the stricken unicorn. "Do you mind if I examine the injury for any fragmentation and possible- well, you get the idea."

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"My name is El Músico, it is very nice to meet you too." He smiled dazzlingly and continued, "I see you are unfamiliar with my native language, so I will try to do my best to continue speaking in Equestrian. Back at el hogar- oh, pardon me, home, we rarely have visitors from Equestria as it is so far away." He studied the purple mare for a moment, before asking, "I hear you are well acquainted with the fabled Rainbow Dash?"

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Rockshire was wincing a little from Descant lowering her to the chair. Now some random pony had decided to help her out, as they both were talking. As she gazed on, she caught a look from Star Keeper staring at Descant a little. Wait... Was he... The pain was starting to head back.


"Yes, please... Thank you..."

Edited by Rockshire
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"Sorry, I'll try my best to understand you. Um, yes, I know Rainbow Dash. She kind of helps with scheduling the sky clearings and brining in storms, so naturally I work with her and all the other pegasi of Ponyville. May I ask what you do?" Cloud said, very openly, to her surprise. She had never opened up so quickly to a stallion she had never seen before.

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"I am currently, as you would say, unemployed, but I do earn bits by playing the guitar. It's amazing how much cheaper everything is here than in my hometown," he replied, remembering how the bread at the store had been half as expensive and just as good. Better even, he thought to himself. One thing that left him amazed and surprised was the fact that ponies brought storms in, rain, sunny weather; they pretty much controlled the weather. "How do you manage to bring different kinds of weather to one place?"

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When she saw Star get out of the pool, String Strung went over to the edge to the pool and she saw him go to Rockshire, who she heard that she hurt one of her legs, she saw Star doing something to her leg "Oh wow, I didn't know he was some sort of medic!" she saw him healing it, "will he make her leg better?" she wondered...

Edited by Danger Dashie
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Star Keeper began to look at the injury carefully, applying pressure when necessary which received shrill looks from Rockshire, but he pressed through. There seemed to be a lot of bruising, but overall the bone was undamaged, quite lucky. Star stood upright and addressed the pair."There seems to be a decent amount of bruising to the tissue and bone but not apparent fracture. Either you go see to a hospital to get it properly looked at, or you stay here. You will need to have it bandaged up an elevated of coarse."

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Descant looked gratefully at the new pony. "Thank you so, so, so much for helping her," he said, sounding relieved that somepony could, and would. "But I don't think we've been formally introduced? I'm Descant, and this is Rockshire." He gazed at Rockshire again, with a sadness reemerging in his eyes. *She's in pain, and it's my fault.*

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"Well, we pretty much just bring one thing in at a time. Certain days need rain for the crops, and Applejack tells is when we'll need it. All of our cloudy and windy weather comes from Cloudsdale, as far as I know. There really isn't much else o it, other Han the fact that we kinda just push it along." Cloud explained with ease. Se had explained it to many others, and was happy to explain again.

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