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Ah-ha! Still no flames! I knew this thread would turn out fine. Anyways, thinking a little more, I would say Rarity would be Jewish or catholic. Applejack most likely christian, pinkie pie... No idea, and rainbow dash seems Christian but not too devout. Twilight could either be atheist or Christian, seeing what happened in "Feeling Pinkie Keen"

To be honest, that episode "Feeling Pinkie Keen" just feels like it was meant to be a religious episode about things existing even though there might be no evidence of such. Does anybody else get that feeling? No? Okay it is just me.  :lol: 

  • Brohoof 1
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To be honest, that episode "Feeling Pinkie Keen" just feels like it was meant to be a religious episode about things existing even though there might be no evidence of such. Does anybody else get that feeling? No? Okay it is just me. :lol:

Actually yes, I did get that feeling.

I mean Twilight said she would go to hell and back like it was nothing. :SMaybe they're into greek and norse religions.

Wait what? Was that in an episode? That defenitely doesn't sound like something someone would say in the show. Heaven seems mentionable but not hell. The word "Hell" seems kinda taboo. Edited by Dr. Ocsid
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Actually yes, I did get that feeling.Wait what? Was that in an episode? That defenitely doesn't sound like something someone would say in the show. Heaven seems mentionable but not hell. The word "Hell" seems kinda taboo.

I don't think she directly referred to it, but she talked about something similar to the Greek hell. I think it was Tartaris or something.

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I try not drag real world elements (such as religion) into MLP it just throws everything off and makes it less enjoyable, besides don't they worship Celestia and isn't she godess


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That declares what Rarity believes in. She praises the stars.

....still my favorite character.

I don't really care about anybody else.


I do not follow the motto "love and tolerate/tolerance". I'm pretty sure that it is a joke/some people interpret is as a joke.

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I try not drag real world elements (such as religion) into MLP it just throws everything off and makes it less enjoyable, besides don't they worship Celestia and isn't she godess

How so? How does it make it less enjoyable? I mean, since we are bronies and our moto is to love and tolerate.

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How so? How does it make it less enjoyable? I mean, since we are bronies and our moto is to love and tolerate.


I try not drag real world elements (such as religion) into MLP it just throws everything off and makes it less enjoyable, besides don't they worship Celestia and isn't she godess


You know what never mind about the less enjoyable part, cause I always enjoy the show, also the love and tolerate part is not always practiced.


Anyway what I meant is that I like Mlp the way it is without real world elements, I mean were already in the 'real world'


One of my favorite things about Mlp is watching it is like a way  to take a break from the troubles of the real world. I have nothing against religion though I just wish everyone would put aside their differences and get along in real life.

Edited by PonyPowaX1000


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To be honest, that episode "Feeling Pinkie Keen" just feels like it was meant to be a religious episode about things existing even though there might be no evidence of such. Does anybody else get that feeling? No? Okay it is just me.  :lol:


Lauren Faust claims it wasn't supposed to be an episode about religious belief versus rationalism/empiricism, going so far as to say she was surprised that several viewers thought such as the implicit message. Personally, even if Lauren and the writers didn't consider the implications, I do wonder how they missed the subtext of their own episode?

  • Brohoof 1


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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No, no, no....as interesting of a concept as this may be, it's bound to start a flame war - even if we're all Bronies. I've seen it happen one too many times...




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Nothing better to do but to sit back and see how this turns out. Posted Image


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*Edit 2: The moment I see a flame war erupt, I will unleash a storm of gifs upon this thread just for my own entertainment to add a bit of...brevity to this rather touchy subject.

No worries I am not going to be starting any wars  :lol:



Anyhow... I am not religious soooo... I wouldn't really know.

But this probably is going to start several debates.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Rainbow Dash is TOTALLY ASATRU! Viking Dash would be forever the BEST PONY!!!  And Applejack diffidently seems Christian... hmm....yes...thats about right...Oh yeah Pinkie Pie is Neopagan.....yay


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  • Brohoof 1

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Lauren Faust claims it wasn't supposed to be an episode about religious belief versus rationalism/empiricism, going so far as to say she was surprised that several viewers thought such as the implicit message. Personally, even if Lauren and the writers didn't consider the implications, I do wonder how they missed the subtext of their own episode?

Just to make claims without evidence, but I think they would have denied it in the first place even if it was actually depicting the message. If they said that they did intend the message, there would be a lot of angry people suing Hasbro for supposedly "enticing anti-atheist views and discriminating those with no-beliefs", which I would understand why they would deny implementing this theme.

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Hehe well, here we are at 20 replies and totally flameless! which is a good sign so far hehe so i thought is quickly share my take on this:Twilight - Agnostic/AthiestFluttershy - Zen BuddhistPinkie Pie - Church of the SubgeniusApplejack - Evangelical ChristianRarity - Maybe Jewish or AthiestRainbow Dash - Maybe either non practicing Christan / AthiestAlso I wanted to say - the fact many are agreeing on some of these, despite there not being any direct mentions of religion in the show just how well developed the characters are!

 LOL, Applejack is the exact same Religion and Domain with me. Also, I think that Rarity would be Othorox, Fluttershy would be Protestant, and Twilight would be Atheist.


I am this random 12 year old Pegasister Trekkie Whovian Potterhead.

Yeah, I'm sorta a nerd.

And I am also trying to find a decent signature.

Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. And I'm proud of it.

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Just to make claims without evidence, but I think they would have denied it in the first place even if it was actually depicting the message. If they said that they did intend the message, there would be a lot of angry people suing Hasbro for supposedly "enticing anti-atheist views and discriminating those with no-beliefs", which I would understand why they would deny implementing this theme.

It doesn't strike me like Lauren Faust to actively deceive her audience. And this was during the first season, so she was still heavily involved in the creative process. My guess is that she and the writers took it more at face value as a satire rather than poigniant commentary. Then again, Lauren's shock in response in the face of allegations may very well indicate that she merely wanted to tell a tale which illustrated placing faith in friends rather than an assortment of facts.


The rest of the show never comes as close to touching on such hotly contested issues, so I doubt it was their intent to do so.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having a literal demi-goddesses that you can see and speak to everyday kinda kills any needs of having belief to another god :/


If there is indeed a religion in Equestria, it would be either Discord-worshipping cult or Celestian church, with the later being the most prominent religion.

It's probably has to do with how they interpret Celestia and Luna.


Atheists: Twilight and Spike see them as nothing more than the benevolent rulers of equestria

Buddhist: Fluttershy probably views them as spiritual guides

Jewish Rarity sees them as goddesses

Agnostic Pinkie neither believes nor disbelieves

Christian: Applejack sees them as goddesses and maybe suspects that Twilight is the pony equivalent of Christ.

Apatheist: Rainbow Dash couldn't care less if the princesses were goddesses or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They all the same religion as I am!  :ph34r:

Just kidding. But I do wonder what Zecora's faith would be the equilivant of?


I think they all just worship friendship and magic and feminism. I call it Friendgicism.


Twilight would be totally agnostic in the beginning of season 1 but a full convert by now. The way she kept fighting and now is all about friendship. She went from not even wanting friends to preaching about them. So she was probably more an agnostic toward the end of season 1, became overly zealous somewhere in season 2, and is just now finding a good balance.


Pinkie Pie would be consistently zealous, an equivalent of a member of the "God-Squad" or something. She cannot even imagine someone not being a part of her religion (Cranky Doodle)


So no, not an actual identification of the religion but an analysis of sorts. I really take religions and beliefs very seriously so I wouldn't even want to name them or belittle them in any way. 


I would rather pick out which philosophers they follow! Twilight would have to love Aristotle! :wacko:

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Twilight- atheist or agnostic

Applejack- Christian (Southern Baptist)

Fluttershy- Pagan or pantheistic

Rarity- non-practicing christian

Rainbow Dash- non-practicing Catholic

Pinkie Pie- probably doesn't think about it

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"Twilight would be an atheist"


Didn't twilight believe in that whole crazy Nightmare Moon story thing even when Celestia told her not to worry?


I think they'd all be clever enough to know that no religion is 100% known to be correct, but not so pretentious and negative to believe that there is nothing beyond for sure.  So in short - they'd all be hopeful about what lies after death.

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I am sure the people on this forum are mature enough to not let that happen. And even if they aren't, a mod could easily prevent it.


I wish that were the case, but I can tell you first hand it isn't. We have our crazies just like anywhere else on the internet does. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I personally think the cartoon is largely silent on the subject of religion so as to not raise unnecessary controversy.  The ponies show a great deal of veneration, possibly worship, to Celestia.  But that in no way denies a possible belief in a greater supreme being.  I can easily see Celestia leading her followers in prayer the same way kings and queens in human history have done. 


I don't think it was mentioned in this thread yet (apologies if I overlooked it) but there is at least one religious reference in MLP:FiM.  In the Perfect Stallion song, Sweetie Belle hops on the back of an elderly stallion.  He has a clerical collar and a smoking pipe cutie mark.  Perhaps even more amazing, the preacher pony is presiding over a funeral and we can see the casket on screen.  :blink:

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  • 1 year later...

Twilight: Agnostic. She's not willing to confirm or deny until their is clear evidence for there being a god or not.


Fluttershy: Buddhist. High value on the lives of animals and being pacifistic towards the world.


Rainbow Dash: Atheist. Doesn't try to disprove god, but doesn't believe and doesn't care.


Pinkie Pie: Greek Polythiest. Follower of Gelos the Spirit of laughter and Heimarmene the spirit of pleasure, enjoyment & delight


AppleJack: Pagan/Wiccan. Holds high regard for trees, the seasons, the harvest cycle and nature in general.


Rarity: Christian. Codes of conduct, high focus on morality, helping those less fortunate.

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Dur hur. twilight iz smartz. darefore sheez an athhesitst. cuz onlee atheeasts likke si ence and mathhsz.


Actually, no. Twilight's unbelief got torn to shreds in one episode. She clearly converted to something.


Twilight - Former atheist. Converted to whatever Pinkie is.

Rainbow Dash - radical Muslim. (she likes flying into stuff, doesn't she?)

Applejack - Southern Baptist

Fluttershy - Agnostic. Too scared to offend someone by picking anything.

Pinkie Pie - Zen Buddhist. Because logic doesn't apply to that religion.

Rarity - Roman Catholic


I feel like a bad person for laughing at that 9/11 joke.

Just to make claims without evidence, but I think they would have denied it in the first place even if it was actually depicting the message. If they said that they did intend the message, there would be a lot of angry people suing Hasbro for supposedly "enticing anti-atheist views and discriminating those with no-beliefs", which I would understand why they would deny implementing this theme.


I believe that it wasn't an attempt to depict that message at all, they just botched the real message up.

  • Brohoof 1

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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I believe all the ponies would be Humanist or something similar. Moral values are not tied to any one religion.

So my opinion?
All except pinkie pie are Humanist
Pinkie Pie is a Pastafarian.

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