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S03:E06 - Sleepless in Ponyville

Yellow Diamond


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Title: Sleepless in Ponyville
Air Date: December 8, 2012
Synopsis: Over a campfire, Rainbow Dash decides to share some imaginative and spooky tales, causing Scootaloo to have frightening, vivid nightmares; Scootaloo wants to get rid of her nightmares but doesn't want the others to think she is spineless.


Scootaloo fears nopony.

Edited by DashForever
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2 and a half seasons.  57 episodes.  And it's finally... FINALLY... here.  That's right everypony, the very first ever Scootaloo episode!  I don't know about ya'll, but my body is ready!!!  B)



Edited by Batbrony
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Well, let's see if this episode can fulfill the Scootalove cravings that I've been having for the past few months. Fingers crossed y'all.

This. I'm more excited for this than the fact Scootaloo is getting an episode, in general. I am so excited, I really hope the cuteness finally happens <3

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Scootaloo is best filly. It's 'bout time she got an episode.  :lol:


Also, has anyone ever wondered where Scootaloo lives? Or is she just a hobo? I don't know....  :blink:

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Awwwwwwww yeah, Scootaloo is best chicken with the best moves!!! Well, that certainly didn't take long for the Scootalove.  Episode's off to a great start!!!  :)

Edited by Batbrony
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I thought that, because it deals with sleeping, they would have to actually show where Scootaloo lives.


But now, Hasbro found a way around it in the form of camping. This is crazy...they won't address Scootaoprhan.

I kinda thought they would end up doing that to be honest. It seems pretty in character for them since they haven't explained her flying issues either. Although we could just be jumping the gun, they still have an entire episode to talk about either. We'll see I suppose.
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I love how many things Rarity brings, then make Sweetie Belle carry all of it.


That's Rarity for ya....


Funny how at first that I thought Scootaloo and RD were related.  :P

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Awwwww, poor Scoots is freaking out!!!  Is it just me, or did they just parody all of the Scootalove fanon stuff at the beginning?  Ya know, with Scoot's line about how it was like they were sisters, when it really wasn't?  If so, then that's fantastic!!!  :lol:

Edited by Batbrony
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There was a Luna cameo? Dang it, I missed it!


And I love how Rainbow Dash sleeps. It's a "Yeeeaaaahh, I don't give a buck" look.


And OH MY GOODNESS, Scootaloo you look scary. :blink:


Props to Sweetie Belle for being badass.

Edited by Supernova
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SHE SANG THE WHOLE SONG?!?!  Well, I think we have a new best song this season!!!  B)


Also, AJ proving once again that she is the most mature of the group; she knows there's something up with Scoots, and I'm sure she'll make it known to RD, or encourage Scootaloo to do so.  This episode is awesome so far.  Also, I'm convinced Luna's gonna do something this episode; I just don't know what!

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SHE SANG THE WHOLE SONG?!?!  Well, I think we have a new best song this season!!!  B)


Also, AJ proving once again that she is the most mature of the group; she knows there's something up with Scoots, and I'm sure she'll make it known to RD, or encourage Scootaloo to do so.  This episode is awesome so far.  Also, I'm convinced Luna's gonna do something this episode; I just don't know what!


I expect full length remixes from this community.  And Luna fanfics.

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Is it just me or is Rainbow out of character? That may just be from me not liking Dash too much, but she seemed like a bigger jerk then usual.


And yays for Luna! :D

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So happy for little Scootaloo but kinda depressing at the same time.... Rainbow Dash of course was so cool in this episode too. <3 LOVED IT. GREAT

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