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Equestrian religion?


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As far as religion goes, it seems that ponies probably believe in an afterlife and/ or reincarnation and/or spirits, but is unorganized but then again we saw a funeral and a pony with a black and white collar that is usually associated with priests.


This is just a case of 'insert whatever you like to think and it works', if you think the ponies believe in reincarnation than it works, if the ponies are theistic than that also works. If you are an atheist than you can think the ponies are atheists too, it doesn't break any canon. If the ponies are animistic like Shintoism or native american religion or European paganism than that works too.


As for the Princesses being deities, there are different interpretations of how powerful the Princesses actually are. So if you think Celestia has god-powers than it makes more sense for you to head-canon that they worshiped her than if you think Celestia is less powerful than that.


I personally don't think Celestia is as powerful as others think, especially the 'Celestia holds back because she would accidentally destroy everything' people.

Edited by Zoraxe
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Celestia and Luna are worshipped so their religion is polytheistic. But in reality I think they're just figureheads with quite a bit of power, but not an ultimate god or anything. Think of it this way, as far as we know, the dragons don't even care about the Princesses, and we don't see griffons praising them. So I think it's more of a regional thing than an ultimate "I am your creator". Besides, gods wouldn't get hurt like Celestia did in Season.....4 finale?

I think... 


So yeah this is the same sort of ruler that the Egyptians considered their rulers to be, or something similar to that.


Possibly, but just because they are not universally revered doesn't mean they are not deities. The dragons likely worship themselves or the nature of their kind. Much like the Krogan of Mass Effect. We don't know enough about Griffons to speculate what their religion is like, but assumedly those that live in Equestria would at least pay heed to the Di-archs out of respect if nothing else.


There are plenty of religions that worship beings that weren't associated with creation, Hell half the Greek Pantheon didn't "create" the world at least not it's physical makeup. Man was created by Prometheus, one of the Titans! So not being a creator doesn't count exactly against godhood.


Celestia and Luna are revered by the ponies because they are salvific figures. Coming from nowhere to deliver them from the torment of Discord's reign and leading them into a thousand years of peace. (Of course Luna was absent for the majority of that.)


Call them figureheads, but the worship of them is far more justified than that of the Egyptians to their Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was the King of both gods and mortals so his word was both the law of the land as well as scripture, though any good pharaoh would posses the wisdom to heed the council of his nobles and priests before making official statements. However the Pharaoh was still provably mortal, both Celestia and Luna are ageless and though both have been defeated in battle, neither appears to be outright killable. Keep in mind as well, both Luna and Celestia only fell when their opponent used magic more powerful and divine than even their might. (The Elements of Harmony and the Power of Love.) The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons all could be hurt in battle. Again, the Greek gods often had mortals of exceptional skill and strength challenge and beat them! The Aesir all knew exactly when and how they would die. And the gods of the Nile worshipped Osiris precisely because he died.


So being fallible and beatable doesn't debunk their divine status either. If one views them in the vein of classical deities, like they were created to emulate, then it leaves little to doubt. How the ponies view, now that is what's uncertain and up to interpretation.


Judging by their behavior though:


Celestia - the proper goddess. Doesn't care how her subjects view her and instead how they live their lives. Chooses to teach and guide intimately, through personal and casual interaction.


Luna - the "classic" goddess. At first, loud, haughty, and demanding of reverence. Later, cooled off but still guiding and teaching through flashy displays of her power, divine intervention style.

Edited by Steel Accord
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  • 10 months later...


The Almighty Twibop: Most (ancient) religions come from trying to explain nature and how it works. In Equestria however they have no need for such explanations since they themselves control nature and the world around them. Since the need never came up I would like to believe that they never invented religion, since religion is a human concept. The Princesses aren't Gods necessarily but they are certainly the most powerful ponies we have seen in the show. In the show though they are viewed more like Monarchs than deities. 

True, most early religion contained explanations for why the world works the way it does but most modern don't.

I think most ponies that think about their world enough will believe in a creator. For one simple reason they do control most of their world and in their case evolution would have made more believe.

The logic goes like this:

Celestia controls the sun. Who control the sun before Celestia? The Unicorns. Who controlled the sun before Unicorns? We as fans don't know but following the logic combined evolution saying simpler things existed before more complex things eventually you get to a point where nothing on Equestria could have control the sun. Therefore some other power not from Equestria controlled the sun.

Similarly with weather and Pegsi: Pegsi -> winged animals -> nothing therefore higher power.

basic because they control much of their world they have good reason to believe something created them.


However after all is said this is only good reason to believe in a creator, not god or sole moral authority. But if you have a creator it just a small step to think that creator may have created you for some purpose.


The second reason they might have a religion is to answer where do they go when they die. Of course this assumes that they have a spirit or soul. But we have proof that they do depending on whether the elements of harmony vaporized Twilight in Magical Mystery Cure or merely transported her. The burn mark on the ground seems to point to vaporize but that could be indicate how much power was required. On the other hoof the place Twilight goes has a very afterlife like vibe including a review of her life up to that point.      

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I think they worship no real Gods and believe the universe came to be through scientific explanations or don't really care, but they attend something similar to church where the priests give sermons about harmony and how best to be a friend. They would also have an equivalent of the bible, and it's full of friendship lessons and such.

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Celestia is basically pony god, but I don't think the ponies worship her or have a religion. 


Well that depends on the individual now doesn't it? They clearly don't have a church or at least not a very big one, but religion doesn't need to be organized to exist, it can be held in the heart of only one person.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Well that depends on the individual now doesn't it? They clearly don't have a church or at least not a very big one, but religion doesn't need to be organized to exist, it can be held in the heart of only one person.


What I'm saying is there really isn't any sign of religion in this show, and I doubt one person's worldview constitutes a religion, but whatever. 

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 I doubt they're religious since just about everything can be explained with 2 words. "Because magic!"


Right but religion doesn't purely exist to explain natural phenomenon, and whether through magic (them) or science (us) when that phenomenon becomes explained, religion turns less to the how and more the why.


Why are we here? Why is harmony the central power in our world? etc.

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Throughout history there have been a lot of civilizations that worship their leaders as gods, and the fact that celestia and Luna raise the sun/moon only adds to the probability that they're viewed that way. On the other hand, plenty of societies have been atheistic too, or at least without any specific religion. Since celestia and Luna are really involved in the lives of ponies in Equestria, I like to believe there's no religion. I just picture Celestia feeling really awkward about ponies worshiping her and being like, "guys, you don't have to do that. Stop doing that. I'm embarrassed."

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Throughout history there have been a lot of civilizations that worship their leaders as gods, and the fact that celestia and Luna raise the sun/moon only adds to the probability that they're viewed that way. On the other hand, plenty of societies have been atheistic too, or at least without any specific religion. Since celestia and Luna are really involved in the lives of ponies in Equestria, I like to believe there's no religion. I just picture Celestia feeling really awkward about ponies worshiping her and being like, "guys, you don't have to do that. Stop doing that. I'm embarrassed."


There is credence to that idea as Celestia has seemed awkward when Rarity was kissing her hooves. That being said, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, people are going to call it a duck. Celestia and Luna are both immortal or at least possessed of extreme longevity, control the heavenly bodies, and are heroes of legend. Ponies are going to revere them whether they like it or not.


As well, who's to say Equestria's faith lies solely with the Princess? What if they simply worship friendship or harmony as not just virtues but transcended forces of their existence?

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There is credence to that idea as Celestia has seemed awkward when Rarity was kissing her hooves. That being said, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, people are going to call it a duck. Celestia and Luna are both immortal or at least possessed of extreme longevity, control the heavenly bodies, and are heroes of legend. Ponies are going to revere them whether they like it or not.


As well, who's to say Equestria's faith lies solely with the Princess? What if they simply worship friendship or harmony as not just virtues but transcended forces of their existence?

I see what you're saying, but immortality doesn't necessarily mean they're worshipped as dirties. Discord has been around for a long time, but he isn't seen that way. It's possible that they're worshipped, but I just like to believe Equestria doesn't feel the need to worship any particular thing, but focuses more on living the elements of harmony in their everyday lives. It's just my own personal little thought, but everyone else's ideas have just as much validity too, I think! :)

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I see what you're saying, but immortality doesn't necessarily mean they're worshipped as dirties. Discord has been around for a long time, but he isn't seen that way. It's possible that they're worshipped, but I just like to believe Equestria doesn't feel the need to worship any particular thing, but focuses more on living the elements of harmony in their everyday lives. It's just my own personal little thought, but everyone else's ideas have just as much validity too, I think! :)


Right exactly, except Discord is just as immortal but the immortality is not what I was stressing. Celestia and Luna have actually done things that were good and worthy of honoring, Discord was a destructive force. Of course no one, or very few would revere him. I don't worship God because He's powerful, I worship God because I believe It to be a loving entity. So I imagine the ponies extend the same to the Princesses.


Plus, there is a difference between "the need to worship" and the preference to. Not everyone who is religious is so out of some crippling fear or neuroses, but finds strength, wisdom, and courage in faith. The Elements of Harmony could be just as easily facilitated into one's personal faith in Equestria as they are both virtues to be considered holy and magical forces that have saved the world.


I'm not saying every single pony thinks this way, Twilight in particular doesn't strike me as a faith driven person whether she has it or not. But it's equally as silly to say "they're ALL atheists" as it is to say they all worship the Princesses. Sort of tying into your point that different interpretations can be equally as valid.

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  • 4 weeks later...

At home, science and spirituality is ONE. So I would expect informative spirituality, to be developed in Equestria. Something that actually taught you things, as opposed to earth's religious mumbo jumbo, more oriented towards desinformation, in benefit of political corporations, than your well-being and knowledge.

For example, how to bilocate outside your body. How many chakras there are, and how they relate magnetically with the planets on your solar system. What's truly the sun, and how does it bring about conscience, life, inside your physical vessel.

How is it possible that most human beings are still afraid of transitioning, which here is known as death. What happened to all the information we gave you in times of our ancient civilizations?

I still remember the first time I was "enlightened" by your "religion"... reading on how a peasant was having trouble mating with her esteril wife... That's... it? That.... it's, oh by Source, where am I?! I

The holy book about being an ignorant, disempowered subject, part 2. I was about six years old, and still remember most of my school mates, listening with idiotic faces.


Your little "gods" have a lot to answer for.

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@@They call me Loyalty,


Dude, you are being overly hostile where it is not needed and you are slamming a lot of world religions while simultaneously praising others. The concept of chakras comes from Hinduism, an Earth religion you call "mumbo jumbo." And you call, what I assume is the Bible a book of ignorance and disempowerment instead of a book about a man who taught that we should all forgive each other and hold no grudges.


Hell your statement is barely on topic as you don't even postulate on what religion in Equestria might be like.


And I'm a syncretist Buddhist-Christian, I don't even disagree with everything you said, only your hostility which I would think would be anathema to someone so spiritual.

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I see them as having no religion, but in one of the Daring Do books a pony mentions having prayed to the "great guardians". This is in a part of Equestria that seems to be culturally distinct, though, so even if those guys have religion the rest might not.


Btw, as per Word of Faust, she doesn't see Celestia and Luna as gods, just incredibly magical. That being said, before I knew about that Word of Faust, I felt the show was kind of borderline/contradictory about the issue. There are some godlike trappings, like the Nightmare Moon shrine...


But there's something a fan once said that I really liked, the idea that the ponies might just use the name of their monarch in expressions because they *have no gods*. So, like, if Celestia and Luna die and Blueblood ascends to the throne, then they'd start saying "For Blueblood's sake" instead.


Interestingly, the Celestia chapter book (which does its part to demystify Celestia), we see that the princesses use *Starswirl's* name in those expressions instead of "Celestia".

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I see them as having no religion, but in one of the Daring Do books a pony mentions having prayed to the "great guardians". This is in a part of Equestria that seems to be culturally distinct, though, so even if those guys have religion the rest might not.


Btw, as per Word of Faust, she doesn't see Celestia and Luna as gods, just incredibly magical. That being said, before I knew about that Word of Faust, I felt the show was kind of borderline/contradictory about the issue. There are some godlike trappings, like the Nightmare Moon shrine...


But there's something a fan once said that I really liked, the idea that the ponies might just use the name of their monarch in expressions because they *have no gods*. So, like, if Celestia and Luna die and Blueblood ascends to the throne, then they'd start saying "For Blueblood's sake" instead.


Interestingly, the Celestia chapter book (which does its part to demystify Celestia), we see that the princesses use *Starswirl's* name in those expressions instead of "Celestia".


Yeah interesting stuff isn't it? It's just a way of showing how incredibly different Equestria is from our world and even most fantasy fair. Magic is so imbued into their very lives that the difference between it and "miracles" is kind of blurred. It could be that, they have no concept of a "deity" as how we perceive it.


The idea of what a god is, for us, has evolved and changed over the millennia, but started as a supernatural being that made the world as it is. Because the ponies have never required that explanation, as they are the wardens of their world, any concept of a deity to them would not be the traditionally naturalistic one like the Greek or Egyptian pantheon.


From what you say, it could be that they have a more Chinese or even Roman/Christian-like sense of sainthood or divinity granted by that individual being a Paragon of ponykind. (Fun fact: the ancient Chinese Celestial Court did have some real life persons deified.) Something that Celestia, Luna, and Starswirl would all easily fall under.

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