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I've noticed that they don't show some of the more popular charactors. Now I don't want the wrighters to be making episodes off of fan idieas. But I just want to see more of the less used ponies like Luna, Trixie, Shining and Cadence. Or maybe more back story on Scootalo, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.


 Personaly I want to see more Luna and Dash, but thats just me.


I want to hear every ponies thoughts, so please leave a comment

  • Brohoof 2
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Well I don't know if they're going to do another Luna episode, but she has appeared a couple times, and I think she'll show up a bit more(Shes bound to get some type of more important role in an episode soon.) Trixie already had her episode, and since shes not exactly a super big supporting character or anything she might not even show up again. Shinning and Cadence both live in the castle in canterlot so It can be kinda hard to setup a scenario for them to show up all the time.(they may even be in the crystal empire for all we know.)

Might be a while for another Scootaloo episode, but to be honest most of her backstory has been pretty well explained, either through statements, or just implied. Of course I do wanna see more of her, maybe even with Rainbow dash.


Being a Fluttershy fan I'm always open for more Fluttershy, and I'd like to know something about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's parents.


With so many charactors I don't really blame hasbro or any of the creators of MLP for not being able to show tons of each and everypony. They have 6 mane characters and quite a number of supporting characters to develop and split screen time with.


I have a feeling we're going to be getting more of most of the pony's you mentioned, except maybe Trixie.

  • Brohoof 2


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I want more Celestia. Best princess has been a bit starved of screentime this season.


I desperately want more Rarity this season. She's not my favorite or even my second favorite. But she has been so blah. Spike At Your Service helped, but she has been so neglected!

Edited by Stellafera
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I WANT MORE RARITY. It's ridiculous that RD and AJ get two episodes, but Rarity has barely been mentioned at all this season.



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I want more Celestia.


^ This. I totally second that statement about more Celestia. Scenes involving her are nice, but I really want to see a storyline involving her more thoroughly. Dare I say a Ruler or Equestria episode? Maybe Twilight gets to spend an entire day with her... and tries to do anything she can to make the Princess's daily routine easier? xD Hilarity ensues.


Also, moar Rarity, Fluttershy, and Discord. Come on, Saturday....!!

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Rarity is not amused about her lack of screen time. O_O I'm sure the writers have a plan, and truthfully I hope they're not thinking too much about "okay this pony has to get an episode here, right before that pony's episode, and we neglected that one so she has to get two episodes HERE and HERE," because then it becomes way too...what's the word? Calculated? Not spontaneous? It really should be about the stories they tell without fixating on which pony should get to tell it. So writers, don't listen to us too much.


Alls I'm saying is, this is not a lady who should be kept waiting.


  • Brohoof 8

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Personally I would like more Rarity and Fluttershy. 

Has Fluttershy even had an episode yet? I think she's had what...2? Compared to everypony else's like...6.


Rarity had some great episodes in S2, it's a shame there's been none in S3 so far, in fact she's hardly even been in S3 at all as far as I can recall. That's normally not very far, though.

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Though it is unlikely more Derpy, characters that are more likely though that I would like to see would be more Luna. I would like Gilda to return for at least one episode, Griffon the Brush was my least favorite episode because Gilda ended up taking all the blame when Pinkie Pie also screwed up. Another Gilda episode could clear this up, maybe the lesson could be that you shouldn't pre judge something until you know all the facts or that it is not always one person in argument who is a jerk sometimes it takes two to tango. I would like to see more of Big Macintosh and other apple family members such as Granny Smith, I am curious as to why Big Mac seems to be the quietest member of his family. And a bit more on Shining Armor and Cadence, they just seemed to appear out of nowhere especially Shining Armor.

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Personally I would like more Rarity and Fluttershy. 

Has Fluttershy even had an episode yet? I think she's had what...2? Compared to everypony else's like...6.


Rarity had some great episodes in S2, it's a shame there's been none in S3 so far, in fact she's hardly even been in S3 at all as far as I can recall. That's normally not very far, though.

It has already been confirmed that there will be a Fluttershy, but Rarity might not get an episode at all! The only real Rarity moments were in Sleepless in Ponyville, but she was overshadowed by Scootalove. I.just hope that Octavia and Rarity duet suggestion gets used this season...


I really want another appearance by Octavia or Vinyl again. And not just an Octavia recolor.

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And not just an Octavia recolor.


Please...i've been trying to look past those horrible recolours...


However I dont think an Octavia episode would be too good...I mean take Vinyl Scratch for example.

Her eyes have been revealed by the show to be a magenta/purple colour, yet the fans are still insistant they are the original fan conception of Red. It's nothing major I know, but this is my point:...


Octavia is a pony who has NEVER spoken in canon, and NEVER even been named. She was a pure fan creation - the fans have personalised her in their own way, and Hasbro have left that well-alone as a nod to the bronies. I think giving Octavia an episode would create another Derpy hate scale war - simply because it would be taking away something that we all know and love.


Or I could just be reading too far into this...as normal :P 

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Aside from more Rarity episodes, I also want more explanation on Discord's backstory.


Like, why he exists, why he ruled over Equestria for an unknown period of time, why he was overthrown by Celestia and Luna, why he's so powerful, his relationship with Celestia...


All-in-all, more Discord would be awesome.



Thankfully, I seem to be getting my wish next episode. :D 



At the same time, I can't enforce how much I want a Celestia-Luna episode. I just want to see these two's relationship and how they interact. Some backstory would be cool too. 

Edited by Rarietty
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why he ruled over Equestria for an unknown period of time


I dont think it will be an unknown period...knowing Hasbro it will most likely be 1000 years. And there's bound to be some form of relationship between Discord and Princess Celestia... 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I'd really love a Rarity episode, but anyone who says she's been neglected in Season 3 is blind. She's gotten more screentime than Twilight for crying out loud! (Though, I have a feeling the finale will change that..)


Personally, a Celestia & Luna episode would be awesome. I'd like to see how the writers can pull off an episode with ONLY two characters, much like the episode Brian and Stewie from Family Guy.

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I've been saying this far too much recently but... we need more Soarin'! Who can not love his childish-superstar sort of character? :3

I love the way he loves pies ;) aaaaaaaw yeah.


but seriously, i hope we see more Rarity and Luna. And of course we need more Fluttershy. Although, she's supposed to get an episode with Discord from what I heard, and that sounds badass.

  • Brohoof 1

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Aside from more Rarity episodes, I also want more explanation on Discord's backstory.


Like, why he exists, why he ruled over Equestria for an unknown period of time, why he was overthrown by Celestia and Luna, why he's so powerful, his relationship with Celestia...


All-in-all, more Discord would be awesome.



Thankfully, I seem to be getting my wish next episode. :D 



At the same time, I can't enforce how much I want a Celestia-Luna episode. I just want to see these two's relationship and how they interact. Some backstory would be cool too. 


You know, I've wondered about how Discord came to be myself (as I'm sure tons of us have XD ). Seriously, just what was up with Equestria 1000 years ago? Discord ruled, and let's not forget that around this time period Sombra was also in power over in Crystal land. Not to mention, the ponies were evidently fearful enough of being out at night (post-Discord and Sombra trauma, maybe?) they made made Luna feel neglected enough to go bonkers-evil-first-season-villain mode.


And yeah, some back story before Discord and Celestia's final confrontation--would indeed be glorious. I doubt we'll see any shipping, but a guy can dream....keep your hooves crossed.


Hmm... maybe somewhere faaaar back in the reaches of time... Discord wasn't such a butt? :o (He's fun and an awesome villain, but he did do his job and treat the mane six (and everyone else within range) like a butt XD )

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We need more backstory on Cloudsdale and the fillyhood of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. In fact devote an episode to one giant flash back. I don't care I just want to see what happened to them as fillies, especially after Fluttershy nearly toppled to her death. And for Celestia's sake show us their parents! We might start to think Pegasi abandon their kids for being girls!

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