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Christian bronies: meet, greet, and mingle!

Zach TheDane

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I disagree somewhat, I think the passage was telling us that we are capable of doing God's wonders. Going to the stars and colonizing space isn't just something we could do, I believe it's God's plan for us. He gave us this universe, the laws of physics for us to crack, minds that have the capability to expand and ponder Him. He created us "in His image" not how God physically looks but in the mode of infinite potential.

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How long has it been since your last confession?


I am just new to this. So i am wondering ^w^.


It has been around one year and a half since the last one of mine :adorkable:.


I am aware that I should confess more... The bare minimum that the church requires is at least once in a year (I am assuming you are talking about Catholicism).


There are no specific rule beyond that about how often one should confess, but people usually recommend once per month as an ideal frequency, longer than that you might forget some stuff (though you are still forgiven by stuff you forgot without fault of your own, it still is more productive to not play with it).


The reason that the church requires once per year instead of more often is because the number of priests in comparison with the number of lay people is quite small, and there would not have enough priests for the task. But if you can confess more often than that, then you should. It is not mandatory to do it more often than once per year, but it is wise to do (yeah, that is a note to self too :squee:).


It is worth noting that who forgives the sin is God, and that in confession he is acting through the priest. Anyways, telling your sins to someone like you requires an extra effort of humility than just telling in thought to someone you cannot see, which by itself can work as a penance for your sins. This is not a big effort when you compare it to what people would really deserve for their sins :)

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"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist;

but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

~ G. K. Chestertonsig-34493.Do4gzZF.png

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Actually, as strange as it might seem, I agree with Narishia98 and Steel Accord.  Though I see it as something more, there are certain nuances to this passage.. first off, they were in disobedience to God's command to spread to the whole earth..  secondly, there are some indications that this may have been a tower to worship the heavens, turning from worship of the true God to worship of the stellar objects, such as the sun, moon and stairs...  furthermore, there is also some hints (not sure ones) that the builders of the tower were practicing slavery..


Three things that would certainly displease God, that his image bearers would turn against his directions, his worship and turn to oppressing one another.  His words regarding the matter, I take more be more of the level of "They will turn to doing whatever they want rather then what they should."  In other words, deciding good and evil for themselves, once again, rather then depending upon God's judgement of such.


On an interesting side note, I find it interesting here that it's another point of language similar to Genesis 1:26.. as in God speaking to himself, something I see as a sign of the trinity in action.

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On an interesting side note, I find it interesting here that it's another point of language similar to Genesis 1:26.. as in God speaking to himself, something I see as a sign of the trinity in action.


Huh, I never thought of it that way and it's interesting that such is in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. 

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Huh, I never thought of it that way and it's interesting that such is in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament.


I'm extremely sure that mentions of the Trinity in the OT happen a lot.
Yeah, if it's any indication, the Holy Spirit is mentioned in Gen 1:2. Also, last I checked, all instances of prophesying are associated with the Holy Spirit (and the OT is chalk full of prophesies about Jesus, which ends up having all three being very prevalent in OT). The reason I'm primarily bringing up the Holy Spirit is because, at least for me, it seems that the OT is mostly associated with the Father (probably because of the first books being a huge highlight), the the Gospel being associated with Jesus, and then the Acts and Epistles associated with the Holy Spirit.

As for what Steel said earlier, I am in no way denying that we are meant to advance, given the fact we are ordered to "subdue the Earth" and are "created in His image and likeness." I merely meant, well, pretty much what Reading said; the biggest problem was the people's defiance and debauchery.

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I"m christain but kind of find it overthinking if yo utry to compare mlp to religion. it just a entertianment no need to overblow a smple fun kids show to such redilous connect the dots.


Who said anything about that?

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I'm a christian too. I believe in god. Nobody knows I am a brony unless they ask. I am afraid to say that I'm a brony due to the widely accepted misconceptions about bronies like bronies being gay. And the Christian faith states that being gay is wrong. So I keep it a secret so I don't get kicked out of church or my parents schedule counseling for me being gay when I'm not.

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Exactly what Blue said, .


Also, I would add that, although you may not be Catholic, the Catholic church explicitly states that being gay in itself isn't wrong. And again, if someone is gay and can't help it, why would any Christian religion downright shun a person for it(again, going back to what Blue said about loving your neighbor)? It's just as bad as if an organization shuns non-xyz colored people, as those people can't help that they were born xyz color. 


I don't necessarily agree with everything it(Catholic church) has to say in regards to it, but then again, I haven't done much of any in-depth research for its reasoning for its beliefs. 

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In response to the current topic, I would politely ask all to read this article right here: http://bible-truths.com/homosex.htm

I'd also ask that you try to take this with an open and willful-to-learn mind. I'm not trying to be forceful, but I do think that this is an article worth considering.

For those of you who would like the tl;dr, here's the basic rundown (and note that there is no shortage of evidence and reasoning, make of that what you will): Homosexuality is a sin, even under the New Covenant. It is also not genetic, and therefore not wise to say "that's just the way they are."
Note that I am not trying to start a heated discussion, I'm just trying to come to a mutual conclusion or at least an establishment of why I have my conclusion. I did not come here to proclaim anybody's final destination, as that is not my place.

Now, for the sake of discussion, I'd like to point out a scenario. Don't take this as an attack. Is homosexuality any different than bestiality? If you recall in Gen 2:20, it says that "no suitable helper was found." If not only animals weren't meant to be loved sexually, but the only "suitable helper" that God deemed appropriate was a different gender, it should also go that neither should we sexually love the same gender. Besides, there are other ways to love (four main ones, see "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis).

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Regarding homosexuality, what it is, by biblical teaching, is sin, you may not like it, but if your going to be honest about it, that is what the scripture teaches.  However, God says the same thing about lying [proverbs 12:22], about unbelief[Hebrews 3:12], about swearing[Ephesians 4:29], and a number of others, I'm sure at least one of everyone is guilty of somewhere, why we single out homosexuality is mainly because our culture has singled it out.  Moving on however, everything that is contrary to the will of God is sin, and all of us are guilty, and what God is saying regarding sin is like a doctor saying your sick and dying, which from the view of God is exactly the problem, he is Life and in sin is death, and he would have us embrace his Life.  His answer is in the Cross, which we come back to every time, don't forget that everyone (except Jesus) started from the point of having fallen short of the glory of God, and in God there is life .  Furthermore, expecting the same level of morality in those who do not believe in Jesus is a mistake, love them and pray for them, and tell them of Jesus, but until they have chosen him, don't try and make them conform to a standard that isn't in them.  And really, letting the Spirit doing the directing at that point is far more effective then anything you can do.


On a further note, this likely isn't the place to continue the discussion of this matter, though your welcome to continue it with me in a PM if you like.


As to the other, there are certain principles within MLP that are true to christian principles, but that happens when you focus on virtues such as kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty, laughter and friendship.  These things are things that God calls his people to be, so you can certainly find a lot of interesting parallels in the show with regards to christian ideals.

Edited by Reading Heart
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I hope you didn't misunderstand me with what I was saying. In of itself, homosexuality, or the attraction to the same sex more appropriately, is not wrong. The sexual acts that the some people decide to partake in that comes along with it.... well, that's debatable amongst Christians, as each have their own view on it (some believe that the old testament no longer applies, some do but the punishments that come along with them are void).


I would also like to mention that, although it is not genetic, there are factors that make people "tend" to be more attracted to one sex over the other. So although there is not a specific gene that decides the orientation of someone, that doesn't mean that someone doesn't have an "inclination" to prefer one over the other. Mind you, some people outright make a choice, because of various factors.




Furthermore, expecting the same level of morality in those who do not believe in Jesus is a mistake, love them and pray for them, and tell them of Jesus


This is key. It's also what the Catholic church teaches regarding homosexuality pretty much. Anyhow.... don't want to really turn this into a debate at all, cause that will cause issues and all.... but that's my say on the matter, I suppose.

Edited by Sudo Krenton
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@@Reading Heart@@Sudo Krenton, Well said.

As for the relations between the two, I've noticed some interesting similarities. I've come to particularly like thinking of the lyrics in "A Friend for Life" (https://youtu.be/uAXZqwzizX8) in a Christian context. Reminds me of when I was having a hard time and I ended up Bible-thumping my parents. I believe the Holy Spirit chose to speak to me in a peculiar way. I watched Friendship Games (skimming a bit), and noticed a lot of similarities between the way I was behaving and how Twilight was thinking. Twilight wanted so badly to learn that she didn't even care if she abused the magic that she held. Likewise, I was so trapped by my will to tell my parents the wrong of their actions that I spoke harshly, abusing God's Word and choosing to not show love or honor to my parents.

"Every friendship is tested

You say you're sincere

But it's all unclear now

But with a word

Everything changes

And just like that

You and I are right back


When I put my hand out

And I thought I would fall

You knew what I needed

And you came around

To fix it all"

Edited by Narishia98
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I've decided that I'm not going to hang around on this forum much anymore.

I basically only interact with you guys, or threads where you might appear. Comments about christians on this site being insular aside, my interests are diversifying beyond simply MLP. The tip-toeing that I often find myself doing to avoid risque content surrounding MLP in general I don't really think is worth the effort anymore. I've had my fun, as I've also had in the past with Team Fortress 2, Star Wars Battlefront and machinima. I've been part of this forum since 2011 and I've had a good run.


If you want to continue to contact me, please private message me for further contact information. Otherwise this will be among my last thread posts.


Awww no man.  :(


I'll miss you and your insightful posts.



I've been thinking. What if Virgin Mary was Parthenogenesis


Well by the strictest definition of that word, she already was.




Which is why humans shouldn't have reproduction tools in general. It is evil. Or i'd wish to be a android robot if it was possible naturally ^w^


Wait what? What logic is that? Sex and reproduction aren't evil, lust is, they aren't the same thing at all! 

Is it wrong to use this as an inspiration to be more humble in faith. As in "I live to serve" voice : 3?

Especially those lines here.

0:02 - 0:18


Uhhhhhh I think it raises some questions as to how you view God.  :blink:


I was not raised to think of God as an evil undead spirit inhabiting the body of a fallen hero.



my interests are diversifying beyond simply MLP


Hey doesn't mean you can't hang around still. My interests go beyond the show as well but this is my favorite site because of the community. 

I'm a christian too. I believe in god. Nobody knows I am a brony unless they ask. I am afraid to say that I'm a brony due to the widely accepted misconceptions about bronies like bronies being gay. And the Christian faith states that being gay is wrong. So I keep it a secret so I don't get kicked out of church or my parents schedule counseling for me being gay when I'm not.


As Sudo said, it's debatable. I don't think it's inherently wrong or sinful to be gay. Not saying you are just that it should be noted. Also, forget them! Statistically speaking, there are far more bronies who are straight than gay according to the brony study poll.

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Awww no man.  :(


I'll miss you and your insightful posts.




Well by the strictest definition of that word, she already was.





Wait what? What logic is that? Sex and reproduction aren't evil, lust is, they aren't the same thing at all! 


Uhhhhhh I think it raises some questions as to how you view God.  :blink:


I was not raised to think of God as an evil undead spirit inhabiting the body of a fallen hero.




Hey doesn't mean you can't hang around still. My interests go beyond the show as well but this is my favorite site because of the community. 

Well in general i guess this would be putting it in better light. But i just found too much zealous stuff that somehow seem to fit with the biblical "the world is your enemy, but god is life etc" Although maybe i take it too literally.



Well i just feel the church is very strict on the idea of celibacy. Although i know for people who have trouble with restriction it is better to marry. But i just find it easier to think it is evil so that i can live easier that way.

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Well in general i guess this would be putting it in better light. But i just found too much zealous stuff that somehow seem to fit with the biblical "the world is your enemy, but god is life etc" Although maybe i take it too literally.


I would say so. As my Dad taught me, "you don't have to be Christian, to be like Christ." It's that very zealotry that has taken Christians further, not closer to God. Would the man who invited Jews and Gentiles alike to sit with Him, who broke bread with tax collectors, healed lepers, and forgave the sins of an adulterous woman, shun anyone just because they were different to Him by kin or creed?



Well i just feel the church is very strict on the idea of celibacy. Although i know for people who have trouble with restriction it is better to marry. But i just find it easier to think it is evil so that i can live easier that way.


The Church does indeed wish for abstinence until marriage, but this isn't because sex is evil and it just magically becomes not evil once wed. It's to discourage the abuse of one's body and the reckless abandon of youthful passion rather than true love. My parents were not wed when they fist laid with each other (at least I strongly suspect they weren't) yet they did marry and birthed me into a happy union that remains such to this day.


In the spirit of them and good Christian conduct, I will try to remain abstinent until married. This is not a burden to me though and I don't see sexual desire as a vice because it just means you are that much in love with the person, as long as that passion is tempered by patience and not driven at the expense of your loved one, it's not the least bit sinful it's beautiful.


Now being single since high school . . . THAT is a cross to bear!

Edited by Steel Accord
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Actually, the only folks Jesus treated really harshly were the religious zealots of his day, who were often hypocritical and critical of others.  And the money changers in the temple, when he drove them from the temple.  For context, the jewish religious leadership of the time had said that no foreign money was acceptable in the temple, and so forced people who came to the temple to exchange money at an unfavorable rate, so that they could make more money out of the exchange.


For the first, he told them in Matthew 9:13, and he was quoting Hosea 6:6 when he spoke the words:

But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."


For the second Jesus drove the money changers from the temple, he was quoting Isaiah 56:7 and Jeremiah 7:11 

"It is written," he said to them, "'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers.'"


Actually, if you study much of what the Lord said, he would often quote or teach scripture in ways that people didn't understand it before, which is why he amazed the people at the time.  'For he spoke as one having authority'


Now, regarding the matter of lust and other sins..   there are depths to one's life within Christ, at these depths, what seems to be a problem at one will become less one as you seek to draw nearer to God, trust Him, for He always knows what he is doing, and He's always willing to cleanse sin from your life, if your willing to listen to his voice, and align your will and heart with his..  

Edited by Reading Heart
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I attend a Southern Baptist church but I may be going to a Methodist church at some point. Personally, I don't like all the divisions in the churches and I feel like we need to work together more instead of debating unimportant theological points.


"But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless." Titus 3:9 NIV.

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