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The Chronicles of Rainbow Flameborn Dash


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I couldn't help but want to create my own interpretation of Rainbow Dash. I've tried to keep as faithful to the character as possible, and if you're wondering, my intention is to cover significant events during her life, pre-canon, canon and post-canon (as well as her Cutie Mark backstory).


It was six p.m. in the afternoon. Night was eclipsing its way over the pony kingdom of Equestria, its hold slowly strengthening. Yet despite night’s tight grip upon one’s surroundings, the feeling of most nights, including this particular one, was a feeling of tranquillity and peace. Night was the introvert to the day’s extrovert, or so Pegasus philosophy went.


It was on this particular night, when two Pegasi, Emerald Dash and Flameborn Dash sat with Zecora in the same room, in an exotic yet well-heated hut. Amidst their company was a newborn female foal (although Flameborn was keeping her warm in her hooves.) Zecora was a zebra, with tribal ear-rings and an odd symbol where a pony’s Cutie Mark would normally be. She had a persona that matched that of the night perfectly – she was introverted, with a peaceful aura, whilst at the same time, open with her thoughts.


(It should be noted that Zecora was not trusted by most ponies. The fact that these two trusted her indicated their education and level of class. Emerald Dash, although not noble-born, was of a scholarly background and had lived in Canterlot for several years). Flameborn Dash was born as Flameborn Skylighter, and the Skylighters were well known for many generations due to having brought some of the fiercest Pegasus warriors around.)


“Flameborn Dash, a mare so brash. The foal I shall need, so her mind I can read. Do not fret, o proudest mare, for my hooves give warm and tender care.” The zebra’s voice sounded deeply spiritual, even magical, as it sounded multi-layered, yet soothing and almost musical, with an unusual accent to accompany this. She was trustworthy though – Zecora said that the foal would be in warm hooves, and Zecora’s voice seemed to emit a relaxing ray of warmth.


Flameborn Dash was weak from the birth she had just given, yet the position of her cheeks made it clear for all to see that she was in a relaxed state of mind. “Here…” Emerald Dash, though not exactly sure how his mare was feeling, smiled as she spoke, for her voice sparkled with life even in its weak state.


“Flameborn is well, this a truth I tell.” Zecora’s relaxing words served almost as commentary, but it was relieving to hear nonetheless.


Emerald Dash was named because of the colour of his mane and tail, which were a metallic dark green. The overall feel was a strongly dynamic, but not aggressive presence. This combined with his body, which was deep blue in colour, and these two put together made him look rich: not as in wealthy, but deep and philosophical, internally strong-rooted, and yet, at the same time, fierce. His eyes were green, but glowing. In general, describing him as deep may have been an understatement – he was always somewhere below the surface, but had a very well-developed and intensive thought process, which was very well networked, but at the same time, flexible enough so as not to feel like a computer.


Meanwhile, Zecora studied the foal’s features very closely. “Her gaze is strong. She is deeply in-tune with her senses. Her mane it flares with energy, of power and light for all to see. (At this point, Zecora passively raised her voice and shut her eyes as she appeared to be entering some kind of trance, and the trance’s power could be recepted by touch as well as hearing. The trance brought a dreamy and sleep-inducing, yet pleasant sensation.) Strong of hoof, brave and bold, and passion from a heart of gold! Fighter-born, wild by dawn, she’ll never be a pawn!” At the end, Zecora opened her eyes once more.


“Yet, she will not be easy. She yearns to be free. She will feel unsettled, endangered and weak, if you don’t grant her what she seeks. And she is proud, perhaps too proud.” Zecora warned, now taking a more serious tone.


“Will we be proud of her? Does the good outweigh the bad?” Emerald asked, trying desperately to suppress any emotions in his voice, but not quite succeeding and bringing out faint worry.


“She means nothing but well, this for sure I can tell. She may not show her love for ye, but proud of ye she’ll always be. Ye soon shall be just as proud, this I am sure – I have no doubt.”


Energy was slowly recharging through Flameborn’s veins, as she now spoke – “Seems you’ll have more than one strong female to handle.” She gave a smile as she said this.


Flameborn was a fierce mare, and by all accounts one of the best fighters that Cloudsdale had witnessed. It showed in her appearance – the most distinguishing of her features were her two dark rose-coloured eyes, which were far brighter than anypony else’s eyes should ever be. She had maintained this brightness even in her weakened state. Her mane and tail were orange, but a very reddish-orange, almost flamelike, a colour which makes one think of passion. Her body was a sun-like orange, radiating with just as much heat and energy. This powerful appearance was aided by her mighty wings, which were sharply angled like blades. Many Pegasi had very light and thin wings, but hers were tough and thick, and soared against the wind with ease. Her appearance was that of a warrior, and although as a mare this was not encouraged, she was needed. She looked far too strong for anypony to think twice about giving her military powers.


Emerald Dash laughed at what she had said only to follow this by quietly contemplating in his head whether this was a serious matter or something to laugh about. He’d come to the conclusion that it was the former.


Zecora interrupted them: “Perhaps ye wish to stay for tea, for all that I provide is free.”


Emerald Dash gave a prompt reply: “We would gladly do so.”


Flameborn spoke up, somewhat bluntly. “Zecora, when can you return the foal?” She was always somewhat blunt (for want of a better word) in conversation. She didn’t quite seem to understand the fine complexities of manners.


 “Flameborn, you may now have her back. For I now know her winding track.” Zecora said, handing over the newborn.


Flameborn turned to Emerald. “What name is she worthy of?”


Emerald replied, his thoughtstream speaking aloud: “She has a rainbow mane and tail, an undisputed rarity among ponies. Rainbows are filled with colour, these six colours reflecting a wide variety of tones and moods. It’s a spectrum of complexity, and rainbows are of intense beauty. I believe Rainbow should be her name. Rainbow Flameborn Dash.”


Flameborn replied: “Seems fitting. A truly awesome name, rather befitting for the daughter of one of Equestria’s finest warriors!”


“I only hope she’s more modest than her mother.” Emerald snarked.


Flameborn was typically belittling to anypony she ever spoke to. “Unlikely. And the mother is always right!” She attempted to stare down Emerald and frighten him into submission.


“Alright, you win this time. Stop rubbing it in everypony’s face.” Emerald said lightly.


“I do not rub stuff in everypony’s face! I just state the truth! False modesty doesn’t unveil a pony’s greatness!” Flameborn said, in a tone that created a thin line between joking and arguing, and nopony (or zebra) in the room could be sure which it was.


“You hate false modesty? Wouldn’t have guessed.” Emerald said, very obviously sarcastically.


Emerald was the notably softer of the two, but Flameborn (and Flameborn’s mind is the law here, because she dominated just about anything they ever did together) had nothing but utmost respect for him. Emerald was a highly intuitive figure, who was very analytical and a deep thinker. He always had a lot more in his mind than what he spoke. This latter point was made even stronger by the fact that he found it easy to analyze situations, but very difficult to come to any sort of conclusion. Hilariously enough to Flameborn, he was still quietly contemplating inside his head all of the potential problems that may be offered by his seemingly troublesome daughter, what may happen, how to solve it and whether or not this will actually do anything to solve the matter.


Flameborn did not want to get into a philosophical discussion with Emerald, least of all when Zecora was present. Whilst warmly holding Rainbow, she found a quick chance to change the subject:


“Hello, Emerald. Hello. What planet did you make it to?” She said somewhat mockingly. She was referring to one of Emerald’s psychological theories – his own idea that he had a vast solar system inside his head.


“Not one that I haven’t been to before.” Emerald replied, having a good laugh.


(She softened her voice, raising her pitch at the same time): “Rainbow, see Daddy over there? He’s always contemplating. Always contemplating, isn’t he?” Flameborn joked. She did this all the time.



Chapter 2: A Threat from the North-west




The pony kingdom of Equestria was vast. Earth ponies, Pegasi and unicorns all lived in harmony, each fulfilling a much needed role. Earth ponies were strong, and naturally durable, allowing them to be great farmers who provided food for the Pegasi and the Unicorns. Unicorns were scholarly and regal, with a strong sense of order that allowed them to handle their duties with maximum efficiency. They were also the only ones who had magic, allowing them to be specialized craftsponies. The Pegasi, who had wings were in charge of military duties. There were bands of Pegasi all over Equestria, with Cloudsdale as the Pegasus capital. Commander Windblazer of the Wonderbolts had been given an order by Princess Celestia to deal with a threat of wind demons from the north-west of Equestria.


He read the letter to himself:


“Dear Commander Windblazer,


An emergency has arisen in north-west Equestria.  Wind demons are ravaging the isle of Edonna, and we require an army to quell the masses. Gather no more than five of the hardiest warriors, but nothing less than the hardiest warriors we have. Immediate action is required. Signed: Princess Celestia.”


And there was nothing more. Nonetheless, Commander Windblazer knew exactly who he wanted for this mission. Young fellow Wonderbolts Spitfire and Soarin’, great warrior Brazen Skylighter, Brazen’s sister Flameborn Dash and an old friend of Windblazer’s, Thunderblade (he had considered Emerald Dash, but as Rainbow was still only a foal this was not possible). Commander Windblazer believed that they were the five mightiest Pegasi in Cloudsdale, and soon they would be put to the test.


With no further delay, Commander Windblazer flapped his wings, and took off to immediately inform his chosen five. Within fifteen minutes, they were off to the island of Edonna. It was a magnificent sight, to see six of the best fliers racing to their destination – or at least it looked as though they were racing. Furious turbulence was created behind them, knocking out any onlookers. They every so often moved sideways to avoid strong wind zones (and hoping not to collide with anypony in the process). The image of six of the fastest fliers, six of the most daring warriors, as friends, side by side, wind in their manes as they fly together on their adventure undoubtedly brought strong and moving feelings all through the witness. It felt like romance, except without lovers. There was no disputing the power of friendship. Some said that friendship was magic, and the saying may’ve seemed crazy at first, but if one sat down to think about it, it would not be long before one realized how true the saying was. Without friends and loved ones, there would be no reason to live life. (Emerald and Flameborn had taught this to Rainbow, and while at just under two years, she was far too young to understand it, both her parents were sure that the phrase would subconsciously etch itself inside Rainbow’s mind.)

It was a long journey to the island of Edonna, one that for most Pegasi, was far too aggressive upon one’s wings and hooves (perhaps surprisingly, most Pegasi were not strong fliers). They would either fall short of strength or short of stamina (or in many cases, both). The ideal flying directions depended on the wind, and one had to be alert to make sure that they were taking the line with the least turbulence, whilst still travelling in the right direction. One had to pay close attention to avoid being caught up in turbulence, as the directions of wind could change whenever they liked, and sometimes without warning. Tornadoes often lay ahoof as well, and they could easily slaughter Pegasi, for if a Pegasus ended up on the inside of one, they would lose all their flight control, and consequently be thrown wherever the laws of physics pleased, wings battered and hooves limp.


The six Pegasi arrived at their destination. The island of Edonna was sparsely populated, with no border patrol. Yet there were ponies who lived here – and ponies of all three varieties, albeit few. There was, however, a vital reason to keep Edonna defended. The island was a rich source of a very precious gem – sapphire, as well as being rich in gold ore. Princess Celestia could not, if Equestria were to continue functioning properly, allow this island to fall to the wind demons. The six studied the skies to see if they could spot any influence of disorder around.


“Anypony see any unusual wind levels?” Commander Windblazer asked, his voice very serious, yet he spoke on a steeply rising intonation, which made his voice sound slightly concerned.


All six looked around, but none of them could see anything. Commander Windblazer, sensing this, gave a quick order. “Spitfire and Soarin’, we shall scale this island together clockwise. The rest of you, scale anti-clockwise together. If you find the wind demons, shout to me. We’ll do the same in our case. Everypony understand?”


“Yes, sir,” was the response of the other five, all spoken in unison. Without another word, the six scaled the island, saying nothing to one another, but their faces, mouths slightly open and teeth gritted indicated nothing other than fiercely intensive focus, trying to spot the smallest of oddities in the sky.


Soon enough, Flameborn Dash, Thunderblade and Brazen Skylighter believed themselves to have located the wind demons. Brazen Skylighter, with his very keen eyesight spotted some seemingly un-naturally strong winds over to his left.


“I think I’ve found them!” Brazen Skylighter called out to Flameborn and Thunderblade.


“Where?” Flameborn Dash asked.


“Over to the left. Follow me!” Brazen did not wait for their response before making the charge. Nonetheless, as the three of them moved together, the grotesque faces of wind demons (and they seemed to have no bodies) were now clearly visible. They were a company of five clones, roughly ten feet tall, with stone black eyes, bumpy foreheads and mouths that resembled black holes, and they were far removed from any sense of civilization. Wind demons were as cold on the inside as they were on the outside – should a pony come into contact with one, there was no avoiding imminent death from hypothermia. They bathed within mercilessly strong and cold winds, themselves far removed from any civilization or comfort. Their force field of wind – which was a circle of roughly a twenty-five metre radius, could safely have been called a death zone.

“Fire can damage wind demons easily. I’m going in first!” Flameborn Dash shouted fearlessly, and dived straight into their force field. She was now flying at full speed, leaving behind a magnificent and warming trail of fire behind. She spent half a second studying the wind demons (and no more), and without further delay whirled around one of them, creating a ring of fire. She rose up, and flew less than a metre above a wind demon, praying that she had not misjudged her distance. The flame from her trail touched the wind demon’s head, and with a blood-curdling cry of pain, the wind demon vanished. Flameborn shook, but it was impossible to notice as she continued her flaming flight within the force field, seemingly immune to the effects of the mighty winds. She zoomed in all directions in an attempt to confuse the wind demons. The line she had taken led perfectly to taking out the second wind demon, which was seemingly a clone of the first one. She created her ring of flame once more, sealing the demon’s chances of escape. She opted to dive below the demon this time, roughly a quarter of a metre away from its minimum point. Once again, the demon let out a cry of pain, but this time Flameborn had hardly heard it due to the intensity of the winds around her.


Three wind demons remained, with three Pegasi to bring their doom. Thunderblade was now directly above the death zone, attempting to use rainclouds to bring a lightning bolt upon one of the wind demons. The demon seemed oblivious to this, refusing to look anywhere outside of its home. Thunderblade jumped upon the cloud, sending a deathbolt to fall upon the wind demon. One more wind demon fell away, leaving only two. Meanwhile, Brazen Skylighter was now in the wind demon’s force field also, and his presence combined with Flameborn’s was bringing heat into the twenty-five metre circle of doom. Thunderblade took another cloud, and set that one to bring a storm upon a wind demon, to which it did. A loud bolt, yet inaudible within the crescendo of wind drove itself through one of the remaining wind demons. Flameborn had the last one in her sights, as she proceeded to create her ring of fire around the demon, to once again burn its forehead. The last demon had been vanquished. But all was not well, as the last demon had been forming a tornado within these winds. It had not fully formed until after the demon had met its doom, and Flameborn Dash was stuck inside of it. She helplessly screamed, but there was nothing she could do. The winds ravaged her wings and hooves, throwing her from high in the skies to a groundbound plummet. There was no escaping this fate. The tornado disintegrated much like the wind demons, but that was now besides the point. Thunderblade and Brazen Skylighter raced over to Flameborn Dash, who was lying on the ground, with the brightness of her rose eyes having almost completely disappeared. Commander Windblade’s party had also now located the wind demons, and the five Pegasi stood together, unable to believe their eyes. Flameborn Dash? Defeated? She’d always seemed far too tough for one to even think about her dying.


“Don’t mourn me, friends. Rather, remember me as a fine warrior who fulfilled their duty. I always dreamed of being a heroine, and I’m proud of my bravery. Have you ever seen me cry? I doubt it. Rather, ask yourselves, what would a brave pony like Flameborn Skylighter do? (Her voice weakened) Emerald, don’t let my death tie you down! And I don’t doubt you, Rainbow. I… know you’ll… be… strong.” Without a further word, she passed away. Her words upon death, telling the others not to mourn her made the death even more sorrowful. Flameborn, brave, strong, brimming with life, boisterous, yet kind-hearted, with undying loyalty. Everypony loved her for her free spirit. Trying to imagine an Equestria without her was unbearable, and something that nopony was brave enough to do.

Edited by Redthir
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