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My dad doesn't know because I don't live with him... But I think he'd like it because when I did live with him his favourite cartoons were the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends... My older brother doesn't live with me either, but he has seen my wallpapers on every device I have so I think he has a pretty good idea... As for the rest of my family, my other brother's a brony too, but doesn't participate in the forums or anything, just watches it. My mum doesn't care, but she refuses to watch an episode. She thinks I'm too old to be watching it, though.  <_<

Meh, I can bet soon she'll join the herd! :)

Edited by 20%CoolerMuffins


~Sig by Kyoshi. ;)

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My mom's absolutely cool with it. Totally accepting. I've showed her about 2, maybe 3 episodes so far, if you count jumping the video around to just show the highlights as really an 'episode'. Her favorite pony is Applejack. Ironically, I suspect. She makes jokes about it and the ponies I like, though in a completely friendly manner. I'm grateful to her.

My father, on the other hand, does not care in the slightest. He knows, of that I'm certain. I don't know when he found out. I think my mom told him, or he overheard a conversation, saw me watching them, something like that. However, I have heard him say literally nothing on the subject. I imagine he just thinks it's a phase of some sort and lumps it together with everything else I watch.

I don't live with my much-older brother, but I can accurately depict his reaction, I think. He'd say something like "My Little Pony? You know that's a kid's show, right, big girl?" and shove my shoulder or something. Then I assume he'd be fine with it. He's a chill guy.

  • Brohoof 1
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My brother has only seen a few episodes and while he says that they're good, he compares the bronies to the sonic fanbase and labels them all as autistic retards. My older sister just thinks it's weird, and will always send me pictures of pegasisters with a caption reading "hey Christian, I found your wife!"


My step father and mom think I'm some gay virgin, which little do they know that both of those aren't true. My actual father sounded actually perfectly fine with it when I told him, and I'm sure that if he watched an episode himself he would love it. Haven't tried my step mother yet but she's kind of, you know...


Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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My dad will one day hop onto the internet and become "BronyDadVA". My mom makes Pinkie Pie jokes near constantly, and both of them don't approve of my fraternizing with adult men on websites, due to my unfortunate age and gender. I have yet to be abducted, guys...

  • Brohoof 1


no rest for the wizardly.

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Both my parents know about it. I think my dad tries to avoid talking about it and I humor him. I like to talk to my mom about it though. I've showed her some clips (such as the RD/Fluttershy "...yay..." clip) and she thought they were pretty cute. I think it's actually good for my mom to know I like them because she's not too keen about me growing up quite yet. It lets her go back to the days before I started listening to heavy metal, cursing, and trying to stay out of the house as much as possible.


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its so clear!  my sister hates it my other members thought it was blobs of goo dancing and talking while swiming........ yeah..................... um.................... * cuts the ice* BRONIES UNITE!!!!! Erm.............. haha.... ignore my blobs of goo thing



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Seems like my family doesn't really mind. My mom thinks its just a fad just like Pokemon  even though i still play the first two generations from time to time. I'm not so sure what my dad thinks, pretty sure he just ignores it. My youngest brother knows about the show and only about Rainbow Dash. My middle brother doesn't want anything to do with the show.

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Well, my dad has no opinion on the matter. My step-mom is a fan.. well.. she liked gen 1 (has a few of the ponies tattooed on her thigh). My step sister loves it, but not as much as I do. My brother and step brother tease me, but sibling teasing. And my boyfriend is a brony, so Yay! 


Although my Mother, who passed away in September of 2011, would have teased me and not been so open I think.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm an only child, and I live with my mom and dad. They both like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I don't think they love it as much as I do, but they did like the episodes I showed them (especially A Canterlot Wedding Parts 1 and 2, and The Crystal Empire Parts 1 and 2). I've also talked to them about why I love the show so much, and they're supportive of me, and think it's good that I like MLP. 


4 of my best friends at school also love the show. I'm very blessed to have friends and family who are not only understanding, but like the show too. I know that many people don't have that. 


If anyone, family or otherwise, ever tries to make you feel bad about liking MLP, just don't listen to them. It's not your fault if they choose to be close minded and judgmental about this.

Edited by SCS
  • Brohoof 2



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My mom's fine with it. I even got her to watch an episode and she said it was cleverly written. My dad thinks the shows "trippy", but I think he still likes it.

  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I have a cousin who is marginally interested in the show and his wife is getting more and more into it. The rest of my family, my parents included, don't care one way or the other.

Edited by Artemis
  • Brohoof 2


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Pretty neutral, they don't really care, my sister likes mlp pretty alright, but she isn't as into it as me. My parents even got me a couple of blind bags in my stocking for Christmas. Honestly I don't see why anyone would make a big deal out of the show or someone liking it.

  • Brohoof 1

I may have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night - El-P

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My mom knows and she is fine with it, it's nice to have her support! Nobody else knows though, just my mom, you wouldn't know I liked the show if you saw me, don't have any shirts or anything.

  • Brohoof 1




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Im not entirely sure if my parents know or not but I dont make any effort to hide it, Im 22 I got my own place a few years back so the opinion of my parents really doesn't matter to me any more, They can say what ever they want and I will tell them to get out of my house because I dont take s**t from them anymore, 20 years of being told your a failure and a disappointment and you will never be as successful as your sister really gets you down after a while so for all I care they can just keep on walking.

  • Brohoof 1
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My dad knows about it, but I don't think he minds. Every once and a while he'll make a joke about it or something.


My mom on the other hand I haven't officially told her, but my computer I have at my mom's house is completely ponified from top to bottom, so she's probably noticed some thing's off. I think the first time I ever saw the show I was watching it on a laptop in the living room. She saw the screen and naturally assumed it was some vulgar parody or something.


Rarity is best pony.

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"In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. But in the darkness the one man holding a candle is a target."

-Michael Grant, Fear

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All of my family knows. It's not as though I can keep it a secret, since the only TV in my house is in a very open area, as is my computer.

When I first tried watching it after people recommended it to me, I just recorded it and watched it in the morning before everyone got up.

Before finishing it, some of my family awoke and thought it was extremely weird.

I went on watching it for a about a week, when my eldest brother found out he thought it was aweful that I liked it, and so he made me watch action movies.

Though, my mom was surprised at first, she seemed like she was going to be okay with it, then later she though it was too weird and banned it.

I had only seen a few episodes by then, but I was really liking it.

Five months later, she read one of those wonderful positive news articles about bronies and showed me because I used to watch it. Then she let me watch it again.

After that I went full pony.


she's okay with it, thinks it's funny now, eldest brother still doesn't like that I like it, my sister kind half likes it, and my two younger brothers like it somewhat, but the youngest constantly criticizes parts of it and thinks it's silly.

He doesn't look up fan videos though. He thinks that the fandom is better than the show.

  • Brohoof 1

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All of my family knows. It's not as though I can keep it a secret, since the only TV in my house is in a very open area, as is my computer.

When I first tried watching it after people recommended it to me, I just recorded it and watched it in the morning before everyone got up.

Before finishing it, some of my family awoke and thought it was extremely weird.

I went on watching it for a about a week, when my eldest brother found out he thought it was aweful that I liked it, and so he made me watch action movies.

Though, my mom was surprised at first, she seemed like she was going to be okay with it, then later she though it was too weird and banned it.

I had only seen a few episodes by then, but I was really liking it.

Five months later, she read one of those wonderful positive news articles about bronies and showed me because I used to watch it. Then she let me watch it again.

After that I went full pony.


she's okay with it, thinks it's funny now, eldest brother still doesn't like that I like it, my sister kind half likes it, and my two younger brothers like it somewhat, but the youngest constantly criticizes parts of it and thinks it's silly.

He doesn't look up fan videos though. He thinks that the fandom is better than the show.

Just curious where was the article and what'd did it say? Thanks! C: also I was wondering is it/ was it online? If so do you have a link and lol I think what your brother did was funny

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My Family has no say so to what I watch. And I could careless for what they think about me watching POnies. Hell I aint hurtin anybody am I? Come On~!!! :P

Edited by Soarin The Dark

Want me to fly around the world **doesn't move** Wanta see me do it again ?

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Let the story begin :).


About a week after discovering the magic of friendship and the general amazingness of cyan pegasi, I lent my brother my phone so he could Google something. We had a conversation something like this;


My Brother "LOL, why do you have a rainbow pony saluting the American flag as the background of your phone?"


Me "Watch an episode of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic and find out"


So my brother and sister were generally weirded out by my interest in the show but they were curious and watched the first couple of episodes and they were hooked. I rewatched the entire series with them and now we watch the new episodes together every Saturday :). My brother's favorite characters are Rainbow Dash and Twilight and my sister's are Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. My brother isn't involved in the fandom at all, but my sister reads fanfics occasionally. She's one of the biggest Scootalove fans that ever lived :).


As for my mom, about the same time she heard a program on NPR about MLP. I found the timing to be very suspicious but I told her I was a fan. She really doesn't seem to care, I don't know if she understands it but she's completely fine with it.


Honestly I'm not sure about my dad. One time when we were watching an episode on my phone he suspiciously hovered in the room flipping through a Lynyrd Skynyrd guitar tab book when he's never played guitar in his life. I don't think he likes it, but he doesn't feel strongly enough to confront me about it. He respects that I like what I like. One a happier note, he complimented a fanmade song when it came up on shuffle yesterday so bonus points :).

Edited by DashForever
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I started playing M-rated games when I was six years old. Needless to say my parents never really cared about what games I played yet restricted a lot of TV stuff, hehe. I turned out just fine.

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Well my family knows, I was being all secretive when I started out and my aunt walked in on me watching it. So I covered up the screen and closed it without trying to be too suspicious. She thought I was doing Quote unquote "Bad boy stuff" lol. So by the end of the next day my parents were home and she told them I had a secret so they pried and pried until eventually my Uncle actually guessed it. So I told em he was right, there's still a bit of teasing but overally they don't really care. I even watch it with my little cousin sometimes.


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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Well my mom wouldn't see why I like the show. She doesn't know yet, but considering that once she Discouraged me from buying a cartoon series box set, she won't be excited.


My younger sibilings know and actually like the show. My younger sister in fact loved it from the first episode. My younger brothers got some time getting used to it, but they warmed up to it.

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Just curious where was the article and what'd did it say? Thanks! C: also I was wondering is it/ was it online? If so do you have a link and lol I think what your brother did was funny


I don't remember.

It was back in November 2011.

So it was a while ago, I don't really remember it that well, or what it said. But positive things were a lot more rare back then.

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