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Hypnotize yourself to be a pony, links included

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Well when i'm aware i do act like like fluttershy a little bit. It's hard for me to say what i feel/don't feel since most of the times i was in the fluttershy state i can't remember what happens (as seen in some of my posts with TSG)

I tried fluttershy last night and vinyl this morning. I don't think it worked as well as it could have because I didn't use my headset but now I feel like playing videogames even though I have morning grogginess lol. 


edit: Oh and um I believe fluttershy is a great choice http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A43006-2005Jan2.html compassion meditation is great for the brain and stuff. And from what I gather its basically 'chi' for compassion, except chi scientifically I found is actually neural readiness. Like visualization can increase strength, from the increased nerve activity to the muscle studies have shown. So I am positive its something like that. But yeah, compassion, hm. I don't know lol exactly how it'd work since its not like simply a muscle ya know? Oh and compassionate people tend to be smarter and healthier. 


And this morning when I tried Vinyl and when they reached the hooves part I was like, nope I am anthro not pony lol.

Good night everypony. I'm going to do another session tonight before bed. Hopefully i have some more interesting things to share tomorrow. Who lnows maybe fluttershy may post here again......actually right now it feels like the room is spinning and i think i feel my tail again


Ok so my left hand is a hoof again. :squee:

Um, psychologically speaking spinning has to do with the motor cortex or the pre-frontal cortex from what I recall. And hands have to do largely with the pre-frontal cortex evolution so it is probably from the changes. Just be sure when you are a human you retain some ability to use your hands lol, I don't think its wise to um, lose function, but gaining function is awesome too, so yeah I guess it depends how you approach it maybe.

Edited by MostBrainWhyYes

What evidence could be for a god? Because, if god can do anything, surely a lesser being relative to god, could still trick humans without fail if they wanted to. Which means, a being that appears to be god, may not be god. So even if god showed up in person doing anything and everything, for all you know it could be a demon casting illusions or your brain plugged into the matrix. Just because it claims to be a god, does not mean it is. Thus, there is never evidence enough for a god. Which means you cannot have an accurate reason for believing in god.


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I tried fluttershy last night and vinyl this morning. I don't think it worked as well as it could have because I didn't use my headset but now I feel like playing videogames even though I have morning grogginess lol. 


edit: Oh and um I believe fluttershy is a great choice http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A43006-2005Jan2.html compassion meditation is great for the brain and stuff. And from what I gather its basically 'chi' for compassion, except chi scientifically I found is actually neural readiness. Like visualization can increase strength, from the increased nerve activity to the muscle studies have shown. So I am positive its something like that. But yeah, compassion, hm. I don't know lol exactly how it'd work since its not like simply a muscle ya know? Oh and compassionate people tend to be smarter and healthier. 


And this morning when I tried Vinyl and when they reached the hooves part I was like, nope I am anthro not pony lol.

Um, psychologically speaking spinning has to do with the motor cortex or the pre-frontal cortex from what I recall. And hands have to do largely with the pre-frontal cortex evolution so it is probably from the changes. Just be sure when you are a human you retain some ability to use your hands lol, I don't think its wise to um, lose function, but gaining function is awesome too, so yeah I guess it depends how you approach it maybe.


Reset files in between helps.




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Reset files in between helps.

Imma be honest, different types of hypnotization have not worked on me before, all they ever accomplished was me relaxing, or staying up past my bed time and losing sleep lol. The reset was relaxing but I prefer just to repeat it perhaps. Why try and give up what accomplishments I had? But I am very experimental. But, I do view the 17 minute reset file to be a little long to do between each pony. But if I ever reach a state where I do feel a trance or something more significant then I will employ the reset. I went ahead and tried each on youtube except Shining Armor's lol. Its my fault for not taking it seriously enough perhaps, I let myself get distracted honestly and in not perfect conditions, but it takes a long time for results from what I have read. So I am not going to be worried about it until theres significant progress.

Can someone please help me out and give me the links to the hypnosis?? I'd like to try it out for sure, but I can't find the links. (even though I signed up for the forums). Thanks so much!

Let me know how long it takes/took for them to allow you access, I tried signing up too, just now.

What evidence could be for a god? Because, if god can do anything, surely a lesser being relative to god, could still trick humans without fail if they wanted to. Which means, a being that appears to be god, may not be god. So even if god showed up in person doing anything and everything, for all you know it could be a demon casting illusions or your brain plugged into the matrix. Just because it claims to be a god, does not mean it is. Thus, there is never evidence enough for a god. Which means you cannot have an accurate reason for believing in god.


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Imma be honest, different types of hypnotization have not worked on me before, all they ever accomplished was me relaxing, or staying up past my bed time and losing sleep lol. The reset was relaxing but I prefer just to repeat it perhaps. Why try and give up what accomplishments I had?

Use the reset. Do not switch between ponies every other file, whether or not they seem to affect you at all. The files still affect you. Even if you don't notice it. I shall ask you: Why risk EKP?

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Use the reset. Do not switch between ponies every other file, whether or not they seem to affect you at all. The files still affect you. Even if you don't notice it. I shall ask you: Why risk EKP?

I do not know that short hand. But I will reply to the best of my ability lol. Um, this is more interesting than the usual stuff. I did reset, after trying like each shorter vid on youtube. Um, To be honest I was playing a videogame at the same time for most of them. I did notice changes of course, but they weren't very long lived. Why am I taking this risk? Um. Well aside from it being more interesting, I would learn a thing or two. And I am not easily satisfied with one type of pony. Rarity is more complex than most ponies however, so I might enjoy hers. Twilight has anxiety, stays up too late, lack of exercise. I am not sure she is for me. Oh and I am an impatient kind of person really. Which is not good for when I try projects. But idk, I figure changing my day by day stuff would be a good thing. I am only joining the site to see what they offer that is not on youtube really, secondarily journals, tertiary communications. But I might want changeling. Except, I am afraid they might be you know, sociopathic or something. But all I need to do is figure out which ones I like, and stick with those ones lol. I might write my own for my own character. Honestly I do have great ideas, I would never settle for just ponies even if they have great personalities. But I am not much for thinking of interesting characters usually. So borrowing alot of desirable traits would be interesting if I wrote my own. Then all I need to do is download one for its music, and read my words on some program over and over. Then I will probably try that one. 


But if they don't offer Luna Discord or Celestia that makes plenty of sense. Don't need manic people, or people with delusions of grandeur I suppose or they might get themselves into a dangerous situation. Idk, lol, theres a reason why they say you need to be an adult to try it after all. And I have some experience with alterations to psychology, so I know the risks, but going into winter I face those risks anyways, so I don't care, as long as I do my best.


I figure trying new stuff is good if its low risk. But other stuff, idk, Im sort of anti-social and don't pursue goals and am not very open with people offline at all. 


So I figure it might be worth trying an outgoing pony. Pinkie is awesome. Rarity and Fluttershy are also awesome for other psychological reasons. 


But yeah I grew up with a wild imagination. It'd be hard to convince me to lower my aim. But of course because as I said I get impatient I might be too lazy to bother typing out my own version. But naw, its easier than downloading a ton of programs to make music so i am sure I would lol.



Also when I say going into winter I have to deal with that stuff anyways I mean, during the last few winters I get some form of undesirable psychological traits usually. Such as lack of ability to concentrate, some paranoia. So yeah, idk, this is alot more fascinating than, idk, the rest of the world is too simple. If I work hard enough and smart enough at anything I can succeed, with some exceptions such as I lacked practice of whatever I choose for the majority of my life. At least gamers learn faster than others lol. I have that going for me.

And maybe because I don't think I am perfect.

I um, I don't know, sometimes I just dislike my life. I know this could be some form of escapism but if theres positive change theres positive change but I mean, even with minor changes, will my lifestyle change? I am not sure, that is what I meant by no change yet, really. I am aware I may have sounded contradictory, so I want to clear that up by posting this as well lol. But without this form of escapism there are others. And how knows, this might empower me, or humor/amuse me. The changes. I don't know. But I believe in logic honestly. Even if i make some emotional decisions lol.

What evidence could be for a god? Because, if god can do anything, surely a lesser being relative to god, could still trick humans without fail if they wanted to. Which means, a being that appears to be god, may not be god. So even if god showed up in person doing anything and everything, for all you know it could be a demon casting illusions or your brain plugged into the matrix. Just because it claims to be a god, does not mean it is. Thus, there is never evidence enough for a god. Which means you cannot have an accurate reason for believing in god.


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Good morning everypony so i just woke up and i still feel a little bit like fluttershy. I started hearing birds chirping outside and i started reacting to that by going up to the window and saying good morning to them. Also i started singing " music in the treetops" randomly. There were 2 funny/weird moments i experience:

1. Going back to last night when i was sleeping i had a dream that i was in equestria and that i was fluttershy and that i was pretty much going through her daily routines (caring for animals, meeting with the rest of the mane 6, etc...).


2.i had my hand in a cereal box trying to open the bag inside when my hand got stuck. I responded by saying "dang it my hoof got stuck again"


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This morning at about 3:11, I tried the Twilight file again. Unfortunately, before I could even finish it, I fell asleep.

3:11 in the morning. Yeah that might not be the best time to do it.


So i'm watching the MLP Mega Mare-A-Thon right now and it is showing "Dragonshy" now. I'm going to see if this can trigger the hypnosis


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Hey, guys? What hypnosis should I start with? I mean, like, which one was the easiest to work.

Rarity is the best thing in my life.


Where would I be without her? Nowhere I'd like to be, that's for sure.

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From my experiences nothing happens

Me, personally, I woke up with minimal effects (occasionally feeling like I had hooves, felt like a pony lying on her back, muzzle feeling) sometimes you won't notice effects until they seem to disappear (like when my eyes suddenly start to shrink a bit). 

Is that so. I might try this then, just to say I did. 

Edited by Lord Megatron


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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I think people work easier with Fluttershy because meditations tend to be more peaceful and hers is described more as peaceful than the other ponies. But it might be some other factor. Anyways I tried the ear one now, three times in a row. Some momentum effects, and sorta misunderstanding where my normal ears are. And my normal ears feel a little warm but they feel higher up. Of course when I touch them they are in their normal spot. 

What evidence could be for a god? Because, if god can do anything, surely a lesser being relative to god, could still trick humans without fail if they wanted to. Which means, a being that appears to be god, may not be god. So even if god showed up in person doing anything and everything, for all you know it could be a demon casting illusions or your brain plugged into the matrix. Just because it claims to be a god, does not mean it is. Thus, there is never evidence enough for a god. Which means you cannot have an accurate reason for believing in god.


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Fun fact, when I started a long time ago, Twilight seemed to be the most successful pony. It just happens to be that the most successful pony right now around here seems to be a Fluttershy, though looking around other sites, that's a different case.

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Fun fact, when I started a long time ago, Twilight seemed to be the most successful pony. It just happens to be that the most successful pony right now around here seems to be a Fluttershy, though looking around other sites, that's a different case.

Maybe it has to do with group-think. One person reporting it to be effective, causes more people to fall in line with that assumption, when it may have even been an uncounted for outside factor.

What evidence could be for a god? Because, if god can do anything, surely a lesser being relative to god, could still trick humans without fail if they wanted to. Which means, a being that appears to be god, may not be god. So even if god showed up in person doing anything and everything, for all you know it could be a demon casting illusions or your brain plugged into the matrix. Just because it claims to be a god, does not mean it is. Thus, there is never evidence enough for a god. Which means you cannot have an accurate reason for believing in god.


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Later today, apparently.

I'm going to be back home in about 2 hours. Just trying to get back home from the movies and I need to stop by a few places on the way


Alright so i'm almost home and for some reason i can't think of any good questions to ask fluttershy. Any ideas on some questions?


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