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This might be one of my favourite Rarity scenes ever. When I first watched it, I genuinely thought it was AJ. Rarity was so awesome/ AJlike at the challenges and ready to 'throw down' that I didn't even notice the eye colour. :lol: Sweetie Belle/Rarity moments are some of the best in the show :D

Love how she emerges looking fabulous too :D


Am I the only one who reacted like this when she flicked off the mud?:



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Rarity going for a ride.







Sidesaddle of course, like the true lady she is. :proud:


Twilight is happy to grand her this wish, as everypony would. Raritys wishes should always be respected, for she deserves every last of them to become true. A generous, gorgeous and lovely pony like she is should always be happy... And i for one would do everything to make her happy.post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png

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Confession: I love Simple Ways and it's among my most rewatched episodes because I found Rarihick to be insanely attractive. 



Well, you are not the only one...







You guys probably cannot hear the praise i have for Rarihick anymore, but it is the ultimate proof how gorgeous she truly is. Something that Rarity fans always knew of course.


Many other bronies thought that without her makeup, her fancy manestyle and her clothes, Rarity would not be beautiful. Am absurdity to even consider such a thing! But in Simple Ways she showed her incredible natural beauty, as if she wanted to say: "Look at me! This is how i am! This is Rarity! This is what lays within."


And Simple Ways Rarity is a rarity indeed... All natural, pristine, pure beauty. Again, a mirror of her heart... Rarity does not need to try to look beautiful... She needs to try to look not lovely... Something she will never succeed in though, for she is loveliness ponyfied!












Rarity is the definition of pony beauty, and she will always be the definition of pony beauty. May it be physical or spiritual... Nopony will ever come close...

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Well, you are not the only one...







You guys probably cannot hear the praise i have for Rarihick anymore, but it is the ultimate proof how gorgeous she truly is. Something that Rarity fans always knew of course.


Many other bronies thought that without her makeup, her fancy manestyle and her clothes, Rarity would not be beautiful. Am absurdity to even consider such a thing! But in Simple Ways she showed her incredible natural beauty, as if she wanted to say: "Look at me! This is how i am! This is Rarity! This is what lays within."


And Simple Ways Rarity is a rarity indeed... All natural, pristine, pure beauty. Again, a mirror of her heart... Rarity does not need to try to look beautiful... She needs to try to look not lovely... Something she will never succeed in though, for she is loveliness ponyfied!












Rarity is the definition of pony beauty, and she will always be the definition of pony beauty. May it be physical or spiritual... Nopony will ever come close...

This post though :wub:


So hot :wub:



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Confession: I love Simple Ways and it's among my most rewatched episodes because I found Rarihick to be insanely attractive. 





Fun fact is that Rarity's catch phrase in that one is said more than any other MLP related quote in my household. It's became almost a game to say it when it would be amusing ... which is to say when it doesn't make any damn sense to say it.



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Well, you are not the only one...







You guys probably cannot hear the praise i have for Rarihick anymore, but it is the ultimate proof how gorgeous she truly is. Something that Rarity fans always knew of course.


Many other bronies thought that without her makeup, her fancy manestyle and her clothes, Rarity would not be beautiful. Am absurdity to even consider such a thing! But in Simple Ways she showed her incredible natural beauty, as if she wanted to say: "Look at me! This is how i am! This is Rarity! This is what lays within."


And Simple Ways Rarity is a rarity indeed... All natural, pristine, pure beauty. Again, a mirror of her heart... Rarity does not need to try to look beautiful... She needs to try to look not lovely... Something she will never succeed in though, for she is loveliness ponyfied!












Rarity is the definition of pony beauty, and she will always be the definition of pony beauty. May it be physical or spiritual... Nopony will ever come close...


I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I'm glad to know that I am not alone! 

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I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I'm glad to know that I am not alone! 

Great that you too see the greatness that is Rarihick!post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png

One does not even need fanart to show her natural gorgeousness! These are screencaps from the show, i just turned the frown that she had in them upside down with photoshop.

So lovely...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png


What if Rarity shaved her head bald for charity?


I still think she looks beautiful.



Indeed she does... If Rarity is bad at something it is not looking smoking...post-25189-0-84775000-1405868619.png

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Many other bronies thought that without her makeup, her fancy manestyle and her clothes, Rarity would not be beautiful.

Really? I find her more beautiful without all that (especially her makeup, but I don't like makeup in general...)

I thought "Rarihick" was her cutest appearance so far.




I know, I'm weird. :P

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I'm *pretty* sure that's far from the case, my  man :D



Anyway, good morning, fan club! :D


I know we deemed Rarity to drink tea casually and to drink coffee while working, but what about after she wakes up every morning? I don't know if people drink tea when they wake up, but I can see Rares enjoying a cup with 4 cremes and 4 packets of sugar or something each morning :D
Also, found this on Derpibooru, thought it was neat :D


as a person that works at dunkin donuts I love anything to do with coffee so this speaks to my inner core of fabulous coffee barista

good late afternoon rarity fans :D sadly I might not be on as much since i'm being moved to work overnight shifts :'( and then school is coming up though I shall try my best to be on as much as possible I hope you all stay fabulous for the fall wallpaper_rarity_in_equestrian_fall_by_b

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Rarity <3 my favorite from the whole show.

I know right? She is so great!post-25189-0-84775000-1405868619.png



Please correct me if im wrong, bit i think i never saw you in here before... If so, i'd like to welcome you in the Sanctuary of Fabulosity! I hope you will like it here and have much fun together with us in worshipping the fabulous one!post-25189-0-19552400-1405868640.png

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Thankyou very much darling! c:

I will be drawing Rarity soon *v*b

Ooo, an artist among our ranks :D I've tried drawing Rarity a couple of times and it didn't work out :please:


If you draw her, please do share it with us! :D We love pics of Rarebear :wub:



Also, Obsidian made me this in Terraria in honor of  my 2,000th post in the fan club  :D Isn't it fabulous? :D



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