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Hello, Rarifans. :P I got a question for y'all.


What's your favourite Rarity episode? I'm writing my Top 10 pony episodes for a blog, and one thing I find surprising is that even if Rares is my favourite pony, I actually like a lot of Pinkie Pie episodes. :P


My favourite Rarity episode is Suited for Success. :D



Hmmm, that's a tough question... I can't really decide...



That pic reminds me of the Metal Mario stage from the first Super Smash Bros game. I even have the music in my head right now.

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Rarity helping Twilight shine.


For is there any other pony that knows better how to do it?


I doubt it... Rarity is a gleaming, pure, pristine diamond. She is always in the spotlight... The belle of the ball... as she deserves...

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Rarity helping Twilight shine.


For is there any other pony that knows better how to do it?


I doubt it... Rarity is a gleaming, pure, pristine diamond. She is always in the spotlight... The belle of the ball... as she deserves...

No matter what I do, no matter How many times I read it, no matter how hard i try, in all my knowledge, I can't fathom how you come up with such beautiful, descriptive, amazing words to tell of Rarity and all to other ponies. Bravo good sir,... bravo.

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No matter what I do, no matter How many times I read it, no matter how hard i try, in all my knowledge, I can't fathom how you come up with such beautiful, descriptive, amazing words to tell of Rarity and all to other ponies. Bravo good sir,... bravo.

Thank you.post-25189-0-45968200-1406310409.png


I dont think im pretty special in that regard, just trying to share my wub for Rarity. Glad it makes people as happy as it makes me.post-25189-0-36361500-1405868601.png

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Hey Jeric, I drew your avatar! Hope you enjoy it! :D




Im not Jeric, but that looks really good.post-25189-0-81299700-1405956169.png I wish i could draw... No talent for that sadly.


I was up pretty late, so have some adowable, wubable, cuddle-wuddle, sleepies Rarity!






She deserves her rest... Have sweet dreams princess...post-25189-0-19552400-1405868640.png


I wish you all the beautiful dreams imagineable...

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Hrrh ! it's cold outside =o




Rarity shall not be cold and get the sniffles! She shall be warm and comfy!




She looks so divine in the snow, btw... like a little winter princess...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png






Not even the snow is as shining and pristine as her flawless, pearl coat...

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Rarity shall not be cold and get the sniffles! She shall be warm and comfy!




She looks so divine in the snow, btw... like a little winter princess...






Not even the snow is as shining and pristine as her flawless, pearl coat...

Your post reminded me of Frozen.


Oh and good morning everypony.


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Its cold outside, so Rarity decided to snuggle her little, gorgeous body into her warm bed. She is still cold though...


Someone needs to cuddle her. post-25189-0-81299700-1405956169.png


Doubt there will be a shortage of volunteers... :pout:

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Its cold outside, so Rarity decided to snuggle her little, gorgeous body into her warm bed. She is still cold though...


Someone needs to cuddle her.


Doubt there will be a shortage of volunteers... :pout:

There'll be enough volunteers to build a house around her. :please:

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I'm sure no one noticed I was gone...But, I'm sorry for the long absence. I've been SOOO tied up with school and work lately and haven't had time for much extra. Speaking of school, I still suck at being an English major, but I'm going to stick with it. I was going to change, but changing to any other major would require a complete overhaul of my records, since I transferred in with an AA in English and a good handful of English credits as a result. Not that it mattes, I probably can't go back next semester anyway...I just don't have the money and financial aid simply doesn't want to help. I just keep getting, "too bad, so sad. The need is not there. Figure it out. Oh, BTW, sorry not sorry you're a white chick with a good family." Seriously, why do I have to be punished because my parents took care of me as a kid?! 


Anyway, I've been doing my best to stay fabulous, despite the bitter cold outside. And so has Rarity. The other day, she decided SHE wanted to be the princess.




And we are both eagerly waiting for BaB to release our Sunbutt Celestia. I'll take Rari with me and...it will probably go something like this...



Which would be my face if I met Natalie Dormer. (She's been on my mind a lot. I have a life plan that involves taking over the world with her by my side.)


But for anyone who cares, I am indeed alive and well! Just a bit swamped right now.


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Cuddlirity cuddling in her cuddly cuddlebed...






She looks so ravishing...


Her long, slender neck. Her entrancing, bright eyes. Her wittle, bumpable nosi... Her cute, nibbleable ears...post-25189-0-19552400-1405868640.png


How can anypony compare to her beauty? She is the defininition, the exemplar, the paragon of gorgeousness... But not only that... Her character is precious and sweet too... Sweet like nectar from the most lustrous, rare and lovely exotic flower...


A fitting comparison, for she is a true blossom of a pony...

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