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I made one simple gif, is just a start :D





Looks great, looking forward to more!post-25189-0-38363300-1413723863.png



Another lovely Rarivector!






Isn't she just the most gorgeous and delightful princess? Elegant and noble without limit...


I like how she positioned her hoofsie in this perfectly for us to kiss it...

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Obsidian the answer to your question yes without a doubt I mean I would be her first royal guard :)

YESSSSS! We must serve her.post-25189-0-31276000-1405956140.png


We must fulfill the wishes of our delicate mistress! Do as our queen desires.


She is a true princess... The definition of true noblility... She is so beautiful, elegant, benevolent, graceful... She may not have noble blood... But a heart as noble as the most lovely queen.


She is so worshipable...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png






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Couldn't agree more obsidian however I'm a pilot. So I can be here personal pilot and give her a personal plane or jet if I'm lucky :)

When I get my OC and I show him to all I might need someone to creat a rarity pilot uniform for my OC since his based on pilots and he is only an earth pony

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After a long search, Rarity finally finds the biggest diamond in equestria!






Although is is not nearly as big as Pealpones jewel of a heart...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png


For her heart is truly the most pure, passionate and lovely gem in existence...

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It's cold outside :D




I think Rarity would like winter :D It is a fabulous time of the year, with a lot of great fashion and a lot of giving - element of generosity is most generous pone :wub: 

I bet all her friends love winter time because of all the amazing gifts she must buy them :D She really likes to give all she can give, and I bet Christmas is no exception :D


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Another often forgotten moment of generosity!


Rarity gives Applejack a whole cart full of lovely fabric for her familiy reunion!


A lovely gift! And a gift it is! We never see any money exchange happen, and it is not something that Rarity would do, to let her friends pay for something like this. We also never actually see her even touch money, come to think of it... Because well, money is not important for Rarity! She likes rare and beautiful things, but not because they are expensive, but because they are lovely and gorgeous. (I guess she feels a certain kinship with them...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png)


We also see how much she likes to make things just perfect for her friends... how much she wants to give the best of the best to those she loves!


That bow really makes a difference, doesnt it? :proud:


And if that would not be enough Raritasticness, we also have heartmelting adorableness.post-25189-0-71790700-1413723875.png


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Yeah rarity on Black Friday, well she would be at the high end shops and not going to the more lower end shops, however she may give something to some poor person waiting in line for something to eat and something to wear for warmth

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Speaking of black friday...


Although Rarity is indefinitely more a creator than a consumer, she cannot help to get some beautiful things for herself and her friends, although im certain she would not really enjoy the fighting and shoving that happens on this day...

Seeing that she has that magical aura of beauty and grace though, the other shoppers would just make room for her... Amazed by her loveliness. :pout:


Also... Apples came prepared it seems... :wat:

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I haven't been here for a while, haven't I...

Hehe... xD My fault, sorry.


So I stopped by to say hello and I hope I'll overcome my laziness and support Rares as much as I can after supporting Lyra first.  :D



So how's everyone doing today? :D


I for one am doing fine i guess, how are you?


Also nice to see you again. Hope you drop by more often in the future. :pout:

Rarity hopes so too...


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The rare jack one is so funny but so true. I would be applejack and my mum would be rarity since my mum buys so much stuff and try's to be posh. But yeah loving the art and rarijack seems to be good :)

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=o Diamond Rurity!




Divine pony in shining outfit. Her eyes like big wide blue sapphire oceans post-28950-0-46282100-1413056515.png


Coat snow white and shiny as ice but still so silken soft wonder and fuzzy beauty <3


Her gorgeous face with that little of red shade on her fuzzy little cheek post-28950-0-67636300-1413056518.png



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=o Diamond Rurity!




Divine pony in shining outfit. Her eyes like big wide blue sapphire oceans


Coat snow white and shiny as ice but still so silken soft wonder and fuzzy beauty <3


Her gorgeous face with that little of red shade on her fuzzy little cheek



WOW! Thats a gorgeous one!post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png


She looks also really exotic.post-25189-0-81299700-1405956169.png


Maybe she is supposed to look like a Kirin or Quilin, a type of asian unicorn! The lovely gems on her bacl look a little like scales, and her tail looks swirly and curled, which are elements Kirins usually are depicted with.


Some fitting chinese Rarity!






She truly is the most gorgeous and delicate lotus blossom... China is a incredibly huge country, with limitless beautiful natural wonders and pieces of art, but they all pale in compareison to her...

The gorgeous princess in the forbidden palace... Not many manage to take a good look at her lovely vision, but those that do will never forget her flawlessness...

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