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Mareinthemoon :D She does commissions here on the forums, and I took advantage of the fact she was actively searching for work :D







Does she kinda have a smug look there? Don't know if thats intentional, but i love that... :lol:  I love the whole plushie! I wan't something like that so badly... :(


She needs her second tail though, she needs that for flying... :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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Does she kinda have a smug look there? Don't know if thats intentional, but i love that... :lol:  I love the whole plushie! I wan't something like that so badly... :(

I think the look on her face is sort of sexy, to be honest post-20419-0-04796100-1397332999.gif




She needs her second tail though, she needs that for flying... :lol:


Who needs that when she can just ride the star of fabulosity? :D



  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I think the look on her face is sort of sexy, to be honest 


Of course! Rarity has many talents, looking not sexy is not one of them. :wub:







A fact she knows to utilise... :lol:

  • Brohoof 2
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Of course! Rarity has many talents, looking not sexy is not one of them. :wub:







A fact she knows to utilise... :lol:

She's so beautiful :wub:


I can stare at her all day...:wub:




I had something to say after this, but this picture sort of made me forget  :blush: 

  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Hey guys and gals,

I'm going to add an editorial to my blog called "Is Rarity truly generous?"

I'm going to make some good points that will make these people that say "Rarity is too selfish" feel stupid. ;)

Edited by Percy
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I like my Nightmare Rarity more than the official comic one, but I'm biased towards awesome works done by geniuses


I like it, she looks like an older/Princess Rarity that has become Nightmare Rarity!

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Hey guys and gals,

I'm going to add an editorial to my blog called "Is Rarity truly generous?"

I'm going to make some good points that will make these people that say "Rarity is too selfish" feel stupid. ;)

We already have a whole list of that, to be honest.


S01E01: Friendship is Magic


Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane

S01E02: Friendship Is Magic


Cuts off her tail to give a monster or something the missing half of his mustache.


S01E11: Winter Wrap Up


After Twilight did a horrible job making a nest, she spent all of her time trying to fix her friend's mistake, putting her horribly behind quota.


S01E14: Suited For Success


Made all of her friends dresses for the gala free of charge, and they kept complaining about how they looked and how they wanted them to look, which made her dresses look horrible in front of some huge name in the fashion business.


S01E16: Sonic Rainboom


When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.


S01E20: Green isn't Your Color


Keeps quiet about her jealousy of Fluttershy's newfound fame in the fashion business, something she had been trying to accomplish before the show even started. After Fluttershy stumbles and trips on the runway and the crowd turns against her, Rarity begins cheering to save her friend, despite feeling it should've been her making it big instead of Fluttershy.


S01E25: A Party of One


Purposely ruins her mane, which she's extremely proud of, in order to keep Pinkie's surprise party a secret.


S02E05: Sisterhooves Social


After making a mistake in the way she took care of her sister, she hid IN MUD in order to complete a race with her sister for forgiveness, when all and all, it was just siblings fighting over trivial matters, like EVERY siblings do.


S02E08: Mysterious Mare Do Well


Makes 4 costumes for her friends to wear in their mission of bringing a borderlining on narcissism Rainbow Dash back down to earth.


S02E09: Sweet & Elite


When it came down to it, she chose her unsophisticated Ponyville friends over the Canterlot Ponies, who she had dreamt of fitting in with.


S02E10: Secret of My Excess


Spares the feelings of a horny baby dragon who stole half of the city and kidnapped her, even going as far to kiss him on the cheek.


S02E14: The Last Roundup


Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence.


S02E19: Putting Your Hoof Down


Tries helping Fluttershy learn how to stand up for herself, and welcomes Fluttershy back after she attacks her dreams.


S02E21: Dragon Quest


Attempts to stand up for Spike when the other 5 laugh at his apron. Creates a huge costume so RD, Twilight and herself could follow him to make sure he was alright. Stands directly behind Rainbow Dash's flank the entire time they're hiding, without complaining. Prepares to fight dragons in yet another attempt to stand up for Spike.


S02E25: A Canterlot Wedding


Makes a ton a fricken' dresses for the wedding, free of charge.


S03E01: The Crystal Empire


In order to buy time for Twilight, makes a bunch of hats and shit out of hay and straws. Does a very good job at it, I might add.


S03E12: Games Ponies Play


Takes the extremely difficult job of preparing Cadence's mane in the intricate detail it had to be done in, with only 15 minutes of time left. Also does a good job.


(Note: Rarity got screwed in Season 3. I assure you Season 4 will be different.)


Equestria Girls:


Makes dressed for them to all wear to the dance free of charge. Helps clean up the gym so Twilight could when the crown that night, despite hating messes. After Sunset Playdough-Hair ruins Twilight's reputation, tries helping Twilight go incognito until it can be fixed. Share her idea and Wondercolt's costume with the rest to change Twilight's horrid reputation.


From Vocabulary.com:



Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness — someone showing generosity is happy to give to or share time, money, food, or whatever with others.


Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.


That's a lot of good deeds. If you expect the ponies to represent their elements every episode, and if you dislike them for not doing so, you should really only be a Twilight and a Pinkie fan, in our opinion.




As well as defenses to the list itself:



Question: After Twilight showed her lack of nest-making abilities, Rarity took it apart almost entirely and put it back together again. That seemed like both a cruel move to twilight and the birds: Twilight watched Rarity rip it apart, thus lowering her self-esteem, and the birds would've gone without nests. (Thinking about it, shouldn't that have been Fluttershy's job? She has to take care of the animals after all. Surely she could have sent a few ponies to help?)  


Response: So, you're claiming she was attempting to lower Twilight's self esteem? Rarity has an eye for detail and was just trying to help Twilight with the nest she didn't make very well not only look better but be suitable for living.


Question: Though you have a very good point, [in Suited for Success,] you also have to remember that she wallowed in her self-pity after the others embarrassed her. And while she was generous to make them for free, and customize them, she wasn't generous enough to tell them their designs sucked. She kept it to herself, despite knowing that they were hideous. That episode seemed to be less of a lesson for the others, and more of a lesson for her: If your friends are doing something bad, tell them rather than hold it in.


Response: Telling them their designs "sucked" does not qualify as generosity, that's more or less honesty. Being upset after her friends essentially cost her the job she'd been dreaming about since she was a filly is a bit understandable, no? I mean, would you be peachy if you tried doing something nice for your friends and it ended up costing you your dream job? She's lucky that Hoity Toity was willing to give her a second chance.


Question:You see, you seem to be missing the fact that she was jealous in the first place (in Green Isn't Your Color). While it was generous of her to keep it a secret, she still wanted to be in Fluttershy's place, to be the one getting the attention. What if it wasn't fluttershy? What if she had hired a model to show off the clothes? The moment she became popular, Rarity may have took her place.  


Response: She was jealous. The name of the episode was "Green isn't Your Color" was it not?

She's a flawed character, and that's what makes her interesting. Also, if you can't prove that Rarity would've done something different, your argument holds no water. I don't think she would've. Can you prove to me that she would've?


Question: Yeah, and then went and washed her mane, probably for the next 2 hours afterward. (Couldn't she have said that she was designing a dress instead?)


Response: And what exactly does that prove?


Question: Seeing as how covering yourself in seaweed and jumping into mud is treatment at a spa, I doubt that jumping in that mud affected her that much. Plus, she was only doing that to get her sister back. If Sweetie Belle hadn't done that drawing, Rarity may have never got near the mud in the first place.  


Response: She's claimed to have hated mud numerous times "Ah, Mud!" "Ah, Dirt!" etc. Also, that drawing helped Rarity realize her mistakes; she cared about her sister enough to cover herself in that muck that she hates to try and win her back. However, there's not a doubt in my mind she would've realized her mistakes, picture or no picture.


Question: [in Sweet and Elite] beforehand, she gave her friends over in the first place. If her friends never visited Canterlot she may have never went, and instead would've become a Canterlot elite.


Response: How exactly did she "give her friends" over?   :huh: Her friends may have never visited Canterlot if she never went, but her friends also sent her to Canterlot (Twilight got her that room in Celestia's castle, no?)


Question: Yes. I can see how this is valid. The only irritating factor is that he method of helping Fluttershy was to show her how to flirt with ponies. She probably knew that Fluttershy couldn't make small chatter with a pony, never mind flirting, but went for it anyway because it was all she knew.  


Response: You criticize Rarity for supporting Fluttershy? That's a bit disconcerting, to be honest. If you're going to cast aside something good done for your best pony just to criticize your worst pony, what does that say about how much you really care about Fluttershy?


Question: The first point seemed to embarrass him more than anything, and who would really complain about standing behind Rainbow dash that close? but the rest I can't argue with.


Response: She had no malicious intent there, and you know it. Furthermore, a heterosexual might? Rarity HAS displayed an interest in stallions throughout the series, you know.


Question: Who said she was doing it for free? The Letter said she was to make the dresses, not make the dresses with no pay. The closest I can think is doing it without a cost for materials but other than that she probably got paid. Just because it was never mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Response: They probably paid for materials, but we never saw Rarity receive any sort of payment for it. Unless you can prove with canon facts that Rarity was indeed paid for making those dresses, we'll just have to go with what we saw in the show.


Question: I can agree that she done it for free, but most of that episode she was fantasizing about being a crystal pony, rather than caring about, I dunno, helping them?


Response: What matters is that she did it for free. There is a list of everything generous she's done.


Question: yeah, and probably got paid well for it. Again, just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Response: And again, you need to provide proof. You just can't say stuff like this with no evidence of it happening and expect your argument to hold any sort of water.  Prove that she got paid, with canon facts, and then this would be believable.


Question: All understandable, except for the mess. because if you hate a mess you're obviously going to clean it up.


Response: But did she have to clean it up? That's the question. No, she didn't; but she did anyway. Cleaning up that sort of mess is bound to get one dirty, which we know she hates, but she went for it anyway. She didn't have to help, and if she was like you're saying she is, she wouldn't have helped in order to stay clean and pristine. That simple.



(I'd just like to point out that I wrote every single word of that.)


Personally, I don't like it when Rarity defense blogs are made. It makes things seem much worse than they really are, which, in the long run, can make our fanbase feel alienated much like we felt back in the day when she was getting a troubling amount of hate.


I'd personally recommend reactively defending her; basically, only when she gets direct hate in a topic that you just happen to stumble across. The one on one approach helps get your point across better as well as making it less public, which would result in less drama.  


If the haters get too troublesome for you, just PM me a link to the topic :D I'll take care of it.


That's the best way to handle her haters :D




Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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That's the best way to handle her haters :D


It's not to *pelvic thrust* them into oblivion?

  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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I like it, she looks like an older/Princess Rarity that has become Nightmare Rarity!

Ah, it looks like we have a new face in our empire of fabulosity! :D Welcome to the club! Here's some fanart of my lovely waifu :wub:




It's not to *pelvic thrust* them into oblivion?

That works, too :D

  • Brohoof 7


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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We already have a whole list of that, to be honest.


S01E01: Friendship is Magic


Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane

S01E02: Friendship Is Magic


Cuts off her tail to give a monster or something the missing half of his mustache.


S01E11: Winter Wrap Up


After Twilight did a horrible job making a nest, she spent all of her time trying to fix her friend's mistake, putting her horribly behind quota.


S01E14: Suited For Success


Made all of her friends dresses for the gala free of charge, and they kept complaining about how they looked and how they wanted them to look, which made her dresses look horrible in front of some huge name in the fashion business.


S01E16: Sonic Rainboom


When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.


S01E20: Green isn't Your Color


Keeps quiet about her jealousy of Fluttershy's newfound fame in the fashion business, something she had been trying to accomplish before the show even started. After Fluttershy stumbles and trips on the runway and the crowd turns against her, Rarity begins cheering to save her friend, despite feeling it should've been her making it big instead of Fluttershy.


S01E25: A Party of One


Purposely ruins her mane, which she's extremely proud of, in order to keep Pinkie's surprise party a secret.


S02E05: Sisterhooves Social


After making a mistake in the way she took care of her sister, she hid IN MUD in order to complete a race with her sister for forgiveness, when all and all, it was just siblings fighting over trivial matters, like EVERY siblings do.


S02E08: Mysterious Mare Do Well


Makes 4 costumes for her friends to wear in their mission of bringing a borderlining on narcissism Rainbow Dash back down to earth.


S02E09: Sweet & Elite


When it came down to it, she chose her unsophisticated Ponyville friends over the Canterlot Ponies, who she had dreamt of fitting in with.


S02E10: Secret of My Excess


Spares the feelings of a horny baby dragon who stole half of the city and kidnapped her, even going as far to kiss him on the cheek.


S02E14: The Last Roundup


Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence.


S02E19: Putting Your Hoof Down


Tries helping Fluttershy learn how to stand up for herself, and welcomes Fluttershy back after she attacks her dreams.


S02E21: Dragon Quest


Attempts to stand up for Spike when the other 5 laugh at his apron. Creates a huge costume so RD, Twilight and herself could follow him to make sure he was alright. Stands directly behind Rainbow Dash's flank the entire time they're hiding, without complaining. Prepares to fight dragons in yet another attempt to stand up for Spike.


S02E25: A Canterlot Wedding


Makes a ton a fricken' dresses for the wedding, free of charge.


S03E01: The Crystal Empire


In order to buy time for Twilight, makes a bunch of hats and shit out of hay and straws. Does a very good job at it, I might add.


S03E12: Games Ponies Play


Takes the extremely difficult job of preparing Cadence's mane in the intricate detail it had to be done in, with only 15 minutes of time left. Also does a good job.


(Note: Rarity got screwed in Season 3. I assure you Season 4 will be different.)


Equestria Girls:


Makes dressed for them to all wear to the dance free of charge. Helps clean up the gym so Twilight could when the crown that night, despite hating messes. After Sunset Playdough-Hair ruins Twilight's reputation, tries helping Twilight go incognito until it can be fixed. Share her idea and Wondercolt's costume with the rest to change Twilight's horrid reputation.


From Vocabulary.com:



Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness — someone showing generosity is happy to give to or share time, money, food, or whatever with others.


Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.


That's a lot of good deeds. If you expect the ponies to represent their elements every episode, and if you dislike them for not doing so, you should really only be a Twilight and a Pinkie fan, in our opinion.




As well as defenses to the list itself:



Question: After Twilight showed her lack of nest-making abilities, Rarity took it apart almost entirely and put it back together again. That seemed like both a cruel move to twilight and the birds: Twilight watched Rarity rip it apart, thus lowering her self-esteem, and the birds would've gone without nests. (Thinking about it, shouldn't that have been Fluttershy's job? She has to take care of the animals after all. Surely she could have sent a few ponies to help?)  


Response: So, you're claiming she was attempting to lower Twilight's self esteem? Rarity has an eye for detail and was just trying to help Twilight with the nest she didn't make very well not only look better but be suitable for living.


Question: Though you have a very good point, [in Suited for Success,] you also have to remember that she wallowed in her self-pity after the others embarrassed her. And while she was generous to make them for free, and customize them, she wasn't generous enough to tell them their designs sucked. She kept it to herself, despite knowing that they were hideous. That episode seemed to be less of a lesson for the others, and more of a lesson for her: If your friends are doing something bad, tell them rather than hold it in.


Response: Telling them their designs "sucked" does not qualify as generosity, that's more or less honesty. Being upset after her friends essentially cost her the job she'd been dreaming about since she was a filly is a bit understandable, no? I mean, would you be peachy if you tried doing something nice for your friends and it ended up costing you your dream job? She's lucky that Hoity Toity was willing to give her a second chance.


Question:You see, you seem to be missing the fact that she was jealous in the first place (in Green Isn't Your Color). While it was generous of her to keep it a secret, she still wanted to be in Fluttershy's place, to be the one getting the attention. What if it wasn't fluttershy? What if she had hired a model to show off the clothes? The moment she became popular, Rarity may have took her place.  


Response: She was jealous. The name of the episode was "Green isn't Your Color" was it not?

She's a flawed character, and that's what makes her interesting. Also, if you can't prove that Rarity would've done something different, your argument holds no water. I don't think she would've. Can you prove to me that she would've?


Question: Yeah, and then went and washed her mane, probably for the next 2 hours afterward. (Couldn't she have said that she was designing a dress instead?)


Response: And what exactly does that prove?


Question: Seeing as how covering yourself in seaweed and jumping into mud is treatment at a spa, I doubt that jumping in that mud affected her that much. Plus, she was only doing that to get her sister back. If Sweetie Belle hadn't done that drawing, Rarity may have never got near the mud in the first place.  


Response: She's claimed to have hated mud numerous times "Ah, Mud!" "Ah, Dirt!" etc. Also, that drawing helped Rarity realize her mistakes; she cared about her sister enough to cover herself in that muck that she hates to try and win her back. However, there's not a doubt in my mind she would've realized her mistakes, picture or no picture.


Question: [in Sweet and Elite] beforehand, she gave her friends over in the first place. If her friends never visited Canterlot she may have never went, and instead would've become a Canterlot elite.


Response: How exactly did she "give her friends" over?   :huh: Her friends may have never visited Canterlot if she never went, but her friends also sent her to Canterlot (Twilight got her that room in Celestia's castle, no?)


Question: Yes. I can see how this is valid. The only irritating factor is that he method of helping Fluttershy was to show her how to flirt with ponies. She probably knew that Fluttershy couldn't make small chatter with a pony, never mind flirting, but went for it anyway because it was all she knew.  


Response: You criticize Rarity for supporting Fluttershy? That's a bit disconcerting, to be honest. If you're going to cast aside something good done for your best pony just to criticize your worst pony, what does that say about how much you really care about Fluttershy?


Question: The first point seemed to embarrass him more than anything, and who would really complain about standing behind Rainbow dash that close? but the rest I can't argue with.


Response: She had no malicious intent there, and you know it. Furthermore, a heterosexual might? Rarity HAS displayed an interest in stallions throughout the series, you know.


Question: Who said she was doing it for free? The Letter said she was to make the dresses, not make the dresses with no pay. The closest I can think is doing it without a cost for materials but other than that she probably got paid. Just because it was never mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Response: They probably paid for materials, but we never saw Rarity receive any sort of payment for it. Unless you can prove with canon facts that Rarity was indeed paid for making those dresses, we'll just have to go with what we saw in the show.


Question: I can agree that she done it for free, but most of that episode she was fantasizing about being a crystal pony, rather than caring about, I dunno, helping them?


Response: What matters is that she did it for free. There is a list of everything generous she's done.


Question: yeah, and probably got paid well for it. Again, just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Response: And again, you need to provide proof. You just can't say stuff like this with no evidence of it happening and expect your argument to hold any sort of water.  Prove that she got paid, with canon facts, and then this would be believable.


Question: All understandable, except for the mess. because if you hate a mess you're obviously going to clean it up.


Response: But did she have to clean it up? That's the question. No, she didn't; but she did anyway. Cleaning up that sort of mess is bound to get one dirty, which we know she hates, but she went for it anyway. She didn't have to help, and if she was like you're saying she is, she wouldn't have helped in order to stay clean and pristine. That simple.



(I'd just like to point out that I wrote every single word of that.)


Personally, I don't like it when Rarity defense blogs are made. It makes things seem much worse than they really are, which, in the long run, can make our fanbase feel alienated much like we felt back in the day when she was getting a troubling amount of hate.


I'd personally recommend reactively defending her; basically, only when she gets direct hate in a topic that you just happen to stumble across. The one on one approach helps get your point across better as well as making it less public, which would result in less drama.  


If the haters get too troublesome for you, just PM me a link to the topic :D I'll take care of it.


That's the best way to handle her haters :D





I'll make a blog post about how I am one of the greatest engines people on MLP Forums

or a Character Review? wink.

Edited by Percy
  • Brohoof 2
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She's so beautiful :wub:


I can stare at her all day... :wub:




I had something to say after this, but this picture sort of made me forget  :blush: 

Back off bud, she's mine. ;)

She is the most beautiful pony in the universe. ?.?

  • Brohoof 1



                             Check Me Out If You Want To! :3

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We already have a whole list of that, to be honest.


S01E01: Friendship is Magic


Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane

S01E02: Friendship Is Magic


Cuts off her tail to give a monster or something the missing half of his mustache.


S01E11: Winter Wrap Up


After Twilight did a horrible job making a nest, she spent all of her time trying to fix her friend's mistake, putting her horribly behind quota.


S01E14: Suited For Success


Made all of her friends dresses for the gala free of charge, and they kept complaining about how they looked and how they wanted them to look, which made her dresses look horrible in front of some huge name in the fashion business.


S01E16: Sonic Rainboom


When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.


S01E20: Green isn't Your Color


Keeps quiet about her jealousy of Fluttershy's newfound fame in the fashion business, something she had been trying to accomplish before the show even started. After Fluttershy stumbles and trips on the runway and the crowd turns against her, Rarity begins cheering to save her friend, despite feeling it should've been her making it big instead of Fluttershy.


S01E25: A Party of One


Purposely ruins her mane, which she's extremely proud of, in order to keep Pinkie's surprise party a secret.


S02E05: Sisterhooves Social


After making a mistake in the way she took care of her sister, she hid IN MUD in order to complete a race with her sister for forgiveness, when all and all, it was just siblings fighting over trivial matters, like EVERY siblings do.


S02E08: Mysterious Mare Do Well


Makes 4 costumes for her friends to wear in their mission of bringing a borderlining on narcissism Rainbow Dash back down to earth.


S02E09: Sweet & Elite


When it came down to it, she chose her unsophisticated Ponyville friends over the Canterlot Ponies, who she had dreamt of fitting in with.


S02E10: Secret of My Excess


Spares the feelings of a horny baby dragon who stole half of the city and kidnapped her, even going as far to kiss him on the cheek.


S02E14: The Last Roundup


Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence.


S02E19: Putting Your Hoof Down


Tries helping Fluttershy learn how to stand up for herself, and welcomes Fluttershy back after she attacks her dreams.


S02E21: Dragon Quest


Attempts to stand up for Spike when the other 5 laugh at his apron. Creates a huge costume so RD, Twilight and herself could follow him to make sure he was alright. Stands directly behind Rainbow Dash's flank the entire time they're hiding, without complaining. Prepares to fight dragons in yet another attempt to stand up for Spike.


S02E25: A Canterlot Wedding


Makes a ton a fricken' dresses for the wedding, free of charge.


S03E01: The Crystal Empire


In order to buy time for Twilight, makes a bunch of hats and shit out of hay and straws. Does a very good job at it, I might add.


S03E12: Games Ponies Play


Takes the extremely difficult job of preparing Cadence's mane in the intricate detail it had to be done in, with only 15 minutes of time left. Also does a good job.


(Note: Rarity got screwed in Season 3. I assure you Season 4 will be different.)


Equestria Girls:


Makes dressed for them to all wear to the dance free of charge. Helps clean up the gym so Twilight could when the crown that night, despite hating messes. After Sunset Playdough-Hair ruins Twilight's reputation, tries helping Twilight go incognito until it can be fixed. Share her idea and Wondercolt's costume with the rest to change Twilight's horrid reputation.


From Vocabulary.com:



Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness — someone showing generosity is happy to give to or share time, money, food, or whatever with others.


Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.


That's a lot of good deeds. If you expect the ponies to represent their elements every episode, and if you dislike them for not doing so, you should really only be a Twilight and a Pinkie fan, in our opinion.




As well as defenses to the list itself:



Question: After Twilight showed her lack of nest-making abilities, Rarity took it apart almost entirely and put it back together again. That seemed like both a cruel move to twilight and the birds: Twilight watched Rarity rip it apart, thus lowering her self-esteem, and the birds would've gone without nests. (Thinking about it, shouldn't that have been Fluttershy's job? She has to take care of the animals after all. Surely she could have sent a few ponies to help?)  


Response: So, you're claiming she was attempting to lower Twilight's self esteem? Rarity has an eye for detail and was just trying to help Twilight with the nest she didn't make very well not only look better but be suitable for living.


Question: Though you have a very good point, [in Suited for Success,] you also have to remember that she wallowed in her self-pity after the others embarrassed her. And while she was generous to make them for free, and customize them, she wasn't generous enough to tell them their designs sucked. She kept it to herself, despite knowing that they were hideous. That episode seemed to be less of a lesson for the others, and more of a lesson for her: If your friends are doing something bad, tell them rather than hold it in.


Response: Telling them their designs "sucked" does not qualify as generosity, that's more or less honesty. Being upset after her friends essentially cost her the job she'd been dreaming about since she was a filly is a bit understandable, no? I mean, would you be peachy if you tried doing something nice for your friends and it ended up costing you your dream job? She's lucky that Hoity Toity was willing to give her a second chance.


Question:You see, you seem to be missing the fact that she was jealous in the first place (in Green Isn't Your Color). While it was generous of her to keep it a secret, she still wanted to be in Fluttershy's place, to be the one getting the attention. What if it wasn't fluttershy? What if she had hired a model to show off the clothes? The moment she became popular, Rarity may have took her place.  


Response: She was jealous. The name of the episode was "Green isn't Your Color" was it not?

She's a flawed character, and that's what makes her interesting. Also, if you can't prove that Rarity would've done something different, your argument holds no water. I don't think she would've. Can you prove to me that she would've?


Question: Yeah, and then went and washed her mane, probably for the next 2 hours afterward. (Couldn't she have said that she was designing a dress instead?)


Response: And what exactly does that prove?


Question: Seeing as how covering yourself in seaweed and jumping into mud is treatment at a spa, I doubt that jumping in that mud affected her that much. Plus, she was only doing that to get her sister back. If Sweetie Belle hadn't done that drawing, Rarity may have never got near the mud in the first place.  


Response: She's claimed to have hated mud numerous times "Ah, Mud!" "Ah, Dirt!" etc. Also, that drawing helped Rarity realize her mistakes; she cared about her sister enough to cover herself in that muck that she hates to try and win her back. However, there's not a doubt in my mind she would've realized her mistakes, picture or no picture.


Question: [in Sweet and Elite] beforehand, she gave her friends over in the first place. If her friends never visited Canterlot she may have never went, and instead would've become a Canterlot elite.


Response: How exactly did she "give her friends" over?   :huh: Her friends may have never visited Canterlot if she never went, but her friends also sent her to Canterlot (Twilight got her that room in Celestia's castle, no?)


Question: Yes. I can see how this is valid. The only irritating factor is that he method of helping Fluttershy was to show her how to flirt with ponies. She probably knew that Fluttershy couldn't make small chatter with a pony, never mind flirting, but went for it anyway because it was all she knew.  


Response: You criticize Rarity for supporting Fluttershy? That's a bit disconcerting, to be honest. If you're going to cast aside something good done for your best pony just to criticize your worst pony, what does that say about how much you really care about Fluttershy?


Question: The first point seemed to embarrass him more than anything, and who would really complain about standing behind Rainbow dash that close? but the rest I can't argue with.


Response: She had no malicious intent there, and you know it. Furthermore, a heterosexual might? Rarity HAS displayed an interest in stallions throughout the series, you know.


Question: Who said she was doing it for free? The Letter said she was to make the dresses, not make the dresses with no pay. The closest I can think is doing it without a cost for materials but other than that she probably got paid. Just because it was never mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Response: They probably paid for materials, but we never saw Rarity receive any sort of payment for it. Unless you can prove with canon facts that Rarity was indeed paid for making those dresses, we'll just have to go with what we saw in the show.


Question: I can agree that she done it for free, but most of that episode she was fantasizing about being a crystal pony, rather than caring about, I dunno, helping them?


Response: What matters is that she did it for free. There is a list of everything generous she's done.


Question: yeah, and probably got paid well for it. Again, just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Response: And again, you need to provide proof. You just can't say stuff like this with no evidence of it happening and expect your argument to hold any sort of water.  Prove that she got paid, with canon facts, and then this would be believable.


Question: All understandable, except for the mess. because if you hate a mess you're obviously going to clean it up.


Response: But did she have to clean it up? That's the question. No, she didn't; but she did anyway. Cleaning up that sort of mess is bound to get one dirty, which we know she hates, but she went for it anyway. She didn't have to help, and if she was like you're saying she is, she wouldn't have helped in order to stay clean and pristine. That simple.



(I'd just like to point out that I wrote every single word of that.)


Personally, I don't like it when Rarity defense blogs are made. It makes things seem much worse than they really are, which, in the long run, can make our fanbase feel alienated much like we felt back in the day when she was getting a troubling amount of hate.


I'd personally recommend reactively defending her; basically, only when she gets direct hate in a topic that you just happen to stumble across. The one on one approach helps get your point across better as well as making it less public, which would result in less drama.  


If the haters get too troublesome for you, just PM me a link to the topic :D I'll take care of it.


That's the best way to handle her haters :D





Dear Rarity-Haters,





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We already have a whole list of that, to be honest.


S01E01: Friendship is Magic


Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane

S01E02: Friendship Is Magic


Cuts off her tail to give a monster or something the missing half of his mustache.


S01E11: Winter Wrap Up


After Twilight did a horrible job making a nest, she spent all of her time trying to fix her friend's mistake, putting her horribly behind quota.


S01E14: Suited For Success


Made all of her friends dresses for the gala free of charge, and they kept complaining about how they looked and how they wanted them to look, which made her dresses look horrible in front of some huge name in the fashion business.


S01E16: Sonic Rainboom


When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.


S01E20: Green isn't Your Color


Keeps quiet about her jealousy of Fluttershy's newfound fame in the fashion business, something she had been trying to accomplish before the show even started. After Fluttershy stumbles and trips on the runway and the crowd turns against her, Rarity begins cheering to save her friend, despite feeling it should've been her making it big instead of Fluttershy.


S01E25: A Party of One


Purposely ruins her mane, which she's extremely proud of, in order to keep Pinkie's surprise party a secret.


S02E05: Sisterhooves Social


After making a mistake in the way she took care of her sister, she hid IN MUD in order to complete a race with her sister for forgiveness, when all and all, it was just siblings fighting over trivial matters, like EVERY siblings do.


S02E08: Mysterious Mare Do Well


Makes 4 costumes for her friends to wear in their mission of bringing a borderlining on narcissism Rainbow Dash back down to earth.


S02E09: Sweet & Elite


When it came down to it, she chose her unsophisticated Ponyville friends over the Canterlot Ponies, who she had dreamt of fitting in with.


S02E10: Secret of My Excess


Spares the feelings of a horny baby dragon who stole half of the city and kidnapped her, even going as far to kiss him on the cheek.


S02E14: The Last Roundup


Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence.


S02E19: Putting Your Hoof Down


Tries helping Fluttershy learn how to stand up for herself, and welcomes Fluttershy back after she attacks her dreams.


S02E21: Dragon Quest


Attempts to stand up for Spike when the other 5 laugh at his apron. Creates a huge costume so RD, Twilight and herself could follow him to make sure he was alright. Stands directly behind Rainbow Dash's flank the entire time they're hiding, without complaining. Prepares to fight dragons in yet another attempt to stand up for Spike.


S02E25: A Canterlot Wedding


Makes a ton a fricken' dresses for the wedding, free of charge.


S03E01: The Crystal Empire


In order to buy time for Twilight, makes a bunch of hats and shit out of hay and straws. Does a very good job at it, I might add.


S03E12: Games Ponies Play


Takes the extremely difficult job of preparing Cadence's mane in the intricate detail it had to be done in, with only 15 minutes of time left. Also does a good job.


(Note: Rarity got screwed in Season 3. I assure you Season 4 will be different.)


Equestria Girls:


Makes dressed for them to all wear to the dance free of charge. Helps clean up the gym so Twilight could when the crown that night, despite hating messes. After Sunset Playdough-Hair ruins Twilight's reputation, tries helping Twilight go incognito until it can be fixed. Share her idea and Wondercolt's costume with the rest to change Twilight's horrid reputation.


From Vocabulary.com:



Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness — someone showing generosity is happy to give to or share time, money, food, or whatever with others.


Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.


That's a lot of good deeds. If you expect the ponies to represent their elements every episode, and if you dislike them for not doing so, you should really only be a Twilight and a Pinkie fan, in our opinion.




As well as defenses to the list itself:



Question: After Twilight showed her lack of nest-making abilities, Rarity took it apart almost entirely and put it back together again. That seemed like both a cruel move to twilight and the birds: Twilight watched Rarity rip it apart, thus lowering her self-esteem, and the birds would've gone without nests. (Thinking about it, shouldn't that have been Fluttershy's job? She has to take care of the animals after all. Surely she could have sent a few ponies to help?)  


Response: So, you're claiming she was attempting to lower Twilight's self esteem? Rarity has an eye for detail and was just trying to help Twilight with the nest she didn't make very well not only look better but be suitable for living.


Question: Though you have a very good point, [in Suited for Success,] you also have to remember that she wallowed in her self-pity after the others embarrassed her. And while she was generous to make them for free, and customize them, she wasn't generous enough to tell them their designs sucked. She kept it to herself, despite knowing that they were hideous. That episode seemed to be less of a lesson for the others, and more of a lesson for her: If your friends are doing something bad, tell them rather than hold it in.


Response: Telling them their designs "sucked" does not qualify as generosity, that's more or less honesty. Being upset after her friends essentially cost her the job she'd been dreaming about since she was a filly is a bit understandable, no? I mean, would you be peachy if you tried doing something nice for your friends and it ended up costing you your dream job? She's lucky that Hoity Toity was willing to give her a second chance.


Question:You see, you seem to be missing the fact that she was jealous in the first place (in Green Isn't Your Color). While it was generous of her to keep it a secret, she still wanted to be in Fluttershy's place, to be the one getting the attention. What if it wasn't fluttershy? What if she had hired a model to show off the clothes? The moment she became popular, Rarity may have took her place.  


Response: She was jealous. The name of the episode was "Green isn't Your Color" was it not?

She's a flawed character, and that's what makes her interesting. Also, if you can't prove that Rarity would've done something different, your argument holds no water. I don't think she would've. Can you prove to me that she would've?


Question: Yeah, and then went and washed her mane, probably for the next 2 hours afterward. (Couldn't she have said that she was designing a dress instead?)


Response: And what exactly does that prove?


Question: Seeing as how covering yourself in seaweed and jumping into mud is treatment at a spa, I doubt that jumping in that mud affected her that much. Plus, she was only doing that to get her sister back. If Sweetie Belle hadn't done that drawing, Rarity may have never got near the mud in the first place.  


Response: She's claimed to have hated mud numerous times "Ah, Mud!" "Ah, Dirt!" etc. Also, that drawing helped Rarity realize her mistakes; she cared about her sister enough to cover herself in that muck that she hates to try and win her back. However, there's not a doubt in my mind she would've realized her mistakes, picture or no picture.


Question: [in Sweet and Elite] beforehand, she gave her friends over in the first place. If her friends never visited Canterlot she may have never went, and instead would've become a Canterlot elite.


Response: How exactly did she "give her friends" over?   :huh: Her friends may have never visited Canterlot if she never went, but her friends also sent her to Canterlot (Twilight got her that room in Celestia's castle, no?)


Question: Yes. I can see how this is valid. The only irritating factor is that he method of helping Fluttershy was to show her how to flirt with ponies. She probably knew that Fluttershy couldn't make small chatter with a pony, never mind flirting, but went for it anyway because it was all she knew.  


Response: You criticize Rarity for supporting Fluttershy? That's a bit disconcerting, to be honest. If you're going to cast aside something good done for your best pony just to criticize your worst pony, what does that say about how much you really care about Fluttershy?


Question: The first point seemed to embarrass him more than anything, and who would really complain about standing behind Rainbow dash that close? but the rest I can't argue with.


Response: She had no malicious intent there, and you know it. Furthermore, a heterosexual might? Rarity HAS displayed an interest in stallions throughout the series, you know.


Question: Who said she was doing it for free? The Letter said she was to make the dresses, not make the dresses with no pay. The closest I can think is doing it without a cost for materials but other than that she probably got paid. Just because it was never mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Response: They probably paid for materials, but we never saw Rarity receive any sort of payment for it. Unless you can prove with canon facts that Rarity was indeed paid for making those dresses, we'll just have to go with what we saw in the show.


Question: I can agree that she done it for free, but most of that episode she was fantasizing about being a crystal pony, rather than caring about, I dunno, helping them?


Response: What matters is that she did it for free. There is a list of everything generous she's done.


Question: yeah, and probably got paid well for it. Again, just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen.  


Response: And again, you need to provide proof. You just can't say stuff like this with no evidence of it happening and expect your argument to hold any sort of water.  Prove that she got paid, with canon facts, and then this would be believable.


Question: All understandable, except for the mess. because if you hate a mess you're obviously going to clean it up.


Response: But did she have to clean it up? That's the question. No, she didn't; but she did anyway. Cleaning up that sort of mess is bound to get one dirty, which we know she hates, but she went for it anyway. She didn't have to help, and if she was like you're saying she is, she wouldn't have helped in order to stay clean and pristine. That simple.



(I'd just like to point out that I wrote every single word of that.)


Personally, I don't like it when Rarity defense blogs are made. It makes things seem much worse than they really are, which, in the long run, can make our fanbase feel alienated much like we felt back in the day when she was getting a troubling amount of hate.


I'd personally recommend reactively defending her; basically, only when she gets direct hate in a topic that you just happen to stumble across. The one on one approach helps get your point across better as well as making it less public, which would result in less drama.  


If the haters get too troublesome for you, just PM me a link to the topic :D I'll take care of it.


That's the best way to handle her haters :D




Also, to add more to the generosity controversy.


To be honest, Rainbow Dash and, to an extent, Applejack aren't really Ms. Loyal and Ms. Honest themselves.

First, Rainbow Dash:

Exhibit A: Griffon the Brush Off - To hang out with Gilda, Rainbow Dash keeps flying away from Pinkie Pie.

Exhibit B: Dragonshy - Keeps being a flippin' jerk to Fluttershy.

Yeah, those are two reasons why I dislike this flippin' character.

Although, for Applejack

Exhibit C: Applebuck Season - Keeps saying she doesn't need help when she actually does, just to show her brother a lesson

Exhibit D: Party of One - Lies to Pinkie Pie about her party. Although, this was more so to keep the surprise, so I wouldn't exactly count it.



Edited by Percy
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Oh, hey, I missed ghosty's 1000th post! D:


Ah well, at least I still have the celebratory gif.



I think this is more suitable :D




Wouldn't you agree? :D

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 5


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Mareinthemoon :D She does commissions here on the forums, and I took advantage of the fact she was actively searching for work :D






*Watches as you spend ~$620 to get something else before me... and shrugs*


I still got Rainbow Power Rarity before you.

Edited by Asterian Starfall

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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Although, for Applejack

Exhibit C: Applebuck Season - Keeps saying she doesn't need help when she actually does, just to show her brother a lesson

If you do not know the truth, you can not tell a lie intentionally.

  • Brohoof 1

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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I think this is more suitable :D




Wouldn't you agree? :D

For decent partying we also need music! The fabulous one provides!




Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee...! :lol:

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If you do not know the truth, you can not tell a lie intentionally.

You're right, actually.

Although, no one can back up Rainbow Dash. I just exposed her in public. mwahahahahahahahaha.

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Rainbow Dash:

Exhibit A: Griffon the Brush Off - To hang out with Gilda, Rainbow Dash keeps flying away from Pinkie Pie.

Exhibit B: Dragonshy - Keeps being a flippin' jerk to Fluttershy.

A: Loyalty to a friend she probably had before Pinkie, which actually displays more loyalty.

B: Not necessarily a sign of disloyalty, just insolence.

Edited by Asterian Starfall

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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A: Loyalty to a friend she probably had before Pinkie, which actually displays more loyalty.

B: Not necessarily a sign of disloyalty.

A - She's still being disloyal to one that she quite recently made. Sure it's more of Gilda, but still.

B - It's a sign of having no trust in Fluttershy, which isn't being supportive and not being faithful.

And according to Dictionary.com..


faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state: a loyal subject.
faithful to one's oath, commitments, or obligations: to be loyal to a vow.
faithful to any leader, party, or cause, or to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity: loyal friend.
characterized by or showing faithfulness to commitments, vows, allegiance, obligations, etc.: loyal conduct.
But, let's quit before this turns to a flamewar.
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B - It's a sign of having no trust in Fluttershy, which isn't being supportive and not being faithful.

I can argue that it is insolence rather than disloyalty, which is something Rainbow Dash exhibits numerous times.


But back on topic... Rarity!  :D

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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