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MLP Forums Member Interview Series

Harmonic Revelations

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Oh this should be interesting...I think I'm going to follow the thread just to see what whacky interviews you guys can come up with. I'm sure you won't disappoint, no?

  • Brohoof 1

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Interview #6: Feather Gem

 I had the opportunity to interview a nice user called Feather Gem. I asked some old questions, some new. Feather really took some time on answering some of these questions, prepare for a good read! 


1.) How did you become a fan of My Little Pony? Did anything in particular lead you to enjoy it?


 Ah...well...its quite a long story.  But whatever. I've liked the third generation of MLP since I was a child.  I loved it.  I remember my first pony.  (Crystal Crown)  And MLP even taught me to been.  The first book I read must have been 'Pinkie Pie's Scary Dream' or something like that.  Spooky Dream?  Nightmare?  Er...anyway, I had the bigger ponies until I moved to another country.  I only kept Crystal Crown.  I still have her today.


 And after a while in this new country, (Which had no pony books!  What the heck!) I started to find the MINITURE ponies!  Adorable.  I started to practically collect them.  I'd set up a whole little Butterfly Island! (if you get that, I love you)  I even put down a green towel like grass!  I loved the miniture ponies, and the playsets!  My first was Sweet Berry's Sweet Shoppie.  I had so many of these things.


 Soon, it also lead to me becoming an actual writer.  Slowly, as I grew older, these toys began my characters and they lead the story.  A slightly dark story at that.  (I'm still writing it!  It's going to be a series of AT LEAST seven books.  But, how could I publish I'll never know!) And then like a train wreck, it happened!  (sorry) I went to the store and the ugly, ugly, ugly G3.5.  All I could think was 'WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO MY SWEET BABIES?!'  Funny thing too.  I just saved up to buy the really big amusement park set. I think I kicked one of the boxes as well. I went home, went online to the MLP website.  And then I complained for months.


 And then it happened, AGAIN! Go to store, check MLP stuff, hope it went back to normal.  AND WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED THIS TIME FOR GOD'S SAKE!  I kicked another couple of boxes.  And this time, there were no miniture ponies AT ALL.  All gone.  Gone forever.


 After a long while, I found out OH IT'S A SHOW NOW TOO HUH?  I sent an angry e-mail to the MLP website xD  I was like 'KEEP THE SHOW, BRING THE TOYS BACK LIKE SERIOUSLY!  AT LEAST THE MINITURE ONES'.  No reply.  Oh well.

 Continued loving the miniture toys I had.  Mourned over my loss of new characters for my story.  Now I had to go and kill of Desert Rose so I could bring in an antagonist. Anyway... After a while, I saw the Teens React To MLP: FiM.  And what the heck?  I watched it.  And that was a weird theme song dude.  And then I learned about these brony people and everything.  Hmm, weird. A month or so went by.  I was bored, had nothing to do.  Watched an episode. Dude, this is some GOOD stuff! Watches another. Omigosh, that's not even that childish.


 'HEY DAD THIS IS AWESOME!' And I watched like...four episodes a day after that.  Slowly got hooked.  Looked at art, tried drawing, looked at news, got to understand EQD, found MLPForums.  MLP.  When I was young, it was for the younger people.  And as I grew, MLP grew along with me, turning into something that could fit my age group better. MLP will never leave me I suppose. 


2.) How do you feel about Season 3 thus far?



 I'm enjoying it!  The animations certainly gotten better!  And The Crystal Empire episodes are my favorites!

We got Babs Seed, got to see Trixie, got DISCORD BACK! (I love Discord)  And got a Scootaloo episode, got to see the pets again!  Got DISCORD BACK!  Got to see Rainbow Dash nearly living her dream!  So much awesome.  GOT DISCORD BACK! (I'll shut up now) And hey, I'm sure we all know about Twilight...Simply wonderful.  Of course, the other seasons were just as good.  Its the same to me.



3.) How do you feel about the Twilight Alicorn situation?



 My first reaction?  "No.  No.  No, no, no, no, no, no." But after a while...I just thought...this is MLP we're talking about.  Who made Discord coming back work, and made Trixie coming back work.  Why not? And its also written by none other then M.A.Larson.  And this dude wrote The Cutie Mark Chronicles and The Return of Harmony! And if anyone could pull this off, it would be the MLP team. Let's have a little faith in them people!


4.) What is your favorite thing about MLPforums?



 It's certainly a break from the last forums I was on.  The last forums were full of people who had no respect, no mercy, no dignity or anything.  And for a while, I was like them, and heck, I loved them. And eventually, that died.  Because of them, actually.  Because they wouldn't stop breaking the rules.  (I won't be telling you what website, but I can just say this: OC)  And it was really disappointing. And then I found MLPForums. And guess what?  The people here were nice, they respected others opinions, they cursed very little, they were mature, and they loved MLP.  And it wasn't because of just rules.  It was because they know that it's right. So my favorite thing is the people.  You're all amazing, give me a hug!


5.) Has being a brony changed your personal life in any way?



 Yes. It has certainly made me a nicer, more tolerant person. It has also made me more open-minded.  I'd like to believe I always was, but I did sort of had that major freak out when MLP changed.  xD  And it gave me something to do.  My sister, she was obsessed with The Twilight Saga for a while.  And to be honest, I was a bit jealous.  She had something to love.  Stuff to read, stuff to watch, stuff to look up on DeviantArt, stuff to talk about to people like her, stuff to write, stuff to draw, stuff to just be hers. So now, it's making me a better writer from writing fanfictions.  And a better drawer, from drawing ponies.  And better at digital art, from...well drawing ponies!  Its giving me something to do!  And it gave me a title too xD  Brony...pegasister.  I like that...

Oh, and how could I forget the people I've met?  (well not really, I only know you guys!)

But anyway...yeah...


6.) What is your favorite character in the show, and what do you like about them?



Are you making me pick?

 Fine, fine.  Discord I suppose.  (I guess you could have guessed that from the answer to question two!)  I mean, he's hilarious.  He just is absolutely hilarious.  His humor...it's so..humorous.  I love him. And I've told people this before but... I want Discord to come and take over the Earth.  And then I want him to make me into his little pet.  I'm...serious.  I want this to happen so bad that it's almost pathetic.  xD And...I also guess I feel like he has something in common with me.  Although they never mention it in the show, and it isn't canon...I always thought he would feel...misunderstood, like me.   :(  But I won't bore you with my problems.  Moving on!



7.) You wanna buy some death-sticks?


-pulls out a twenty-

How much does one cost?  Because, dude, if it costs over twenty you can forget it.

Oh actually that's a pretty color.  But I'll pay only up to forty.

Wait, what's a death-stick?

I actually think I should go now...

  • Brohoof 17


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  On 2013-02-08 at 5:37 PM, Lightning Fluttershy said:

Now... just waiting for my interview. *cough*


Also, what IS a death stick? Sounds like a weapon of some sort. "Hey, I just beat down Harmonic with my death stick". Did I use it in the correct context?





  On 2013-02-06 at 2:00 AM, Crystal Sparkle said:

Oh this should be interesting...I think I'm going to follow the thread just to see what whacky interviews you guys can come up with. I'm sure you won't disappoint, no?

Trust me, I never disappoint, at least, I try not to disappoint.


  On 2013-02-03 at 11:02 PM, Octavia's Cellozoid said:

Good job answering your own questions :P It was a good read anyways!

Still waiting for you to pick this one artist *coughcough*me?*coughcough*



Just kidding, although I honestly would be honored to be interviewed.

I don't know why...but it feels like you're trying to tell me something!


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Wait do you have to say you want to be interviewed right? In that case sign me up....im bored. Plus who wanted want to know more about some random member the king of Team Plasma?



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Interview #7: MiStErUnMeRry

I had the pleasure of interviewing a user you may or may not have heard of, MiStErUnMeRry, It was a pleasure talking with him.



1.) When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony? Did anything in particular lead you to enjoy it?
I first encountered MLP FIM just about 2 years ago, I don't have a spiritual or life changing story to give anyone, I just found some clips of the show and saw its popularity. I was an animation student then as well and being a man of a objective view point who desired to become a successful worker within the land of media deduced that there must be something about the show that is of high quality if it draws these kind of numbers and activity. 
Got told by a associate that its good who happens to be a young and talented animator that I respect and so with that had no reason to delay or procrastinate any further from watching it. Yes, I loved it. The first ten minutes or so got me. The writing and the fact that something is always going on in the screen even when characters seem still along with its large use of different poses and shots.
2,) What is your favorite character and why?
Pinkie pie: An energetic character who main utilization within the show is to be none sequitur and due to this is more acting within her own world at times. She comes off as someone who enjoys the present rather than worry of the future nor does she seem concerned of the past. Pinkie Pie personality is in a lot of ways detached from the things around her as if she locked her mind within a specially made pocket dimension away from the world although its clear that her friends are in this pocket dimension too and she over reacts to things regarding them. 
Its a emotional and personality practice I think a lot of us would like to imitate but she written in a way that shows the down side of it as she is overly sensitive to things that do make its way to her and because of that she feels far more rounded without the risk of losing her comedic value. Pinkie utilizes unique animations besides discord (who out does everyone on that front) and shares a positive outlook on all people and things that I find charming, I guess you could say in a lot of ways...shes a humanitarian with her attitude at least...but I don't know the pony version of that...equinarian...ponyvarian...really nice mare?
3.) What is your favorite episode and why?
Season two finale episodes- which is essentially just a small movie split up-I don't think I have to say why. Everyone who has seen this episode know why this is great and I would be just preaching to the choir with a boring platitude that details what we already know. Everything was good ,the music, the animation, the plot. 
I love doppelgangers personally...its one of those things that I just find really dramatic and interesting so the battle with a hundred of themselves was like two of my favorite things colliding with one another. 
4.) What's your opinion of Season 3 thus far?
It feels directionless. In number one we was following twilight and her letters concerning the lessons of friendship  she was the gate way to the world for us originally, our guide and hostess in a lot of ways. Granted not all the episodes where about her but it did normally involve twilight in some form or another, if at least detailing things at the end about what she learned. Season two was about character development of everyone, there was no spot light for one person it was random but equal as it tried to shine on all.
Season 3....there not really much character development going on, I get the idea that they went onto spike since they actually done all the other characters and maybe do not want to overly development over wise simple creations but...even then it feels like it lacks a lot of focus. So far we had new places/ new magical items and spike. My only guess is that wer focusing on the world itself and the magic within it rather than any specific member now. 
Spike at your service was horrible by the way...so many plot holes that have to be explained and dismissed away...thats not good writing...it lacks conveyance and logical sense in a lot of areas...and consistent narrative. Some pretty good episodes too though, its an alright season.
5.) What's your favorite thing about MLPforums?
I've been to many forums and I can say without a hint of doubt in my mind that they are populated and controlled by douche bags, bullies and the mentally disturbed. MLP forums has none of these characteristic from what I have witness. The mods are not jerks, the administrator is not a bully, the community don't make it a point to allow such behavior to go on to other members. Even if you have an alteration here that is is steamy it appears that most members won't pursue it until it reaches a unfortunate climax. 
6.) Has being a brony changed your personal life in any way?
Before I watched MLP I was a hobbiest and not a student, I drew without direction and it showed but I had a dream of being someone that could bring ideas to life but somewhere along the line I forgot why art was important to me...what art could do and started to question if I was just wasting my life. Weeks had past and my consideration into chasing a law degree to be like my father had enrooted itself thoroughly within my mind as an alternative to my current career path
I wanted to be an artist because I knew that if there was even a chance that someone, somewhere used my little fantasy world as refuge for the crap that they had in life then it was worth it, if it helped them think of their own ideas then I've started something that I could truly be proud of. I also knew that if I did it well enough that I could create a community where ideas and thoughts would shared upon inspection of what they love that I would feel some true accomplishment.
but somehow it all seem to evaporate....it just wasn't there anymore...art...contributed nothing..to anything and I was a zap for following it, I've wasted my time and let my family down as well. Some sons become doctors, other lawyers  some detectives and I was some dork trying to turn his generic drawings into art, a field that has lost all its meaning to me. Then MLP happened ..and well..you can imagine how good it felt to see what I thought originally to be true so alive and thriving  It perhaps one of my most happiest moments, for on that day I knew what I wanted. I can only dream of building a community of ideas and support like Lauren Faust has, what she has done is nothing short of a wonderful thing.
7.) Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.
We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I.
Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 10


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  On 2013-02-09 at 10:21 PM, Harmonic Revelations said:

7.) Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality. We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I.

This just made my entirely shitty day just a little bit better.  haha  There is no better response to Queen than Rick Astley.  Kudos.
  • Brohoof 3

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
OIF 07-09 Veteran

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Interview #8: ~Dauntless Supernova~

Today, I interview a user that is relatively new, they joined around the same time I did, so we have something in common. Anyways, without further ado, I present to you this relatively short, but still good, interview:


1.) When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony, did anything particular lead you to enjoy it?


I was on a forum called psvdlc where there were a couple guys who were Bronies. I didn't hate them with all my might, I just thought it was just some internet trolling thing and didn't think much of it. Someone posted the whole first season (Yes, it was a piracy site...  :( ) and I was curious to see what the whole deal was. The rest you can tell.   ^_^


What led me to enjoy it? Probably.... I don't know, really...   :huh:


2.) What is your favorite character in the show and why?


It's a tie between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. But if I have to choose, it's Dashie. It's her confident and tomboy-ish like personality that sticks out from the rest of the ponies.


And maybe it's also because she reminds me of Sonic the Hedgehog so much. Their similarities are strikingly, um... similar!


3.) What is your favorite thing about MLPforums?


That there are so many cool bros (And bro-ettes!) here that are awesome!  :D


4.) Has being a brony affected your personal life in any way?


Socially, not at all. Personally, yes. I'm always in a good mood and the "Love and Tolerance" thing has made me a lot less judgamental of other's interests.  :)


5.) How do you feel about the whole Twilight Alicorn situation?



Yeah, I really don't care.   :mellow:


6.) What is your favorite episode and why?


Hmmm... That's a tough one... It would have to be "Sleepless in Ponyville". It's Scootie's first episode (Based on her) and it finally made Scootalove canon. Plus that ending with Rainbow Dash was just D'AAAAAAAWWWWWLYFDIAUKGHJEGHTVejbtjcfvyct!!1!1   :lol:


7.) If you were a country what type of government would you have?


I guess a Democracy? I've never put much though into it....   :huh:

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 10


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Nah, no one wants to hear from a timelord who has been here since the 1st day of the forums. That's boring.



  • Brohoof 2

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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lets hope that these interviews keep coming, and i (just shooting this out there) hope some video versions of these will come into play in the future

  • Brohoof 2



oc: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/staticthor-draconus-r126



second oc: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sultrus-r3025





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  On 2013-02-11 at 12:42 AM, Harmonic Revelations said:

Yeah, I really don't care.

This makes you one of my favorite people.  Seriously.  And the video is just perfect.  I couldn't believe how people got so upset by it.  It's just a cartoon.
  • Brohoof 1

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
OIF 07-09 Veteran

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Interview #9: Firebolt

Even though Brook already interviewed her, I just had to get in a talk with everbody's favorite pyromaniac here on the forums. So sit back.


1.) If you had to name one user who you think would make a good moderator, who would it be, why?


Starswirl (TRIXE Starswirl TRIXIE) probably. He's quite level-headed and helpful, as well as being extremely literate. Which means he'd probably be good at being a mod.






2.) Who is your favorite Mane Six pony and why?



Currently, Rarity. Mostly due to the lack of love she's been getting. Other then that, she has the most bendable personality, the prettiest design (Sorry Trixie! DX), as well as opinions that I agree with most of the time. Plus her singing voice is my favorite, mostly because I can mimic it pretty well (Even though I can barely sing.)


It used to be Pinkie, but she has come a bit too much of an air-head recently for my taste, though she's still my second favorite of the six, and third/fourth favorite overall.


I also generally like the most flawed characters. So yea.


3.) What do you think Season 4 will be like?



 I'm hoping it will keep a bit more continuity then this season did. AND MORE RARITY. I am also hoping it goes deeper into Twi being a princess, as well as explaining how magic works. I have too many theories dammit.


I would also like to see Cadence and Shining Armor get some more development, and maybe more Discord, since he was reformed and all.


4.) How did you feel about the finale?


My brain is saying I should hate it, but I really rather like it. I gave it a 6/10 on my review. The songs are superb (obviously), and I do like the idea of the cutie mark switching. Plus +1 for flat haired Pinkie cos I love that design. However, the whole thing is so rushed I didn't think it actually just happened. It was kinda ridiculous  Seems to be a theme this season honestly. As well as the lack of continuity...


5.) Which Trixie episode do you like more, Boast Busters or Magic Duel?



Boast Busters. Magic Deul Trixie wasn't really Trixie. While Magic Deul is my second favorite episode, and I loathe Boast Busters entirely, Trixie was great in it. Magic Deul she was more just generic villian. She didn't even talk in third person! D:


Though, evil Trixie is pretty hawt.

6.) What is your flame-throwing device of choice?
I don't really have one. It's more what ever is near by.
7.) Brook got a slap, why don't I get one? :'(
Because I hate you.
  • Brohoof 11


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I WOULD LOVE TO BE INTERVIEWED!!!! if you want to interview me, please be my guest to interview me! so this is pretty much a post to throw my name out there too :wub:  :wub:

Edited by Feld0
That mega-quote was unnecessary.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Interview #10-Feld0
I finally bring you an interview with the coolest Site Owner around. It was my pleasure bringing you this interview. For the occassion, I stray away from my usual format with a few more questions. So here it is, the big number 10!
1.) How do you feel about the forums' general success?
It hit me somewhat out of left field, to be honest; although, in retrospect, perhaps I should've seen it coming a little better. If you're familiar with the early history of MLP Forums (which I wrote up in celebration of the site's first anniversary), Kurtiss and I did not expect too many people to give MLP Forums a chance; competing on numbers was pretty much out when we found out how many established pony forums already existed. So we thought that the best course of action would be to make the place well worth it for those few people who did decide to register at the new, unknown FiM forum. Funny how that turned out.  :P
I don't think it's a bad thing that MLP Forums became the largest forum on the ponynet, though. Although the necessity of scaling management up from two co-founders to an army of moderators, liaisons, stewards, and sysadmins brought with it some controversial changes like the character minimums, ticket system, and standardized warnings, scaling up to this size and beyond would simply not have been possible without them - the community would have imploded. In fact, I'm quite proud that we've been able to retain a friendly and relatively tight-knit atmosphere, remaining in touch with users throughout, while sustaining such a diverse base of interests, discussions, and personalities. My little forum has been a hotspot for creative projects, blossoming new friendships, and has even saved several lives. It's quite amazing to contemplate how much this site enabled to happen.
But this growth has brought with it something more than just pageviews and post counts. Because of its size, MLP Forums is now able to provide the resources necessary to bring entire new projects into development and out into the world. Opening with a mailing list of over 200 entries, we generated enough network effect to grow the largest FiM forum on the planet. Imagine what's possible with 10,000...
It's one thing to merely sit on top of such a big forum community. But what really speaks to me as its owner is how having it at my disposal gives me an opportunity to bring even more content and fans together in meaningful ways. That's what makes it all worth it.

  On 2012-10-04 at 2:51 AM, Feld0 said:


In closing, I'd like to reiterate some of the main goals that the team and I have for the ongoing maintenance and development of the MLP Forums community.

  • To continue holding the forum community and our members to the highest standards, ensuring a friendly place you can always feel safe visiting, no matter how large it grows.
  • To continue encouraging and nurturing our community to produce content of a high quality, leaving behind interesting and diverse discussions for everyone to enjoy.
  • To begin building out an integrated, unified community of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fans that transcends a single Internet forum.


2.) What inspired you to create MLP Forums?
(There's a space and a capital F in "MLP Forums"...)
That would be Kurtiss. A long while back, he emailed me asking if I was interested in starting up a pony forum with him, as the bronies of 3DS Forums and TheWiiU.com were constrained to monolithic megathreads. After a few replies, we made it happen.
3.) What do you like most about Celestia?
If she wasn't a pony, I'd say that I admire her desire to remain "human" despite her god-like position.  :D
It has been hinted on multiple occasions that Celestia isn't above "mortal pleasures," so to speak, like desserts and pranks. This annotated screenshot epitomizes that:
Unfortunately, we haven't seen all that much of Celestia's day-to-day life as Equestria's highest aristocrat. But from what we have seen, she comes off as a benevolent dictator... someone who uses her absolute power to make Equestria a better place, not the self-gratifying ego. Honestly, trying to please your own ego for a thousand-year lifespan sounds like it'll get boring as heck after the first century, heh.
I admire her qualities as a leader and a person, and I like to think we have a few things in common. I hold absolute power over my websites, I love making my "subjects" happy, and I wouldn't say no to a scrumptious cake.
4.) Do you have any big updates or changes planned for the Feldian Network?
Ooh, you bet. I'd love to talk about what's in the pipeline, but I'm afraid it's too early to reveal any details now. The mission statement in my response to the first question is the closest hint you'll get at what's coming. It'll be awesome.
5.) How do you feel about the current staff of the forums? Do you have anyone in specific you plan to make a Moderator or Admin?
I don't mean this to come off in a self-congratulatory way, but I truly believe we're pretty great. Having personally signed off on every promotion and talking to the staff every day on Skype, I'm proud to vouch for our integrity and professionalism as a team. And yet, like Celestia, we all love making friends and having fun as much as any "mere mortal". Seriously, all of us together run MLP Forums for fun, and I think that shows through in just how fun MLP Forums is as a website and a community.
Typically, I try to avoid direct comparisons with other online communities, but members of MLP Forums have told me on numerous occasions that it's different here from other forums, in all the best ways. It's humbling whenever I hear this, because MLP Forums is merely a reflection of my personal vision for a sensible forum community. Our growth in membership will not destroy that vision, but bring it out to thousands more people in the months and years ahead.
Sorry, I can't speak on who the next candidates are for staff positions here. That's a trade secret.  ;)
6.) What's your favorite episode so far and why?
It's so hard picking just one! There are many great episodes that stand out in my mind, but for the sake of answering this question, I think I'll go for the very first one I watched: the season one pilot (well, I guess that's technically two, since it was a two-parter).
The pivotal moment for me was when Pinkie Pie broke out into the "Laughter Song" and Twilight Sparkle muttered, "Tell me she's not." With that line, Twilight struck a deep chord within me, and has been best pony for me ever since. Although I didn't "seriously" get into the show until later, this was the moment that made me want to keep watching it.
7.) Do MLP Forums staff grow more powerful the more they are loved, like changelings?
Love for a certain show brought us together. Yearning for an online community to love created MLP Forums. Love for this place empowers us to spend thousands of hours cleaning up crap and building out a community.
Love is the very essence that makes MLP Forums as you know it possible at all. Showing some reciprocal love to the staff will only give us more love to channel back into the veins of the community for everyone to love even more.
I'd say the answer to that question is a resounding Yes!
8.) How do you feel about Season 3 thus far?
"Oh, Saturday already? Time for a 22-minute break from coding ponies to watch some ponies."
*22 minutes of poni*
Serious answer: I've found season 3 to be quite entertaining, as FiM has always been. The show has drifted somewhat from the original vision we saw in season 1, but let's not forget that season 3's existence was an uncertainty for the longest time; A Canterlot Wedding was written to be an appropriate series finale, so adhering religiously to the slice-of-life formula would, I think, be the worse thing to do. Stale echo chambers are the Achilles' heel of modern society, and I'd hate to see a legitimately good modern show that I got into fall down that way. It was bad enough when it happened to Heroes...
9.) How do you feel about Alicorn Twilight?
I remain cautiously optimistic. Hasbro have been in control of the series since day one, and I'm okay with that, because FiM will only exist as long as it remains a profitable infomercial for the My Little Pony toy line. That's okay, and this mindset alone makes many of the Twilicorn doomsday theories weightless to me.
With the corporate interest out of the way, we get to the literary one. Does the main protagonist of FiM growing wings and being crowned a princess spell the end of poni as we know it?
As we know it, maybe. The wholesale demise of the fandom and the show itself? Yeah, no.
A change in direction opens as many doors as it closes. Twilight Sparkle now has wings, which scored her some brownie points with Rainbow Dash ("Aww yeah. A new flying buddy!"). She wields political power now, but she's apprehensive about it (recall that she asked if there's a book on being a princess? Adorkable Twily hasn't gone anywhere). By all known standards, she's comparable in magical proficiency to Star Swirl the Bearded, if not beyond.
This happens after three full seasons of following her around Ponyville and seeing how her friends interacted with her and each other. Twilight didn't spontaneously change... honestly, the writers worked quite hard to develop her into what she is now. And they have always done so, and always will, within Hasbro's orders from above.
We're now at a point where we have a very intimate understanding of Twilight Sparkle and her five friends, and Hasbro have paid DHX Media to produce 26 more episodes. Would nine and a half more hours of slice-of-life, Twilight-hangs-out-with-her-friends episodes really be the best future for the show? Personally, I think acknowledging Twilight's progress in her studies is what really matters here. Twilight has accomplished something for all of those escapades and friendship letters, and that was becoming a princess. I think it's fair to say at this point that royalty in Equestria doesn't work exactly the same way as royalty among human beings does, which paves the way for all kinds of interesting lore.
"Grown-up Twilight" is now a very capable magician and a political power in a monarchic state. That's a pretty big accomplishment, and something we should be proud of her for, not disappointed in. Realistically, while this change might make small-town Ponyville episodes less palatable, it absolutely opens the door to all kinds of new adventures. Maybe now that Twilight isn't on "stay in Ponyville unless otherwise noted" orders from Celestia, we'll finally see more of Equestria's many regions and settlements. As a lifelong fan of high fantasy, there's no way I could say no to some exploratory adventure action! We may get some much-needed insight into the political operations of Equestria... all kinds of interesting drama and comedy could come out of that. Perhaps Twilight will use her magical skill to program write entirely new spells to improve many ponies' lives.
By tying up all the loose ends of the 64 preceding episodes, the writers have accomplished two things:

  • Significantly advanced the storyline; those 64 episodes actually meant something!
  • Laid a solid foundation of new canon to build an entirely new chapter of poni on.

I, for one, look forward to it.  :)

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 39


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That is perhaps the best and most articulate response to the Twilight situation I've read. Even being a supporter of Twilicorn that response fills me with hope. (Or maybe it's just gas.) Regadless, a very eloquent response. Also, huzzah for a Feld0 interview! My suggestion worked! (I know you were probably planning on interviewing him all along but I'm stealing credit.) :P

  • Brohoof 9

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
OIF 07-09 Veteran

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It's good to have an opportunity to learn about those around us. I'm glad you're doing this, good ma'am!  :)

...That said, If'n I qualify as "existing", this lowly Muffin's got some things he'd like to scream at the world from atop Sears Willis Tower. If possible, I'd like to throw my name into the hat. I may not exactly be "well-known", but I'm CERTAINLY "random."  ^_^

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Woohoo Feld0 finally got interview, NOW I CAN TAKEOVER THE WORLD WITH THIS INFORMATION It was interesting to hear from Feld0 since its not extremely common we hear from him since ya know, hes busy coding ponies, then watching ponies.. Then coding ponies.. You get the idea :D. Its all appreciated work though, I love this place so in my eyes Feld0 did a darn good job starting these forums up and keeping them running!


Plus his explanation of the Twilicorn thing was wonderful and very detailed, many great points in it. I personally don't plan to say I dislike the show until it takes a terrible dip down, and personally I don't think it has for me yet. Then again I'm quite easily satisfied with ponies and the show would have to be like really really bad for me to dislike it..


I feel like I should've seen number 10 being a Feld0 interview, oh well so much for predictions.


Keep up the good work Harmonic! I really love reading these randomly when I get on, gives me something to do :). And I get to of course stalk learn about the various members of the forums :D.

  • Brohoof 4


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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  On 2013-02-11 at 12:53 AM, Doctor XFizzle said:

Nah, no one wants to hear from a timelord who has been here since the 1st day of the forums. That's boring.




Eh, its okay, we can be alone....together..........forever :3


Or something like that....also why is lerpy not interviewed :o I would find that review rather interesting, that's for sure. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Interview #11: ~/XC- Brony\~

Today I interviewed XC Brony, it was a pleasure asking him these questions. So here you go!


1.) Did anything in particular inspire either of your OCs to be created?


Well with colors for rocket, it's my three favorite colors.

With Sam, not really anything inspired her, but rocket was a different story. 
Rocket is based off of me, minus the dead parents backstory. I'm really the black sheep in my family, being in a family of wrestlers were I am a runner. I've always felt a bunch of stress feeling I need to live up to my family name. That's we're I created rocket's back story.

2.) What are your future plans on MLP Forums?

Well I might try to start some RP's and keep my running thread alive. Also I plan to do some top 10 videos were I ask the questions on the forum!

3.) What is your favorite thing about the forums?

I really just like all the users, they make the forums and being a brony awesome and fun. Big shout out to everypony on the forums!!

4.) How did you choose your username?

I love cross country, and running in general. So I wanted to find a way to show my love for running. So I wanted to have my name show that I was a runner and a brony, so I came up with XC Brony!

5.) What do you think Season 4 will be like?

I'm excited to see how twilight and her friends will cope with the huge change. I have the idea that the first episode will be about how twilight is being treated differently and she doesn't like the way she is being treated. I think the season will start with her getting adjusted and the Devon half will be more about her learning new abilities an taking on new challenges.

6.) Quick, list as many reasons as you can why you like My Little Pony!

Characters, voice acting, animation, references, music, and the stories are the big ones. Those are the only reasons I can really think of. 

7.) May I take your hat sir?

Thank you sir, but I seem to no be wearing a hat at the moment. But if you would like it, I can go grab a hat and come back, then you can take it. Is that alright?

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I imagine Harmonic Revelations on a stool, cigarette pinched between his fingers like a 1960s American news broadcaster, asking piercing and hard-hitting questions of the powerful and noteworthy on MLP Forums. You won't be able to dodge the issues here.

  • Brohoof 7


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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  On 2013-02-23 at 1:42 AM, RainbowDash92 said:

Can i be interviewed? kthx.


No but seriously, if I want to be interviewed, how long would i have to wait? Is there like a long line of people waiting? XD


Harmonic doesn't do the interviews by request, they do it by randomly choosing. Except for Shotty, who I think they gave into :P


However, Brook does interviews by request, and there's a sign-up que topic for it as well.

  • Brohoof 7


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