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MLP Birthday Scenario Game


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I love these well my results are

1.You and Silver Spoon are roomates

2.Conquer Equestria with AppleBloom

3.You will fall in love with Daring Do

4.Go to theGala with Gilda

5.Have sex with Sweetie Belle &(

6.Party with Vinyl

7. Fluttershy needs your help

8.Have a sleep over with Scootalo

9.Pillow fight with Rainbow Dash tomorrow because you went clubbing with her then Berry Punch texts you

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1. Me and discord get to destroy FOX news!

2. Me and Lyla Heartstrings get handcuffed for life.

3. Make 1000 clones of spike (I better bit save his life)

4. Become best friends with Rainbow Dash

5. My best friend is Gilda -_-

6. Iron pony competition against Shining Armor.

7. Sweetie Bell rapes me :(

8. I Become BFFS with Vinyl Scratch

9. You watch the world burn with Rainbow Dash every other day because she has taken me under her wing then pinkie pie throws a party in my honour!

  • Brohoof 1

I like video games!

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1. Travel time and space with Sweetie Belle


Now sure how this would end. :blink:


2. Banished to the moon with Trixie


NOT AGAIN! However, considering as how she's changed... maybe it won't be such a bad idea after all.


3. Princess Cadance moves into my house


I don't think Shining Armor is gonna like her staying at my house... :wacko:


4. Wrap up Winter with DJ-PON3


Whilst listening to wubs, that is. :wub:


5. My bodyguard is Lyra Heartstrings


Yay! :D


6. Stuck on an island with Lyra Heartstrings


I would so love to hear her play the lyre. :wub:


7. Eat dinner with Rarity


As long as I wear a fancy outfit and be a gentleman, I'm game! :D


8. Sing with Twilight Sparkle


If she can sing, I can sing too! :P


(Didn't added the #9 because of my lack of knowledge in Chinese Zodiac :wacko:)


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  • 1 year later...

1. fluttershy is the giver and im the taker. 

 2. Party with octiva.  

3. Nightmare moon gives u a kiss.

4. Go out with Silver spoon. 

5. Will get hugged forever by coltage.

6. Banished to the moon with Nightmare moon.

7. Getting a call from discord.

8. Get's Discords cutie mark.

9. You try out a new flying trick with rainbow dash tomorrow because you think she is cool then apple jack invites you to go apple bucking.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd rather not reveal my birthday online, so I'm going to use the fictional birth date of 4/2/1942.

(By the way, I live in Australia where it goes Day/Month/Year instead of Month/Day/Year, so this date is the fourth of February.)


1. ‘Travel time and space with Sweetie Belle.’

I thought I already did this? Sentient numbers are masters at traversing time and space! Oh, and I suppose Sweetie Belle can tag along if she wants.


2. ‘Banished to the moon with Trixie.’

WHY?! What atrocities did I commit to deserve this fate?! And why of all ponies do I have to be banished with HER?! My sanity won’t survive this!


3. ‘Princess Cadence moves into your house.’

Oh, I have a message. Let’s see what it says... So, a princess is moving in with me... wait, WHAT?! A princess?! A freaking princess?! Uhh, just wait a moment please, I have a ton of cleaning up to do and a bunch of negative personality traits to purge from myself!


4. ‘Wrap up Winter with DJ Pon-3.’

I do quite like... whatever the genre of music is you often hear from DJs. But I have a feeling I’m going to be doing all the wrapping up while DJ Pon-3 just plays music. I’m not too happy with this arrangement.


5. ‘Your bodyguard is Lyra.’

What? Why do I need a bodyguard? As far as I know, my life is at as much risk as any other civilian. That is, extremely low. So, if my life is in so much danger that I need a bodyguard, does this mean we need to give everypony bodyguard now? Actually, is this related to my status as a sentient number? Those are rather rare, so it actually makes sense. One last question: Why Lyra? She has no combat training as far as I’m aware.


6. ‘Stuck on an island with Lyra.’

Unfortunately for Lyra, I am a sentient number, not a human. This is going to be very boring. Oh wait, I can travel time and space! Never mind! No island can trap me!


7. ‘Eat dinner with Rarity.’

A dinner with Rarity, huh? Can someone teach me the bazillion rules of high society table manners beforehand? I’m going to make a fool of myself and probably somehow offend her if I don’t make sure I know every single one.


8. ‘Sing with Twilight.’

I’m warning you, Twilight, my singing voice is atrocious. I’ll still sing if you want me to, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want me to.


9. ‘You huggles Rainbow Dash tonight because she made a Sonic Rainboom, then Rainbow Dash gives you a hug.’

This conflicts with my actual personality in so many ways, but let’s just go with it anyway. So, I am so fortunate I was able to huggle my Sonic-Rainboom-making hero under the gentle glow of Luna’s stars, and to my surprise, Rainbow Dash actually hugs me back! Does this mean Rainbow Dash has become my waifu?


Well that was fun. I might create a completely new fictional birthday later so I can do it again.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Well....here it goes: 

1- You make many clones of Applebloom, but they all turn into zombies (Zombie Killing Mode Initiated). 


2 - Iron Pony competition against Angel Bunny......(Angel Bunny, you will not Rest...In...Peace). 


3 - DJ Pon-3/Vinyl Scratch dies and gives you all of their money  :(


4 - Your very special somepony is Princess Celestia......... :huh:


5 - Your girlfriend/boyfriend is Discord................................................. :eww:


6 - Conquer Equestria with Princess Celestia (She basically already owns it. No troubles  :P


7 - Switching lives with Vinyl Scratch (Seems Awesome)


8 - Marry Derpy  :D


9 - You write letters to Rainbow Dash tomorrow because she is the best pony, then the fun gets doubled.


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1. You open the door, Princess Cadance (yay) gets on the floor, everybody walks the dinosaur!

2. Stuck on an Island with Gilda.

(Jokes on you, I like Gilda!)

3. Shining Armour is your greatest enemy.

(24 should've been Trixie, dawgs.)

4. Have a sleepover with Bon Bon

(I'm not sure how I feel about this)

5. Kisses Fluttershy (yay)

6. Switch lives with Pinkie Pie

(Uh, okay.)

7. Pinkie Pie gives you a present.


8. Spitfire invites you to a party.

(Not sure how I feel)

9. You huggles Rainbow Dash every other week because she handcuffed you then Spitfire says you broke an academy record

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. You and Zecora do a drive by on a target of my choice.

This is gonna be fun, but who shall be the one?

2.Become mortal enemies with Bon-Bon.

Does that mean that I can never eat candy again??!!! NOOOOOOO :( !

3. Banished to the moon with Spitfire.

Well at least I won't get boed, I'll always have my portable airial-show with me. :fiery:

4.Buck apples with Applejack.

Wow that's a boring one 

5. Start a band with Bon-Bon.

I don't know how that would work out, considering that I and Bon-Bon are mortal enemies?

6.Handcuffed for life with Twilight Sprkle.

Not that bad considering the other possibilities.

7.Go to  party with Derpy.

Maybe she only has 3 left hooves.                                                                            Wow that was a bad joke.

8.Become enemies with Applebloom.

Now I also can't eat Apples? I think I'm gonna be on a cakes-only-diet.

9. You write letters to Ranbow Dash for 12 hours, because she crashed into me, then CMC's share a milkshake with me.

I sure need a milkshake after wrtitng letters for 12 hours straight.


The biggest Fluttershy-Fan in the whole of Switzerland :yay:  ( I am actually not sure of that :blush: )

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Ohh **** me..

1. Me and Cheerilee are college roommates

2. I conquer Equestria with Luna (YES! :D)

3. I fall in love with Zecora  :eww:

4. I go to the Gala with Twilight Sparkle

5. I have sex with Chrysalis.... ~ :fiery:

6. Party with Derpy :D

7. Getting a phonecall from Fluttershy :o

8. Have a sleepover with Pinkie Pie  :please:

9. I go camping with Rainbow Dash for 10 days because I went clubbing with her, then the fun got doubled xD

Edited by ARagY

To each their own

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1) I'm the president and Dr Whooves is my secretary of defense wonderful (always knew my leadership skills would get me somewhere)

2) I switch lives with Scootaloo (I guess that would be interesting she is one of my favorite characters)

3) I go to a ball and dance with Lyra (hope she doesn't pass out when she sees a human)

4) I celibate Hearth's Warming Eve with Angel (cause I got nothing better to do)

5) I go on an adventure with Big Mac (hell yeah this otta be interesting)

6) I'm mortal enemies with Pinkamena (unless its the psychotic fan fic one that's unlikely)

7) Rainbow Dash wants a bed time story (ugh fine)

8) I rule the world with... Snowflake? (what the hell that's my OCs name)

9) I huggles Rainbow Dash every other week because I helped her catch Derpy Hooves then Rainbow Dash challenges me to a race (but I win... what the hell this is so random)

Edited by Spy


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1. You are the president, and Zecora is your Secretary of Defense [Could be worse]

2. Switch lives with Bon-Bon [sweet, I get candy]

3. You go to a ball and dance with Spitfire [RD is probably jealous, considering the Gala]

4. Celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve with Applejack [Nice quiet holiday celebration I hope]

5. You go on an adventure with Bon-Bon [i have no clue how this will end]

6. Mortal enemies with Twilight Sparkle [Well, I'm dead]

7. Go to a party with Rainbow Dash [Can it be a pinkie pie party?]

8. Rule the world with Applebloom [i don't know what or how]

9. You bake pies for Rainbow Dash every other day because you helped her catch Derpy Hooves, then the CMC shares a milkshake with you. [i bake her pies that often for helping her with something? I'm nice ...and I need that milkshake]

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  • 7 months later...

1. Travel time and space with Derpy Hooves! (sounds like a disaster... I am  so excited!)

2. Banished to the moon with Soarin (I wouldn't mind being banished with Soarin!)

3. Applejack moves into your house (Yeee-Hawww!)

4. Winter wrap up with Spike (zzzzz.... just a few more hours.....zzzzzz....)

5. My bodyguard(s) is(are) Aloe/Lotus (Well at least I can get a spa treatment).

6. Stuck on an island with Zecora (Hmmm... interesting)

7. Having a one night stand with Rarity. (Sorry Rarity...)

8. Sing with Sweetie Belle (Sweetie Belle sings beautifully, me... drunken karaoke (hilariously awful ). However it's a fun time

9. Huggles Rainbow dash every other day then She made you a sonic rainboom! Then Derpy Hooves hands you a muffin (not quite sure why)?

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  • 4 months later...

1. You wake up finding that Soarin has tied you to their bed  :wau:


2. Bake cupcakes with Discord :umad:


3.You and Twilight Sparkle become best friends :grin2:


4. You and Rarity participate in the running of the leaves :proud:


5.Your pet pony is Twilight Sparkle :yay:


6.Married to Iron Will :eww:


7.Start a group with Scootaloo -_-


8.Trick or Treat with Rainbow Dash B)


9.You write letters to Rainbow Dash because you and her tried to get some cider but they were all out then you and the main six see a movie :P

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 8 months later...

  1.I open the door,Shining armor gets on the floor and everybody walk the dinosaur  (what the... :umad:)


  2.Stuck on the island whit Pinkie pie.....(cries on the corner :( )


  3. Rarity is my greatest enemy   (but Rarity is my fave pony... :confused: )


  4.I have sleep over with Shining armor   (SHINING ARMOR, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!! :blink:)


  5.Scootaloo kisses me!   ( :dry::scots::wub: )


  6.Swith lives with Fluttershy  (okay! :fluttershy: )



  7.Pinkie Pie knows everything about me  (...she sees everything! :okiedokieloki: )



  8.Workship with R.D on the hour 'couse she is handcutted to me,than Vinyl drops the bass.........(.....wtf.....) :blink:

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1. Travel time and space with Queen Crysalis (I was wondering who was going to be the new companion in my Tardis)

2. Banished to the moon with Fluttershy (I'm ok with this as I like the moon and Fluttershy's my favourite of the mane 6)

3. Scootaloo moves into your house (My favourite pony's moved into my house, awesome)

4. Wrap up Winter with Discord (Sounds like chaotic fun)

5. Your bodyguard is Applejack (I think she would make a good bodyguard)

6. Stuck on an Island with Princess Luna (Again I wouldn't mind being stranded with the best princess)

7. Learning stuff from Rarity (Is she going to try to teach me about fashion?)

8. Sing with Big Mac (I think my singing will ruin it sadly)

9. You huggles Rainbow Dash for 12 hours because she made a Sonic Rainboom, then Lyra tries to steal your hands (It was great until Lyra tried to take my hands)

Edited by Rainbow Cloud
  • Brohoof 2


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1. You and Twilight are college room mates

2. Conquer Equestria with Twilight 

3. You fall in love with Pinkie Pie

4. Go to the gala with Big Mac (pls no)

5. Have sex with Luna (:

6. Party with Sweetie Belle o.o

7. Being defeated in a game by Fluttershy

8. Having a sleep over with Bon Bon

9. I become a become a wing for Rainbow dash because you went clubbing with her, then Octavia performs for me.


wow. what is with mine o.o

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. You and Nightmare Moon are college roommates.


2. Conquer Equestria with Sweetie Belle.


3. You fall in love with Mare-Do-Well.


4. Go to the Gala with Nightmare Moon.


5. Have sex with Octavia.

Damn it. Why couldn't have I been born on the 11th?


6. Party with Bulk Biceps.


7. Getting married to Fluttershy.


8. Have a sleepover with Rarity


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  • 7 months later...

I got

1 Donut Joe is the giver, you are the taker

2 Party with spike

3 Octavia gives you a kiss

4 Go out with Applebloom

5 Will get hugged forever by Vinyl Scratch

6 Banished to the moon with big mac

7 Discord would like to meet you

8 Get Celestias cutie mark

9 Dress up as rd every three days because you think she is cool then Twilight scolds you

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 months later...

July 1:

1: Make clones of Cheerilee that turn into zombies. Interesting.

2: Iron Pony against Princess Alicorn Luna. :orly:

3: Zecora dies and gives me all her money. Great. Instead of using all that money, if have to spend it in the hospital after the Iron Pony with Luna!     

4: Your very special somepony is Twilight Sparkle. At least it's not same-gendered.

5: My girlfriend is Chrysalis. Same reaction as #4. Now I'm cheating on Twilight? 


7: Gets a phone call from Vinyl Scratch. She never talks. I would really like to hear her voice.

8: Marry Pinkie Pie. Wow, WOW, WOW! Even thought I'm ruling Equestria with DERPY WHOOVES, Chrysalis can defeat me for marrying Pinkie Pie?

9: Dress up as Rainbow Dash for 12 hours because I think she's awesome because since I was born on the first so I got to choose but it took me for ever but I finally choose 23- Derpy Whooves gives me a muffin. I do think Rainbow Dash is awesome but not my favorite pony. 

Edited by Sparkle Swirl
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On 2/7/2017 at 0:21 PM, FriskDreemurr said:

I got

1 Donut Joe is the giver, you are the taker

2 Party with spike

3 Octavia gives you a kiss

4 Go out with Applebloom

5 Will get hugged forever by Vinyl Scratch

6 Banished to the moon with big mac

7 Discord would like to meet you

8 Get Celestias cutie mark

9 Dress up as rd every three days because you think she is cool then Twilight scolds you

We have close #4 but I'm born on the first and wearung a blue shirt.

Edited by Sparkle Swirl
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1. I found out Apple Bloom is my mother. :blink:

2. I'm married to Angel. (imagine a honeymoon with a rabbit!!) :wacko:

3. I'm handcuffed for life to Vinyl Scratch. :(

4. I'm going to the Sisterhooves Social with Celestia. :sunbutt: (I hope she's not afraid to get muddy!)  

5. I'm married to Discord. (Oh hell no!!) :confused:

6. I'm creating clones of Celestia. (Handy for winning at the Sisterhood social!) :lie:

7. I'm switching lives with Twilight Sparkle. (Someone's gotta jazz up her social agenda a bit!) :mustache:

8. I'm going shopping with Derpy. (Off to Toys R Us we go! Yay!) :muffins:

9. I watch the world burn with Rainbow Dash every other year because she stalks me. Then the fun gets doubled. B)

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1. You wake up finding that Donut Joe has tied you to their beds....wut? XD

2. Bake cupcakes with Spike. Oh well XD

3. You and Octavia become best friends. i like that :3

4. Participating in the Running of the Leaves with Applebloom. She would probably win >.>

5. Your pet pony is Vinyl Scratch. Yussss x3

6. Married to Big Mac. Oh god o-o What have i done...

7. Scootaloo would like to meet you. ^~^

8. Trick or Treat with Celestia. ehehe cancer.png

9. You huggles Rainbow Dash for 12 hours, because you and she tries to get cider and they ran out, then Twilight Sparkle scolds you. Aww XD

Signature by @Lord Valtasar


Ask me here!  My DeviantArt  Find me on PokéHeroes

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1. Travel time and space with Queen Chrysalis 

2. Banished to the moon with Fluttershy

3. Scootaloo moves into my house

4. Wrap up Winter with Discord (sounds fun actually) 

5. My bodyguard is Applejack 

6. I'm stuck on an island with Princess Luna 

7. I win a game to Rarity 

8. I sing with Big Mac....

9. I huggle Rainbow Dash for 12 hours because she made a Sonic Rainboom and then Lyra trys to steal my hands

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1. Travel space and time with Derpy

2. Banished to the moon with Sorin

3. Applejack moved into my house...

4. Winter Wrap up with Spike

5. My bodyguards are Aloe and Lotus...

6. Stuck on an island with Zecora

7. one night stand with Rarity

8. Sing with Sweetie Belle

9. I became a wing pony for Rainbow Dash every other day because she made a Sonic Rainboom, then Derpy gave me a muffin.

Astrophysicist, Magic Physicist, and Forum-Games derp

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