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Things that were cool then but considered obsolete by todays standards.


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I was going through my treasures today and I found my NES in working perfection. I was like a child on christmas day seeing an old relative who use to visit frequently til I remembered it didn't have coax cables or a HDMI cable but I found my old TV/VCR set in my family's spare room and played Super Mario Bros 3.

So it came to mind..what did you think was cool back then but is now out dated/obsolete.

  • Brohoof 7
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I had one of those remote control robot waiter things, essentially all it could do was carry a single cup of drink for you, I don't recall ever even using it but I kept it In my room as a child and I thought it was so cool.

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Mostly, the old consoles that we grew up with. We all loved playing them, but there comes a time when you have to move on. To leave the past behind, and move on to the present in reality. I loved playing PS1, when I was young and PS2 during Elementary school.

Brings back memories, and maybe the old cartoons. I miss it all.

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You can still move on without forgetting the good days.  One thing I do miss more that might go the way of the dinosaur is hand written letters..every year for my birthday my grandmother would write me a letter and buy me a card with 10$ inside.  Texting is convenient but not as fulfilling as a letter.

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I miss all the old consoles I remember when in order to play video games you either had to get up and go to somebody else's house or they came to yours. When the person you were playing against was actually in the room and you could actually talk to them(less trash talking and younger kids). I really dislike many of the video games created now because everybody focuses on online too much as well as graphics and not enough on storylines and gameplay.


On another note something i truly miss is when everybody could talk face to face. Now that we have Cell phones and internet nobody wants to actually talk to people in real life its like oh your in front of my face but i'll text you. I really wish we could go back to the days with recess where you went outside no iphones and played sports or had card battles man i wish i could go back to my childhood :(


Oh sorry i kinda went down memory lane for a second

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Floppy Disks, you can't even put them anywhere any more


One thing that will NEVER go obsolete:

The Nokia Bricks


Though no-one uses them as phones any more, they will still have a purpose as the most impenetrable material known to existance

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The trips to Blockbuster were always something I look forward to. I'd heave and lug garbage/wash dishes/clean gutters/mow lawns for a dollar or 1.25 and then go rent the newest game or movie.  And even when as I grew up i'd still go in and buy what they had marked down.

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I still have my ps2 and love it in truth and i keep playing FF-X which i still love! 


I love Final Fantasy X it's one of my fav ones! :wub:  I really wish they would have took the team switching into other games that was one of the best things about the game. 

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The penny. Recently Canada got rid of it as currency now before you all think im crazy for this one penny's can be very useful there was once a situation where I went to buy a pop and was short 15 cents and didn't have a dime or a nickle however though I did have 15 cents in pennies!

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I remember a time when people thought they where the new and in thing, now they just seem to be like an old toy - something to be played around with until you get bored, then broken and a new one bought.

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There is a lot of things mentioned here that are still pretty much okay to be used right now :o


I kinda miss that one time where a phone is, well, a phone. Nowadays you can access pretty much every informations that are available to public from every corner of the civilization. Now if a phone can't at least play some music or snap a picture, it's essentially a shiny paperweight.





That hurts... :c

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What about Digimon? I remember back when pokemon started getting popular so was digimon! The had some cool games for the ps1 and some awesome movies. I don't know if it is still popular as of today? But the picture above brings back some memories for me :3

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I can't believe no one's mentioned these yet: PDA's. Those things were the shit a few years ago. Now, everyone just has smartphones. Palm Inc. has pretty much been completely forgotten. 

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Hmm, being born in the late 90s, I'm not sure I really have anything. I guess the PS1 and Mario Kart on the DS died out, but it's still fun as hell. I think someone borrowed it from me at least 3 years ago and never gave it back though.

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I love Final Fantasy X it's one of my fav ones! :wub:  I really wish they would have took the team switching into other games that was one of the best things about the game. 


Yah,  to me FFX is one of the top games ever made.  They are redoing it for the x-box and ps3 in HD but  something on holding my ps2 controler  and watching it and playing makes me feel like a young gamer again.  One other old school thing i miss: Game Boy Color!

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I miss the gamecube days so badly... That was my all time favorite system. I wish they could of at least upgraded it. Sucks so much.. I loved animal crossing and mario kart double dash. Such good times :(


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Ahh.... The good ol' days. All the old consoles of course. MSDos and all the games for it. Games such as Commander Keen, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Raptor: Call of the Shadows to name a few. Rock'em Sock'em Robots. PDA's. Pokemon, the show and the cards. The games are still going pretty strong. If Pokemon is still not quite obsolete, it sure feels like it for me. I was around for the huge Pokemon craze. Those small electronic keyboards. Power Rangers. They became obsolete after the first movie. The Cold War. Common Courtesy. Cheap gas. Oversized glasses. Wired keyboards and mice. Portable cassette and portable cd players. Boomboxes. Tamagotchi's. Finger Boards. The list goes on......

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Around here at my town and school, that would be Pokémon, Bey Blades, Yu-Gi-Oh, or Digimon.


As for Pokémon, I still love it no matter what...but I don't really like the newer generations...But, back in Elementary, Pokémon was the stuff. Middle school it was hated..but Highschool, its half and half. But, its mostly the classics I am talking about. The kids in my school are into the newer Pokémon. I am into the old. Like Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Meowth, etc.


I also remember Bey Blades, all the boys had them and versed eachother. Then Yu-Gi-Oh cards were the things and now, you'd be lucky enough to find those. I was never into Yu-Gi-Oh, but I remember that being BIG. Also, Digimon too. Oh god, it was either Digimon or Pokémon.


I also do remember Mario being more popular to play back in the day. Now, not a lot of people play them. I of course still play Mario and the Classics. Classics here forever, peops!!!

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Floppy Disks, you can't even put them anywhere any more


One thing that will NEVER go obsolete:

The Nokia Bricks


Though no-one uses them as phones any more, they will still have a purpose as the most impenetrable material known to existance


I remember when Zip disks were all the rave.  100MB!



Ahh.... The good ol' days. All the old consoles of course. MSDos and all the games for it. Games such as Commander Keen, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Raptor: Call of the Shadows to name a few. Rock'em Sock'em Robots. PDA's. Pokemon, the show and the cards. The games are still going pretty strong. If Pokemon is still not quite obsolete, it sure feels like it for me. I was around for the huge Pokemon craze. Those small electronic keyboards. Power Rangers. They became obsolete after the first movie. The Cold War. Common Courtesy. Cheap gas. Oversized glasses. Wired keyboards and mice. Portable cassette and portable cd players. Boomboxes. Tamagotchi's. Finger Boards. The list goes on......


DOS games will never die for me nor my local bronies.  Last I checked they had me requesting to get them the original Quake.  Haha.

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Pagers.  Back in the 90s these were all the rage.  Now everyone has a cell phone, so what's the point? 

And a lot of early 3d polygon rendered graphics in video games too.  Starfox on the SNES, which I love, looks *really* dated now, while the graphics of something like Super Metroid or Contra III still hold up well. 

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I miss the gamecube days so badly... That was my all time favorite system. I wish they could of at least upgraded it. Sucks so much.. I loved animal crossing and mario kart double dash. Such good times :(


Yeah... those were the haydays of playing with my friends, when i was around 12-15, spending hours on end playing animal crossing, PSO, agent under fire (i still missed golden eye, but i didn't have an n64). and stuff.


Around here at my town and school, that would be Pokémon, Bey Blades, Yu-Gi-Oh, or Digimon.


As for Pokémon, I still love it no matter what...but I don't really like the newer generations...But, back in Elementary, Pokémon was the stuff. Middle school it was hated..but Highschool, its half and half. But, its mostly the classics I am talking about. The kids in my school are into the newer Pokémon. I am into the old. Like Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Meowth, etc.


I also remember Bey Blades, all the boys had them and versed eachother. Then Yu-Gi-Oh cards were the things and now, you'd be lucky enough to find those. I was never into Yu-Gi-Oh, but I remember that being BIG. Also, Digimon too. Oh god, it was either Digimon or Pokémon.


I also do remember Mario being more popular to play back in the day. Now, not a lot of people play them. I of course still play Mario and the Classics. Classics here forever, peops!!!


Newer pokemon isn't bad if you give it a shot  ;)  It still has all the old pokemon around still, and it's the same stupid fun. But, I do understand your sentiment.


Oh bey blades....... BEY BLADES.... they made an anime about them. I remember watching and facepalming so hard about how ridiculous it was, and yet.... still kept watching.


Yu-gi-oh cards are still around here a TON, in cardshops they sell a ton of them, and it still holds tournements to this day, but the old series is long forgetten, and many of its cards banned.


Also yes... the HUGE digimon vs pokemon war for a LONG time. everybody raved and chose sides, but it came down to the games. The digimon games weren't very good at all.. but the pokemon games, well there is a professional pokemon battle scene, so. :P


Man, Mario is sitll popular, he's just seen as "too popular to be cool" now. As a gamer myself, I adored galaxy, and galaxy 2, but since galaxy 2 there hasn't been a good mario game... in a decent while.


I was going through my treasures today and I found my NES in working perfection. I was like a child on christmas day seeing an old relative who use to visit frequently til I remembered it didn't have coax cables or a HDMI cable but I found my old TV/VCR set in my family's spare room and played Super Mario Bros 3.


So it came to mind..what did you think was cool back then but is now out dated/obsolete.


<3 I still have my NES and SNES hooked up, I still play them regularly, and buy games I wish I had on e-bay. Most recently I got my copies of dragon warrior 2, and star fox.

As a classic gamer, I don't think they are dated or obsolete at all, we can learn a lot from them, that modern games neglect, because they have reached the masses, and no longer respect our intelligence like they once did.

3d Graphics from snes on may be dated, yeah, but I don't think pixel graphics can be dated, they are a kind of art in their own right.


Mostly, the old consoles that we grew up with. We all loved playing them, but there comes a time when you have to move on. To leave the past behind, and move on to the present in reality. I loved playing PS1, when I was young and PS2 during Elementary school.

Brings back memories, and maybe the old cartoons. I miss it all.

I'm an enthusiast of old Consoles, You could say. For some, you may leave them behind, because you have an entire life ahead of you. But I learn from them, and utilize that knowledge In my future work.


as for old cartoons. Do you all remember toonami? I recently found a giant collected of all the old adverts that somebody remastered Here and went on a HUGE nostalgia trip. all the shows. samurai jack, gundam wing, outlaw star, yu yu hakusho (which i remember when it started), blue sub.


I remember when Zip disks were all the rave. 100MB!


DOS games will never die for me nor my local bronies. Last I checked they had me requesting to get them the original Quake. Haha.

Oh zip disks.... your life span was SO short.

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Oh zip disks.... your life span was SO short.


I remember when Norton Rescue utilities had a 'use Zip Disks to boot Windows' option.  Needless to say with the Click of Death some ZIP devices lifespans were ten seconds flat.


There was the more obscure LS-120....What else.  PCMCIA?

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