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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington

Spell would be more or less silent the rest of the way, she was just daydreaming about something, she probably was trying to comprehend what Hoofington was in the manner of production and city design, she was curious if she could get her hooves on a crystal or two, for research use only of course. She wanted for the longest time try and put some of her “magic” into a crystal, or well, just smash one with it if the idea fails on the start. Besides, she liked pretty sparkly things like gems, so more reasons to try and get some if she can.


She when would get off the carriage, she was not very well used to being into one of them for such a long time, so her eyes did indeed react a little bit too odd to it.


Looking around herself, she would be kind of intrigued by the view; she didn’t appreciated townsfolk’s looking at them, even staring to be honest, but you can’t do anything about that, when at least two of the most intimidating ponies in the region just come here for a visit. Why two? She heard about Trixie coming and she did heard a little bit about the show off of the mare. While of course, she knew all the jokes about her, she had a certain bit of respect towards her, for some unknown reasons.


She when saw someone particular in the crowd and well, went to see if it was someone she suspected it was. She didn’t went far from everyone else, she was pretty visible, she did however walked rather closely to a group of people, to see… her mare friend, Lightning in there, waving her hoof at her.


- “Lightning!” – Spell would said to her, cheerful and happy, they haven’t seen for a little bit now so they would probably hug, if they possibly could and do other cute stuff, which I am too lazy to describe. Like talking about life and things along those lines.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruin


Lily tilted her head slightly in confusion. "Lady Fluttershy wants to see... me? But I was looking for her advice, this is odd. Well, I guess if she sent you then it must be important. Okay... I'll come. Just don't try anything." Lily caught up to the deer, her sparrow friend landing on her shoulder. "Oh, this is Jimmy by the way. He's a cheerful little guy, but a mischievous little sparrow most of the time. I'm sure he'll be on his best behavior."


But then the sound of a second sparrow was heard, Lily looking around to find where it was coming from. "That's odd, you don't usually find any other sparrows this deep in the woods." But there is was, another small bird landing on her other shoulder and chirping into her ear excitedly. "Oh goodness, better not keep her waiting then. Thank you little one." Lily turned to the tall deer standing next to her. "Lady Fluttershy feels bad for how rude she was before and apologizes. I'm sure she really means it. Anyway, let's keep going, we're not far off now. Oh, I do hope I haven't kept her waiting. How does my mane looked? Oh silly me, I haven't brushed it in years."


House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruin


Rain chuckled. "Your mane looks beautiful. And she didn't tell us much...most of deer are interested in a gift she had offered...I don't care about gift's personally...I just wish to please Fluttershy and do anything I can to help the house." He said, moving towards the ruins. "And I will not do anything to harm you and your friend. There is no need to worry." He said, giving Lily and Jimmy. "And it's quite nice to meet you Jimmy. I have a few bird friends...as you can see, they usually like to hang out on my antlers." He chuckled as the birds who had perched on his antler's chirped loudly.

"So Ms Sparro- I mean...Lily, Fluttershy told us all that you were deep in the forest...why have you been hiding out so far away ?" He asked, easily hopping over a large fallen tree. "I do suppose it would be a good way to get away from this stupid war...but i'm just feeling curious...what's it like that far into the forest ? I am staying at the ruins and I have only been really deep into the forest once. It was interesting."

Something something something something


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@,@@Marathon, @@AnonBrony,@@Spell Shock, @@Nightfall, @


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


The gatekeeper was getting more and more frustrated by the second by these stubborn mares. "No money and no inspection means NO ENTRANCE TO THE CITY!" he shouted harshly, attracting the attention of some of the lower-class ponies that lived aboveground as opposed to underground. One of the other gatekeepers looked hungrily at the muffins the pegasus was eating, before the other gatekeeper snapped at him to keep inspecting instead of having daydreams about muffins. Without another word, he(the first gatekeeper) used his levitation magic to slowly lift Wind's bag off of her.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower


"Sorry sir, but you must wait for her to come back. She wishes not to be interrupted while the performance is going on," the guard said calmly. He then smiled when the sinister "unicorn" took his order and sat down.


House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Star Rain looked up at Eternity with a surprised look in her eyes. Nopony has ever complimented her art, not since her father passed away. In fact, Eternity seemed to give her a bizarre illusion of fatherly love that she had not experienced for seven years. 


When they arrived, she got off of the carriage and gazed around at the town and the townsfolk with great fascination. She had never been outside of Canterlot and she had never seen a pegasus or an earth pony before! "Can you really fly with those wings?" she asked a random pegasus. It all just came out without her realizing it until it was too late.

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Silver was noticeably quiet while the Archmagister and Trixie laughed off his concerns, clearly showing how he considered this a serious matter by his expression. It could almost be said he had a look of disappointment on his face as he says softly, "I never thought I would see you take a group such as the Cult so lightly Archmagister... you of all ponies should know the importance of never underestimate a foe."


Shaking he head a bit, as if gathering his thoughts he says with a frown, "what did I just say?"


Remembering the rest of what the Archmagister said he offers, "You mean the Laughing Mare, I am surprised you don't remember keeping up with the intelligence Archmagister. Again, this is something I seek to always know just in cause I ever have to fight the Cult in battle."


After this Silver was quiet for the rest of the journey, deep in thought as he waited for them to arrive. On the Archmagister's words of excitement he smiles and nods, "yes we are here, time to tell everpony else on this trip your plans."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower


"Sorry sir, but you must wait for her to come back. She wishes not to be interrupted while the performance is going on," the guard said calmly. He then smiled when the sinister "unicorn" took his order and sat down.


House Whitegold, Manehatten, Ivory Tower


"But of course."

He smiled, nearly evily, at the guard.

"I know she would like to hear her own sister sing."

He sat back against his cart, waiting, slowly drawing up plans in case Rarity wouldn't want to bother with him. He nearly closed his eyes, eyeing the guards for only seconds at a time, wondering if he could knocked them out in a matter of mere moments, before they could alarm anyone, so he could get through and go inside. He sighed inwardly, wishing only for a high ranking position, and for the ability to do more "evil." He wanted to see pain; he longed to hear such screams of anguish before the silence of death. His grin appeared again as he thought of these, wondering what the Diamond Dogs would sound like could he attach his machine to some kind of war device or torture device. He wished for the performance to either end early, or for Rarity to grow bored with it and come home early.

"Look at you... thinking this place home already. Wishing Rarity would propose to you?"

"I would never marry that monster, unless I could be made high general or something. And then I would. Then, I could give orders, make more engines, and get Twilight to stop her dream. Maybe I could even kill her."

His grin was broad and sinister.

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


The gatekeeper was getting more and more frustrated by the second by these stubborn mares. "No money and no inspection means NO ENTRANCE TO THE CITY!" he shouted harshly, attracting the attention of some of the lower-class ponies that lived aboveground as opposed to underground. One of the other gatekeepers looked hungrily at the muffins the pegasus was eating, before the other gatekeeper snapped at him to keep inspecting instead of having daydreams about muffins. Without another word, he(the first gatekeeper) used his levitation magic to slowly lift Wind's bag off of her.



The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Undercity - The Gate


Startled by the sudden outburst, a few crumbs fell from Derpys' mouth as her jaw dropped slightly. She then said, "Well, we woulda' paid th' entrance fee, if you'd've told us how much it costs!" Derpy looked at him confusedly for a minute. She wasn't happy with this guy. He didn't seem nice. When he didn't bother to tell her the price still, probably trying to see how much money she would offer, she took fifty bits out of her money pouch and dropped them at the hooves of the rude guard. "That enough?" What more could he possibly- she turned her gaze to the other stallion who was staring hungrily at the muffins in her basket. Ohhh... Feeling very proud of her new idea, Derpy stepped up to the pony. "Sir, ya' looks like yer hungrier than a horse! Would ya' like to try a muffin?" She said the last word before taking a bite of a cherry-walnut muffin, its' delicious aroma blowing in the wind towards the guard. Derpy may not have very good negotiating skills, but she sure knows how to bake an outstanding muffin.

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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Cult of Laughter - Manehatten - The wall - The Gate






Wind quickly took hold of her bag. "I will happily l-let you search it if we go s-somewhere more private. As I said." She got a little closer to the guard to whisper in his ear. "Linger...my friend over there." She gestured towards Lila. "Will be very disapproving of what is in my bag." She whispered, backing away from the guard and hugging her bag. "If you are willing to w-walk over to this alley way...then I will let you search my b-bag. I don't w-want everypony to s-see what I am keeping in here." She said, her lip quivered and she looked down at her hooves.

She quietly gestured for the guard to follow her around a nearby corner where no pony else could see. *One good slash at the throat...and he's dead and gone and bye bye...Maybe his brain will be good for Cookie...hmm...No.* She thought, flicking her tail at the guard to follow her around the corner...which was only about ten feet away from where they were now. "I will let you search my bag and then we will pay you the fee." She said, standing just a few feet from the alleyway, waiting for the Guard to follow her.

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- “So, Lightning how are you?” – Spell would ask, walking with Lightning to somewhere, probably to check out with Silver Swirl or alongside those lines. She had to do it either way, so she just took Lightning along with her.


-“Oh, I’m good. As always, good and shiny!” – She sounded quite cheerful and happy; she almost jumped her way alongside Spell. She was a type of person who was almost always cheerful and well, happy.


- “That’s good… so, have you checked on your family?” – Spell asked, it was the main reason Lightning went to Hoofington in the first place, allowing Spell to stay in Canterlot for studies.

Lightning blinked for a second, her expression didn’t change and the pause was so small what even Spell hasn’t noticed it, but there was a slight pause.


- “Oh, they are fine. I haven’t talked to them or anything just flew by them.” – she said after this little pause, she would look at Spell afterwards and added – “We shouldn’t talk about them through, I don’t want to see you all groomy right now”


She would when stop and show her a funny face, since she knew Spell was thinking about her parents as well, since the topic was about family. And it tends to make Spell sad and a little bit to serious.


They would when continue walking, they were rather slow but they didn’t have anywhere to rush, whey kind of wanted to talk, that’s all. Spell was very cautious of walking near important ponies through; she would guide Lightning a little bit, so she wouldn’t bump into someone and earn herself a lot of troubles.


She when looked at her again, she was walking rather gracious, Spell was never so agile in her

walking, even though she considered herself at least somewhat refined in walking. She also noticed what her tail, was a little static, which meant she flew to here.


- “Have you flew here straight from your parents?” – Spell asked, thinking about something.


-“ No, I was just flying for fun. You know, I like flying and there isn’t anything stopping me from it in here, apart from occasional things.” – She said, waving her tail at Spell, gently zapping her with a small static charge.


- “Hey!” – Spell would squick a little bit, she had mixed opinion of times when Lightning did it, from one point of few it was kind of annoying, and on the other hand – it was also kind of funny how she always managed to take her by surprise.


- “So, your mentor Silver.. Bowl, was it? Is he here too?” – Lightning asked, she didn’t have any idea what to think about so much ponies just arriving to here. She didn’t really care about it, except of course for arrival of Spell, which she was happy about.


- “Yeah” – Spell would just kind of throw out there, before going further in searching for him.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Everfree: Invasion Force (Directed at whoever controls the south-west.)

In the course of a few short days the rivers all along the western Everfree Forest border had been effectively blocked. Already the southern lands were beginning to dry out due to the lack of water. While a neccesary risk it still caused pain to the plants and animals. Many fled into the shade of the trees, even those that were more inclined to the plains. These were herded into carefully positioned pens, to be released when the time was right. The fish were a more risky proposition, as those who required flowing water to survive had to be either sacrificed or relocated to other streams. To be point blank, overcrowding was at an all time high. But that was merely another step towards expansion.


The river bed, now empty of water but still muddy was a meager barrier to the forthcoming tide of wildlife and plants. The hydras crossed first, laying devestation in their wake. Settlements burned and crops were tramped under scaly feet. Behind them the indomitable advance of the trees accelerated in a mad race to grab soil and nutrients. Oak trees uprooted themselves, plodding on gigantic roots to pre-ordained positions. The birch, elm, and conifers flowed in behind, filling in the gaps. The underbrush spread across the landscape like a rustling tidal wave, toppling down those buildings that remained. Despite the virus like growth of the forest, things were still at a critical stage. Roots needed time to take to the ground, wildlife was just beginning to move in, and a high number of the original residents were still present. Should any House see the potential weaknesses, it would only do good to cut the invasion off at the literal bud lest the weeds become too established.


House Everfree: Sand and Fluttershy

The trio were escorted into Fluttershy's interview room, which was essentially a prison cell with furniture. She was not overly long in coming, as new additions to the cause and/or possible threats were not to be ignored. She had discarded the battle armor, changing into the more subtle beauty of a dress. This dress appeared to be made of long ferns with gleaming shell bugs as gems. It swished back and forth as she trotted in, escorted by her vanguard. Three of the poisonous robins nested in the fronds on her rump. She gazed at the trio for a moment before speaking. "Why do you three, a melancholy mare, one who runs with wolves, and a traveling trickster enter my domain? I could easily dispose of you so please do not waste my time with lies or fabrications. As much as I love all living things I will not hesitate to feed you to the Hydras." She seemed rather displeased with the mare she had call 'one who runs with wolves', though the reason wasn't immeadiately evident.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


The gatekeeper was already getting exasperated by the mares, so he nodded "yes" and followed Wind. He began to get a horrific feeling in his gut that something bad was about to happen, so he used a small hoof gesture that meant "follow silently and distract". One of them would follow the first gatekeeper to the place that the mare suggested once they were both out of sight and keep his distance. The second one would distract the other mares by inspecting them more. 


But the second one was way too distracted by the aroma of the exquisite muffin that he advanced toward it to accept it. But then the other gatekeeper slapped him across the face and yelled cure words at him about how he should not go off eating muffins that could potentially conceal poison. Then he mimicked the hoof gesture that the first gatekeeper did and the second one nodded as if this was his native language. The second gatekeeper silently decided that he would be the one to follow the main gatekeeper once he and the mare were out of sight.


House Whitegold - Hoofington


An earth pony in the crowd of curious townsponies looked on quizzically at the group that had just arrived. Whatever may be going on that has attracted the leader of the House? This needs some more investigation...

  • Brohoof 1

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Drifting (Hopefully In House Everfree Soon) - The Everfree Forest - The Castle Ruins



Jade was a little shocked by the cruelty of Lady Fluttershy, but not that shocked - it must do things to the mind, being in the forest for so long. She thought she remembered being in Ponyville when she was very little, seeing Fluttershy heal a wounded bunny. That certainly didn't look like the Fluttershy in front of her, who, while beautiful, was quite beastlike in a way.


Bowing her head slightly in respect, Jade spoke in a calm yet determined tone. "Lady Fluttershy, I have come here to join House Everfree. Evergreen showed me the way here, which I am grateful for, and Sand," she paused and looked back at him. "...tagged along. My name is Jade. If I appear melancholy, it is because I am right now and I have reason to be. If you are wondering why I want to join the House of Everfree, it's because..." She couldn't really describe it. Why had she come? There was only one way to really answer that. "It takes some explaining, but I'll try my best." She explained how she had gotten her cutie mark. She had drawn an orchid because she felt somehow drawn to it, like she shared a connection with it. After that, she rarely got outside growing up, and she longed more than anything to go out. When her parents died, she knew she couldn't stay. She automatically chose to go to House Everfree. When she approached the forest, she could sense everything breathing in unison, as one big organism. "I don't know if there is anything else can convince you, but if I am not helping the house, I don't know what else I can do." She had vowed to herself to avenge her mothers' death and more or less destroy the Cult, but she was certain she couldn't do that alone. "That is all I have to tell you, unless you want to inspect my belongings."


@ MagicalStarRain  @Sir Flame of Dancerville


The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Undercity - The Gate


"Now why'd ya do that?" Derpy asked the guard who had slapped the muffin-loving guard. "I worked very hard on those muffins! Are ya sure ya won't eat one?" She held out pumpkin muffins for each of them on her wing, trying in turn to distract them, because she knew what Wind would do.

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


The gatekeeper was already getting exasperated by the mares, so he nodded "yes" and followed Wind. He began to get a horrific feeling in his gut that something bad was about to happen, so he used a small hoof gesture that meant "follow silently and distract". One of them would follow the first gatekeeper to the place that the mare suggested once they were both out of sight and keep his distance. The second one would distract the other mares by inspecting them more. 


But the second one was way too distracted by the aroma of the exquisite muffin that he advanced toward it to accept it. But then the other gatekeeper slapped him across the face and yelled cure words at him about how he should not go off eating muffins that could potentially conceal poison. Then he mimicked the hoof gesture that the first gatekeeper did and the second one nodded as if this was his native language. The second gatekeeper silently decided that he would be the one to follow the main gatekeeper once he and the mare were out of sight.


House Whitegold - Hoofington


An earth pony in the crowd of curious townsponies looked on quizzically at the group that had just arrived. Whatever may be going on that has attracted the leader of the House? This needs some more investigation...


(OOC: If there are any objections to this...I can edit.)


Wind gave the gate keeper a very upset looked and when they were definitely alone, she hugged him tightly, crying. "Please...i'm sorry we have given you so much trouble...we've been through so so so much and I just cant take it anymore." She said.


Her sad look changed to a crazed smile and she backed away from the guard. "Ok...ok...I admit it...I lied. Guess who is going to be a dolleeeyyyyyy." She grinned and dived at the guard, spreading her wings and pushing him against the wall with one wing blade. "Scream and I will make the last moments of your life the worst moments of your life. Now, we're going to wonder on back out there and you're going to pretend everything went well. If you don't agree to this...You will become a smiling doll and I will be sure to make sure that the very last moments of your life will be dreadful. Ok...just give me a nod if you agree. If you disagree then...well, I am gonna have some fun." She said, pressing her hidden wingblade against the guards throat.

Edited by Sir Flame of Dancerville

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@@Spell Shock,




House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Eternity started to walk around a bit to see the city. He started to look at many of the other important members and officials all around. Then he saw Twilight get out of her carriage along with Trixie and Silver Swirl too. Eternity then started to think about what they talked about in private. Most likely nothing good, he thought. As he thought about that he didn't even realize Twilight trotted over all happily away from Silver Swirl. It was almost sickening to see her so happy.


"Geeting's Eternity and you too Star." Twilight said... surprisingly nicely Eternity just remained silent. " Well i have much business to take care of, but just to let you two know we will be staying at the Hoofington Inn. It is supposed one of the nicest inns around. So go around town or whatever and bring you stuff there. We will discuss later."


Twilight started to walk away but Eternity really wanted to know her plans, even though he feared what may come. "Wait!" He said "Uhhh... you never really told us your 'big plan' yet..."


Twilight smiled at him. "Oh how about we leave that to a surprise hm? You will find out when i make me speech to the populace later today like everypony else." She then turned around and trotted away.


Eternity sighed. She never says anything. Always a secret. He then saw Spell talking to a pink pegasus. That must be her friend she was talking about.


"You must be Spells friend. Lightning right?" He said to her. He didn't feel like saying much more. He wasn't actually sure what to say. he hasn't even seen a pegasus in a long time. But then... he felt it again. Only not from Spell, but from her friend Lightning. Only MUCH stronger, except, it wasn't cold or dark... but bright, and nice, and peaceful. But it was really strong sort of feeling but nice. He couldn't believe this pegasus had the same condition. So he did a test. He used magic on her.


His eyes glowed a bit and so did his horn. For less then a second a magical aura appeared around Lightning, but- "Ack-k-KAAHH!" Eternity screamed. He tried to keep it in but he screamed anyway. Pain. Much pain. Normally his magic wouldn't work on a living thing, but it wouldn't hurt him if he tried. This was different... way different. Eternity then started to breath heavily. He soon got back together and then looked at Spell.


"Umm Spell... do you mind if I speak to your friend... in private please?" he asked still breathing heavily.

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington

Spell and Lightning would look at Eternity when he addressed them, they were going to Silver Swirl but out of politeness stopped to talk with him not to what Spell minded, but if she is going to get scolded for taking her sweet time, she will totally blame Eternity for it.


Lightning would look him over; he could notice little bolts of static electricity going through her name. The name Lightning certainly spoke for itself. And the effect was even more shocking, you could say when she would fly around. Nevertheless, she was on the ground at the moment and she would stare Eternity the same way he would stare her, since well, it was the thing she liked to do.


She wouldn’t even flinch when he screamed out in pain, unlike Spell which was rather shocked by it, she had no idea what was the deal with him and she really didn’t appreciate him being crazy in front of Lightning, since well – she kind of supposed to stay somewhere in the immediate vicinity with this guy.


- “You blinked first!” – Lightning would reply, considering herself the winner of the staring down contest she just came up with, she had somewhat of a bad feeling about it, but she didn’t gave it on her face.


She suspected he somehow knew something about them in some weird way from that scream alone, just a suspicion, but when again – she trusted herself most of the time with her ideas.


Spell which was silent at the moment would back away slightly when he would look at him and after hearing out his request she would blink and nod.


- “Yea I do in fact mind, weird creepy random scream of pain out of nowhere guy” – she replied, her reply was pretty informal, but it was about right for her emotion of confusion right about now.


- “Spell, come on don’t be silly, I can handle myself” – Lightning would huggle her in the direction of Silver Swirl, hinting what she can handle herself – “rather go check with your mentor, I will be right back”.


Lightning seemed as happy and cheerful as ever, so Spell, which was not easy for her, still went so Silver Swirl to check on him. She would try to do it quick, she of course trusted Lightning, but she barely knew Eternity and she didn’t want to leave Lightning for long with him, especially anywhere where it could be private. He could be a molester, for all she knows. Maybe he’s into young Pegasus fillies.


Lightning herself would pretty much go into a private place to talk, she didn’t minded and she needed to know If she knew anything. The thing is, she couldn’t find her parents. Doing some search of her own, she didn’t find any traces of family she thought she had at some point. So, the sillies idea she ever head back a few years back, was looking like a reality right now.

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


The second gatekeeper became distracted once again before being hit the fourth time by the other gatekeeper. He yelled at him to do as the main gatekeeper commanded, but it soon wasn't necessary. They froze in place when they heard a strangled shriek resound from the dark alleyway he had gone into. They heard three words, all of them almost inaudible. However, the distorted word "Cult" smashed them in the heads like somepony had just dropped an anvil on them from the highest post in the Wall. The general heard the cry and gave the order. "Soldiers, ATTACK!!!!!!!!" A maelstrom of arrows began to rain down like a spring deluge.


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Star Rain stopped gawking at the earth ponies and pegasi and stood at attention facing Twilight. She waited until she was gone to facehoof herself. Ugh! Why can't she just tell us now?! she thought, thoroughly exasperated. She then put her saddlebags on her back and took off into town, exploring it in awe.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


The second gatekeeper became distracted once again before being hit the fourth time by the other gatekeeper. He yelled at him to do as the main gatekeeper commanded, but it soon wasn't necessary. They froze in place when they heard a strangled shriek resound from the dark alleyway he had gone into. They heard three words, all of them almost inaudible. However, the distorted word "Cult" smashed them in the heads like somepony had just dropped an anvil on them from the highest post in the Wall. The general heard the cry and gave the order. "Soldiers, ATTACK!!!!!!!!" A maelstrom of arrows began to rain down like a spring deluge.


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Star Rain stopped gawking at the earth ponies and pegasi and stood at attention facing Twilight. She waited until she was gone to facehoof herself. Ugh! Why can't she just tell us now?! she thought, thoroughly exasperated. She then put her saddlebags on her back and took off into town, exploring it in awe.


The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Undercity - The Gate


Wind swore under her breath and quickly sliced off the head of the guard, She giggled as blood splattered the alley but quickly stopped and threw her Euphorie outfit down a near sewage drain.

She turned to look at the entrance of the alley, Luckily, from the looks of it, the guards didn't actually see what had happened. She took a deep breath and sliced her chest and legs to make it look like she was also attacked. "SOMEPONY HELP ME." She screamed, scrambling from the Alley, covered in the guards blood...and even some of her own. "IT WAS A D-DOLL." She yelled, collapsing onto the ground and crying. "H-Help M-Me." She cried, looking up at the two guards by Derpy. "P-Please." She whimpered as a few arrows passed by her head. "IT W-WENT D-DOWN THERE...Th-The G-guard...he's." She cried fake tears but winced quite realistically as pain shot through her body starting from the cuts on her legs and chest.


(OOC: Just a reminder...Wind's Euphorie side has been hidden...Her wing blades are still there and they can be touched...but they look like they're just normal wings...because the spell and stuff.)

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House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruin


Rain chuckled. "Your mane looks beautiful. And she didn't tell us much...most of deer are interested in a gift she had offered...I don't care about gift's personally...I just wish to please Fluttershy and do anything I can to help the house." He said, moving towards the ruins. "And I will not do anything to harm you and your friend. There is no need to worry." He said, giving Lily and Jimmy. "And it's quite nice to meet you Jimmy. I have a few bird friends...as you can see, they usually like to hang out on my antlers." He chuckled as the birds who had perched on his antler's chirped loudly.

"So Ms Sparro- I mean...Lily, Fluttershy told us all that you were deep in the forest...why have you been hiding out so far away ?" He asked, easily hopping over a large fallen tree. "I do suppose it would be a good way to get away from this stupid war...but i'm just feeling curious...what's it like that far into the forest ? I am staying at the ruins and I have only been really deep into the forest once. It was interesting."


House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruin


Lily blushed at the deer's compliment, shying behind her hood slightly. "Thank you, but you really don't need to say that just to make me feel any better. It's nice to see some more bird friends though, you rarely see any deep in the woods these days."


At his curiosity Lily looked slightly confused. "I try to keep away from the deeper parts of the Everfree. My cottages is very close to the edge, away from all the dangers that usual seem to haunt the forest. But recently they've been venturing far beyond their usual homes, some coming far too close to my home for my liking. Something's going on, I just don't fully understand it."


In practically no time they had reached the crumbling outer walls of the fortress, entering quietly and carefully. Passing through decayed ruins and overgrown brush they found the inner sanctum. Inside dwelled the Lady Fluttershy, master of the Everfree. Lily let out a rather loud gulp, looking to Rain for some sort of support. "I-I guess this is it then."

  • Brohoof 1


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The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Undercity - The Gate


Derpy screamed in horror. It was a really convincing one, too - she had seen enough scary movies to mimic a good scream. "Light!" she shouted, using Winds' fake name. "This is horrible! What should we do?" She knelt down beside Wind and started murmuring, "You'll be fine, you'll be fine, you'll be fine -nice one!- you'll be fine... " She looked at the guards. "Don't just stand there! Get help! A doctor! Somepony! And tell those archers to stop shooting! Oh, the poor thing..." and she went back to murmuring.


"If they find us out," she whispered in a hushed tone, using her normal voice, "then how 'bout we fly over the city, ransack all the shops until we find the crown, take some ponies, eat some muffins, fly off until they lose us, eat some more muffins, then go back to the hideout. 'Kay?" She directed her next few sentences rather loudly at the guards. "Stop waiting around! Get some help! What are you, a cupcake? GO!" She was hoping they would go away quickly so she could review the plan more with Lila and Blood Wind, and an insult like that was sure to make them leave. After all, cupcakes are just stuffy muffins, and no one likes stuffy muffins. They taste funny.

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - 


The general gave the ceasefire command and the rain of arrows stopped. Some officers went down into the dark alleyway to investigate and sure enough, there was the guard, his head cut off and nothing else in sight except for a gruesome scene left by the muderer. Some ponies from the justice building rushed in and quickly bagged the body and the head to perform an autopsy on in a special room. Meanwhile, some other agents from the justice building came to surround the panicking mares. "You three must come with us for interrogation. Please do not hold back, for you are only witnesses and a victim to this horrible crime," one of them calmly said while approaching them with some blindfolds. "And there is no need to pay the entrance fee now. Pick up your bits, wear these, and we shall be on our way," he added gently. He nodded to some ponies outside of his ring of agents to scour the Undercity for any cultists and Smiling Dolls while to moved to put a blindfold on one of the mares.

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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(OOC: I think you guys know where we are...)


Wind gave Derpy a small nod as the guards approached them. "P-Please...M-My wounds." She said, shakily looking down at her chest which had several cuts all over it...they weren't to deep but there were allot of them. She looked up and noticed the group taking the dead body of the guard away. *Buck...how am I supposed to get his brain now ?* She thought, mentally face hoofing.

She looked up at the closest guard and grabbed onto his hoof. "F-Find the sc-scary d-doll...please...I...I d-don't want to see it again." She said, which was a lie of course...she kinda wished they had a smiling doll with them instead, but she needed to convince the guard...so she added a few sob's.



House Everfree - The castle ruins




 Rain frowned. "How very strange." He said, following her through the ruins.

Noticing her nervousness he said "Fluttershy may be the leader of the house...but she is still quite kind...you're gonna be fine." He gave her an encouraging smile. He failed to mention that Fluttershy was kind IF...you didn't cross her.

Rain made his way over to the entrance of the room and quietly stood there...unsure whether he should leave or stay.

Edited by Sir Flame of Dancerville
  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


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@@Spell Shock,


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Eternity walked over to Lightning. He waited till Spell was far away enough so that she couldn't possibly hear a word of this.

It was quite odd actually. The more he was with Lightning the weirder it felt. He could sense it all around her. And it felt... odd. Not a bad odd like How Spell felt, but a good odd. If that makes sense. He actually tried not to stare at the pink pegasus. He didn't try to stare because she was filly or anything, no. He tried not to stare because she wasn't a filly. She wasn't like any pony he has ever met. Much like Spell, but her much different. As if she wasn't a pony at all.


Eternity was actually still piecing the puzzle together. And then he realized it. He knelt down to speak to the pink filly. Then asked Lightning a question. He wasn't sure how to word it. So it came out of his mouth like this.


"Lightning... do you know what you are? And i don't mean a pegasus... do you? Do you know you aren't a normal pony?" He wasn't entirely sure if that came out correctly. He had to remember he was speaking to a little filly so he didn't want to frighten her. He then looked back at Spell, and then to her. Thinking of what he should say next. He then wondered if Spell knew about Lightning as well.

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room


Leaving the kind zebra visitor alone, Sweetie Belle picked up the sheet with her magic and excitedly but nervously said,"Alright, we have about five minutes before it begins, so let's make this count!" She silently hummed her own lines before waiting for Encore to start. 


(OOC: I'll PM you with the song, k?)

((Somehow I seem to have missed this when I posted earlier...))


House Whitegold - Manehattan - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room


Encore looked closely at the song for the first time, and gave the lyrics a quick read through. Hm. Seemed simple enough. The key changed sporadically between E minor and G major, with a few other chords thrown in. Overall, Encore was rather impressed. It did not sacrifice musicality for simplicity. He hummed a note, levitating a guitar from on the counter and plucking a corresponding harmony. Then, as if he had rehearsed this song at least once previously, he began to play a slow series of chords as he began to sing from off the paper. 


I know we have been friends for a long time

Ever since we were colts and fillies in fact

We did many things together, good and bad


He then looked up at Sweetie Belle, somewhat expectantly. 


((If you wish to time skip through the song rehearsal, that's fine by me, Star.)



House Everfree - The Everfree Forest - The Castle Ruins




Drifting (Hopefully In House Everfree Soon) - The Everfree Forest - The Castle Ruins



Jade was a little shocked by the cruelty of Lady Fluttershy, but not that shocked - it must do things to the mind, being in the forest for so long. She thought she remembered being in Ponyville when she was very little, seeing Fluttershy heal a wounded bunny. That certainly didn't look like the Fluttershy in front of her, who, while beautiful, was quite beastlike in a way.


Bowing her head slightly in respect, Jade spoke in a calm yet determined tone. "Lady Fluttershy, I have come here to join House Everfree. Evergreen showed me the way here, which I am grateful for, and Sand," she paused and looked back at him. "...tagged along. My name is Jade. If I appear melancholy, it is because I am right now and I have reason to be. If you are wondering why I want to join the House of Everfree, it's because..." She couldn't really describe it. Why had she come? There was only one way to really answer that. "It takes some explaining, but I'll try my best." She explained how she had gotten her cutie mark. She had drawn an orchid because she felt somehow drawn to it, like she shared a connection with it. After that, she rarely got outside growing up, and she longed more than anything to go out. When her parents died, she knew she couldn't stay. She automatically chose to go to House Everfree. When she approached the forest, she could sense everything breathing in unison, as one big organism. "I don't know if there is anything else can convince you, but if I am not helping the house, I don't know what else I can do." She had vowed to herself to avenge her mothers' death and more or less destroy the Cult, but she was certain she couldn't do that alone. "That is all I have to tell you, unless you want to inspect my belongings."

Eve looked rather uncomfortable indeed as she entered the presence of Lady Fluttershy, appropriately allowing her gaze to fall, respectfully, to the good Lady's hooves. As was all she was worthy. She seemed very tense indeed, perhaps almost fearful, when, still addressing Fluttershy's hooves, she spoke. "The melancholy one wished to speak with you directly, milady. There were no whisperings of any malevolence on her part. And of the trickster I know nothing." She knelt at this point, quite humbly.  "I merely acted as a guide."   

Edited by Descant ♫

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(Ooc: sorry for my spelling mistakes)


House earthborn - outside of new ponyville


House earthborn's troops were mobilizing,their behemoth canons were being pulled by the strongest of the strong, the canoners were rolling their canons, and the ponies-at-arms were marching. The sound of their hooves were loud, the very earth shock at so many ponies marching to battle. They made their way towards their destination, ready to trample any resistance that might get in they're way.


Cult of laughter - fyllidelphia hidout - Tondrak's research lab


Tondrak had finished the smilling doll. The room was completly coverd in blood. Where the traitor used to be was now standing a tall cold half-metal half-flesh automaton, ready to fight for the cult and it's deity. Tondrak spoke to himself "Aaaahh yes that was exactly what i needed to calm myself down, all I need to do is be patient and i will soon have my crown. I should go speak with the laughting mare to see if she needs me to do anything" Tondrak put on his cloak and mask then procceded to walked out of his research lab going to see the laughting mare. After, walking into the very well guarded building he walked up to see Pinkie Pie's dead corps. He bowed down for a moment and stayed in silence.... He rose up and asked "Laughting mare, ooohh great deity and my reviver, do you wish me to accomplish any task for the cult?"     



House Whitegold - manehatten - artisan district - concert


Nightshade unfortunetly didn't have enough time to speak to Sweetie Belle for long, she didnt even get a chance to introduce herself. She decided to go get her seat for the concert. After just meating Sweetie Belle, Nightshade was more excited than ever to get to watch her concert. She sat with excitment waiting.  

Edited by discorded
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House Whitegold - Manehatten - 


The general gave the ceasefire command and the rain of arrows stopped. Some officers went down into the dark alleyway to investigate and sure enough, there was the guard, his head cut off and nothing else in sight except for a gruesome scene left by the muderer. Some ponies from the justice building rushed in and quickly bagged the body and the head to perform an autopsy on in a special room. Meanwhile, some other agents from the justice building came to surround the panicking mares. "You three must come with us for interrogation. Please do not hold back, for you are only witnesses and a victim to this horrible crime," one of them calmly said while approaching them with some blindfolds. "And there is no need to pay the entrance fee now. Pick up your bits, wear these, and we shall be on our way," he added gently. He nodded to some ponies outside of his ring of agents to scour the Undercity for any cultists and Smiling Dolls while to moved to put a blindfold on one of the mares.

(Hey sorry for the late reply, i was busy editing a video for my youtube channel. Anyways, i guess Lila is getting blindfolded [if i read this correctly])

Cult of Laughter- Whitergold territory- City Entrance


Lila ducked down at the incoming barrage of arrow fire setting up a protective shield around her. She silently cursed under her breath until the rain of arrows stopped. She looked over at Derpy and Wind and let out a mental sigh that they were fine and the guards had bought Winds story about a smiling doll. Lila lent the two a small smiled that would seem normal to anypony other than the cult. She was about to go up to the two when she was suddenly blindfolded. A brief moment of panic rose in her while she struggled around for a few seconds. "Get off of me! We didnt do anything! Der- Leona, help me, Light?" After a moment she finally gave up not wanting to blow their cover especially since she almost said Derpy's name. If they were smarter than she thought they were, she might have just blown any cover they had. The stories didnt matter, the smiling doll, the dead commander, the bucking crown! She quickly mustered up a voice that sounded scared and weak. "W-where are you taking m-me? You're n-not going to hurt me, are you?" she asked forcing out tears.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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House Stormwing - The Road to Ghastly Gorge



The wind was in their favour, progress was moving swiftly. Scootaloo lead the group east towards the Everfree Forest, camping just outside the boarder for the night. For a while they simply sat under the torchlight and talked, about politics, affairs in far off lands, and a few random stories. A griffon could be surprisingly entertaining after a couple of rounds. It was a nice moment.


Their sleep was less than satisfactory, everypony waking up with random aches and cramps. Scootlaloo was quite used to sleeping rough and chuckled at her comrades suffering. After a quick breakfast they were off again, this time turning south, straight for Ghastly Gorge. It was a long days flight so they had little time for breaks, highly irritating Star Keeper. They all kept a wary eye to the east, the Everfree still lurking in their vision. There was something unnerving about that forest, about the foe that cannot be seen beneath a veil of trees.


At midday they passed over the ruins of Ponyville, the marshland expanding across miles. Those were dark days for Stormwing, so many lives crushed under a corrupt order. Ruins of old cottages and buildings still peaked out of the water, bones of the once pleasant town. It was a gloomy sight and no pony spoke as they passed overhead.


The sun was beginning to set on the land when they arrived at Ghastly Gorge; the sky illuminated a bright orange from the dusty landscape. Camping here was quite risky at the best of times, for many predators lurked these passes at night. They could keep flying for an hour or so till they reached a place to rest. The others didn’t stop complaining, their wings were getting tired from constant use. You couldn’t blame them.


They landed in a small clearing just west of Ghastly Gorge and lying in the shadow of a small acropolis. They were uncomfortably close to the Earthborn boarder lands, but they couldn’t fly any longer, especially with the night closing in on them. They lit a small fire when they were sure that they were alone, huddling themselves around the small centre of warmth. Scootlaloo kept turning her gaze back north, back towards her home in Cloudsdale. Star Keeper was busying himself with some parchment and quills, taking good record of what he had seen to report back to the council. Other than that they were all simply passing the time till they fell asleep again.


“Okay guys.” Scootaloo stepped out into the glow of the fire, heightening her form. “In the morning we have to get going again. This time we need to go on hoof, we can’t risk being spotted in the air this close to enemy territory.” She was met with nods of understanding. “We’ll press westward towards the town, then north again once we have what we need. No engaging enemy troops unless I give the word, are we clear?” They all nodded once again. “Okay, good. I guess we can just relax then.”

Edited by The-Master


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