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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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Rain nodded then looked at Eve and Sparrow. "You two gather as many supplies as possible...try to stay discrete." He turned to Fluttershy. "My lady. Is there anything you need to retrieve from your room before we leave ?" He asked, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

Somewhere in the back of his mind...he felt worried about entering Manehattan considering he is a deer...and is rather noticeable, But they would worry about that later...right now there were more important things to worry about.






The musician nodded. "I agree. Having Celestia return by herself would be rather suspicious. Another question is...how are you guys going to get into Canterlot...there is the dome protecting it from ponies who aren't unicorns. Or do you think that will effect us ? Considering we're more powerful than any average pony..." He said, sipping some stew then reaching over to his bag Again and pulling out a small ukulele. He plucked a few chords to give himself something to do apart from sit there and...well, just sit there.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Spell Shock,@@AnonBrony,


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity - Tavern - Eternity's room


Star Rain was shocked beyond belief, having never heard of what occurred in the past. Being born 15 years ago, only a few weeks after the conflict began, did not enlighten her before then. She only ever heard that there were six mares who banished evil and chaos with a special power. She also only heard that it was through the magic of friendship and something called "the Elements". But now that she was informed about Twilight's actions, she couldn't believe it. A pony, a gifted unicorn who had finally understood this magic, turned against her friends. It's unbelievable! After all that time and hardship they faced together, how could they turn against one another?! 


The one she was the most curious about was Pinkie Pie. Where does she stand in all of this? I guess she doesn't do anything since she's dead. Unless... She was beginning to sense a connection between her and the Cult. No... it can't be... I know Pinkie represented Laughter. But could that mean... the Cult of Laughter... Laughter! Did the necromancers there get to her?! Star Rain shook her head in disbelief, then remembered the plans she made. Without another word, she pulled her hood up and she walked out onto the streets of the city.


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity - The Streets of the Undercity - A random stall


She followed the scream over to the a stall a few blocks away from a bridge. There was a poverty-stricken pony running it and there was a caged barn owl who was making lots of racket. It looked to have just fledged and ready to fly. But it was being held against its will. Looking at it's pure white chest and stomach though, she could tell the owl was male. "How much is that owl?" she asked. The owner turned toward her and shot her a mocking glance. "You? How many bits do you have on you?!" he asked loudly. Ew, his breath stinks... "I don't have any. But..." she replied. "But what?! No bits, no owl!" he replied roughly. 


Darn it! What should I do?! I have to rescue that owl! ...And it looks like he wants to be with me... Then she remembered that ponies living in the Undercity don't have beautiful things. With her back turned toward the salespony, she ripped out a drawing she considered was the most beautiful one she had ever done. She then signed it in cursive writing. The signature read "Golden Moon". "Here, I have a signed drawing here from a famous artist in the inner city! This one is worth enough to pay off that entrance fee to get in. Now may I have the owl?" she said, making it seem like that drawing is much more than it really is. The salespony nodded with excitement and gave her the owl. 


Great, what am I going to do with this owl now? She wanted him to go free, but he just stayed there, perched on her back. "Look, this is a cruel world we're in right now. Do you really want to follow me into it?" she asked, having no idea why she's talking to him. He looked as if he understood her, but he just stayed there and made a quiet scream. Strangely enough though, she could understand him. "You helped me, so I'll help you," he said. Nopony but Star Rain knew that that 's what he said. She smiled warmly at the owl at long last and said,"Oh alright. You can come with me then." The owl seemed to smile and quietly screamed some more. "I'm Athens. But a pony is in trouble! Follow me!" was what he said. He then took off into the night, with Star Rain galloping behind him in pursuit.


"Athens, where are you going?!" she shouted up at him. They ran/flew for a few minutes before they came to a bridge. They were met with the smell of blood and spotted a mare slumped up against it. Gasping for breath, Star Rain jogged up to her and attempted to use her magic to keep the blood from coming out of the wound on her head. Her efforts were in vain though. The mare tried to say something and point somewhere, but her eyes became dull and lifeless and she never told her who did this to her. 

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Whitegold – Manehattan – The Undercity


Long Stride now left with his new gear, a set of second hoof lightweight militia armour hidden beneath his cloak. By his side was slung a sheathed sabre, a perfect tool for combat. It cost him most of his bits, even the ones he had taken from that mare, and his old amour. But he certainly as not complaining at the result, for now he could be employed by the nobles as a mercenary. A good chance for him to use his skills for profit.


He decided to retrace his steps back down the streets of the Undercity, following the road closely in hope he may find an Inn. Often that was one of the best places to find employment according the shop keeper, a hot spot for hired swords. But on his way he came across an unexpected sight; Star. She was crouched over that mare. Damn, she better not be alive. Long Stride quickly trotted up to her side and looked over the body.


“Leave it; there was nothing you could have done. Let’s go before someone sees us.” He tried to tug her away, indicating further down the street. “Ponies die, you can’t fix that. Down here is no exception, now come on. Besides it was just a unicorn, was.”


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@@Spell Shock,



Eternity - Manehatten - Undercity


Eternity saw Star bolt for the door. Oh why did I tell her this. She can get so emotional. 


"Star comeback. Star!" He tried to chase out out the door but she was too quick. She was already down the hall and heading outside. He then saw Spell there beside him. "Oh Sorry spell, it is going to have to wait. Come. Help me look for Star. Star! Wait up!" He realized he was yelling and it was beginning to become dark out. He quickly shut himself up and ran out the door in an attempt to find her.


Once he got outside, she was no where in site. Oh pony feathers! Where the livin' hell did she go!? He didn't even wait up for Spell. He was too focused on finding her. He didn't want anything bad to happen to her. Young mare like her, In slums like this, at night, who knows what the hay could happen. "Star! Star Rain!" He continued to call her name. He started running down street looking for her. No luck. Oh where the hay is she!? 


"Star Rain come back!" He called. He continued to look through different streets still with no avail. Until, he came upon a bridge. He saw her. With a stallion. And an... Owl? He walked closer to get a better look. They were standing over a dead body, and even worse, the stallion was Long Stride. Eternity created some light from his horn and molded it into a green glowing magical sword.


"Okay now. Somepony better tell me what the bloody, Celestia damn hell is going on here, before somepony gets hurt. Why in hell's blazes are You Two of all ponies standing over a dead body!? Is my Star Rain a killer now because of you Mr. Long Stride. If that is your real name!" He yelled to him, pointing his glowing sword at him.

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01 - Sweetie Belle's room


"Ah come on! Don't look so embarrassed. It's nice to help out everypony," Sweetie Belle said reassuringly. Which is something we seem to lack these days. These bloody, gruesome days... "Oh, pleasure to meet you Encore! I'm Nightshade, Sweetie Belle's fan!" Nightshade introduced herself to Encore. I hope I can befriend them both. I can reap so many benefits! She smiled a little at the thought, then felt a tiny stab of guilt.

House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01 - Sweetie Belle's room


Encore still looked rather sheepish, but for the most part he wiped the look off his face. "It was nothing," he mumbled. In truth, he just thought he couldn't handle seeing somepony close to him killed. Like Eve and both Twins had been... 


"It's nice to meet you too, Nightshade," Encore said. In not an unhappy voice, but in a understanding one. One that had felt the all the pains of loss, yet retained a glimmer of hope. 


He hadn't really considered it before, but there was good that could come from having saved Sweetie's life. Or at least helped in doing so. Odds are Rarity would be pleased with him. Maybe he'd get a promotion. Well, all was fair in love in war. And this was a bit of both. Either way, he was happier to see Sweetie Belle safe than he would be to reap profits from this venture. Strange. Ever since he had first arrived in Manehattan, his highest priority had been working his way up the political chain, without a single exception. Until now.


@,@, @@The-Master,  


House Everfree – The Southern Ruin – The Dining Hall


...Leave the forest? It was unthinkable. Eve had let her mouth fall agape. Leave the forest, AND go to Manehattan? There was no place she ever wanted to be less than Manehattan. Some bad memories came from that place, from her foalhood. She didn't want to go back. She sighed, however. It was a lifetime ago, but she remembered how things worked there. Her lady Fluttershy would need her if they hoped to survive there..


"I'm not happy about it," she said bluntly, "But... I'll come. You'll need me. Manehattan is a quagmire of politics. We'll never survive as we are."


Surprisingly enough, she looked at Lily. "Surely not? You actually seem like you'd fit in there. Well, better than anypony else here." Her voice seemed... Almost kind. Well, kinder than it had yet been towards the timid pegasus.


Home. She was going back to her childhood home. But she wasn't sure she was happy about it.


"I don't have anything left to bring. Even the Timberwolves." She shuddered. "I lost their feeling an hour ago. I bet they pursued the Stormwing..." She seemed rather sad. Sadder than she might have looked for any pony's death.

Edited by Flareon

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





@@Spell Shock


"Hmm, the Artist is right, although the Storyteller cannot manifest as two ponies... Can you, Storyteller? And if we cannot have "Luna" present, I am sure we could come up with an adequate excuse. Perhaps Celestia and Luna are weakened by their disappearance, and even together they only have the power to channel one of them? I believe that sounds reasonable as Twilight is unaware of exactly how they disappeared."


Impatiently, she tapped the ground with her hoof. There were so many questions to answer when all she truly wanted to do was get out into the field. She was itching to start her conquest, but patience was key, for if they rushed everything would fail. While smoke and mirrors worked, they were also fragile, and would fade and smash under close scrutiny.


She heard her brother speak up and glanced at him for a moment. It seemed he was lagging behind a bit in the conversation.


"Kichirou, we've changed the location to Hoofington as that is where Twilight Sparkle currently resides, do try to keep up, brother."

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Whitegold - Manehattan - The Undercity


Long Stride quickly looked up to Eternity with a slightly frustrated look on his face. He removed his dark hood revealing his beat up features,his eyes a deadlock. "No pony here murdered this mare, now shut up and stop throwing accusations. You really think I would make he kill another pony?Get some sense into that head of yours." He looked back to Star Rain quickly, continuing to try and get her to move. "We need to go, now. It's not safe to hang out here now move."


House Earthborn - The Ruins of Cloudsdale


From the south marched the united clans of Earthborn's might. 3000 Ponies at Arms and over 500 special forces. Behind them lugged hundreds of deadly loaded cannonry, capable of brining a city to rubble. However this time it would serve a new purpose, to save a city from destruction. Applejack lead her force from the front, at her side marched Braeburn and Fixit. As much as the stallion wanted to attend to his cannons (of which he refereed to many as his babies) the commander was most insistent that he help coordinate the attack.This could not go wrong.


There was a sudden chill in the air when they reached the site of Cloudsdale, for all they found was the floating ruins of the old city. The ranks of Earthborn came to a silent halt. The commanders took time to simply take in the sight ahead; they were too late. Stormwing's defence had fallen to the overwhelming hordes of Everfree, but no trace of the basted swine remained.


Then suddenly a small boom was heard in the distance, a small spectrum of colour seen on the horizon. Within the second Applejack found herself struck to the ground, pinned by hooves as string as her own. On top of her stood a furious Rainbow Dash, parts of her armour missing and mane a complete mess. The Earthborn Guard turned quickly and aimed their spears and Hoofcannons at the Stormwing Commander.


"Rainbow Dash, what in tarnashin are you doin'!? If ya gonna kill me do it now then!" In responce the Rainbow mare spat on her face and let her stand. Applejack let out a grunt of frustration as she got back on her hooves, commanding her guard to stand down. "Ah'm sorry we didn't arrive in time, Ah truly am. But for cryin' out loud RD this is by no means an excuse to take it out on us."


"You're acting like this isn't your fault, well it is!" Rainbow stopped her hoof in rage, sending dust and dirt flying. "You let this city fall to the ground while its soldiers dies in its defence! The strength of Stormwing is all but spent, and now look at what's left! I have nothing left to lose, and no reason why I should just kill you right now!"

  • Brohoof 1


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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern

Spell would just release a small sigh, not going outside in the dark. She didn’t like going anywhere in the dark, even more – leaving Lightning sleeping alone in the next room. She was expecting something like this, she usually didn’t had any luck when she needed help, it was quite a rule for her already, not to get her hopes up.


She when would return to the room, trying the spell a few more times before going back to sleep, she didn’t really felt like sticking around waiting for them, she just guessed she will do it on her own, as always. No shame in it, through some sticky, unpleasant feeling was still there.


Perhaps they should leave on their own, Spell thought. It’s not like she didn’t appreciate those two, but it just keeps being like any other time they traveled with someone, which always ended up poorly.


Finally, after some time she finally began to fall asleep, trying a quite powerful spell certainly cooled her down to it, if you can say something like this. 

  • Brohoof 1

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Eternity - Manehatten - The Undercity


Eternity lowered his weapon but he still didn't like this pony. "Something isn't right about you Long Stride. I thought you were a pony I can trust. I thought i can finally trust an Earth pony. But no. You are lucky I'm not too judging because i could of judged your whole race based on you. Thieves. And I don't think it was a coincidence you and Star happen to come upon this body together. I would like to know how she died. Do you have any idea how? Cuz based on that wound somepony must of killed her." He paused and looked at the body. "But maybe we should get back to the Tavern. Come on Star get away from him. Perhaps we should head back before something bad happens."


He started to head away from that Earth pony. He was still angry. He wanted to know who killed her. And if he killed her. But he was right, ponies will begin to suspect them if they hung around too long. He also needed to get back to Spell and Lightning. It seem like Spell needed help with that egg she had. He then starred at the owl perched on Star's back. It was starring at him too with those big nocturnal eyes of his.


"Ummm.... Star Rain. Who's your new friend over here on your backside... ...Where did you get an owl?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Kichirou nodded and put away his ukulele.

He was about to ask why they didn't take Canterlot from under Twilight's nose...If Celestia were to return to Canterlot and send Twilight a letter or something...than they would be in control of house Moon and Star...and Canterlot which is basically their mane headquarters.

But...Kichirou figured that had already scrapped that idea...he never liked these gatherings.

"I like that idea." He said, looking at his sister, then at the rest of the group. "Only one pony could be here...because their power had been drained...I think it sounds good." He said, tapping his hooves against the ground.

"Only thing is...after we have tricked Twilight into thinking Celestia is back...what then ? Would the rest of us arrive in Hoofington and just take over...or would we wait a while and just order Twilight around as Celestia ?" He asked.

He kinda figured it was the latter but thought it was a good idea to ask anyway...he kinda hoped they would be able to rush in and attack...it had been so long since he had gotten into a fight...

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage



Archi the Sandworm


Spell Shock


"Actually I can," the Storyteller says with confidence, having a copy of himself appear next to him. This copy was his exact likeness in every way, he even had it copy his moves as he spoke though he admits, "though honestly it would be easier to pull off just one of the princesses, for a number of reasons, but mostly lets say that if there is only one... the Archmagister is less likely to see any flaws or inconsistencies."

Having his double disappear he says this walking next to the Composer and whispering in her ear softly with a grin, "how about we put your 'take over Equestria' plan and have it sit for about a week or so to develop farther, that way there is no mistakes."


Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern

Spell Shock

Some time later the filly would feel something cold press up against her, slowly waking her up. When she does awaken and open her eyes she will see something soft and blue near her neck. If she moves for a better look she will see what would seem to be a bird, a chick, next to her with a trail of wetness going from the bed to the egg.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Whitegold


Director's Office/Undercity


Swift glanced quickly through the papers, examining the subjects of his latest mission. Three unicorns in the Undercity?


Typical, Another shot in the dark. Three needles in the filthiest haystack of all Manehattan...


But if the commands came from Rarity herself, then that must mean that the three were no ordinary house enemies. Unicorns were creatures to be taken with caution; their powers could range from feeble to devastating, and there was no easy way to tell.


Swift saluted bitterly. At least he was being given another chance, besides, a challenge could be interesting.


"I'll capture the targets as requested sir, and I'll take them to the holding cells below the base."


With that, the agent left, lacking his usual flair and extravagance. The recent hectic events had left him drained, and the agent had lost the will to show off.


Remaining on the street, Swift made his way to the Undercity entrance, before pushing onwards into the dark surroundings, passing unfortunate citizens as he went.


Taking to the shadows, Swift navigated his way across the Undercity, attentive for anything that even resembled a lead. 


The Undercity was subdued that night, and so the sound of raised voices from nearby was enough to raise Swift's attention.


He slipped into a silent gallop, reaching the source of the voices, and...


"Jackpot." the agent whispered to himself.


Three figures stood along a bridge, alongside a body. If that wasn't a lead, then Swift didn't know what was. At the very least, he'd found some murderers, but at the most...


Remaining within the darkness, Swift trailed the front two, figuring his strategy. First, integrate himself within the group, make sure they were the targets, and then...


Bring them in! Most likely one at a time, using confusion and acting to mask his real intentions. 


The three capture rings lay in his saddle bag, waiting...

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
Spell, wouldn't actually wake up for quite a bit, she was exhausted and the coldness wasn’t a thing which bothered her in her sleep. The bird, which was of a rather small size would curiously look at both her and Lightning. The bird when would look over her surroundings and when, following instinct she would find her way to Spell’s horn and grabbing to it she would open her wings for the first time.

In the instant, Lightning woke up, due to the painfully bright light of cyan-white light emitting from Spell’s horn, she saw a bird and a stream of magical energy going from the horn into the bird. The light show went for a few seconds; the bird grew noticeably from it. It was still tiny, merely a baby bird, but she was still considerably grown up when before a few moments ago.

Lightning looked at the bird, so did the bird. Spell however was just sleeping, peacefully. Lightning wasn’t superstitious person, in fact she barely knew a thing about magic, but she still felt what the bird was learning. She couldn’t explain it, but she was pretty sure this bird was learning about the world around her through Spell’s horn.


She when would carefully approach the bird and lend her a hoof, at which bird gently jumped on it. She could feel the coldness from it, but it wasn’t bitter like she was expecting. She when would make her way to her wings and open her wings for the second time. She could feel tickling feeling going around her body, the same magical stream going from her wings to the bird. After a few blinks, she noticed the feeling of coldness disappeared, the bird which was the culprit of this little show flew up in the air, circling around the room.


Lightning didn’t took long to recognize little twitching the bird did while flying, she have done the same, which only made her even more sure what the bird somehow borrowed their knowledge on certain things, to fill the blank spots. At least, Lightning was pretty sure birds didn’t know how to fly from the getgo.


Lightning would look at the show a few more minutes and when she would wake Spell up, so she could see it. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Moon and Star - Town Hall - Archmagister Sparkles office.


Vedana shook his head, "No, but I only have heard rumors of the war. But before you tell me of what is going on, how in Equestria has brought you to such a level of...of Madness? When I left Ponyville, I remembered hearing your sweet lovable laugh with your friends. Now I have returned to hear outside at this very moment the use of slavery!" the blind unicorn was great upsetted by this, and a surprise turn of events of raising his voice. "What in the name of Equestria has happened to Everypony!!" Vedana roared, his voice could be slightly heard from outside, and it did not take him long to notice of what he just did. "I....I am sorry, I..I did not know where that come from..."





House Stormwing - The Ruins of Cloudsdale


Orange Lightning fought long and hard, and as the battle dwinded and the Everfree forces retreated, there he was staning on a pile of bloodied bodies, armour and weapons scattered across the area and perhaps throughout Cloudsdale. His orange coat was turned into a messy red paint of blood and his armour and spear he held onto was soaked. Orange Lightning huffed and puffed, it was surprising that it felt moments ago he just arrived to Cloudsdale and already get himself into a blood bath, he said not one word, but just looked around.

Edited by Vedana Purity

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage-





@@Spell Shock


The Composer smiled deviously at Kichirou, her eyes glinting in the firelight "After we have control of Moon & Star we can do as we wish with them. They could serve as a puppet state or we could weaken them for our subversion of the House as a whole. For example, if we send Twilight crusading far away from Canterlot by "Celestia's" orders, we can move onto the subversion of Canterlot - our original plan. Hoofington is of no real strategical or psychological value, while Canerlot has both of these. Speaking of which," she paused, and drew a two columned table in the dirt with a hoof "I have decided we shall split ourselves into two cells - one for Hoofington and the other for Canterlot," over the left column she made a "c", and over the other an "h" "Storyteller, you will be in charge of the Hoofington cell, with the Singer and Dancer as back up should you need them. I imagine the Dancer's swordsmanship should serve you well if violence is necessary. As for myself, I will be heading the Canterlot cell with the Musician and the Artist, as I will need Kichirou's talents to amplify my own and the Artist is our best bet for getting through the Canterlot force field. If you have any objections, voice them now."


"As for you," she said, pushing the Storyteller away from her ear "I shall see where this meeting ends before postponing this operation - do not think me so willing to grant you another week to attempt to seduce me under the guise of 'planning'.


House Earthborn - The Ruins of Cloudsdale




Fixit wasn't sure whether to feel proud or out of place when Applejack offered to march in the vanguard. He was only a Staff Sergeant, not even an officer, yet he had been charged with co-ordinating artillery for the defense. No doubt some of the higher-ups were a little resentful...


As usual he had left Eagle Eye in command in his absence. The stallion had a knack for keeping cool under pressure and was a brilliant shot, sometimes better than Fixit himself. He often wondered if their ranks should be reversed.


Upon reaching Cloudsdale he gasped at the devastation. Once again, he was too late to stop the attack, yet this time the damage went beyond a mere battering like at New Ponyville - Cloudsdale had been utterly wrecked! Rubble wa stacked everywhere, although the damage was caused by no weapon he'd ever seen before. A few green sparks danced over the ruins, and he wondered what new weaponry Everfree had concocted now.


"Looks like we're too la-" he began, before he was sent stumbling by a sonic boom and a huge impact to his left. When he finally recovered he saw the two commanders grappling in the dirt, and is hoof flew to his shortsword on instinct.

He prepared to draw his weapon, but the Supreme Commander ordered the troopes to stand down. He did so.


He watched as Applejack tried to apologise, and ground his jaw as Rainbow Dash blamed her and the House for the city's destruction. Fixit stepped forward, but not to challenge. This time, he sought to mediate.


"My honourable House leaders! There is no time to be lost fighting one another!" he looked at Rainbow, at her wild mane and tattered armour, and wondered if she was in the right frame of mind to listen to reason "Lady Stormwing, we regret that we could not make it here in time, and know that if you can find it in your heart to forgive us we will mourn the deaths of your fine soldiers as if hey were our own. They died bravely and honourably, without fear or remorse - the way the ponies of both our Houses strive to die. As a gesture of repentance, we offer our current force to defend and rebuild Cloudsdale and, when the time is right, launch a crusade of retribution upon House Everfree for the crimes they have commited this day; again, to both our Houses."


His eyes darted from one mare to the other, and he hoped to the stars not only that Rainbow Dash would accept his offer, but that Applejack wouldn't see fit to have him executed for perceived insubordination right there and then.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01- Sweetie Belle's room


Sweetie Belle giggled at the sight Encore's sheepish expression, but then she stopped when he began solemn. "You've lost somepony to this war, haven't you?" she asked sympathetically. I mine as well have lost my sister to this stupid war... Nightshade could see the same thing, both having learned how to read facial expressions. Sigh... when am I going to get my reward for helping out? Again, she felt the small stab of guilt.


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity


Athens began to screech at both Eternity and Long Stride, not knowing who was friend or foe, with Star Rain trying to keep him quiet while her mind began to whirl. It wasn't easy when you're being tugged away and you're pondering over the fact that you failed to save a life. Unknown to her though, he got some of her magic in his talons due to the exposure to the spell she was attempting to cast. In his mind, he could feel Star Rain's sadness and anger. 


She jerked her hoof away from Long Stride and wanted to yell so much at him for being so insensitive. The answer was forming in her mind though, which made her even angrier. She never got the chance though when Eternity showed up. She wanted to call him an idiot for using magic in the dark when there could possibly be soldiers and other ponies out to get them, since magic emits light. Without another word, Athens took his spot on her back and she went with Eternity. 


Athens was still suspicious of Eternity for facing Star Rain with a bright green talon that was quite long(he doesn't know what swords are). He hissed at him before she used her own magic to keep his beak shut. "Got him from a stall in exchange for a drawing. Name's Athens," she said, clearly not in the mood to talk. 


Thanks to his superb hearing ability, Athens heard a pony following them and turned his head toward him. He hissed at him, which caused Star Rain to turn around and look. She didn't see anything though and continued on. But the vigilant owl on her back feared for his new friend's safety. His talons glowed slightly with a cyan light before he resumed his watch on the mystery pony.

Edited by MagicalStarRain
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((Sorry I haven't posted in a few days))


House Artist (?) -  Manehattan (Inner City) - Somewhere...


Tondrak stared at The Artist, fuming at the use of "Tony" for his name. "What," he asked angrily, "did you just call me? And what do you mean, 'steal the Lughing Mare'? Improson her? Transport her? Bring her to the mortal realm?" The Artist had jumped through a blank canvas halfway through his sentence. Tapping the canvas with his hoof, Tondrak spoke again. "Artist? Blast it, where did you go? Artist?!" He sighed and turned away. "I suppose he expects me to sit here waiting like his dog."


Then he sat, glaring, muttering curses to himself.


((@AnonBrony - Like the messed-up rainbow?))


House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jades' mouth opened slightly at the Ladys' revelation. Stealing souls? That sounds like what the Cult would do. A look of horror passed over her face. If there was anything she hated, anything that appalled and disgusted her, it was the Cult. She hated cities, especially snooty ones like Manehattan, but she would not stand for anything at all that was even semi-associated with that thrice-accursed Cult.


Re-closing her jaw, Jade said rather abruptly, "It's a good plan. As much as I despise Manehattan, we can't stay here. And Lily, I think you should come. It's way out of my comfort zone as well, but the Forest...it's bad. And don't worry, you're pretty brave. I mean, I couldn't have handled that spear wound nearly as well as you did. In fact, you did more fighting with your wound than I did with the soldiers." She was surprised with herself - she sounded much more confident and reassuring than she was or ever had been. "Everyone is going to help everyone through this." She gave everyone a quick glance, saying, Right, guys? "So what do you say?"


((@Flareon - are you planning on having Eve and Encore meet up at some point in the city? I'd like to see their reactions...))

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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Eternity - Manehatten - The Undercity


Athens huh? Eternity was about to say something to her about the owl, but he sensed something. Somepony. The owl must of noticed too.


"Hold up Star." he said to her putting his hoof in front of her to stop her. "I think. I think somepony is watching us. And I think the owl, I mean Athens, noticed that too."


Eternity didn't have his staff with him. He left it back in his room. So he just summoned another orb of light. He was using its to light the area to see if he can find this spying pony. And maybe even use it for defense as well in case they were to be ambushed.


He looked around some more. He didn't want to say anything because he figured they would notice him. but he couldn't see anypony. SO he did call out for them.


"Who's there? Come on now, show yourself. Don't be a coward." He tried to be intimidating. Star and him weren't in much of a position to fight. Maybe the owl can do some fighting.



@@Vedana Purity


House Moon and Star - Hoofington - Town hall


Twilight grew a bit angry with this pony. "Don't mention my 'friends' anymore. We are no longer friends." She said in an angry tone. "Thinsg have changed monk. A lot can happen in 15 years. Every since the Princesses disappeared everything has gone to hell. But I'm going to fix that. Ever since then I found out that they weren't really my friends. They were never loyal to the Princess. Earthponies and Pegasi are nothing. Only Unicorns deserve to be under the Princesses rule. And when I find them, when we ascend, this war will end. You can count on that." She didn't know why she was saying this to the old blind monk. She grew a it more angry.


"Now, leave my office. Things have changed. Perhaps you should change as well. As far as I know, Equestria is no more. Now, Go. If you still wish to be of help I will think of something you could do some other time. I am busy right now. Since you just arrived maybe you should make yourself at home here in Hoofington. Goodbye." She used magic on him and moved him out the door and shut it on him.




@@Spell Shock






The Artist - Some hermitage thing - Is hermitage even a word? - Six Gifted - Equestria - Blah Blah Blah - And Yes Sonic I do like the Rainbow


"Actually, I agree with Telly, for once." He said "Maybe we should wait a while. It would give me time to finish some stuff and time for us to prepare." he then looked at his front leg as if he was wearing a watch "Oh look at that, I have to go ... finish something. I will ask question later. Okay? Bye now! Don't start any important missions without me!" He then took another sheet of canvass and jumped right through it leaving it behind with them.


He appeared back to where Ol' Tony was sitting down waiting for him. He was surprised to see him there. But he quickly got angry at him.


"What in Hell's Blazes are you still doing here!? I gave you a job! Go place the scroll on the Laughing Mare! Don't you want you book?" He yelled at him.

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Whitegold




Swift stopped dead where he was, wincing. Damn... he'd been sussed out so early...


Now came the choice; either strike now, or play along.


The two didn't seem very tough, perhaps he could capture these two now. Assuming of course, that they were the targets he was searching for.


But if he played along, then perhaps they could lead him to the other target... Or even targets! If he was to capture the whole group of targets, then this could be a great lead!


"I'm.... sorry...." he called out uncertainly from where he stood, before trotting into view, head low. 


"I didn't mean to frighten you... I was just hoping for some company... or rather defence. This place is really dangerous when you're alone, only I couldn't work up the courage to talk to you..."


At last, Swift raised his head staring desperately at the two, his act practiced and near flawless.


"Could I maybe... or possibly... perhaps... walk with you two?"


Swift held his breath, watching carefully for any signs of suspicion. If they didn't buy the act, then he'd have to resort to plan B...

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01- Sweetie Belle's room


Sweetie Belle giggled at the sight Encore's sheepish expression, but then she stopped when he began solemn. "You've lost somepony to this war, haven't you?" she asked sympathetically. I mine as well have lost my sister to this stupid war... Nightshade could see the same thing, both having learned how to read facial expressions. Sigh... when am I going to get my reward for helping out? Again, she felt the small stab of guilt.

House Whitegold - Manehattan - Hospital Class No. 01 - Sweetie Belle's room


Encore nodded quietly. "Is there anypony who hasn't?" He asked, quite as quietly as his demeanor. He sighed, then forced himself to cheer up. Ragtag and Evergreen may be gone, but he was still there. Not all was yet lost. "But there's no need to dwell endlessly on it. I'd go crazy if I let it get to me." A small, hesitant smile crossed his muzzle. 


House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jades' mouth opened slightly at the Ladys' revelation. Stealing souls? That sounds like what the Cult would do. A look of horror passed over her face. If there was anything she hated, anything that appalled and disgusted her, it was the Cult. She hated cities, especially snooty ones like Manehattan, but she would not stand for anything at all that was even semi-associated with that thrice-accursed Cult.


Re-closing her jaw, Jade said rather abruptly, "It's a good plan. As much as I despise Manehattan, we can't stay here. And Lily, I think you should come. It's way out of my comfort zone as well, but the Forest...it's bad. And don't worry, you're pretty brave. I mean, I couldn't have handled that spear wound nearly as well as you did. In fact, you did more fighting with your wound than I did with the soldiers." She was surprised with herself - she sounded much more confident and reassuring than she was or ever had been. "Everyone is going to help everyone through this." She gave everyone a quick glance, saying, Right, guys? "So what do you say?"


((@Flareon - are you planning on having Eve and Encore meet up at some point in the city? I'd like to see their reactions...))

((I definitely am. But Eve doesn't know where Encore is, and Encore thinks Eve is dead. So they might not even find each other at all. Eve's going to keep her eyes wide open the entire time she travels across Equestria to Manehattan, looking for Encore and her long dead love interest Tag. Watch her closely as she travels. Getting away from the influence of the forest should restore her to how she was.))


House Everfree Renegades - Evergreen


"That's exactly what I thought..." Eve said. She didn't seem particularly pleased to leave the forest for Manehattan, of all places, but she was properly loyal. She knew she was needed. And as Lady Fluttershy's newest housecarl, to refuse to follow would be base treachery. 


"But as soon as we leave, we need to clean up. We would never be accepted into even the city's outskirts appearing as we are now." With a grimace, she added, "No path is safe for all of us, either. Which way are we going?"


No single path was safe at all, either. It was true. They could travel through Stormwing's remaining territory, through Earthborn's, the Changeling's, or straight through the midst of where the battle was, and where the Liege and Zecora were conquering.

Eve's hopes were not high that they would all reach Manehattan alive, although she did not voice her doubts, nor the feeling that they might be better off splitting up to go to Manehattan.


((Has it actually been stated?))

Edited by Flareon

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House Everfree: The Everfree Liege

In the short time since Cloudsdale utter destruction, Zecora had not even wasted a single moment. Engines of war were refitted and brought to the front, infantry was reorganized, and her new slave legions were initiated and mutated. The Everfree Forest resembled not so much a forest anymore, but a gigantic collection of thorns and deadly creatures. Life was not something that was welcome here, not anymore. Though it had not yet reached Fluttershy's location, this transformation was sweeping over the forest and taking no prisoners. Anything that breathed was turned into an instrument of war, from rabbits to newly hatched birds. It grew like a rash, infecting everything it touched. The Liege himself had no remorse for the mortal creature's plight. To him, they were simply tools that would be used to make other tools.


The Witch Queen was a more useful tool than others and he permitted her almost free reign over the Forest, to better encourage the heinous experiments she turned out unceasingly. Poisons that could melt through bone in an instant, blades that could slice through flesh like air, and gruesome magick that could make the dead walk again in a state of mindless slavery. In many ways, it was like the Cult of Laughter. But there was one important difference. Those that served Everfree no longer had goals. They no longer possessed any feelings or free will. They were the basest form of intelligent slave, ones that could make only more of their own kind. Most important of these were what had previously been Ents. Wherever they walked the infection flourished and souls were reaped by the bushel. Impervious to most magick and tougher than boulders, they were walking fortresses in all but name. It didn't occur to him that those that remained free of their kind could do any real harm. More the mistake for him.


Out from the tangled branches and thorns his voice boomed, calling to what remained of Stormwing and the armies of Earthborn with associated hangers-on. "You fought bravely, but foolishly little gnats! I shall keep you as a pet Rainbow Dash! You will be as pathetic and useless as that wretched creature you once called friend. You have been deceived; and it is joyous to me that you squabble so. She tried, no, she begged for you, the only one that could have helped her or returned her feelings. But no! You left her to die. I care not for her, or any of you, but it is truly ironic that you shall now suffer the fate that you damned the only one that loved you!" As he spoke, the trees crumbled into the ground as he strode past.


Surrounding him were what had been those captured from Stormwing. They were no longer ponies and for that matter were no longer alive. Simply put, they were mere automatons now, with ghastly weapons grown into their flesh and no thoughts of their own. Over their heads the Liege laughed uproariously as he strode forth. "She loved you, you selfish gnat! Did you know that, did you even consider how many times she longed to be by your side? Ha-ha-ha!" This burst of laughter seemed to summon forth the enslaved legions now swarming around his feet, who now charged with a battle cry that was akin to a death rattle. "Friendship, companions, love? No, you were to stupid, to rash, and too selfish. I will enjoy crushing the life out of your bones, even as you crushed her heart!" His voice, though booming, held an distinct malice. Most of those words could have come from a friend, admonishing one for a selfish action. But he was no friend and all he was going to do was destroy.


House Everfree Renegades: Parthos the Younger

Parthos wanted greatly to smash the monologueing Liege to tiny pieces. But charging out into the tide of emotionless masks and blades would be suicidal. Instead he went about his business. The ents he had with him would be utter destroyed, or worse, mutated if they tried to take on the Liege himself. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, knowingly or not, could resist his powers all on their own. But he decided to keep by them none the less. What was important about him and his fellows, is that they were the true forest incarnate. The Liege, whatever he may say, was just a vile tyrant, bending life to his will. Thus, the presence of the free Ents could negate most of his power over his creations, hopefully confusing them and giving allied forces an opportunity to kill the abominations and end their torment. He turned to Rainbow Dash and sighed. "Despite his manner, his words do have truth. Fluttershy... she is his slave, as are all the monsters you see before you. She wanted no part of this, it appalls her to no end. Even now she is struggling to escape him. But you must believe me Rainbow, she does love you more than anyone. Let her live. But she and everyone else he has settled his talons on cannot be free while he lives." He turned slightly to Applejack to bare bad news. "Your... grandmother Applejack. She has passed. The Liege... he stole her soul, as he has all the others. Please let me help you free her."


House Everfree Renegades: Fluttershy

The feelings washing over her were distressing. She could feel the free ent Parthos the Younger trying his best, but she was not sure he could succeed. What he said was true, though it hurt her to know the Liege was trying to use that same knowledge to pain Rainbow Dash. Once everyone was prepared, they set out immeadiately. The woods were empty now and the rot from the Forest's Heart drew closer. As a gift to Eve, she had managed to summon her favorite pack of TImberwolves. It was draining, as her power over the Forest was continually lessened. For a while she walked away from her castle, which really was a prison. In time, Iron Will made himself known, though he was wounded badly. The Forest had tried to kill him in order to prevent his assistance. Thankfully, he would survive, but his left arm was mangled beyond repair. He joined the band, escaping from Everfree. The path they took was the most direct path, with waymarkers set down by Sand before them. Numerous safe-houses had been established aswell, should they need them.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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House Everfree - Lily - Lady Sparrow


She could here the voice... in her head, It seemed to burn with every word, as if there was no wall, no barrier between her an a blazing inferno. She was left open and exposed to his wrath. After a while the images faded and Lily was able to pick herself back up off the ground. There was little sign to show what had just happened, except a pounding headache. Her wound still throbbed, only this time more violently as her heart rate struggled to slow down. This time she felt pity more than anything else, pity for the one who had nearly killed her in battle.


In the end she had the choice of being left alone again or going with them. But she couldn't just leave them to their fate, she had to do something. She would go for Jade since she was so kind to her, but she would have to keep to her wings, Her legs still weren't strong enough to walk great distances just yet. What seemed to encourage her all the more was the sudden and quite spontaneous growth of vicious plants that encircled the ruins. "Oh, I just know that I'm going to regret this."


House Stormwing - The Ruin of Cloudsdale


That one moment Rainbows world came crashing down all at once. Scootaloo and the rest of her company rejoined her in the fields, all of them looking at their commander is horror. That voice continued to echo in her mind, the words bouncing around her head endlessly. It was agony. Applejack tried to rest a hoof on her shoulder but she shrugged it off. "Get off of me! Just go now! I don't want you here!" In a rage she tried to buck her, although missing completely. Rainbow fell to ground in a heap, burying her head in her forelegs and beginning to weep.


Scootaloo couldn't take this one more second. She glided to her idols side and rested a wing over her. "I'm sorry Rainbow, we weren't strong enough. We were the ones who failed you, not them." Rainbow wiped her snout and looked up to the grown mare.  The half of her face that wasn't scorched was soaked in tears. After everything that had happened Rainbow had finally snapped.


"Go away! I- I don't..." Scootaloo nuzzled her neck to silence her. "It's okay Dash. No pony here is going to abandon you."


(OCC: The next scene has been listed as spoiler for any who decide they don't really want to read about lovey dovey stuff, or hate shipping.)




After Rainbow's breathing had begun to steady, she seemed to be calming down. But Scootaloo still had one last question. "Um, Rainbow...  This is going to sound awkward... but was that all true? You know, about Fluttershy?" She nudged her slightly, earning a small chuckle from Dash. "You can trust me, when have I ever failed you?"


"Yeah, I guess you have a point." Rainbow pawed nervously at the ground with her hoof. "And about me and 'Shy...   maybe." Scootaloo just rolled her eyes at this. "Okay, fine. Yes, I kinda did like her...  but don't start judging me, I was young and stupid. Heck, I'm still young and stupid. I guess I was just able to move on, leave it behind. I guess I did a crappy job of that. I was so blind when she tried to tell me, I was just... so...  angry at her. I wanted to hurt her, but I couldn't. Don't tell AJ, she would never let me live it down.Look at me talking like its the old days."


"He he,don' worry RD, I promise not to tell her. Besides...  you would have been kinda cute together."


"Okay that's enough out f you. I could still crush you if I wanted."




After a minute or so of this Rainbow managed to regain some composure. She brushed her man back with her hoof and cleared her throat as she addressed Scootaloo once again. "Right, yes...  thanks." She rubbed the back of her head nervously, now quite aware of the scene she had just made in front of everypony. What captives did Everfree take?"


"Many, all of whom were taking shelter within the Citadel. Civilians and Senators alike. Even Star Keeper, one of our company. He was a bit of a bastard, but a good guy." Rainbow signalled for one of the remaining Hoplites to hand her helmet over, placing it on her head with renewed vigour. "Then we better get moving then if we're gonna save them in time. Twenty is more than enough. You ready to go squirt?"She was met by an enthusiastic "You bet!"


"Sweet. Our ground sla- I mean forces will be able to repair the foundations of Stormwing. Pegasi from Windsoar and Las Pegasus will be able to manage the rest of the repairs. It'll take months, maybe years, but we'll return it to its former glory. Scoots, I think It's about time you and I paid a little visit to the Everfree Liege...  one last time."

Edited by The-Master


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Eternity - Manehatten - The Undercity


Eternity looked over the pony who had just come out of the shadows. There wasn't something right about him either. And it seemed like he just lied too. He didn't look like that type who needed protection or would be cowardly and ask some stranger for assistance. But out of kindness he gave him the benefit of the doubt anyway instead of saying he trying to deceive them.


"Um. No Sorry. You shouldn't really come with us. We wouldn't be good protection. Sorry really. Good luck though. I'm sure you will be fine in the City. We have been. Umm. Bye now." He turned away from the pony and walked away with Star in a rush.


He wanted to help the pony. He really did. But he didn't know if he could trust this Earth pony. It was all too suspicious. For all they know he could of been a thief trying to ambush them. Or maybe a spy. Could Rarity be looking for them already. He hoped not. He continued to walk away occasionally turning his head to look behind himself to see if that pony was following them. If he was so good at sneaking around like that I don't think he would need protection.

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House Whitegold - Manehattan - The Undercity


Long Stride thought at this point it may be best if he drew his sabre and held it aloft. He kept the new comer at a distance  continuing to keep his sword aimed towards his neck. The last thing he needed was more witnesses. "Eternity, get Star out of here.Neither of you need to see this." He then took another step closer,pressing the sharp blade closer to his neck, almost drawing blood. "There is no such thing as an innocent traveller in the Undercity, even less so at night. So tell me... what are you really here for? Speak quickly or I will not hesitate to kill you now." If this pony was watching them then that could mean anything. Keeping him alive was too great a risk. Then again he had no evidence to support this claim.


Slowly but surely Long Stride backed up,lowering the sabre from his throat.He sheathed it once more but continued to glare daggers at the stallion. "Don't follow us or I swear I will finish the job." He didn't know why he had chosen to not kill him exactly.Maybe it was the presence of two ponies whom he knew? Maybe it was the risk of being caught? Or just maybe he felt the slightest bit of empathy? "Let's keep moving. This one wont bother us any more."

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House Earthborn - The Ruins of Cloudsdale




Fixit wasn't sure what was going on. The enemy commander didn't seem to care about the small speech he had just given and was more concerned about beating up the Supreme Commander, which she promptly failed to do in any capacity and instead fell over.


That was the best speech I've ever given too, Fixit thought, pouting. Then he turned his head to the Everfree Forest, to the horde of terrifying beasts, and did something only a 15 year veteran could do.


He sighed in annoyance.


"Not these clowns again, he chuntered, looking over the enemy. They seemed different than when he had engaged them before. They looked darker, more sinister. They didn't look at all natural, as Everfree forces should do, and he certainly didn't like the look of those huge green cannons the Ents were sporting. That must have been what caused all this damage.


Fixit looked back at the formation of troops behind him, then at the Supreme Commander. Had they come all this way to be brushed off by the House they had come to save? Thousands of ponies, ready - for once - to help another House, not destroy it. Would they just leave after they had come so far, after they had made such progress in closing the Earthborn-Stormwing gap? He hoped not.


"Supreme Commander Applejack," he said shakily, his nerves kicking in "Permission to engage the enemy?"

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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