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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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Wind spread her wings and took off into the air.

She flew back towards the cult as fast as she could.



After about an hour of flying she got back and landed just outside the entrance.

She casually made her way inside towards her room, making sure she didn't act suspicious. When she reached her room, she closed the door and grabbed a large bag. She opened her drawers and placed a few items inside including an extra pair of wing blades.

She grabbed a quill and a small container full of blood.
She scratched a small note into the wall saying...


"Be back later...I need to pay off a debt. I will always stay loyal to the cult."

She knew that it was unlikely the cult would be happy about this but it was the best she could do. She opened a closet and pulled out what looked to be a small smiling doll.

She stuck her head out of her room and before leaving, she walked down the hallway to her friends room. "Hey Cook." She said, stepping into a bedroom. On the bed was a Euphorie smiling up at the ceiling. She looked up as Wind stepped into the room. "OH HEEEEY." She said. "I'm leaving..." Wind said.

Cook's smile faded and her eyes widened. "Not the cult...you know what they will do." She said.

"I know...I'm not leaving forever though, there is a pony who helped Me Derpy and Lila escape from the prison...and I owe him. So I am going to help him until he says I can go...I mean, he never really insisted that we help him...but I need too, he saved my life...plus he is super handsome." She said, letting out a small giggle.

Cook laughed and stood up. She walked over to a closet and pulled out a box. "Here are your brainy fun flying pointy medicine sticks." She said, opening the box. Inside there were probably enough drugs for all of the cult.

Wind grinned and took the box. "I love you Sweetie." She said, hugging Cook. Cook hugged her back and walked with her to the exit of the cult, making sure no other members noticed.

After giving Cook one more hug, Wind spread her wings and flew off to where she was supposed to meet The Artist.

Something something something something


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Lila was shocked. Derpy was supposed to die! That was the whole point of killing wasnt it? So she could die! Lila felt angry at herself for allowing the artist to manipulate her like that and rushed over to Derpy. "Im sorry, I didnt want too! Please believe me I really didnt want too!" She said before turning to the artist. "You!" Lila yelled pointing at the artist. "I hate you! Why would you make me do this to her? You can take back your bucking offer, im not working for somepony who make me kill my friends!" Lilas horn sparked along with a small circle around her which began to burn and smolder. "Come on Derpy we need to go." Lila picked up Derpy who was still bound and began to walk off in a random direction, avoiding fallen trees and still hot ash. For some reason Lila had the feeling that she wasnt going to get very far see that the artist can bind them with a brush (i thinks thats right...). She also got the feeling that no matter what she is the artist personal slave, and the thought of that sent shivers down her spine.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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House Whitegold -  Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


After disposing the body, Rarity read an urgent message from a pony in the militia.


Three unicorns, a pegasus, and an earth pony has entered the Undercity. No identification has been made on them, but the unicorns were in possession of robes from House Moon and Star, while the earth pony was clad in House Earthborn armor. 


She stopped at that part, recalling a message she got from a spy stationed in Hoofington. No doubt about it that the unicorns are highly valued members of that wretched House. They would make perfect workers for our little project. 


But still, I must truly confirm that it's them and not just some civilians who decided to switch sides. And I must know if they present a threat. And I must consult Dusk on this matter. After sending her request to the 03 director, she started down the stairs to the guest room that the "unicorn" was staying- no, LIVING in. She then softly, but rapidly knocked on the door. "Dearie, may I come in?" she asked. 


Nightfall was lying on his bed, wondering if, and if so, when the food he had asked for was coming. But then a knock came, soft but rapid. Before he could theorize that it could be food, Rarity's voice drifted through the door. He wondered what she could possibly want now, but he had no choice but to let her in. He checked himself and his suit, then went to the door, opening. Sure enough, there was Rarity.

"Please, come in."

He held the door open for Rarity to walk in, glancing about the room, hoping he hadn't left a feather lying about. And he hadn't, thankfully. Well, not this time, at least. He didn't know if Rarity would come by at some other time, so he would have to be careful when taking off and putting on his suit. Letting Rarity know that he was an alicorn was not part of any plan of his. In fact, letting anyone know that he was an alicorn was not part of his. Surely, Twilight would know eventually, and would send for him. He couldn't go down that path and live.

"OK, don't get distracted. Rarity just entered your room. This may be a shocked, as she could have called for you in her own room, but play it cool and don't freak out."

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House Whitegold

Military District

Director's Office


Swift entered the director's office, glancing warily at the messenger before striding to the centre of the room.


"Sir," he began carefully, unsure of how much the director already knew; that tell-tale smirk on the director's face wasn't a good sign, "I'm sure that you've already heard of the unfortunate events of the performance hall, of the... tragic attempt on Miss Sweetie Belle's life. I was simply reporting to inform you of my reason for not engaging with the cultist attack."


Pacing across the carpeted floor, Swift continued with his story;


"I was informed that there would be a performance tonight, and naturally I decided to inspect the venue in case of any trouble. As I passed the hall, I heard cries of terror from within and, I decided to intervene. There was an assassin of unknown origin trying to kill Miss Sweetie Belle, an assassin who I managed to stop and capture, with minimal disruption."


With that, Swift stopped, returning his attention to the director. He hoped the story would work... surely the director wouldn't have heard any details, aside from that an unknown agent had shown up...


"So sir, that is my report. I'll just head off now... you appear to be very busy..."


Swift turned carefully, and started to leave.

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"Bwahahahaha"" The Artist continued to laugh. "Oh you thought?" he laughed again. "She was never meant to die my dear. I didn't want her dead. Se owes me a favor. Besides ponies can't die in here. And remember what i said? No wait you were unconscious when i said this. When ponies leave this painting the come out the same as they entered. Derpy is completely fine. This was just a Test to see if you would choose me or her. And you picked me." He clapped his hooves and they both fell down into a hole. They appeared in the real world again, outside Manehatten. 


"See?" He said pointing to Derpy. "Shes not dead or hurt. Just tied up. Brushy you can release her. " The brush moved and unwound the rope around her. "She shouldn't even feel the pain anymore. I also did that as a Warning to you Miss Derpy." he walked up to the Mare who still lied on the ground. "If you are not going to come with us, fine, but if you tell anypony in the cult about this, then believe me I will hunt you down stick you back into that painting and you feel that same pain you felt only 10 times worse and for all of forever. Capisce?"


"And You Lila. Do you really want to leave me? I never would of let you kill her you know. That is why I brought you into the painting. So she would live. I know it was a cruel trick, but i needed to test your loyalty to me. If you leave you would never get to live a happy life Lila. Oh, and one more thing, you can't just say no to the deal. You see, you ate the pill. That pill does not just allow me to bring you into the painting every night, you ALWAYS go into the painting every night. It is up to me to entertain you in that painting. I was going to poof up your kingdom and your family. But If you leave, you might see some... unpleasant things in your dreams. You can either be cursed and walk away here with a horrible life that will amass to nothing, or you can be gifted with my Art, and live 2 happy lives. Take your pick Lila Fireheart."


The Artist was lying of course, The pill doesn't curse her. It only allows him to bring her into the painting whenever he pleases. But she didn't know that. Though, the Artists could potentially give her nightmares for the rest of her life.




Eternity - The Under City - Tavern


"He stole from us?" Eternity was shocked to here this revelation. "I trusted him. I don't care if he just took one bit or 100. Hmph. I Try so hard to trust other ponies ya know. But They always manage to make me lose my trust in them."


He was curious about Sells bracelet now. However, she figured she would get angry if he tried to take it from her.


"Well then lets head up to my room for some dinner shall we?"

Edited by AnonBrony
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House White Gold - Manehettan - Military Hospital




Cunning Horn snorted, "Just let me take a bucking rest would ye?" he muttered to the nurse. He tried to find a comfortable position on where he lain, but winced when a sharp pain ran thought his spine, again. It was just too frustrating to be real. The moans of other patients, the cries of ponies, the hoof steps, the smell, the need of sleeping, a stallion nurse who wouldn't get lost, and the pain he got from that failed movement when he was fighting the Cult mare. He felt like he wanted to break his own neck and died right away.


The curled, trying to feel his back, and again, the pain stopped him from doing anything. He gritted his teeth and took some deep breath to endure the pain. He gave up. After a sigh, he turned his head slowly to the nurse and muttered, "Do it quick. I can't feel my back."


He still couldn't believe that three cultists could make such damage to the House. Not only damages, but damages in a capital city of a faction with intense spy network and wealth.

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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((Anon, I'm actually rather impressed with how horrible that is.))

House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 1 - Sweetie Belle's room


Hm? Is there something Sweetie Belle is hiding? Nightshade thought, quickly noticing the biting of the lip and the moment's hesitation before the injured singer finished her sentence. I should press further. Maybe it'll be a useful hint for me! "Whatever does "drama queenish" mean?" she asked casually. "She just overreacts to stuff, that's all," she replied, trying not to give away too much. Nightshade tried to press some more, but she didn't get the chance when she heard a rather familiar voice behind her. "Encore?" they both said simultaneously.

House Whitegold - Manehattan - Hospital Class No. 1 - Sweetie Belle's room


The voice sounded again from behind the guards. "See? She recognizes my voice. That means I can go in, right?" Evidently it did, as Encore trotted into the room. He still looked rather unkempt, suit being crumpled, and torn at the elbow of his left foreleg, and his mane untidier than he would ever let it be, but he didn't seem to care much about that at the moment. "Sweetie, are you... Oh, hello." He hadn't realized that Sweetie had had a visitor. Suddenly he found himself very self-conscious about the state of his mane. Ignoring the urge to fix it, he abandoned the familiar tone he had adopted moments before, and said, in a subdued manner, "I just wanted to let you know that the... ahm... aggressor has been subdued and taken into custody. And I wanted to check on your well-being personally." He dipped his head, seeming slightly embarrassed.


@@The-Master@,@, @

House Everfree - Everfree Forest - Old Castle Ruins - Dining Hall


Evergreen's ears perked from in the corner of the room where she lay. Sparrow had started hearing the voices too? True, the forest had always whispered to Eve, as had most other plants, but Eve had not been aware that Sparrow was gifted as well. It was true, the forest had taken on a sinister, fearful tone lately, but Eve had always assumed it was due to the war. 


"I never knew you could hear them whispering too," she murmured from her corner, just loudly enough for Sparrow to hear. Her head was low and embarrassed, and her mossy mane fell down over her eyes, obscuring her face, yet her voice sounded strong as she spoke to the room at large. "She's sorta right, Fluttershy, Milady. The forest has taken on a dark mood of late. Sometimes I can hear pleas for help, or else an agonized screaming where there is no fire or pestilence. It's strange. Something is changing in these woods, and I'm not sure it's for the best." She cringed slightly after finishing her statement, as if half-expecting retribution, and when none came within a full second, she relaxed.

Edited by Flareon

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





The Composer hauled herself to her feet reluctantly. "Very well," she announced "We shall begin now, although I had hoped the Singer and the Dancer would have had the common decency to make an appearance. But I digress..."


She cleared her throat and checked the ties on her robes. As she tightened the knots on her waist her hoof brushed her hoof fan, and she ran her hoof along its edge. The fan's floral pattern was deceptive; the fan's edge was in fact an incredibly sharp blade, almost monomolecular, and in the few times she'd had to engage in hoof-to-hoof combat it had served her well. Perhaps it would see more use in the days to come.


"We have waited in hiding for 15 years," she began, her voice echoing off the mountain side, creating an effect similar to the Royal Canterlot Voice of old "Honing our abilities, scheming and planning, so that Equestria might one day be ours to guide and rule."


She paused for dramatic effect, leaving the two stallions before her waiting for the next sentence, the sentence that would plunge them into the heart of all the conflict to lay claim to this land.


"Today, we set out to make that day a reality."


She took a few paces and waited to see the reactions of the Musician and the Storyteller. This could be very telling indeed...

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Wind...was still flying, she would occasionally bounce on a cloud until she finally reached Derpy, Lila, and The Artist. She landed by them and grinned. "Heeeey guuuys." She said, smiling. "Lila...wanna do me a favor ? Can you make me look like my usual self again please ?" She asked, completely oblivious as to what had happened inside the painting. "I saw some travelers back there and they looked like they had allot of booty...and it took everything I had not to go and search through their stuff. We should go find em." She said, grinning again and bouncing around Lila and the Artist in a figure eight pattern.



@@The-Master@,@, @



Rain leaned a little closer to Fluttershy. "I think we should tell them my lady...they should know of the Liege and his plan's." He whispered, before leaning back and assuming his usual proper stance, just behind Fluttershy.






The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage



Kichirou grinned. "Its about bloody time too. So what's the plan ? Which house are we going to destroy first ? Or do we need to discuss that with the rest of the gifted ?" He asked.

He felt excited that they were finally starting what they had planned for so long. 

Something something something something


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Archi the Sandworm



The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

The Storyteller watched the Musician playing, wondering himself why the stallion decided to play. On the Composer's question on where the Artist would be he shrugged, as the mad pony rarely told him where he was going and also he had not been around when the Artist left since he was busy with infiltration and the gathering of information. He has actually returned from one of the Houses, with possible knowledge he could share with the Guardians and with the Composer if she though to ask.


Yet it would seem now was not that time as once the Musician finished playing, yet with three members still unaccounted for, it would seem that the Composer's plans would come to fruition. On her words he only smiles, laughing softy, though whether from amusement or excitement. Yet those watching the Storyteller would not be able to tell whether he was pleased or displeased. When he spoke he did say softly, almost quiet enough not to be heard but not quite, "Well, well, it would seem my old pegasus friend's prophesy is coming about... I wonder what she would say if she learned the truth."

House Earthborn - Applelossa - Hospital


As Applebloom promised her grandmother, trying to take in what Granny Smith had said a feeling of worry and even fear passed over her as she considered what would happen if Applejack ever found out what Granny Smith's last words were. She wanted to make sure she could keep her promise but she didn't know how, so she whispers, "how, how can I do this? How can I help Applejack after everything that has happened?"


Granny Smith slowly moved her forearms away from around the youngest of her grandchildren before saying with a weak smile, "you will find a way... if you truly wish to see your friends again. You must hold in your heart the fire of friendship... you must bring this dying land back to fruition. Remember your name Applebloom... use your talent to create and show Applejack what she has destroyed."


Granny Smith lies back on her bed, seemingly very tired as she moved her hoof over Applebloom's face and looked over the mare that had once been so worried about finding her cutie mark. Yet as Applebloom moved her face against her grandmother's hoof she felt it fall to her side. Looking up she saw Granny Smith was still and moving closer to said, "Granny, granny are you okay?" Moving her ear against the old mare's chest and not hearing a heartbeat she quickly called loudly to staff member working with another pony, "Nurse, Nurse, Granny Smith.... Granny Smith.... shes..." Applebloom pushes her head against her grandmother's chest and cries.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





The Composer felt a smile come to her face at her brother's enthusiatic reaction. At least she would always have his support in this matter, no matter what the other Gifted might do or say. That wasn't to say she didn't care for the others - they had been together too long for her to not care - but thanks to the centuries together she and her brother would be inseperable for as long as they lived. She felt herself lucky to have such a stable relationship in these times of strife.


The Storyteller's reaction, as usual, was enigmatic. His chuckle could've meant all kinds of things; excitement, amusement, patronisation, dismissiveness, nervousness. One never knew where they were at with the stallion. A charmer one second, a deceiver the next. Was he ever sincere, or did he just delight in toying with people, messing with their heads?


She was about to continue when she heard the Storyteller mutter very faintly something about a "prophecy" and about somepony finding "the truth". She paused stock still in her stride and kept her gaze forward, exuding an aura of cold menace.


"Excuse me, Mythos," she said, using his true name for effect "If who learned the truth about what, hm?"

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Undercity - Somewhere...


Derpy lay motionless after she was unbound. She felt fine, but the memory her pain left on her body was immense. She stood up and half walked, half limped over to where The Artist and Lila stood. "A test." She said bitterly. And there wasn't a BETTER WAY?" She yelled the last part at the top of her lungs, her face inches from that of The Artist. Still shaking, she spat, "You're sick." Then she turned sharply to Lila. "How could you? You went up and killed me like a fly on the wall! Squashed like a muffin under hoof. You weren't even sorry until you realized I was alive! I know no one cares about me - and don't pretend it's not true, I know! - but you could at least TRY to hide it."


Wind walked up to them all and Derpy turned to look at her. "D-don't go with him." She was no longer crying, but her words were heavy with pain and her eyes were bleak and distant, as though trying not to see the horrors before them, yet steely and grim. She then walked right past Wind, one eye staring into space, the other aimed ahead. As she walked off into the night, one dread-filled sentence escaped her lips.



"Has the Cult been this cruel, too?"



The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Hallways of the Main Building


High Prophet Cranky Doodle Donkey was sitting in the Chamber of the Prophets, a few hours after previous events had transpired, and was about to write a letter to the Cult members sent on Tondraks' mission, when he saw Derpy walking through the hallways. "Derpy!" He shouted in greeting. Derpy looked startledly in his direction, then turned her head away. He got up and walked to her. "Derpy, where are the others? How has the mission gone?" She responded faintly. "W-We..we found the crown...that bucking crown..." Only then did Cranky realise that she had been sobbing silently. His face became concerned. "Derpy, what's wrong? Where are the others?" The mares' chest heaved in a powerful sob before she fled, galloping of speedily to her room. "Derpy?! DERPY!" Cranky called after her in vain. He sighed and trudged down to the Laughing Mares' main chamber.


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Main Chamber of the Laughing Mare


Upon arriving, Cranky knelt before the corpse of Pinkie, which served as a link between the Laughing Mare and the mortal world. "O Great and Powerful Mare of Laughter, what plagues Derpy? And what of her companions? Why will she not answer me? " The corpse stirred once again, and its' eyes glowed red. It's mouth moved as the Mare spoke though it.


"Tondrak is still loyal to us,

But he is with someone not to trust;


In an attempt to get his scroll,

He must pay the toll;


Fireheart wants to live in a fantasy land,

Conjured up by a mystery man;


Hard task ahead does she face,

A choice, both ways leading to disgrace;


Wind with the Artist is in love,

But he thinks of her as a magician his dove;


They are all pawns for him to control -

They accepted his offer like foals;


The Mad Prophets' injuries did smart,

But the true pain she faces is in her heart."


With that, the Laughing Mare departed, and Cranky was left to ponder her words.


The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Undercity - Somewhere...


Tondrak had gotten what he needed and returned to where the group had last been. He spotted them with ease and headed over. "Let's get going - I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to. Wind, you look awful." He quickly cast a spell. "The illusion should wear off in about twenty minutes - I had to put a delay on it so we have time to leave. That way, nopony notices the sudden Euphorie. Speaking of leaving, shall we? Where do we go?" He sighed. "Artist," he said grudgingly, "you pick. I guess you're the boss, now."

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: So...if everyone goes with the Artist that means no one will really be part of the cult...as in all the members are gonna be gone, which isn't really that fun. So I think I am going to have Wind go back. Which will make things a little boring for me but...meh. Also, sorry for posting so much, I just want to make it clear that Wind is going back to the cult.)



Cult of Laughter - Fillydelphia hideout



Noticing Derpy's limp and the pain in her voice, Wind's eyes widened and she turned to look at The Artist and Lila. "Buck you. And Lila...buck you twice, hurting your friend like that. Buck this." She said, glaring at the Artist and Lila...then Tondrak who had just shown up. And with that, she took off into the air and made her way back towards Fillydelphia...for the second time that day.

The who way there she was swearing and thinking of the best way to make it up to Derpy...whatever happened couldn't have been nice, Derpy did NOT sound herself What So Ever...going to Manehattan was a terrible idea.




The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage




Noticing the sound in his sister's voice, Kichirou quickly busied himself, not wanting to get involved.

He used his magic to stir the stew with a wooden spoon as he added a few different ingredients to the delicious smelling food.

Something something something something


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House Whitegold – Manehattan – The Undercity


(Warning: A bit grimdark.)


Well, no good in leaving perfectly good bits behind. He did not hesitate in taking the money, feeling he had more than made amends with the bracelet. His mother used to tell him that the jewel came from the sceptre of a Diamond Dog Lord and used it to pick pocket his subjects of precious jewels. It all seemed t bit fictional but the story still amused him. He followed the path northward, wandering through a labyrinth of homes and ramshackle huts. Ponies kept out of the open, making shifty eyes at the traveller. He took little notice of them for they were not of his concern.


Long Stride began to approach a small bridge that crossed over to the northern territory. Upon it stood a lone unicorn in simple robes, a mare with a dirty blue mane and cyan coat. It was pitiful. But what caught his eye was the small purse of coins partly obscured by her rags. It was too good and opportunity to pass up. Long Stride trotted up behind her and caught her off guard, covering her mouth with his hoof and holding her still no matter how much she tried to struggle and call out for help. “Keep quite; you’ll only make it worse.”


A pony who felt no empathy for his victims, his senses dulled by years of war and bloodshed. He did what he had to survive, even if it cost another innocent life. Long Stride yanked the small purse of bits and slipped it under his cloak. “Now what are we going to do with you then?” She was terrified, frozen still and tired from constant struggle. Her eyes were open wide and her pupils narrowed to pinpricks. “Can’t have you running about and causing trouble now can we?” From his belt he pulled out a small short sword, raising above the mares head. With a quick slice he brought the blade down on her horn, sending her into a fit of pain. After twitching and randomly lurching around the mare passed out from the shock. Long Stride set her down against the bridge and left her head to bleed. He cast the horn off the side into the sewers bellow, not giving a second thought to the act.


Profit. After a few minutes of further walking he found the little shop. It was rather obscure, hidden behind a few other hovels. Can’t miss it indeed. Long Stride entered through the front door, the hinges giving a loud rusty groan as they swung open. Around the walls were adorned a variety of arms and weaponry, various pieces of armour and protection from across the east. “Can I help you?” An aged grey stallion looked at him curiously from the counter, slowly polishing a curved blade in his hooves.


“I believe you can. I would like to make an exchange, my armour for a look at your selection. I have a few extra bits if necessary.”


Quick Wit looked up and down his figure, his eyes carefully examining the armour he wore. “From earthborn then are you? Well you’re kit has seen better days in oast, should be no trouble to mend. But I believe you want to look the part rather than stand out in this city. Well let me see what I can do.” He beckoned Long Strode to follow him to the back room revealing a vast forge. “What is your specialty? What method of combat do you prefer?”


“I don’t care what with so long as I can get to grips with them head first.”


“No stealth, no evasion? You don’t find many of your type here, then a gain you are from Earthborn. Let’s see what I have. Obviously you’ll want simple blades, nothing too fancy or complicated. Your armour will cover what it needs to but won’t restrict your mobility. Shouldn’t cost more than a hundred bits minus the cost of your gear, easy enough.”


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"Derpy....... Wind?" Lila called out almost in audibly. She turned to the artist withtears in her eyes. "I cared about them....... why? Why did it have to be like that? Was there no other way to prove my loyalty? What are you set on hurting me or something?" Lila paused trying to keep herslef from crying, but in the end she collapsed on the ground and covered up her face so they couldnt see the tears. She stayed like that for a while before finally looking up at the artist for answers, that was until she realized she didnt want any help from him. She could care less if he haunted her dreams. She just wanted her friends back. Lila got to her hooves and trotted up to the artist and smacked him across the face. "You can go buck yourself! And forget about the deal, do your worst." With that Lila turned tail an headed back into the cults hideout looking for wind and Derpy. "Wiiiiiinnnnnndddd! Deeeeeerrrrrrppppyyyyyyy! Im sorry! Please I want to talk! Guys?" Lila stopped in the long hallway and saw nothing but a low lit tunnel, and began to cry to herself again.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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The Cult of Laughter - The Undercity of Manehattan - Somewhere...


Tondrak wanted to leave so badly, but he had to get his book and carry out his plan. He hated himself for not leaving, which was a very unusual thing indeed. He was so unused to it that he got a little nausea. His gut knotted and twisted. "Well, I guess it's just you and me, Artist."


The Cult of Laughter - Anywhere and Everywhere But Nowhere


The Laughing Mare had closed contact with Cranky, not only because she had no more to say, but she also had business elsewhere. Her being - or as much of it as could go into the mortal realm - descended into Manehattan, into the Undercity, searching for two particular ponies. They were not hard to find, as their minds were strongly filled with thoughts of blood and murder, yet also glee. Of course, at the moment they were filled with almost unmatched sorrow. She quickly entered their thoughts, but lightly, for her presence alone was enough to make a pony go madder than even the worst of Cult ponies.


"If it is the Mad Prophet you seek,

Head to the creek."


She spoke this in both of their minds, referring to the small pond in the Fillydelphia hideout to which Derpy would soon come, before "floating" away. She had only so much strength, and it was hardly enough to face the terrors she now did in the Astral Plane, let alone do so while touching the mortal world. She withdrew, although she still kept an eye on Equestria...

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@@Sky Warden,@@Flareon, @@AnonBrony,@@Nightfall, @@Spell Shock@,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - "Dusk's" room


Just then, a servant came in with the food Nightfall had asked for. It was high quality food, made by the finest chefs in the House. The meal consisted of radishes cut to look like flowers of sorts, along with cooked carrots that gleamed like amber, all served on a silver platter with House Whitegold's insignia carved into it. It also came with a crystalline glass of purified spring water. All ponies living or staying temporarily at the tower were treated to such luxuries. 


"Fabulous, are they not?" Rarity said in a tranquil voice at the sight of the food Dusk was being served. She glanced at the servant and as if a signal was passed between the two, the servant bolted off, running up the vast number of stairs to the mistress's room with her meal.


"So dear Dusk. I have a simple question for you," she said in a hushed whisper. She then turned around and closed and locked the door behind them. Lowering her voice, she asked,"Can your machine amplify magic that is not your own? Like if I were to pour some of my magic into your machine? Not that I myself am going to do so, but there might be three others who can."


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Military District - 03 Base - Director's office


"Halt!" the director commanded while holding his foreleg out. "Something from the mistress has arrived that I would like for you to do!" he said in a serious voice.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01 - Sweetie Belle's room


"Ah come on! Don't look so embarrassed. It's nice to help out everypony," Sweetie Belle said reassuringly. Which is something we seem to lack these days. These bloody, gruesome days... "Oh, pleasure to meet you Encore! I'm Nightshade, Sweetie Belle's fan!" Nightshade introduced herself to Encore. I hope I can befriend them both. I can reap so many benefits! She smiled a little at the thought, then felt a tiny stab of guilt.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Military hospital - Cunning Horn's room


The nurse threw his hooves into the air as if to say "alright alright! geez...". A couple minutes later, they injected anesthetics that induced sleep into Cunning Horn. When their patient fell asleep, they did various procedures to get him nice and healthy again.


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity - A random tavern


"Sure thing" Star Rain said, feeling very hungry all a sudden because she didn't eat at all on the journey here and she never noticed it. She then heard the bird-like scream again. Honestly, what's going on? I have to investigate that soon. She then made plans to sneak out of the tavern when everypony is asleep and find out what that screaming is. But before she could do that, she had a question to ask once Spell and Lightning are asleep.

  • Brohoof 2

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - "Dusk's" room


Just then, a servant came in with the food Nightfall had asked for. It was high quality food, made by the finest chefs in the House. The meal consisted of radishes cut to look like flowers of sorts, along with cooked carrots that gleamed like amber, all served on a silver platter with House Whitegold's insignia carved into it. It also came with a crystalline glass of purified spring water. All ponies living or staying temporarily at the tower were treated to such luxuries. 


"Fabulous, are they not?" Rarity said in a tranquil voice at the sight of the food Dusk was being served. She glanced at the servant and as if a signal was passed between the two, the servant bolted off, running up the vast number of stairs to the mistress's room with her meal.


"So dear Dusk. I have a simple question for you," she said in a hushed whisper. She then turned around and closed and locked the door behind them. Lowering her voice, she asked,"Can your machine amplify magic that is not your own? Like if I were to pour some of my magic into your machine? Not that I myself am going to do so, but there might be three others who can."


He looked at the food, then at her.

"Of course. It can work for any pony's magic, if they pour it into the machine. And..."

He lowered his own voice.

"And I think that if I modify the engine enough, I can let others use their magic to... help us obtain secrets. Us being the house."

This was true enough; if Dusk could make the engine be able to power things like wheels, he could make it power torture devices, and therefore, they could obtain secrets without trade. But he didn't want to say that outright, considering how much trade the house made with the other houses. He supposed it could be traded, if certain spells were placed on it to prevent it's disassemble. Even so, he wondered who these three were.

"But if torture isn't your thing, the modifications will be unnecessary. To answer your question more to the point: yes. Others could pour their magic into it to make it run."

He took his food and put it on his table, then turned back to Rarity, thinking it rude to eat in front of others when they had nothing to eat themselves.

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The Artist - Outside The Under City.


Oh how The Artist Laughed.


"BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh OOH HAHAHHhahahaHAHAHA!" He continued to laugh for quite some time. "She slaped me! HAHAHAHAHAHA! SHE SLAPED ME TONDRAK! AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh did ya see that. DID YOU SEE THAT. Them cryin' and stuff. Oh It was hilarious. But Of course you saw it you were right here Tony." He burst into laughter. "Oh simply SIMPLY brilliant. Just like I planned. Sort of. Anyway Tony," He said to him still a bit giggly. "I just have one simple thing for you to do if you want to get your silly little book back." He handed him a white scroll that was rolled up and had a red ribbon around it to keep it from unraveling.


"Don't open it yet. This is your task: You. Tony Drak Drak. Are going to steal something. Yes. Something. SOMETHING very important. You, Tony, are going to steal... The Laughing Mare.


He burst into laughter again. "Yes. Yes Indeed. Using that scrolls right there. All you have to do, is go up to her coffin. And quickly unravel the scroll and place it on her coffin. That is it. But be very very careful. As soon as you open this scroll you have to immediately place it on her. It might not work... It is the first time I am testing these scrolls but none the less it is all you have to do. Once the Laughing Mare is in my hooves, you may have your damn book. Capisce?"


Heheheheh. Pawn one move to B4....

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Whitegold

Military District

Director's office


Swift stopped, turning back to the director carefully.


"The mistress?" he wondered aloud, before quickly checking himself.


"I mean... Sir, what is it that you would like me to do..."


On the one hoof, Swift was relieved that the director hadn't questioned his story...


But on the other hoof, here was a message from the 'mistress'... What did she want? Or was this just a roundabout way for the director to punish him?


Swift approached the director again, waiting for information from the leader. Whatever this mission was, it sure was out of the blue. It was already late, yet here was a messenger delivering for the 'mistress'.


Swift could only assume that the 'mistress' meant Rarity, and a message from her could hold all sorts of trouble, especially after his... performance earlier in the artisan district.


Could the request perhaps have something to do with the cultist attack earlier? Or was it about the assassination attempt upon Sweetie Belle's life?


Or was it something else altogether?


(OOC, sorry for rambling a bit at the end... The character limit thing makes it hard for a quick answer! XD)

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@@Spell Shock,  


Eternity - The Under City - Tavern


Eternity lead them upstairs to what he believed was his room. And The fillies room was right next to his. He opened the door to his room and let them. He then put the dinner on the small table to next to the bed and let them take what they want. He only took some hay and an apple. Eternity then lied down on is bed while they all ate. He lied on his back and looked up at the ceiling. His mind was full of thought once again.


He kept on thinking about that old Stallion Long Stride. He seemed to be off to somewhere in a hurry. And then there was that bracelet he gave Spell. Then there was the egg. He thought Spell hid it well from other ponies. But it was a phoenix egg that was blue for Celestia's sake. Blue. Never before seen. And now they were in Manehatten. Well, the Under City. Staying in a Tavern. Could things get anymore stranger? Everything was happening too quick.


He turned his head from the ceiling and looked to the girls who were eating their dinner. They seemed hungry since we haven't eaten much.


"I wonder what happens now. We can start a new life here. I wonder how things will be like from now on. I'm not even sure what to do now..." He said to himself. But the girls were able to hear it.

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
-“A ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for.” – Spell replied, after she and Lightning finished eating – “I have a feeling we won’t be getting much rest In Manehatten. The clockwork is ticking and there is little we can do to stop it now. Perhaps it wasn’t wise to go here”

She looked rather weird; she was thinking of something and when looks at Lightning. She was thinking what to do, what to expect. She didn’t like to sail in water she didn’t know anything about. That’s why she liked chess, where you need to think ahead and plan your moves.


-“The thing is, Twilight is powerful. More powerful when we are and considering she wants to pretty much as far as I understand just make her most trusted “toys” more powerful, she will either find us eventually whenever or win if nothing is done about it. Either option I do not consider very good to us.”


-“I guess we can somehow get a word to Earthborn, but helping them is like shooting yourself in a hoove with a poison dart.  The Stormwing, I have no intentions to let Lightning anywhere close to them, but they are somewhat an option. And talking about green pests, well I hope someone just sets a bunch of fires to the forest at once so it just burns. Other kingdoms have their own problems, not to be bothered”


-“In other words, as always…” – Lightning continued, after finishing eating herself.

-“It’s all rather horrible” – they both said at the same time.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Archi the Sandworm
The Storyteller looked up, smiling softly through his expression was guarded as he says, "there is a... mare I know, a pegasus that has the very rare talent of being able to learn the future through her dreams and speaking with the stars. I once know her but because she found out who I was and what I have done we parted ways, she just could not accept that I was willing to ruin ponies’ lives with my deceptions... or for working with you my lady."
He stands from his sitting position, looking over at the Musician positive he too had sensed the change in tone in the Composer's voice when she addressed him before turning back to look at the mare next to him and saying, "The stars had warned her of the disappearance of the royal sisters, of the fall of the heroes of Equestria and of them turning against each other... of them bring conflict to the land that could very well tear Equestria apart in their struggle. All before it actually happened, and lastly... she had even been told of us, especially of you my lovely mare and your wish to reforge Equestria in the image of your clan."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@Spell Shock,



Eternity - Manehatten - The Under City - Tavern


"Well that is one thing we have in common." He said looking back at the ceiling. "We can agree that all the houses are all rather horrible."


Eternity closed his eyes and continued to think for a minute. "Well, i guess you three so do to your room. It should be the one right next to mine. I think there might only be one bed though. Sorry. I don't know if we can get another room. I suppose you three can work out the sleeping arrangements. He turned his body away from them while lying in bed. "Good night you three." Though he didn't fall asleep. He just starred at the walls.


He was thinking about the dream he had last night, and what it meant. And if he would have a dream like that again. A Burning City. Can't be a good sign. He hoped nothing like that would happen. He hoped nothing bad would happen to them. All he wanted was for this bloody war to end. it has caused so much suffering, and he just wanted everypony to be happy again. He said he intends to end the war, but in truth he wasn't sure how. He couldn't possibly end a war like this by himself. And it is not like nay of the leaders would listen to reason. Or would they? No. They wouldn't. They would try to kill him. He just layed in silence starring at the wall beside his bed. Why did this ever have to happen?...

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
Lightning would grab Spell and look at her, afterwards she would kind of haul her to the other room. IT would appear she wanted to probably say something to her, or something else. Who knows? They still would basically go to sleep, Star would find them on the floor cuddled around themselves, sleeping quite comfortable. They probably didn’t want to sleep on the bed, so yeah – floor with using each other as a pillow worked fine for both of them. They slept in worse conditions, so it wasn’t a biggie.

Their bags were still on them and it would be seemingly easy to nab something from them, but if anyone would try, they would probably wake up Spell, since there actually was a little string she put on her saddlebags before going to sleep. Just in case another anti-magic amulet thing happens.


They both looked kind of weird, but happy! Yay! That’s the most important, right? ;3

Another funny fact is, her right saddlebag looked kind of wet, probably due to the egg.


Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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