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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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House-Stormwing-Front Gate


Dogmatic waited at the front gate and smirked when he saw Scootaloo flying up. It had taken her long enough. He sat quietly as she gave her pre-operation speech. When she finished Dogmatic again made a frown, this whole "taking orders from ponies" thing was going to get old very, very fast. "No sir horse chicken sir," he said sarcastically. He then stretched his wings and nudged the pegasi soldier that had come with them. "So is your boss as much as a pain in the feathers as she seems or am I just on her good side," he asked. He didn't particularly have any problem with Scootaloo, besides her ordering him around, but he wanted to see the kind of respect she garnered from her troops. While awaiting an answer he looked over at Star Keeper and chuckled "So you decided to come after all," he started. "And you even got a big colt's weapon, why you look like a full fledged soldier, so cuuute," he added after seeing his sword. "Seriously though, don't be dead weight let's give the enemy the monopoly on that," he added.

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House Whitegold - The Cult's Hideout - The Main Graveyard


An earth pony was on a seemingly casual walk through the area. He had on a facade of mental instability as he went about daily life in the Cult. Underneath the dirty, slightly insane exterior though was a sophisticated and rational stallion who had shed his Manehatten accent and was always on watch for anything that may concern his House. He decided to stroll by the border, wondering how things were going at home, when he heard some ponies sounding as if they were plotting something. He quickly hid himself in the shadows and though he was a good distance away from them, he could still pick up some words. "Crown... kill... ponies... information... House Whitegold... secrets... avoid..." were the words he heard. He had no idea what they meant by "crown", but he figured out that they were about to infiltrate House Whitegold.


Their motive he did not know, but he only slinked off into the shadows toward his home/station. He bursted in on his pegasus partner who was writing stuff. "Gale, you have to go now," he said urgently. Gale looked up, alarmed at her partner's restlessness. "Yes? What is it?" she asked calmly. "You must go back to Manehatten immediately. Some Cultists are on their way to the city. I have no idea what they intend to do there, but you must go and warn the director now," he said slowly and seriously. He could see she wasn't totally convinced, so he added,"They're planning on stealing something very valuable from the treasury! And I doubt it's about money!" Gale finally understood, so she put her Cult outfit on and her saddlebags on top of that and prepared to leave, when her partner stopped her. "What is it now?! I hav-" She stopped when he handed her a sky-colored cloth. "Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Thanks," she said, before going to a barren part of the town.


From there, she planned a route that was about 10 miles away from the river leading to the city and she took flight after putting on her sky cloth. She flew as high as she could to avoid any other possible notice and she flew fast. Please hope I get there on time! 

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@@Spell Shock,  


House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Eternity looked down a bit. Thinking about what the little filly said. Then, he gave a smile almost as if to cheer up Spell.


"Ya want to how long its been seen I've lost my brother? 14 years, 5 months, 12 days, 5 hours, 40 minutes, and 27 seconds ago." Of course Eternity didn't now the number of hours or minutes because he wasn't there when his brother died. But he remembers the day he died. It is surely a day he shall never forget.


"I guess we have a bit of stuff in common. All of us. Even you Star. Like readin' books. Studying. learning about magic and other things. Each lost someone we love. Even you Star." he saw she was trying to blank us out. Focusing and what ever she was doing. But he could see it in her too. She lost someone she loved when young as well. Young... Eternity said in his head. 


Eternity started to grow a bit angry. Well not angry but rather... serious. A serious angry. "We were all young. Just young foals... too young to experience something like that." He said softly. He then started to think about the day he lost his brother. When he saw his house up in flames. Only 9 years old. "Things weren't always like this. Ponies dyin' left and right. Everypony was happy. Everypony had ponies who loved them. There was no war, no bloodshed." he slamed his hoof on the seat. "Things are going to change. I'm going to make them change. Even if its the last thing I do." He said all that looking out the window and rather softly. But loud and serious enough so that the two ponies in the carriage heard him.


He then looked towards Spell. "Listen. I know you probably think whatever is up with your magic is a nuisance or a curse, but i see it as a gift. I have never seen a pony like you. You just have to learn to control it."



And the he looked towards Star. "And perhaps you shouldn't shut the world out like that. I have done that for far too long. And trust me... you might eventually regret it."


He then looked back out the window.




Twilight smiled again. "I don't think you are a bad pony. I suppose you are a pony i can trust. Maybe I was wrong about you. But I don't think you should be head of the project though. But since it is your job you are going to have to help out with it."


Trixie was drinking a bit of mead because she was bored, but when she heard Twilight say that she spit out her drink. Trixie was surprised... again. She then whispered into Twilights ear. "Are you sure we can trust this pony. What if he is fooling us and hes an Assassin like you said you thought he was?" Twilight then whispered back "Even if he was its not like hes is going to kill me. You are here after all to protect me. He wouldn't be able to get past you." Twilight was just saying that to put Trixies worries at rest. If tehere was one way to make her confident, it was to complement her. "Besides you may still keep an eye on him. He still doesn't seem right." Trixie was satisfied with that.


"Oh that reminds me" Twilight said to Silver Swirl "I don't think I ever told you the project. Do you still want to know?"

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House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Star Rain was very much absorbed into her book, though she could hear Eternity talk about the blood and tears the war had wrought for fifteen years. That was equivalent to how old she was. How did he figure out that I lost some pony? she wondered in slight amazement. 


So far, she had read that Blythe had nearly no qualms about her current life. But it seemed as if something was missing. It wasn't very apparent though, as she had lived this way almost her entire life. Her world was small and deprived of variety, green, blue, purple, and art, half of her special talent. It was simply filled with arcane fire. Unfortunately for Star Rain, she was beginning to get a headache from reading it in a moving vehicle, so she packed it back into her saddlebags and rested against the wall of the carriage.


It was around that time that she heard Eternity talk about how things could be different and how she had to open herself up to the world. I wonder what it's like? Everything was pretty much shattered that day and "The war was going on a few weeks after I was born. What other world is there?" she asked herself, her thoughts slowly turning into outspoken words and a few tears.


(OOC: I will admit, I died a little on the inside while I was typing this up..."

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(OOC: This is my last post for today. Good night, everyone!)


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Main Graveyard (Exit)


Darkblood returned Red Winds' crazed smile with a twisted grin and replied, "Alright, how about you complete the mission and then take back a few ponies to torture? Make sure nobody sees you taking them and cover their mouths, bind their hooves, blah blah. Bring one back for me too, if you can. I have a spell I've been meaning to test...anyway, the spell will wear off in one week, or if you finish early I can remove the spell myself. Oh, and I almost forgot -" He pulled out two small books and gave a copy to each mare. "This is basic information on House Whitegold and how to behave in it. Try to come back without giving away any secrets about the Cult, getting captured, getting found out, dying, or anything else you should generally avoid. Derpy will be coming with you to send letters if needed, although she will keep her distance. So, shall we leave?"


Darkblood led the mares to the oddly normal-looking carriage in which Derpy was waiting, nomming on some of the muffins she had been carrying earlier. "Hi!" She said cheerfully, crumbs falling from her mouth.


Wind happily trotted over to the carriage and climbed in next to Derpy. "Hiiiii Derpyyy." She said, smiling from ear to ear and looking out the window of the carriage. She thought she saw something off in the bushes but ignored it, assuming it was an animal or something.

*So...go in, get the crown...bring back some other ponies to kill so I can annoy House Whitegold...then leave and bob's my uncle...well no he's not...or is he* Her eyes widened slightly and she looked at Derpy. She leaned a little closer to whisper in her ear. "D-Derpy...is Bob my uncle ?" She asked...leaning back and giving Derpy a slightly worried look. "Because I don't know any Bob's...so if Bob is my uncle...I haven't met him...which mean's...he's not part of the cult." Her eyes widened even more and she looked back out the window, still with a very worried look. "But wait...maybe he's part of House Whitegold...Then I could find him and bring him back to the cult...I better ask everypony in Manehattan." She muttered, her smile returning slightly as she tapped her hooves against the floor of the carriage, excited to get going.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Whitegold: Manehattan, Artisan District, Concert Hall, Backstage


The lavender unicorn swore under his breath as he fumbled with his keys in the door. He was late. Very late. Sweetie Belle would likely be downright livid when he showed up. Why was it today, of all days, that the Arcanists had kept him for so long? And all his efforts to score a duet with THE famous Sweetie Belle too... Likely dashed.


The door opened, and Encore grinned, dashing inside down the somewhat poorly lit hallway. A faint scar down his eye gleamed in the dim light. Hastily, he skidded to a halt as he rounded a corner. He was face to face with the famous singer, as well as some other pony he didn't recognise. He smiled, panting slightly. Through the ajar door of the green room, he saw that his mane was awfully untidy, rather windswept due to his flight, and his suit somewhat untidy. Immediately a hoof made to attempt to flatten it. 


"I'm so very sorry I'm late, . Do I... Still have time for the Green Room?" His deep, sonorous voice was lilted with an accent that didn't quite seem to suit him. He seemed remarkably unabashed at his tardiness.



House Everfree - Near the southern edge of the forest


A yellow mass lay on the ground in a forest clearing. Ferns grew over it, and two great patches of moss appeared to be growing upon it, under the ferns. Upon closer inspection, the form was slowly expanding and deflating in the steady rhythm of breath, crisscrossed with cuts and scars as it had become during its time in the Everfree Forest. As the trees above the sleeping beast rustled, it sat up abruptly, ferns tearing and falling to the ground at her hooves. The once beautiful face of Evergreen was now so caked with dirt it was almost unrecognizable. But the most evident change in Evergreen not the dirt, nor the scars. It was her eyes. Her eyes had a cold, steely glint that would have been unrecognisable to anypony who had known her before the Flooding of Ponyville.


She smiled, and her eyes gained a manic glint as she gazed upon the hulking, shuddering mass of branches that lay in front of her, and around her. 


"Wake up, my babies. The new day has come to us." The voice, once quiet, was no longer so. 


The shuddering masses of braches lying around her all began to stir, and her darling monsters sat up. A herd of Timberwolves. Several appeared to have faint red stains around their muzzles and paws. Evergreen laughed.


((I don't really know what she should be doing right now.

  • Brohoof 1

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Eternity looked at Star Rain. It appears this might of been a bit much. She looked as if she were tearing up. He responded to what she had said even though she was probably talking to herself.


"What other world is there? A world that is in need. And world that is dying. And world divided, and it is calling for help, but no one is willing to help it, too busy in there own personal quarrels, too ignorant to even know it needs help. A once wonderful, peaceful world. One were the little foals can run outside and play without fear. One were everypony was happy. I have stayed shut away my whole life. Trying to shut out this now terrible world where everypony is full of hatred and violence. Before all of this ponies didn't even know the meaning of hatred!" He slamed the seat again. "You are too young to even know of this world. But I'll tell ya this, it was much better this Hell hole of a world!" Eternity started to cry a bit "Why can't things go back to the way they were. When he was alive!" Eternity paused for a bit. He wasn't sure where all of this was coming from. He never really said how he felt about of all this before. But seeing these two ponies, who have lost a lot, he felt like he needed to say something.


"This world,... Equestria,... is divided... and it simply cannot stand. But ya know what? I'm gonna pick it up! Just watch me. Things will change. But if it will not change. Then, I'll give it the will to change!"


He felt a bit of confidence in his words. He wasn't entirely sure why he was telling two young fillys he just met all of this. But it seemed right. Like they were the ones who were supposed to hear these words.

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room


Sweetie Belle was pleased when Encore finally came. She wasn't happy that he was so late, but she was glad that he actually made it at all. She had no idea what his reason was, but it wasn't important. What WAS important was making sure he gets ready in time for the performance. And with the small time frame left and the fact that Rarity was coming(she's actually already there in the audience, in a reserved section for those of high class), she was feeling very pressured indeed. "No need to apologize. All you have to do is get ready and maybe squeeze in some practice if we have enough time," she said slightly urgently.


The hidden pony cursed somemore at this new arrival. I guess I have no choice. I have to do it on stage!


House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Star Rain looked up swiftly at Eternity, who seemed to have gone off on a tangent. But this was the first one in a while that it held any sort of meaning in her eyes. She had read stuff like this countless of times, but this was more powerful than written words. He reminded her of her late father, except he spoke seriously but calmly and never cried. You're not alone. I lost a father at seven years-old. "Tell me, how did you know I lost some pony?" she asked.


Eternity's words about change however, were all but armed with a wing that flew away and left marks of insignificance in Star Rain's mind.

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House earthborn - New ponyville


The last battalion finally arrived a little latter then expected. This could proove to be a big future incovennience for earthborn. Unaware, scout's from house Stormwing were preparing to head towards New Ponyville. Standing next to BigMacintosh Braeburn adressed the soldiers "Soldiers!!! We will begin to march. Let our hooves tremble the earth and leave our ennemis trembling in fear." 



Descant ♫  MagicalStarRain

House Whitegold - manehatten - artisan district - backstage


Nightshade was in awe at the sight of Sweetie Belle, she always watched her on stage but this was the first time she got to meet Sweetie face to face. Nightshade froze and didnt know what to say, she never though that she would actually meet her. Just then Sweetie belle's singing partner showed up. She felt as if Sweetie Belle was going to need to leave soon "I dont want to waste too much of your time, i just wanted to let you know that im a huge fan and I wanted to give you these" Nightshade lifted her hoofs ready to hand Sweetie Belle the flowers. 





House Stormwing - front gate

Windslash joined the rest of the scouting party. He stocked up just like Scootaloo told him to. Windslash was ready for the scouting mission, he had brough his two swords, just in case he might need them, his wingblades and was wearing the stormwing chainmail armor. He adressed Scootaloo "Shall we head out Ma'am?"



Cult of laughter - fyllidelphia hidout - Tondrak's research lab


Slightly underground Tondrak was in his reaserch labrotary holding a scalpal, a traitor was strapped on a table. Tondrak was about to create another smilling doll to fight for the cult. The traitor was screaming for help, but being underground no one could hear his cries for help. Tondrak put down his scalpal. He was happy that the cult finally backed him up on retreiving his items, but now he was worrying if anything went wrong.He thought to himself (If my item gets destroyed for whatever reason i will be vulnerble. I cant let that happen...no i should be safe, even if Whitegold finds out about my item they wont destroy it, they would likely sell it to the highest bidder. I shouldn't think about it, i should focus on my work) Tondrak picked up the scalpal and began to cut into the traitor's flesh. The traitor screamed in pain "Somepony please help."   

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Wind happily trotted over to the carriage and climbed in next to Derpy. "Hiiiii Derpyyy." She said, smiling from ear to ear and looking out the window of the carriage. She thought she saw something off in the bushes but ignored it, assuming it was an animal or something.

*So...go in, get the crown...bring back some other ponies to kill so I can annoy House Whitegold...then leave and bob's my uncle...well no he's not...or is he* Her eyes widened slightly and she looked at Derpy. She leaned a little closer to whisper in her ear. "D-Derpy...is Bob my uncle ?" She asked...leaning back and giving Derpy a slightly worried look. "Because I don't know any Bob's...so if Bob is my uncle...I haven't met him...which mean's...he's not part of the cult." Her eyes widened even more and she looked back out the window, still with a very worried look. "But wait...maybe he's part of House Whitegold...Then I could find him and bring him back to the cult...I better ask everypony in Manehattan." She muttered, her smile returning slightly as she tapped her hooves against the floor of the carriage, excited to get going.

Cult of Laughter-Fillydelphia Hideout- Main Graveyard (exit)

Lila smiled and less than normal smile at Derpy. "Hey, Derpy. Mind if i have another one of those muffins?" Lila looked at Wind with a confuzzled (yes i used that word) look as she went on about this 'Bob' pony. Then she got even more confused when Wind said she didnt know any Bobs to begin with. *Huh... I have to be the most normal pony in the cult... then again i do have my own issues like paranoia, insomnia, and... well yeah.* "So Derpy, ever done a mission like this? Or how 'bout you Wind. I see you're excited about this." Lila said trying to continue the conversation. In all reality she knew just how dangerous this mission, and just how much fun its going to be taking White-Gold hostages, then getting to do whatever they wanted with then when they get back. Heck, she could invent new torture methods with a pony or two, and then pass those down to the council. Or she could stick with her usual method: Slowly being ripped to shreds by laughing dead and sit back and watch the carnage while eating pop-corn.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Cult of Laughter-Fillydelphia Hideout- Main Graveyard (exit)

Lila smiled and less than normal smile at Derpy. "Hey, Derpy. Mind if i have another one of those muffins?" Lila looked at Wind with a confuzzled (yes i used that word) look as she went on about this 'Bob' pony. Then she got even more confused when Wind said she didnt know any Bobs to begin with. *Huh... I have to be the most normal pony in the cult... then again i do have my own issues like paranoia, insomnia, and... well yeah.* "So Derpy, ever done a mission like this? Or how 'bout you Wind. I see you're excited about this." Lila said trying to continue the conversation. In all reality she knew just how dangerous this mission, and just how much fun its going to be taking White-Gold hostages, then getting to do whatever they wanted with then when they get back. Heck, she could invent new torture methods with a pony or two, and then pass those down to the council. Or she could stick with her usual method: Slowly being ripped to shreds by laughing dead and sit back and watch the carnage while eating pop-corn.


Wind shrugged. "Kinda...I have been on a mission like this once before...but I needed to collect some more item's for Cookie...he's my smiling doll...when I finish him i'm gonna get a unicorn to bring him to life...I have been collecting little bits and pieces of ponies I kill for some time now...I needed to find him some ribs...so I decided to go visit Cloudsdale...a few other Euphories and I went around and killed some ponies here and there... just for fun...I also I wanted were some ribs...but it was still fun." She giggled and looked out the window at the bush that had moved before. "Don't worry Lila...it was probably just an animal." She said, staring at the bush. "Anyway...I still don't know what happened to Bob...he's my uncle...I think. Anyway, He's probably lost somewhere in Manehattan so will you help me find him ? I don't know what he looks like...but I just think I have an uncle named Bob." She said, looking away from the window to look at Lila. "Will you help me bring Cookie to life ? He's almost done...I just need a brain...which is one of the reason's i'm so excited to go to Manehattan...I can get some nice pony brains." She said, grinning.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Stormwing - front gate Windslash joined the rest of the scouting party. He stocked up just like Scootaloo told him to. Windslash was ready for the scouting mission, he had brough his two swords, just in case he might need them, his wingblades and was wearing the stormwing chainmail armor. He adressed Scootaloo "Shall we head out Ma'am?"


House Stormwing - Cloudsdale Barracks- Front Gate


Scootaloo scoffed at the rather offensive griffon, Star Keeper trying not to take much notice either but still cursed under his breath. The young mare strapped her saddle bag over her back and readied to take off. "If we want to make it to Ghastly Gorge by sundown then we better move fast. No falling behind. If you do then none of us are stopping for you."


Star Keeper did some mediocre stretches with his wings, quietly putting in a word to the griffon standing next to him. "Watch yourself bird brain, try to keep up with us."


Scootaloo stood at the head of the group, her eyes keenly aimed towards towards the far east. On the horizon sat the looming Everfree Forest, the untouchable realm. "Okay, let's get moving." She gave an almighty kick and propelled herself into the air, letting gravity carry her for a few seconds before flaring her wings and speeding off. She was shortly followed by the others, each taking to the sky with a burst of speed, soaring after their captain.


"We'll fly for another hour! We'll rest once we reach the forest!" Scootaloo called back to her group. She proceeded to do a few flips and turns in the air, tricks Rainbow had taught her years ago. Star Keeper seemed to be on a another planet, his eyes wandering around the landscape bellow as if he had never left the city before. It was a nice chance to get away from the bickering courts of senators.

Edited by The-Master


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It looked like for a moment, Spell went silent after Eternity’s speech when she replied.


She just swallowed a sudden rush of anger as an old curse, felling into silence afterwards, for a little while.


- “So, he lost his brother. And have he watched him die in front of him? His body burned beyond any recognition, releasing his final grasps? Have he hauled him, cremated the remains, have he spread the ashes?” – as the thought about it, less pleasant memories started to wake up deep inside of her, so she promptly changed subject.


- “The war will tell who was right and wrong, but most importantly who is left.” – She replied, in a neutral esc tone – “It’s wrong, but every other base for actions been shattered long ago.”


She left a small sigh; she didn’t want to depress herself with that talk, especially after the previous little discussion.


- “But in the end, it is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.” – She added – “And this is going to be the difficult part.”


- “And thank you for your opinion, through my magic strongly disagrees.” – She replied in a different tone, she wasn’t sarcastic, but it seemed like pointless sentence for her.


It was easy to say you “need to control” your magic, but what happens when something just happens, way beyond your control and causes chaos and havoc? That’s not so easy to self-control, since it’s not even technically your magic what’s doing the job. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington

Silver Swirl nodded, relieved that the Archmagister was pleased with his words and was willing to trust him though from Trixie's reaction and question he could tell there was still suspicion. He could also tell from the whispered conversation between the two that he would need to be careful and says to the Archmagister's words once he had the chance, "I understand, and thank you. I can also assure you that the last thing I want Archmagister is for you be become hurt or harmed."


Understanding he would have to explain himself he says, "I could not hear most of your conversation but I did hear the word assassin, and I just wanted you both to understand my intentions are far better then that toward you Archmagister." He hoped hoped that he had not said to much before finally getting to the take at hoof.


He says on her question, "Actually yes I do wonder what grand plan you have come up with, and I am not the only one. My student and yours were asking questions on what was going on and why you wanted all of use to meet you.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Whitegold




Swift suddenly realised that while he had been dwelling on the past, he'd just been standing in the Undercity, ignored by the passing citizens, and blocking the walkway.


Embarrassed at himself, Swift immediately started to walk again, his stance indicating authority and class. This sudden change startled some of the surrounding ponies, citizens who had no doubt grown up to fear those of high power and status.


That was a good thing too, without fear there was no order...


Swift continued to walk through the chaos and decay of Whitegold's underbelly, getting more and more frustrated with each step. What was the director thinking? Even if there was an Alicorn down here, it'd be like searching for a needle in a haystack. A needle with wings and magic that was... 


He had to persuade his commander to either switch his mission, or at least give him a lead into the case. Anything would do... sightings, rumours...


At last, Swift turned, heading back the way he'd come. This was futile...


He passed through the Undercity, returning to the surface before heading on home.


And by home, Swift meant the 03 HQ.


He reached 'The Wall', moving past the military checkpoint without hassle and into the compound behind. His main base wasn't far from there, and Swift reached it in just a couple of minutes.


He approached the director's office, knocking simply, before entering.


"Sir..." Swift began casually, "I'm reporting back from my task of locating an Alicorn within the Undercity. After a quick scan there, I have discovered that the rumours of an Alicorn were just that. The only thing that I've discovered is that the Undercity is still a cesspit." Swift tossed his mane back, and continued in his drawn out manner. 


"So, I'm requesting a new directive sir. Perhaps something that I could get my teeth into..."


(OOC, so I guess that someone else will play the director?)

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White Gold - Manehettan - Tavern in the Under City.


Another half an hour of walk brought Cunning Horn into a smoky building between some nasty houses just like the building itself. A sign of cider mug hung above the door into the tavern, where the noise of drunk people leaked out from. The noise and music turned louder as he pushed the door open and walked in. The door opened into a dark and smoky room with low ceiling. He winced when the smell of rum, cigarettes and shower-less ponies struck his nose.


A drunk earth pony hobbled to Cunning and shoved him away from the door, with a bottle of rum on his hoof and a silly grin on his face. Cunning Horn fell backwards onto a large and muscular pegasi. His hoof grasp the pegasi's gold pocket quickly and hid it on his mane as he leaned on the pegasi to balance himself.


"HEY! Watch your hoof weakling!" The muscular pegasi turned around to face him.


"Uhm, sorry Sir. That pony pushed me and I lost my balance." Cunning Horn pointed to the drunk pony who just shoved another new comer and strode out of the tavern.


The pegasi snorted, "Very well. Now get the buck out of my sight!"


Cunning Horn nodded and took a step backward. He touched his eyebrow with his hoof and waved it to the pegasi as a weird salute. He turned around with a smirk sprouted on his face. His gaze inspected the room for a particular stallion as he moved deeper into the tavern, avoiding any tavern fight and fallen drunk ponies around him.


(OOC: Cunning Horn is planning to be a mercenary Captain and serve the White Gold. He can meet an old friend from his previous journey here and asked for help in assembling a new army. His name is Hatcher. Just a suggestion though. I can continue without it. )

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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~snip snip~


The Cult of Laughter - Exiting The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Road To Manehattan


The carriage began to move, and Derpy turned her head in much the same manner as Lila at Red Winds' question. "I dunno'...Is this Bob?" She held out a blueberry muffin. "I could name him Bob, and then he could be your uncle! Yaay! Oh, Lila, you want a muffin? Here, have Bob!" Tossing Bob to Lila, Derpy then proceeded to answer the next question. "Well, you two are going on the mission, I'm tagging behind to deliver messages like 'Oh no, we ran out of muffins!'" A look of horror passed over her face and she did a muffin count. "Phew! I got worried. I mean, wouldn't it be horrible if we ran out of muffins? Oh no..." She then did another muffin count, just to be sure.




Drifting (Sooo close to being in House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - Um,,,Somewhere In There


"Um, sorry, I, uh..." Jade was trying to talk to Sand, but she was a bit tired and, now that she thought about it, hungry. She ran off without saying goodbye and headed to where she thought the main base (or whatever she thinks they have) was. Unfortunately, she was going in the opposite direction for several ten minutes. Upin realizing this, Jade did a mental facehoof and went back to the dam-building site. When she heard building noises again, she turned in the only direction left. Surely this has to be the way, she thought.


(OOC: She was kinda' sitting there for a while and I wanted her to get somewhere. Sorry)

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@@Spell Shock,

House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Eternity sat silent for a while. Thinking over what Spell just said and he just said. He decided maybe it wasn't best to talk about the war, at least not now. So he decided to comment on what Spell said about her magic.


"Its a funny thing, Magic. Many scholars and mages say magic is sort of like a being itself. And our 'spells' are sort of like commands we give Magic to do." A glowing green swirling aura appearing from Eternity's horn. And it started to move around the carriage. "And the more powerful the 'command' is the more unwilling the magic is to follow it. That's why more powerful spells are harder to cast." Eternity always saw magic different than any other pony. There weren't any specific spells or things like that to do certain things. Eternity just told the Magic what to do and it did it. Though depending on what it was sometimes the Magic won't do it. Magic can be really fickle sometimes.


"I'm not really sure whats inside you Spell, but maybe I can help you with it." The aura soon dispersed "Many young unicorns are unstable with there magic. Which is why some might be able to achieve things even great mages can't." Eternity has heard of stories of foal unicorns flying around with magic where they were just babies. "But as you get older your magic becomes more stable. Which is why school fillys usually can't do magic until they are teens or adults, unless they went to some special school of course. You just seem like a rarer case to me. Something special about you."


He then turned to Star, he just realized she just asked him a question, shes been quiet the whole time he almost didn't realize it. "How did i know?..." Eternity thought about. He wasn't sure himself. He just... felt it. "Lets just say one Pony who has been through terrible pain can feel the pain of another. That's the best way i can put it"


(OOC: Sorry i forgot to answer your question Star)





"Well its no surprise they were." Twilight replied "You've most likely know of our research into the astral plane and research on Alicorns right? Well, I believe I have finally found a way to reach the astral plane and create a powerful enough race to rule all of Equestria!" You could tell be Twilight's voice she was getting excited and happy again. Still almost a scary thing.


"I believe I have discovered a way to build a portal to the astral plane. But the portal is going to be large and hard to builds. Mainly out of crystal. So we are going to build it in Hoofington. Where, in case something goes wrong, Canterlot won't be harmed. And In addition we are turning Hoofington into a fort. Since its our closest ground to city to the other houses. If I can create a perfect Alicorn race y this, we can finally get rid of all those heresers in the other 'Houses'! Oh isn't it exciting!" Twilight then thought she might of revealed too much, but she figured this pony she was speaking too would of found out eventually.

Edited by AnonBrony
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 House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room


Though many have done this to her countless of times, Sweetie Belle was flustered at the flowers the zebra gave her. "Oh, thanks... what's your name?" she asked, taking the flowers with her green-colored magic. She knew the names of many of the high class citizens, but she had never met this one before.


 House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Spy Facility - 03 HQ


(OOC: I'm the director, just to let you know.)


The director was organizing papers after his rounds in the agencies, when he saw his top agent walk in before he could say,"Come in." "It would do much good if you could wait for me answer the door," he said sternly before answering his question. "Alright then, not that I'm surprised that there isn't any Allicorn in this city. Anyways, I'm afraid I d-" he was cut short by a pegasus rushing into his office. "Agent Gale! What are you doing here?!" he asked. Gale took her sky cloth and her Cult suit off before giving the report. "Sir, there are ponies from the Cult of Laughter coming to the city. They are after something we have. Some sort of crown from the treasury," she reported. "My partner says that they're not after money, but something more," she added.


The director was totally calm and alert when he turned toward Swift. "Agent Swift, alert the general and tell him to have some of his soldiers inspect anypony who comes into Manehatten. And have the Arcanists put spells on the treasury and close down every single shop that sells anything antique and valuable, even the ones who seem to sell worthless items, for inspection of the goods," he told him. "Be as discreet as possible when you're going about your business," he added. "But sir, why the small, rundown shops that mine as well be demolished by now?" Gale asked. "To be safe," he said, then he asked,"Any further information?" The pegasus shook her head "no".

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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The Cult of Laughter - Exiting The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Road To Manehattan   Derpy turned her head in much the same manner as Lila at Red Winds' question. "I dunno'...Is this Bob?" She held out a blueberry muffin. "I could name him Bob, and then he could be your uncle! Yaay! Oh, Lila, you want a muffin? Here, have Bob!" Tossing Bob to Lila, Derpy then proceeded to answer the next question. "Well, you two are going on the mission, I'm tagging behind to deliver messages like 'Oh no, we ran out of muffins!'" A look of horror passed over her face and she did a muffin count. "Phew! I got worried. I mean, wouldn't it be horrible if we ran out of muffins? Oh no..." She then did another muffin count, just to be sure.


(OOC: I'm just kinda assuming the carriage is now moving...)



"Silly Derpy...Only cupcakes can be related to muffins...I'm not a cupcake." She giggled and looked at her wing's...which looked like normal pegasus wings...without wingblades. "I wonder how easy this is gonna be...all we're doing is going in, getting the crown thingy...finding my uncle...and then bringing back some ponies to play with. It sounds easy...but I feel almost like its...a jack in the box...it looks simple but then something pop's out and scares the living daylights out of every foul in Equestria. I bet this mission is gonna be like a jack in the box." She giggled again and looked back out the window. They were leaving the Fillydelphia under city and were moving past the more pretty part of the city.

Wind smiled and stuck out her tongue at a young pony walking past the carriage...but she frowned, remembering that her tonue was no longer split in two. She mumbled something that sounded like a swear word and crossed her forelegs. "I'm not scary anymore...that's no fun." She said, pouting.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Whitegold


Director's Office-Across City


Upon the Gale bursting into the room, Swift glanced back at the door, startled by the sudden arrival. After she had finished giving her message, and the director had finished giving his commands, Swift saluted half heartedly, before discreetly leaving on his mission. 


As he left, sticking to the shadows and moving stealthily through the alleys of Manehattan, Swift thought upon the turn of events.


So even Gale had been given a spying task in another city... Gale! Typical, and he was stuck here conducting hopeless searches and delivering messages...


And speaking of messages, he now had a decent task to complete. So, those sociopaths calling themselves a cult had plans for an artefact in the treasury. He was surprised; He didn't think that the cult were concise enough to make plans, much less execute them.


He neared the main military compound, passing by the guards without pause, and ascending floors to the military command centre at the top. He had little hope for the army being able to successfully stop the cultists from entering the city, but it was worth a shot. The most important thing right now would be to...


Swift trailed off as he finished crossing the room to meet the general; a stocky, well dressed stallion hovering over an Equestrian map. His subordinates moved in to guard him as Swift approached, and so the agent spoke up, his voice a bored drawl.


"I come bearing a warning from our intelligence. There's a rumour of cultists heading here to steal something from the treasury, so if I were you, I'd up the ante on your border guards for the next few days."


With that, and without waiting for an answer, Swift was gone, moving onto the next task.


After reaching the Arcane science district, Swift moved silently to one of the impressive towers. He knew exactly where to go; he knew upper-Manehattan like the back of his well groomed hoof.


The tower he had entered was centred around magical defences for Whitegold, and upon reaching the top, he approached the head of Arcane defence. 


This time, the message would have to be delivered exactly and carefully. Unlike the military blockheads, these mages were careful and precise.


"I've come with a message," He began casually, "from our foreign intelligence. It seems that a group of cultists intend to steal something from the treasury, I'm sure that you probably have an idea of what it might be. I've been ordered to give you advice to defend the treasury using whatever complex spells are necessary, I'll leave that to you to decide."


With that, and a subtle bow, Swift was gone again, sprinting from the tower, his hoofbeats silent on the cobbles.


That was all that he could really do for now... It would be impossible to close all the expensive goods stores; Manehattan was full of them, and he doubted that they would cut out a days sales on the advice of a simple agent.


A... class 2 agent... Swift bitterly reminded himself. The best that he could hope would be that the dealers would have sufficient defences against any thieving cultists, and there was one fact that he knew about aristocratic dealers.


They'd kill over money...


And so, his tasks complete, and Manehattan's defences set, Swift melted away once again into the shadows. Now what? He'd heard that tonight there was an important event happening in the artisan district.


Maybe he'd investigate...


(OOC, okay for all that official and NPC warning stuff, I just used my imagination on how they'd work officially... so if there are any errors then that's my bad.)

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House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


- “It is not magic in itself, what I despise in myself, but the consequences it bears after using it” – she replied – “Sometimes, magic makes something what you cannot comprehend, something which doesn’t have reason. Something which just wants to undone you. Sometimes, the magic is like infinite abyss. Infinite, powerful, but as you stare into it, IT stares right back. Right into your soul, leaving a mark which will never leave. It will stick with you, like a chain, not going anywhere, leaving you out of your freedom of choice. Earth ponies, pegasi… they have a choice; they have the means to realize their choice. But what to do, when your magic is not a thing you ever wanted?”


She when would sigh, looking out of the window. She would when take out a notebook of hers out of her saddlebag and looked at Eternity.


- “Maybe someday I show you what I mean, you will not like it and it could be dangerous. But maybe, if it satisfies your curiosity and leaves the questions aside I will show it”


She when would write something in her notebook, putting it back afterwards, just about when those two would finish talking, perhaps.


- “Does anyone here has anyone waiting for them in hoofington? I have a mare friend waiting” – she replied, changing her tone completely, she sounded happy. Through one might consider counting her choice of words kind of weird, since she was still a filly at this point.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Cult of Laughter - The Outer Wall of Manehattan - The Gates


Passing through the streets of the above-ground portion of Manehattans' undercity, the magestic carriage had a clear view of the hunger and tire written on the faces of the ponies outside. Many looked up, some glaring, some pleading, and others looked away, despising the cruelty of the upper class too much to acknowledge  their presence.


The carriage came to a stop at the gates of the inner city and Derpy stepped out, motioning for the other mares to follow. She had put on some fancy clothing on the journey there as well as contacts to make her eyes look like they faced the same direction. Her mane was also done a bit differently, and she tried to speak with a Canterlot accent, and although the accent didn't succeed she was still unrecognizable. She approached the guard at the large gate and, with the other mares following behind her, she said, "May my carriage please pass through the gates, dearie?"



Drifting (Almost in House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - The Royal Castle Ruins*




Jade had been walking for a while, and she started to wonder off in thought a little. I feel a little bad about leaving Sand like that. He seemed like such a nice stallion, and I'm not even really in a hurry...I guess I'm just not very used to talking to ponies yet... She suddenly became motionless. She had been snapped back into reality by the snap of a nearby twig. Looking slowly towards the sound, without turning her head, she saw several pairs of great, big, hungry, yellow eyes. Timber wolves. How could I forget the dangers that lurk in this forest? This is no walk in the park! All of her muscles were completely tense, but she had to stay still. Maybe it will lose interest...or is it a messenger of House Everfree?


(OOC: *If that's not where Lady Fluttershy and/or Rose are, someone please let me know)

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House Whitegold - Manehattan - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room


Somewhat thankfully, Encore swept past Sweetie Belle, talking to himself just as much as he was to her. "I clean up easily, thankfully." He magically levitated a brush and a small makeup utensil that he began to use to hide the faint scar under his eye as he fixed his mane. In mere seconds, he was done, his tie straightened, picture perfect. "Alright. I think we have time to practice now." His ear flicked toward a closet in the corner of the room, but he disregarded it. 






House Everfree - Everfree Forest - Southeast of the Royal Castle Ruins


((Well, Eve/Rose isn't in the castle specifically, but she can get you there.))


Among the numerous pairs of yellow eyes  that had began to blink out malevolently at the pony who had so unwisely wandered into their midst was a pair that did not match the others. A pair that was cerise. A pair that belonged to a pony.


Without warning, the timberwolves leapt and began to circle the unfortunate, splotchy pony endlessly, walking laps around her, piercing yellow eyes fixed upon her. But they did not move to attack. In fact, at the sound of a piercing whistle, they retreated back into the woods as the whistling, nauseatingly yellow pony with the wild tangle of a mossy mane emerged. She wore a furry brown hide that did not entirely conceal her scarred body, nor the somewhat yellowed raiment of what were unmistakably bones beneath. 


Despite the dismissal of the timberwolves, the unicorn peered at the newcomer quite as animalistically as they had. THe look in her eyes was rather unnerving. "Who are you?" 

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Drifting (Almost House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - Southeast of The Royal Castle Ruins


Jade looked at the wild-eyed pony before her and wondered how she had had such a connection with those timber wolves. "My name," she began, "is Jade." Realizing how foolish she must look, she straightened her posture and proceeded speaking in a somewhat more collected tone, although the little bit of fear she harbored was not entirely concealed. "I am looking for Lady Fluttershy and/or the Everfree Liege. I wish to join House Everfree." Jade wasn't certain this was the wisest thing to tell this pony, but she had controlled the timber wolves, and it was no illusion. She was of the Everfree. "Can you point me in the right direction?"


Jade was at her old home, barely two years old, and she had gone outside, noticing a beautiful flower. She painted it very well, including even the delicate veins on the petals. She got her cutie mark for creativity that day. Joy pulsed through her, and she was elated. She had painted the flower because she had felt a small connection with it, like it had a story, a song, a life...

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