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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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House Earthborn- New Ponyville - Railway Garage


Over the din surrounding him, Fixit heard Braeburn's call to arms and stowed away his maintenance equipment.


"Squad, fall in - adopt a line abreast, tight formation. Roll out!"


Within minutes they had joined the main force and were back in formation. He wasn't sure whether they were marching for Canterlot or Stormwing territory, but he hoped it was the former; once House Moon & Star were gone it would be significantly easier to defend their borders and half of Equestria would essentially be theirs.


Fixit looked around in the formation, took note of the Ponies-at-Arms in front of him and was distracted by the Behemoth cannons behind for a few moments before he was nearly run over by a fellow Bucker cannon operator. They were the frontline of Bucker cannons, and he wouldn't have had it any other way. The battlefield was his playground; it was just a matter of picking a target and following the old tenet of "shoot it 'til it dies".


They marched for another few minutes before it began. It started a few squads to his left, when he heard it being hummed very faintly. Then, to his right, he heard Buff start humming it to himself, then members of other teams, before Short Fuse yelled the first verse out to the world:


"Some speak of Big Macintosh, and some of Braeburn!

Of our great leader Applejack, of the greats of which we learn!

But of all of these great heroes, there's none that can compare,

to Applebloom's finest, the Earthborn Engineers!"


All along the battleline ponies started picking up the familiar marching tune. Behind him Fixit could hear the Behemoth crews joining into, but he remained staunchly silent with a grin on his face, seeing how long he could resist bursting into song. Meanwhile, the singers continued:


"These heroes we are taught of did scorn the cannon ball!

They cried out "NO!" to sulfur, used blades to kill their foes!

But nowadays, on sight of us, they turn and run in fear,

From the everlasting might of the Earthborn Engineers!"


The second verse had passed, and Fixit was straining not to lend his voice to the chorus. Years of marching to the song had made it something of a reflex; he felt like he was breaking som kind of unspoken rule. Finally, he could resist no longer:







A cheer of jubilation went up from his Siege Corps comrades, although he noticed some of the Ponies-at-Arms ahead looking back disdainfully.


I love it when they think they're better than us because they get "up close and personal", he thought, makes getting three times their killcount all the more satisfying.


(OOC: The song is adapted from and set to the tune of "The British Grenadiers" if you want to look that up :))

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@AnonBrony, @,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room


"Nice Encore!" Sweetie Belle replied while looking toward a small table that had a music sheet on it. It had a song written on it about how bonds between friends could never be broken. It had a secret attached to it that she could never tell Rarity- she wrote it in memory of the old friendship she had fifteen years ago with two other fillies, separated by the war. 


House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Star Rain simply cocked her head at Eternity and decided to draw something. She levitated her sketchbook out of her saddlebags and began to draw. She started to draw some bubbles in many different kinds of colors with a cyan, magenta, and yellow background. I wonder if there really is a world out there full of color and not just purple. I know purple is the color of magic, but it's also the color of art. It almost feels like half of me is missing. Like that pony I lost eight years ago. She looked up toward the window with a look of longing.

  • Brohoof 1

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House Everfree - The Everfree Forest - Southeast of The Royal Castle Ruins


For the first time in what seemed to be forever, the yellow unicorn smiled faintly, rather than widely. The effect seemed to give her the appearance of having an ounce of sanity.


"Sure I can. I can even escort you there myself. Shoo." She waved an impatient hoof at one of the timberwolves, which, despite being twice the demure unicorn's size at least, had approached shyly, head lowered and tail tucked between its legs. It retreated, emitting an odd crooning noise. Ignoring it, the unicorn plucked a small red flower out of the fern-covered ground and stuck it behind her ear, turned, and trotted into the forest, bony armour evident and clanking beneath the hid she wore. She paused at the edge of the clearing, peering back at Jade through the mossy tangle of mane. "You're coming, then?"





House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room


((Are they singing a duet? Or performing separately?)


Encore followed Sweetie Belle to the table, and looked over her shoulder at the music on the table. He hummed a few of the notes written on the paper. It was beautifully written, bringing Encore's mind back to happier times, although Encore would have to hear more of it to come to a more definite conclusion. 


Yet again Encore found his ears flicking towards a closet in the corner of the room. Encore looked at the closet clearly for a few moments before looking back, scolding himself mentally. Keep on focus, Encore. You only get one shot at this. 

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Drifting (Almost in House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - Southeast of The Royal Castle Ruins


"Hm?" Jade said a bit distantly. Realizing what had just happened, she replied, "Oh, um, yes!" and trotted up behind the mare. She was a little sad upon discovering that she wasn't still a little filly in her old home. While walking, she took a minute to look at her surroundings. It was a darker, scarier place than she had realized, not calm at all. There were a few growling noises coming from the bushes, and many lush vines were tangled on the ground, which Jade found herself often tripping over, along with some twisted roots. Her face was rather dirty at this point, but she decided not to let it bother her. Something them occurred to her - she didn't even know the name of the mare in front of her. A bit tentatively in case this was not something that was to be discussed, but still firmly, she asked, "So you know who I am, or at least my name, so who are you?" While she said this, she watched a bird fly by, chirping cheerfully. It lightened Jades' spirit a little after what had happened the night before.

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@@Nightfall, @@, @@AnonBrony


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


By this time, almost all of the defenses have been set against the arriving Cultists. The only thing left was to set the spells on the treasury and take all the artifacts away from the shops to the arcane district for inspection and protection. That was all the gatekeeper knew. To him though, this whole thing was pointless and the heads were overreacting. The Cult was so zany and mentally unstable in his mind that he couldn't picture a bunch of crazed ponies sneaking through the city searching for a stupid crown! But still, orders are orders, that he reminded himself when a carriage showed up and a grey pegasus mare stepped out of it. As much as he wanted to just go against orders, it didn't stop him from saying,"Not unless you pay the entrance fee and pass inspection. And same goes for the carriage, too." He was careful not to reveal the reason why.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - the Ivory Tower


(OOC: I apologize that this is overdue, Nightfall)


Two guards stood stationed at the entrance to the tower, the home to many of the House's most important members, including Lady Rarity herself. They both were armed with a sword and a spear, both weapons enchanted by the Arcanists. Just when they decided to switch out with two other guards, they saw a unicorn(or so they thought) approach the tower. They immediately drew their weapons out to form an X over the entrance. "What are you doing here? State your business!" the pony with the spear commanded. His partner, the swordspony, advanced toward the cart that was strapped to the intruder.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room


Leaving the kind zebra visitor alone, Sweetie Belle picked up the sheet with her magic and excitedly but nervously said,"Alright, we have about five minutes before it begins, so let's make this count!" She silently hummed her own lines before waiting for Encore to start. 


(OOC: I'll PM you with the song, k?)


Edited by MagicalStarRain
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@@Spell Shock,



House Moon and Star - Road to Hoofington


Eternity was again surprised at the young fillys words. She talks as if she were an adult. Eternity smiled at her once again. He was impressed. Though he didn't really agree with much of her words of wisdom. In his eyes magic wouldn't try to restrain you and be a curse on your head. There was obviously much more to this then just her not being able to control her magical ability or her ability retaining her. But he didn't say much regarding it. All he did was smile and say:


"Perhaps this magic of yours is not something you would want, but something you need."


He wasn't actually 100% sure with his words, but he felt like saying it. Maybe what she had is a curse. Though, magic always has its reason hes found, even if its corrupt.


Then he heard her say something along the lines of her having a friend in Hoofington. He was a bit surprised at this but he was glad for her. He didn't have anypony waiting form him besides Twilight. "Oh a friend eh? Whats her name?" He wanted to make the little filly feel a bit better so he figured if he were to talk about her friend that might change the already gloomy mood of the carriage.


He continued to look out the window and noticed they were getting closer to Hoofington. Time sure does fly by. He then noticed Star drawing something again. He was curious as usual so he wondered what she was drawing. He could get much of a look at it so he asked her. "What'cha drawing there Star?"

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Drifting (Almost in House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - Southeast of The Royal Castle Ruins


"Hm?" Jade said a bit distantly. Realizing what had just happened, she replied, "Oh, um, yes!" and trotted up behind the mare. She was a little sad upon discovering that she wasn't still a little filly in her old home. While walking, she took a minute to look at her surroundings. It was a darker, scarier place than she had realized, not calm at all. There were a few growling noises coming from the bushes, and many lush vines were tangled on the ground, which Jade found herself often tripping over, along with some twisted roots. Her face was rather dirty at this point, but she decided not to let it bother her. Something them occurred to her - she didn't even know the name of the mare in front of her. A bit tentatively in case this was not something that was to be discussed, but still firmly, she asked, "So you know who I am, or at least my name, so who are you?" While she said this, she watched a bird fly by, chirping cheerfully. It lightened Jades' spirit a little after what had happened the night before.

Drifting (Almost in House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - Southeast of The Royal Castle Ruins


The mare seemed entirely unperturbed by the overgrowth, weaving in and out, about and around the vines and brambles that grew everywhere. She seemed to have traveled this path many times. However, when asked about her name, she stopped, lurching ever so slightly. It had been so long since another pony had spoken to her like this. She was always so very alone... 


"I'm... I'm... Evergreen. But... They used to call me Eve..."  She blinked back the wetness, and took a deep breath. She had not forgotten. She would never. When she opened her eyes, they had regained their steely glint, and her voice its strength. "Let's just keep walking," she said, looking around at her surroundings.


For in her brief moment of insecurity, a burst of magic had escaped her, and a great many plants around her in that very clearing had burst into bloom, despite the lateness of the season. Eyes narrowed, she turned her nose up at the flowers, and their brightness, and continued trotting northwest.

Edited by Descant ♫

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - the Ivory Tower


(OOC: I apologize that this is overdue, Nightfall)


Two guards stood stationed at the entrance to the tower, the home to many of the House's most important members, including Lady Rarity herself. They both were armed with a sword and a spear, both weapons enchanted by the Arcanists. Just when they decided to switch out with two other guards, they saw a unicorn(or so they thought) approach the tower. They immediately drew their weapons out to form an X over the entrance. "What are you doing here? State your business!" the pony with the spear commanded. His partner, the swordspony, advanced toward the cart that was strapped to the intruder. 


He sighed, mock rolling his eyes.

"My name is Dusk Graystone. I've come to show Lady Rarity my most recent invention, to which I'd like to keep a secret.

He grinned almost evily.

"And if you ought to know, it isn't explosives. I have no intention of killing her ladyship."

"Or at least any current intention."

"No. We need her alive. We have no intention of killing her at all, just kidnapping if necessary."

He unhitched himself from the cart and stretched his legs.

"And considering I would like to keep it a secret, I'll ask you to have to step back. If you are suspicious, you may come with me to her ladyship. But I don't want to be held up. This... invention... could help-"

He grinned again.

"-Could help us against the Diamond Dogs and any other possible invasion without the cost of many ponies."

He looked back and forth between the guards, sizing them up in his head and looking for possible weak points he could attempt to strike should they not let him in.

"So... If you'd like to help your house, please, let me through to see her ladyship."

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


By this time, almost all of the defenses have been set against the arriving Cultists. The only thing left was to set the spells on the treasury and take all the artifacts away from the shops to the arcane district for inspection and protection. That was all the gatekeeper knew. To him though, this whole thing was pointless and the heads were overreacting. The Cult was so zany and mentally unstable in his mind that he couldn't picture a bunch of crazed ponies sneaking through the city searching for a stupid crown! But still, orders are orders, that he reminded himself when a carriage showed up and a grey pegasus mare stepped out of it. As much as he wanted to just go against orders, it didn't stop him from saying,"Not unless you pay the entrance fee and pass inspection. And same goes for the carriage, too." He was careful not to reveal the reason why.


The Cult of Laughter - Manehattan Undercity - The Gates


"How much eeyis it?" Derpy inquired in her odd accent. "And what are you gonna' inspect? There's no poison in these, if that's what you'z is asking," she said holding out her basket of muffins. "The last time I was 'ere, nobodee had to inspetectify me! Why'z security so tight?" She had actually only been to Manehattan a few times before to deliver messages, and she entered secretly. She had no idea that security actually had increased, she just had a bad feeling about the carriage being inspected. Nothing important was in there, but you can never be sure all of the skulls have been successfully cleaned out.


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Twins' Bedroom


Cranky Doodle entered the Twins' room and was surprised and a little angry to find them goofing off. "What are you doing?!" he yelled. "Why aren't you studying or practicing? You need to perfect The Gift if you're going to have it ready by next month!" "Next month?" the confused twins said in unison. "You can't expect us to have it ready by then!" Pumpkin shouted. "Pumpkin was nearly reduced to tears last time!" Pound Cake said protectively. "Study." Cranky said. "NOW." He was not to be argued with. The Twins sighed and opened some ancient text books, beginning to read. Cranky left the room, and Pumpkin said gloomily, "He really is Cranky, isn't he?"


Drifting (Almost in House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - Southeast of The Royal Castle Ruins


Noticing the sudden burst of flowers resulting from a magical outburst from Evergreen, Jade assumed she had said something wrong. "I'm sorry, is...is that not how ponies talk anymore? This may sound strange, but I haven't really talked to anypony in, um, ten years." Why did I just tell her that? I never tell anypony that! Well, I haven't talked to anypony in ten years, so there have been no opportunities to tell ponies that fact.

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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Cult of Laughter - Manehattan - The gates


Wind quietly watched Derpy talk to the pony at the gate...after a moment, it didn't look like it was going well. So wind ruffled up her mane a bit, trying to make herself look tired, And before climbing out of the carriage she put on a very sad look.

She walked over to the Gate Keeper and said in a very tired voice."P-Please...We have been traveling for d-days. We j-just n-need someplace we can rest." She sniffed, forcing out a couple tears. She did her best to act helpless and upset...which was quite convincing considering usually she is drinking other ponies blood. "P-Please." She said, her lip quivering slightly, more fake tear's rolling down her cheeks.



House Everfree - Castle Ruins - a little ways away from the ruins


(OOC: I hope no one objects to me doing this...)


Fluttershy seemed busy so Rain quietly followed the other deer from the room. Most of the deer ran out as fast as they could, they wanted to be the first to find this pony, but Rain walked to his room and prepared his things, before heading out of the castle and making his way into the forest.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@,@, @@Nightfall@@AnonBrony,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


(OOC: I checked back to see if there was anything that you and the others left in the carriage that had anything to do with the Cult. Correct me if I'm wrong and I will edit my post.)


The gatekeeper was slightly sympathetic, but didn't feel much. After all, this has happened so many times that it's about as important as watching water drip from a faucet. "I am sorry ladies, but I must inspect the carriage and you must pay the entrance fee!" he said sternly, dodging out of the way of the question regarding tight security. He motioned for three other gatekeepers to inspect the mares and their belongings while he checked the carriage. He stepped in and found some guides on how to behave in Manehatten. He levitated them out of the carriage and stood in front of the mares, levitating the items behind his back. "I wonder what fair ladies like you would be doing out here in the first place, I wonder? And may I inquire as to why you sound like you come from Moon and Star and not House Whitegold?" he spat out 'Moon and Star' like poison.


Meanwhile, few other guards were inspecting the grey mare's muffin box. One of them almost took a bite out of one of the muffins, but then another slapped him across the face. The third moved to check Wind's bag.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Ivory Tower 


"I am sorry sir, but Lady Rarity is not present this evening. If you want to see her, you must stay here with us until she returns," the guard with the spear sternly said. Turning toward the swordspony, he directed at both of them,"And we will not inquire further as to what that item is!"


House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Star Rain said nothing, but rotated her sketchbook around to show the rainbow bubble picture.

Edited by MagicalStarRain
  • Brohoof 2

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House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruins


"Look!" Lily pointed at the ruins in the distance with her hoof. She fluttered above the trees with her wings, the sparrow happily flying by her side. "I can see it from here. It's different from how I remember. Hopefully they wont think we're dangerous." She landed softly on the ground again, her hooves resting on the forest floor. The small sparrow landed back on her shoulder and chirped happily. That's the thing about sparrows, they're always in a good mood.


"Do you think they'll listen to me? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea?" Lily prodded the ground with her hoof. "Last time I was here they weren't so kind..." The small sparrow chirped into her ear, instantly her eye's widened in realization. "You did what? You told them about me? I know that Lady Fluttershy is a friend to you as well... I don't know. Did you at least say something nice about me?"


"Oh, I know you like to call me that, but my name is Lily. Lady Sparrow just sounds too...  formal for my liking. Come on then you little trouble maker, we don't have much longer to go."


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Cult of laughter - Manehattan - the front gates


*Ugh, how did I know this was gonna happen ? Heh heh...i'm silly, I know because I was told by that one guard.* She thought.

Wind backed away from the guard. "Y-You're not g-gonna look in m-my bag are y-you ?" She asked, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "I know you're just doing your job. But have some...w-well...embarrassing stuff in h-here. If you insist on searching it...is there someplace w-we could go that's a little more...private ?" She asked, sniffing and looking up at the guard with very sad eyes


House everfree - a little ways away from the castle ruins


Rain was slowly making his way through the forest, a few birds had perched on his antlers...as usual.

All was quiet, until he heard the snap of a twig. His ear's perked up and he looked ar his surroundings. After a moment, he noticed a pretty pegasus mare...just a few feet away. He raised an eyebrow and slowly approached her. "Good afternoon ma'am." He said, walking up behind her. "You...don't happen to be the one they call Lady Sparrow...do you ?"

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@,@, @@Nightfall, @@AnonBrony,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Gate


(OOC: I checked back to see if there was anything that you and the others left in the carriage that had anything to do with the Cult. Correct me if I'm wrong and I will edit my post.)


The gatekeeper was slightly sympathetic, but didn't feel much. After all, this has happened so many times that it's about as important as watching water drip from a faucet. "I am sorry ladies, but I must inspect the carriage and you must pay the entrance fee!" he said sternly, dodging out of the way of the question regarding tight security. He motioned for three other gatekeepers to inspect the mares and their belongings while he checked the carriage. He stepped in and found some guides on how to behave in Manehatten. He levitated them out of the carriage and stood in front of the mares, levitating the items behind his back. "I wonder what fair ladies like you would be doing out here in the first place, I wonder? And may I inquire as to why you sound like you come from Moon and Star and not House Whitegold?" he spat out 'Moon and Star' like poison.


Meanwhile, few other guards were inspecting the grey mare's muffin box. One of them almost took a bite out of one of the muffins, but then another slapped him across the face. The third moved to check Wind's bag.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Ivory Tower


"I am sorry sir, but Lady Rarity is not present this evening. If you want to see her, you must stay here with us until she returns," the guard with the spear sternly said. Turning toward the swordspony, he directed at both of them,"And we will not inquire further as to what that item is!"


House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Star Rain said nothing, but rotated her sketchbook around to show the rainbow bubble picture.

Now it was time for Lila to step in. She hoped that what she was about to say would convince the guards and not get them killed. "Let me explain..." She began in a practiced soft tone. "All three of us are from different House. But we got tired of all the fighting so we were just moving on out of equestria, or at least to the borders. I personaly am from Moon and Star, but Leona..." She gestured over to derpy. "...And Light," pointing to Wind, "...are from Stormwing, but i promise you we dont want to fight. Just a place to sleep for the night and We'll be gone in a day or two. You wont see from us again." At the end of her 'speach' Lila looked like she was sorrowfull yet calm. She seriously hoped that both Derpy and Wind would go with the story she just came up with and the guard didnt look to sympathetic and Lila was starting to doubt what she said was convincing. Then a new thought occoured to her. Their clothes. In the short period of time she came up with a story for those too just in case they started to get all cocky on them and say that they were part of the Cult... Which they were.
  • Brohoof 1

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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House everfree - a little ways away from the castle ruins   Rain was slowly making his way through the forest, a few birds had perched on his antlers...as usual. All was quiet, until he heard the snap of a twig. His ear's perked up and he looked ar his surroundings. After a moment, he noticed a pretty pegasus mare...just a few feet away. He raised an eyebrow and slowly approached her. "Good afternoon ma'am." He said, walking up behind her. "You...don't happen to be the one they call Lady Sparrow...do you ?"



House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruins


Out of nowhere Lily heard the voice of another pony. She yelped in surprise and fled behind the nearest tree for protection. The sparrow on her shoulder flew up and rested in the canopy. The frightened mare tried to shallow her breathing but could her the voice as it talked.


"You...don't happen to be the one they call Lady Sparrow...do you ?"


Lily pocked her head out from behind the tree, her weathered hood covering her face. "M-maybe. At least that's what the birds like to call me." He didn't sound hostile, and he was a dear of all things. Lily had never met a dear in all her life. The moment of excitement was still haunted by suspicion. "What do you want. I don't have anything worth stealing. I-I just wanted to go see Lady Fluttershy...  just over there."


She stepped out a bit more from her cover, her worn white coat suddenly illuminated by the sunlight, her charcoal black mane falling neatly to her sides. Her cloak was worn and ragged from years of use. "A-are you o-one of those...  ferals?"

  • Brohoof 1


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(OOC: Just a reminder, I wont be posting until late tomorrow afternoon And tomorrow is the beginning of my...not be able to post as often...thing.)




Cult of laughter - Manehattan - the front gates


Wind nodded at Lila's story. "P-Please...We've just had enough of th-this war. My whole family is dead." She said, forcing more tears to pour down her cheeks. *Heh heh...my family is dead because I killed them...I killed them I killed them.* She thought, mentally smiling but keeping the look of distress on her face.


House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruins


Rain chuckled. "I am not here to steal anything from you ma'am. My name is Rain Fell, most call me Rain, and I was sent to come find you by Lady Fluttershy." He said, bowing down slightly as he introduced himself, the birds on his antlers fluttered their wings. He looked back up at her and was plesantly surprised...this was the first good look he had gotten of her and...well, she was rather pretty. "Please forgive me for asking but...what is a feral ?" He asked, moving a little closer to her

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruins


Rain chuckled. "I am not here to steal anything from you ma'am. My name is Rain Fell, most call me Rain, and I was sent to come find you by Lady Fluttershy." He said, bowing down slightly as he introduced himself, the birds on his antlers fluttered their wings. He looked back up at her and was plesantly surprised...this was the first good look he had gotten of her and...well, she was rather pretty. "Please forgive me for asking but...what is a feral ?" He asked, moving a little closer to her


Lily stepped out into the clearing, the small sparrow perched on her shoulder again. "Well, I don't know what you'd call them where you're from, but occasionally we have these... strange looking ponies wander by my hut. They're so scary, and some of them look like they've crawled out of a swamp.  T-that's why I need to talk to Lady Fluttershy, maybe she could help? There's so much evil and darkness spreading over Everfree. I was just too careless to see it."


Lily began to back away a bit, slowly making her way back to the cover of the trees. "Well... it's been nice meeting you, but I really have to get going now. Maybe we could catch up some other time...  you know, when everything isn't so gloomy." She shied away behind her hood again, this time eyeing the path behind her. "I better go." And with that she turned and fled back into the forest and into the darkness.


She came to a brief halt under a small beach tree, her heart racing rapidly and her breathing out of control. "That... was ... too close." The sparrow landed on a nearby branch, a judging by his tone wasn't too happy. "I know, but I've never met a deer before. He seemed polite but I couldn't trust him. I can't leave something like that to chance. Now, no more complaining, we're going to see Fluttershy. She's the only pony we can trust."


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Lily stepped out into the clearing, the small sparrow perched on her shoulder again. "Well, I don't know what you'd call them where you're from, but occasionally we have these... strange looking ponies wander by my hut. They're so scary, and some of them look like they've crawled out of a swamp.  T-that's why I need to talk to Lady Fluttershy, maybe she could help? There's so much evil and darkness spreading over Everfree. I was just too careless to see it."


Lily began to back away a bit, slowly making her way back to the cover of the trees. "Well... it's been nice meeting you, but I really have to get going now. Maybe we could catch up some other time...  you know, when everything isn't so gloomy." She shied away behind her hood again, this time eyeing the path behind her. "I better go." And with that she turned and fled back into the forest and into the darkness.


She came to a brief halt under a small beach tree, her heart racing rapidly and her breathing out of control. "That... was ... too close." The sparrow landed on a nearby branch, a judging by his tone wasn't too happy. "I know, but I've never met a deer before. He seemed polite but I couldn't trust him. I can't leave something like that to chance. Now, no more complaining, we're going to see Fluttershy. She's the only pony we can trust."


Rain frowned and quickly trotted up next to her. "Didn't I say that I was supposed to be your escort...Fluttershy ordered a meeting with me and the rest of the deer to come looking for you...I was expecting to be searching for hours if not days...I am supposed to bring you back to her and make sure nothing attack's you...though I am sure you can probably handle yourself. Come on." He said, giving her a warm smile and trotting off towards the castle ruins, which where still quite far away...but they were within sight.

"So why exactly did you need to talk to Fluttershy ? I thought you would just be waiting around somewhere in the forest but you mentioned something about needing to see her...which I find kinda funny considering she needed to see you, have you two been sending letters or something ?" He asked, looking back at Lily. The bird's on his antlers fluttered their wings again and gave rain an angry look. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be more gentle." He muttered, chuckling slightly as a bird landed on the end of his nose.



(OOC: Last post for tonight.)

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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(Apologies for the somewhat sporadic posting. I was not aware we'd be going on a paragraph basis, and my own ability to post is hampered by lack of a keyboard.)


House Everfree: Fluttershy

She had been so distracted by sudden bird messengers, she had ignored the stag by the name of Rain. She felt bad, so one of the sparrows was reassigned to catch up and express her apology. In the meantime she focused on the problems associated with any government. Delegates were sent back to the other Houses, often with their heads tied in bags made of each House's respective banner. House Stormwing was notably exempt, as their ambassador had been rather cordial this time around. They were returned to their House's care with a return gift: a permenant messenger falcon trained by Lady Fluttershy herself.


House Everfree: Sand

Though the mare had been stunning, survival instincts had kicked in when the scent of Timberwolf became noticeable. Instead he watched from the trees, hiding, as the pair headed into House Everfree. Despite the fact he wanted to leave, he felt obligated to follow Jade in case she was attacked. The mare looked like she had suffered much already, and he wanted to prevent further pain if he could. Soon the trio came close to the borders of Fluttershy's personal domain. A giant hydra blocked their path, one of its several heads descending to inspect the newcomers. "You three will enter...," it hissed. "But none of the wolves. This is a sanctuary, not a free for all buffet. Do not think you can hide from me ssstallion." This last comment was directed at Sand, who was attempting to stay hidden. "None pass through this domain in disquise. Uncloak yourself or be eaten." Sand reluctantly came out from the bushes and stowed his cloak. His horn was fully visible, byt for now none could see his wings, specially hidden as they were by his garments.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Rain frowned and quickly trotted up next to her. "Didn't I say that I was supposed to be your escort...Fluttershy ordered a meeting with me and the rest of the deer to come looking for you...I was expecting to be searching for hours if not days...I am supposed to bring you back to her and make sure nothing attack's you...though I am sure you can probably handle yourself. Come on." He said, giving her a warm smile and trotting off towards the castle ruins, which where still quite far away...but they were within sight. "So why exactly did you need to talk to Fluttershy ? I thought you would just be waiting around somewhere in the forest but you mentioned something about needing to see her...which I find kinda funny considering she needed to see you, have you two been sending letters or something ?" He asked, looking back at Lily. The bird's on his antlers fluttered their wings again and gave rain an angry look. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be more gentle." He muttered, chuckling slightly as a bird landed on the end of his nose.


House Everfree - Near the Southern Ruin


Lily tilted her head slightly in confusion. "Lady Fluttershy wants to see... me? But I was looking for her advice, this is odd. Well, I guess if she sent you then it must be important. Okay... I'll come. Just don't try anything." Lily caught up to the deer, her sparrow friend landing on her shoulder. "Oh, this is Jimmy by the way. He's a cheerful little guy, but a mischievous little sparrow most of the time. I'm sure he'll be on his best behavior."


But then the sound of a second sparrow was heard, Lily looking around to find where it was coming from. "That's odd, you don't usually find any other sparrows this deep in the woods." But there is was, another small bird landing on her other shoulder and chirping into her ear excitedly. "Oh goodness, better not keep her waiting then. Thank you little one." Lily turned to the tall deer standing next to her. "Lady Fluttershy feels bad for how rude she was before and apologizes. I'm sure she really means it. Anyway, let's keep going, we're not far off now. Oh, I do hope I haven't kept her waiting. How does my mane looked? Oh silly me, I haven't brushed it in years."


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House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington



- “Her name is Lightning, pink Pegasus” – she replied, looking into window – she isn’t allowed to stay in Canterlot, that’s why it’s not all that bad what we are going into Hoofington. At least it won’t be a total headache to keep any kind of contact with her.”


She would look at the other window if she cold, when went silent for a little bit. She was thinking about the chances what Lightning would be waiting for them on arrival, or chances of her quickly finding her in the city if she doesn’t wait for them.


- “I hope she can find out somehow and meet me somewhere, which would be sweet” – she replied, brushing her hair which was problematic considering she didn’t use magic for it.


- “I wonder how long the road is and how far we still have to travel” – she added afterwards, looking in one of her bags. She probably had a few snacks just in case, but it really wasn’t something to settle up the hunger if it was to be a long journey.


Afterwards she would just be silent for a bit, thinking and listening I would presume, she was more or less god listener, but she listened mostly to the stuff she was interested in. Through she could take her time and listen to everything.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@MagicalStarRain  @Sir Flame of Dancerville  @Marathon


The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Undercity - The Gates


When one of the guards tried to eat one of her muffins, Derpy did her best to restrain herself, although it wasn't easy. When hearing Winds', or "Light"s', comment about looking at her belongings privately, Derpy wanted to laugh. What did she have in there? And what would happen to that guard? Hehehee... Waiting for everything to be checked, she started eating more muffins.


@Descant  @Higurashi


Drifting (Almost in House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - The Castle Ruins


Stunned, Jade turned to Sand. "You were following us?" She was a little bit confused as to why he would need to follow her, but soon decided to drop the subject. The three headed into the ruins, and Jade noticed the plants thickly covering the walls, and  all of the creatures scurrying and scuttling everywhere. If Evergreen hadn't helped me, I could have mistaken the ruins for forest and passed right by it...


(OOC: Sand is there now, right?)

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Ivory Tower 


"I am sorry sir, but Lady Rarity is not present this evening. If you want to see her, you must stay here with us until she returns," the guard with the spear sternly said. Turning toward the swordspony, he directed at both of them,"And we will not inquire further as to what that item is!"


His grin dropped slowly upon hearing the he may not see Rarity until later that night.

"Well, then. That's news. I guess it would be, but still."

He closed his eyes and counted to ten.

"Now, then. Would you two mind telling me where she is? If she were, say, visiting her own sister, then I would gladly wait here. If not, I may have a chance of speaking with her."

Two things were off about what he said, but he didn't care. The first was that he currently wasn't glad, and probably would get irritable easily if he stayed, and the second was that he knew Sweetie Bell was singing to night, meaning that's exactly where Rarity was; in other words, he was lying, and he knew that he wouldn't see her until later that night. It was almost crushing to admit this, but he closed his eyes again to keep from breaking in and then possibly never see Rarity at all, and maybe even not see his invention again. He opened his eyes again, sizing up the guards agin, and sat down in a way in which he could keep an eye on the guards and keep an eye on the road so he could see when Rarity would be coming.

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"Well its no surprise they were." Twilight replied "You've most likely know of our research into the astral plane and research on Alicorns right? Well, I believe I have finally found a way to reach the astral plane and create a powerful enough race to rule all of Equestria!" You could tell be Twilight's voice she was getting excited and happy again. Still almost a scary thing.


"I believe I have discovered a way to build a portal to the astral plane. But the portal is going to be large and hard to builds. Mainly out of crystal. So we are going to build it in Hoofington. Where, in case something goes wrong, Canterlot won't be harmed. And In addition we are turning Hoofington into a fort. Since its our closest ground to city to the other houses. If I can create a perfect Alicorn race y this, we can finally get rid of all those heresers in the other 'Houses'! Oh isn't it exciting!" Twilight then thought she might of revealed too much, but she figured this pony she was speaking too would of found out eventually.


House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington

"Yes, I do, as I help lead one group of researchers on these subjects," the white stallion says with a nod to the Archmagister Twilight's question on her research on the two subjects that have consumed her live after the division that marked the beginning of the five great Houses and the Cult of Laughter. Though he was suprised when he listened to her tell him that she feels she has found a way to actually do it.


He had some concerns about the dangers of creating a portal to the Astral Plane, concern that may just show a bit, but he made sure to quickly wipe such from his face and he continued to listen. He was not surpised though that the Archamgister would pick Hoofington for this project, since it was the once city that there was a large enough... laber force to make the portal.


On her asking if this news was exciting Silver smiles but feels he should voice his concerns just a bit, "Yes, this new is exciting yet what of the Cult? IIf memory serves me correct has it not been reported they have interest in the Astral Plane as well... could not a project like this help them on what it seems they wish to accomplish?"

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@Spell Shock,


House Moon and Star - The Road to Hoofington


Eternity turned and looked at Stars drawing. Wow, that's actually quite beautiful. She doesn't seem to talk much. Sort of like me really. Eternity usually doesn't talk to many ponies, the only reason he was talking to these fillys was because he was curious and he was a bit bored. He would of been reading a book but he had a lot on his mind. He began to become a bit worried, now that he saw Hoofington on the horizon.


He listen to what Spell had to say about her friend. A pegasus and a unicorn being friends? That actually nice to see. More unicorns should be like this pony i suppose. Wait, she said her friend stayed in Canterlot... that's not possible. He looked over at spell again. She was just sitting there being silent like the rest of us. He would of questioned her about but he decided he was done with the inquisition.  It was almost obvious these ponies really didn't want to quench his curiosity.


He remained silent for the rest of the journey. Thinking about what's about to come. He got so caught up in his thought he didn't really at first realize they had arrived at Hoofington. When the carriage finally stopped he knew they were at their destination. A bit of fear and wonderment were in his mind. fear to hear Twilight's big plan and wonderment to actually get to see another city. hes been in Canterlot his whole life. A soldier open the carriage door and said for us to come out. They ahd been in carraige so long the light seemed to hurt his eyes a bit. But when he stepped out, he saw many officials walking about. many getting out of their carraiges and other means of transport. He also saw many soldiers coming off the trains. But the main thing he noticed, was all the townsfolk, they were starring at us with fear. As if we were enemy troops occupying the city. Many were gawking from the safety of their homes. At least now Eternity knows hes the only one who doesn't like this plan.






"The Cult?" Twilight responded, "Them? Do you really think they are going to be a problem? That idiotic little cult worshiping their idiotic worthless deity?" Twilight laughed a bit. Even Trixie laughed at that statement


"The Cult will never be able to get by Trixie... and the rest of the House without dying first" Trixie added "It is composed of the most imbecilic, worthless, weakest ponies that ever lived! Trixie laughs at all of them!"


Twilight then interrupted "Not many know of the cultists truest intentions, to be honest i'm surprised you knew of their plans. All I knew was that they were trying to revive their deity, the smiling goddess or whatever its called. I'm actually surprised to hear they even knew about the Astral plane." Twilight began to ponder how he knew about it, but she brushed it off considering they were close to their destination. "And even if they did have interest they would never get past Hoofingtons new defenses."


And not so long after that they had finally come about Hoofington. Twilight getting more excited as they got closer. Once they had come to a stop Twilight immediately exclaimed "OH! Looks like we are here!" And then proceeded to open to the and trotted out happily without even waiting for somepony to open it for her.

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