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"So Flare who you talking to" she asked giving evils to Milly who was talking to the pony she liked, her horn flashed orange sending the drum sticks flying towards Milly's head, she laughed when they bounced off with a loud 'THUD' sound and she went over to Milly "i think you should stay away from Flare, hes mine and i will turn you into a fish if you so much of look at him" she growled before picking her drum sticks up and going back to Flare.

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"Moon calm yourself alright" Flare said knowing Moonsparkle meant what she said and tried to calm her down. "Shes just has the same like in music as me no need to get jealous" Flare said whit a thought of if she gets like this when she mad. "Anyways back to playing" Flare said as he played music on the guitar.

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"I'm not afraid of you!" Milly says lookin at MoonSparkle madly "Ugh guess i'll just go then, class is over i should get home.." "Nice meeting you Flare" Milly says with a smile then looks at MoonSparkle and sticks her tong out in a mocking way "Bye!" Milly yells wile going out 

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MoonSparkle horn glowed orange as soon as she saw Millys mocking tongue and cast a quick tongue tie spell, "enjoy talking milly" she grinned evilly before going over to Flare, "So flare i was thinking, do you think im mad?" she asked deciding on the best punishing action if he said yes

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"Hey!" Milly says madly in a weird way since her tongue is tied "Yehs you Areh Mad!" Milly says with a tied tongue and tries to untie it with magic thinking how she is no good with magic "My sisther could undo thihs" Milly whispers to herself and walks away embarrassed and sad

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MoonSparkle loves the way she could abuse her magic without any consequences, little did she know she was being watched by her mentor Princess Luna who had to make a difficult choice when MoonSparkle grew up


MoonSparkle followed Milly out of the class and cast another spell causing milly to levitate "you call me mad?, say that to my face" she added before casting another spell to make Milly spin in a circle, MoonSparkle released the tongue tied spell  allowing Milly to talk normally again

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"What is wrong with you?! i just want to get home, leave me alone!" Milly said thinking about if she was always this mean or if something happened to make her like this "LET. ME. GO!" Milly says trying to touch the ground "And i will...YOUR MAD!" Milly says looking right it to MoonSparkles eyes knowing she could do something horrible to her but not caring because she was so mad 

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MoonSparkle's eyes narrowed to slits "Mad?, oh no this is sane, this is mad" she said lifting Milly into the air, she then released her magic on milly causing her to fall several feet "So you going to apologize now?" she asked before rearlising she was floating in the air "what the buck?" she swore before hearing a familiar voice behind her


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Cometblaze roared before glaring at his daughter "I've told you before not to abuse your magic, your privileged enough to be a alicorn but don't think for a second your better because of it, you better buck up or im going to take your telescope away for good, in fact i will do just that" he growled using his magic to take moonSparkles telescope, "say good bye to your friends and then follow me" he ordered before leaving the class


MoonSparkle glared at Milly "great now look what you've done, your lucky today but next week i will turn you into a piano" she threatened 

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Before Milly could say anything Cometblaze scolded MoonSparkle and Milly was surprised. Milly gets up and shakes off the dirt from being dropped "Thank you mister...Just saying, she might need some classes to control her anger!" "She has to much power to be walking around rude like this" Milly says to CometBlaze "I wont say sorry to something i didn't start..have fun without your telescope" Milly smirks and whispers to MoonSparkle before she goes with CometBlaze 

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"Im staying out of this i dont want her angry at me already" Flare said as he went out of the classroom and sees Cometblaze. "Hello who are you" Flare asked seeing that Moonsparkle is in trouble cause of her anger problems she has...mostly directed at Flare for some reason

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Milly shakes her head trying to get twigs and dirt out of her mane "Mmm she must have a crush on you...and she is jealous" Milly rolls hers eyes thinking about how silly MoonSparkle is "And i suppose i shouldn't have been mocking her so much...but i couldn't help it.." Milly looks at CometBlaze "Yea...who are you?" 

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"She cool most of the time but apparently shes on a off day today" Flare said as he looked at moonsparkle. "Even though she can get jealous easily i now notice" Flare said as he headed home to sleep till a new day for music and other stuff. "I'll see you later Milly" Flare said before he left.

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MoonSparkle walks into the music class without her telescope still in  a bad mood, "made me miss the full moon, stupid parents, stupid class, stupid milly" she muttered under her breath, she took her place beside the piano and started to play Chopin's music


MoonSparkle then finished and closed the piano and picked up a drum stick before using her magic to finish a drum solo, "well its rather easy" she grinned before playing all the musical instruments with her magic filling the room with a magical melody 

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Flare arrived at the class hearing the music and sees it was Moonsparkle and stayed quiet listen to the melody. "Shes really good at playing...better then i thought" Flare said quietly as he continued listening to the melody. "Just what does she have against Milly though"

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MoonSparkle frowns before looking out the window, she gets distracted by a passing bird causing all the instruments to drop to the floor while she was concentrating on other things, she looked back when she heard the loud crash "dam stupid bird, now look what you made me do" she growled before picking up everything in the room including Flare, she drops one of her drumsticks making her go look for it under the chair allowing everything to start bashing against the roof, "come here you drumstick" she hissed before grabbing it "got ya" she exclaimed picking it up with her teeth

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Milly goes to the music school and sneaks to one of the back seats so MoonSparkle wouldn't see her "Shes in a bad mood i see, what a surprise" Milly mumbles to herself wile rolling her eyes. Milly slowly walks over to get a instrument trying not to make eye contact with MoonSparkle 

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MoonSparkle starts to chew on the side of her table before looking up and spotting Milly, "Hey Milly your not allowed a instrument" she called out with a snigger before going back to chewing on her desk again starting to like the wooden taste from the desk

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Splash unburied her head from her arms. She had being crying quietly for some time now in the corner and it had started raining on her. There was also some fire involved, or something she heard. She couldn't tell. She started tapping nervously on her leg and humming gently. She had a secret, but nopony liked her do to her disorder. Instead, she cried in the corner over loneliness. She suddenly became distracted again, but remembered why she was crying and went back to it.

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Milly rolls her eyes "And why not?!" Milly tries to calm herself knowing she will just get herself in trouble "She can't tell me what i'm allowed or not allowed to do" Milly whispers to her self then grabs a instrument and goes back to her seat. She sees somepony crying "Whats wrong?" Milly whispers to the pony 

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Splash unburied her head from her arms. She had being crying quietly for some time now in the corner and it had started raining on her. There was also some fire involved, or something she heard. She couldn't tell. She started tapping nervously on her leg and humming gently. She had a secret, but nopony liked her do to her disorder. Instead, she cried in the corner over loneliness. She suddenly became distracted again, but remembered why she was crying and went back to it.

illy rolls her eyes "And why not?!" Milly tries to calm herself knowing she will just get herself in trouble "She can't tell me what i'm allowed or not allowed to do" Milly whispers to her self then grabs a instrument and goes back to her seat. She sees somepony crying "Whats wrong?" Milly whispers to the pony 


MoonSparkle glares at Milly but doesn't respond to her, she saw the pony crying in the corner and sighed again. "Milly she must have seen you come in" she joked before starting to giggle at her own joke, she found it so funny she fell of the chair knocking the drums on top off her, "a little help" she asked lifted her head with several large drums on her

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"HEY MOON" Flare yelled hoping she will listen. "I got something to play" Flare said opening his own case with a violin and plays a peaceful melody that calms everyone down. "there now are we all calm and not angry at each other" Flare said as he stopped playing.

Edited by FlareBolt
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"Thanks Flare...that was really nice" Milly said with a smile "Ugh, guess i should help Moon up" Milly walks over to MoonSparkle "Aw, pony fall down?" Milly says jokingly and smirks then helps get the drums off Moonsparkle "There you go...and sorry..." Milly says thinking how she didn't really do anything wrong

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"No problem and Moonsparkle can you please keep calm and not get angry at Milly" Flare said as he saw a pony crying in a corner. "Excuse me miss are you ok why are you crying" Flare said in a sincere voice. "Didn't you come here to play music if so go ahead its not a music class if you dont play music" Flare said jokingly.

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Symphonia walks into the room and looks across it. His heart broke the instant he saw his loved grand piano in pieces of burned wood.


Symphonia thought to himself- The day I don't show up, and this happens. Figures.


He kept his anger to himself and trotted to a seat in the corner so that he was not near anypony else.




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"Hello sir sorry about the piano my friend here broke it" Flare said pointing to Moonsparkle. "So anyways are you the music teacher that teaches here" Flare said wondering why this pony is here besides to learn music since he didnt even acknowledge him or the others

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