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"Has anyone heard of pinkies brew" Flare said. "Cause its ok if you dont i wont sing it then" Flare looked at everypony. "Pinkie Pie taught me that song a while ago i just never had a chance to sing it at all" Flare said as he grabbed his guitar and started playing the song and started singing.

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Splash could not hold in her excitement. She just hoped she could hold in her ADHD. She watched happily and even considered joining in. She knew that song! It was her sister's favorite of all Pinkie's songs. Her sister had asked her to sing it to her recently. Splash began to hum along gently.

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As Flare finished singing he putted his guitar away. "How did i do" Flare asked unsure of how well he did. "Its ok to say if i did bad like i said i dont sing much" Flare looked down knowing he probably didnt sing well at all. "Well that's all i will sing... anyways so Lyra what do you have for us to do now"Flare asked

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"That was awesome! You should sing again!" Splash burst out. Her smile had grown larger than Pinkie Pie's. She realized how odd that must look and she quickly shrank it. "You could probably sing and get famous! We should all start a band! We'd be the best performers anywhere!" she said to her new friends.

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"You know me and Milly were actually thinking of doing that by starting out in Manehattan it would be great if you would join us" Flare said remembering what he said to Milly. "I mean if that's ok with you you dont have to join us if you dont want to" Flare said

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"Awesome! Of course! I mean, if Milly doesn't mind and ya'll don't mind my weird and random tics that I get from my ADHD...does it bother anypony? I mean...I am a little weird...what time does this class end? Sorry, I'm just curious..." Splash muttered. She glanced around the room for a clock.

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"Im sure Milly wont mind and it doesn't bother me that you get your ticks" Flare said smiling. "Oh and class end at 4:00 right now its 3:30" Flare said as he looked at the clock above the door to the music class. "So its set then we have a band then" Flare aske looking at Milly and Splash.

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"Are we the only people in the band? Does that technically make you the leader? Um, how long until we actually perform together? What if Celestia herself asks us to perform? Ohhhh! This sounds like so much fun!" Splash said. She smiled, not too big or creepily this time, at her band members.

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"Well its up to Milly who is going to be the leader" Flare said before noticing what Splash said. "I might get a bit nervous if we have to play for Celestia" Flare said knowing he never met or seen Celestia before. "Anyways who do you think should be leader Milly" Flare asked

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Milly was distracted, trying to write a song "Huh? oh sorry umm...i don't know! we don't need a leader...well i don't know! haha" Milly said thinking about it "And Splash, i think its awesome you joined! your a vary good singer and we will make a awesome team!" Milly said excitedly 

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"Well there's you answer Splash we go no leader and we don't need one" Flare said. "Anyways its 4:00 now i guess it time to head on home see you all later" Flare said as he grabbed his guitar and left twords his home with a smile on his face."Can't wait till tomorrow for Music class"

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"See ya!" Splash yelled over her shoulder as she galloped out the door. She couldn't wait for another day of Music Class! She stopped by her locker and picked up her book bag on her way out. She turned heel and headed home. Tomorrow would be great! She just couldn't wait!

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As I walk in the class room I see that some of the students are already hear so I introduce myself to the ponies. Luna: Hello every pony my name is Luna Flower it's nice to meet you starting today I'll be a new student I joined because I love music I can sing and I play the clarinet.

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Flare' who is now just arriving at the class heard the new student and thought to introduce himself. "Hello Luna my name is Flarebolt but most people call me Flare" Flare said with his guitar on his back and smiling. "So your joining us for Music class now thats great to know"

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MillyMusic comes running in and tripped then gets up and looks around "Uhh...h-hey sorry i'm late! i woke up late today and had to get ready..." Milly looks embarrassed from tripping then starts to pick up her papers for music class "Is that a new student i see? hi!" Milly said then goes back to picking up her papers 

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Flare helps Milly pick up her papers and gives them to her. "Are you ok Milly" Flare said as she helped her up. "Yes she is a new student.." Flare said before he asked. "Anyways...Luna was it' what kind of instrument do you play" Flare asked as he sat down. "I wonder who is gonna be the teacher today" Flare said as a White Pony with sunglasses came in.

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"Oh i'm fine...thanks Flare" Milly says smiling at Flare. Milly goes to her seat "Luna? pretty name! its like princess Luna" Milly says looking at the new pony then heres a voice "Hey class!" Milly turns around and sees vinyl scratch standing at the door "EEP! ehm-Hi miss um Scratch" Milly says just noticing how weird that sounds "Your teaching today?!" 

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"Yep I'm teaching today" Vinyl looked around the class and Saw Flare. "Hey...you look familiar have we met before" Vinyl asked Flare. "Uh no I dont think we have my name is Flare nice to meet you Vinyl Scratch" Flare said hoping she doesn't remember him. "You sure I swear I seen you somewhere before and please call me Vinyl"

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"Thats so awesome!! your like my favorite pony ever!" Milly said super excitedly "So what are we learning today Vinyl?" Milly said ready to learn "We will be learning how to work at becoming famous today!" Vinyl said "I was thinking...if we could raise some money or something maybe all of us could have a school field trip! and i'm not talking some boring museum i mean maybe even out of ponyville or something...any suggestions?" 

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"Actually we are going on a field trip today...and it's not to a museum" Vinyl said looking at Milly. "Well where are we heading then" Flare said looking at Vinyl. "We are heading to Manehattan" Vinyl said looking at both Milly and Flare. "So get your things packed and we will be heading there" Vinyl said. "W-what" Flare said surprised.

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"M-manehatten?! OHMYGOSH" Milly said trying her hardest to control her excitement but just couldn't "Really? when?! wait will we have to pay for our ticket??" Milly said hoping not cause she knew she couldn't. Then Milly looks at Flare excitedly thinking about how awesome it would be to go. 

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"Nope tickets are already paid for all you need is your stuff I already have my stuff packed" Vinyl said. "Manehattan...I haven''t been there...I guess its great to go back to a place where you used to live" Flare said to himself thinking he also can start a music career with Milly and Splash. "I'm gonna head home and pack my stuff...it would be great to go there" Flare said again. "Well I shall meet you guys at the train station dont take too long though" Vinyl said as she exited the class room and headed to the train station.

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As Flare finished singing he putted his guitar away. "How did i do" Flare asked unsure of how well he did. "Its ok to say if i did bad like i said i dont sing much" Flare looked down knowing he probably didnt sing well at all. "Well that's all i will sing... anyways so Lyra what do you have for us to do now"Flare asked



As Flare finished singing he putted his guitar away. "How did i do" Flare asked unsure of how well he did. "Its ok to say if i did bad like i said i dont sing much" Flare looked down knowing he probably didnt sing well at all. "Well that's all i will sing... anyways so Lyra what do you have for us to do now"Flare asked

(OOC, sorry for not posting for a while)


Lyra answers "To be honest, this is the first class that I have ever taught. I'm not really sure what to teach you next. What type of things would you like to learn?


Symphonia didn't think that the group did bad, and thought that they harmonized well, even though he did not join in on the fun.


"That was awesome! You should sing again!" Splash burst out. Her smile had grown larger than Pinkie Pie's. She realized how odd that must look and she quickly shrank it. "You could probably sing and get famous! We should all start a band! We'd be the best performers anywhere!" she said to her new friends.

(Hope you don't mind if I join the band :)


Symphonia pipes in from his seat in the corner, which was near the piano. "Would you guys mind if I joined. I think that going to Manehattan would be a great idea, and it would also be a great place to show our talents as a band." He smiled at the idea.


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"Sure you can join the band Symph" Flare said before he left twords his house. "Also i suggest you get your things packed since we are heading twords Manehattan today as a field trip" Flare said smiling as he was both nervous and happy to go to Manehattan.

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She looked innocently up at the teacher, who glared down at her for slamming the door open and knocking another pony across the room.

"Sorry," she whispered. "I promise I'll try to be on time next time. I wasn't trying to be late."

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