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Which of the Mane Six would you have a sleepover with?

The Crystal Maiden

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If you could choose one of the Mane Six to have a sleepover with at their house, who would it be and why? :)


For me, I'd probably choose Dashie, cos she seems a bit lonely. :( And also because her house is AMAZING. :D And because she is also amazing.

I'm leaning towards Twilight as well. Her house seems nice and cosy and she's just such a lovely pony. <3 

  • Brohoof 1

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


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Twilight or Fluttershy.


I'm a nerd, and learning about magic for a whole night and then passing out at 5 in the morning sounds like fun.


Then again, Fluttershy's animals could last for years of enjoyment. (CUDDLES)


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More than likely it would be either Twilight or Futtershy.


Twilight because she keeps everything organized and in order, which is great because chaos tends to stress me out. :P


Fluttershy because, well, it is Fluttershy! That and I bet it would be very peaceful at her house. Peace is always nice.


Pinkie Pie would be too chaotic for me and Rainbow Dash would just be awkward, because I am not a daring thrill seeker like her.


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Even though My favorite Pony is Dashie, i would have to go with Apple Jack. If i were to sleep at her homestead i can make friends with her family. If she was to come to my house i would first be embarrassed since its a total 'sty right now. I would then be ecstatic and hope she makes me a good hardy breakfast.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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I say either Twilight or Rainbow Dash


Twilight because we would probably use magic on stuff and its kinda cozy there tongue.png


Rainbow Dash because she and I would probably have a game called Truth or Dare while staying up very late!


And maybe some Sports at late night >:D 

Edited by TwiliciousAlkoi
  • Brohoof 1



Credit to Kyoshi for making this Sig!

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I was going to say Pinkie Pie but with her high energy i don't think there'd be much sleeping. Twilight is too organised. Rarity too high maintenance. and Fluttershy too, well... Fluttershy. Probably Applejack or Rainbow Dash, i'd probably get along with either of them the best.

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I'd say... Rarity and twilight!


Rarity because it would be nice to have a nice conversation about anything and seeing her little sister sweetie belle!laugh.png  That, and because I have a weakness for classy or fancy characters.


Twilight because, well, as a nerd herself, and adorable nerd that is, would be fun to have study buddy or learn new things from her!

  • Brohoof 2
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When i became a brony i just couldn't go to sleep without watching it!

So why? Well maybe because i'm a huge magic nerd and would just be REALLY happy to get to a library with full of books about how to real that you can see and use magic.


But of course it would be a sleepover soooo... dunno play games and she could teach me magic and i could teach her to draw stuff.


But Definetly Twilight!

  • Brohoof 2
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Well heres a quickie about when Fire and Rainbow Dash had a sleepover:


Rainbow Dash said 'Hey Fire Jade wanna have a quick wrestling match' Fire Jade then said yes Rainbow Dash said that the rule is to pin them' so they were wrestling for 10 minutes and Rainbow Dash was about to win' Rainbow dash said 'Haah pinned you,what are you  gonna do about it know!' Fire Jade smiled and kissed her. Rainbow Dash then blushed and said 'well I guess its a tie!'



Credit to Kyoshi for making this Sig!

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Twilight or Rarity. It may just be my personal bias towards Unicorns but i hate Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy has too many pets, Pinkie would keep me up all night and Applejack would probably make me...work.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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Fluttershy! lots of cozy animals plus alot of peace, but fun when we need to. well, twilight would be awesome learning magic too, anypony, besides rarity or applejack. 

I know what you mean by Rarity or AppleJack


Rarity be all like 'Lets make us both look fabulous!' or probably do something to your hair when your asleep!


Applejack would probably go 'Screw the night' 'lets get to work!' 

  • Brohoof 2



Credit to Kyoshi for making this Sig!

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Someone who knows the meaning of fun and games and realises the joys of raiding the fridge. (Hint: It's Pinkie Pie.) :)


But yeah, given the chance I'd have a sleepover with Pinkie Pie any day. In a similar post I made on a thread about roommates, it's not like it'd all be zany games and hilarity - Pinkie knows when to simmer down. It would be a night jam-packed with entertainment, she's a pony to make sure of that.

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Without a doubt, I'd love to have a sleepover at Twilight's.


It feels like we've got so much in common, (and she does it all so much better than I do she just makes me all happy and fuzzy inside, : )  I just think we'd totally be BFF's given the chance.  :)



"Like most worlds, Equestria had danger and drama and sadness and pain.  But more than anything, Equestria was a world made to incubate and protect loving hearts....  ...It asks the hearts for their support to keep Equestria and its ponies safe, and to protect the Magic of friendship and love that their world was founded on."  --  from The Real Story (by Nimaru)

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Hmm all of these people picking Dash's house -- remember unless you have a cloudwalking spell your stay will be a bit jarring and go like AAAAIIIIIEEEEEE as you fall to the ground.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Hmm, this is a tough one. AppleJack would more then likely hit the hay early so she has the energy to work the next day. Rarity would probably tell me again and again how the way I dress is "positively dreadful." and try to give me a make over.  Twilight would be fun for a while, until we get into an argument about how magic just makes no sense to me. But even then I could just hang out with spike (given that he stays awake past noon). Rainbow Dash's house is out of the question because being high up in the air on a cloud would just freak me out and cause me to be paranoid. PinkiePie would be fun but would probably keep me up to the point where I'm just irritated. And at Flutter shy's I would probably strangle that arrogant bunny of hers...  aw BUCK IT *grabs pillow*  I'm going to Zecora's!

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd go with Rainbow Dash because we both have the same personalities. For once, I LOVE to show off my skills and talent. I also tend to brag...a lot. I also have the go-getter personality just as she just. Oh and I also love speed and thrills. 


Probably we'll be pulling of all-nighters and not get any sleep at all! 

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Oh, man...Rarity and I would have a BLAST at our amazing sleepover party! We will do makeovers, play truth or dare, and even watch sad movies or chick flicks. It would be ttly amazing <3 

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