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Return of Harmony

Strong Hooves

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Nidal's eyes held nothing for C2 to gather. She stared into his, looking at the surface only. "As of now, it will be impossible for you to know me as much as you seem to want to. Perhaps I'll learn to care, even if only a little bit, and you'll learn more about me. It all depends on how the future comes and goes." She looked over all of them again, this time feeling for their most important item. She smiled lightly upon knowing them all.

Edited by Linguz
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Cloud noticed the gold tint in her eyes, he didnt know why, but it kept him locked onto her eyes, Something isnt right about her... but I cant even look away... "Your... eyes..." he muttered, almost inaudibly as he looked at the coloration... Edited by Strong Hooves


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(Darn you Linguz!)


Cloud nodded, "Perhaps" he replied, he then turned to the others, "Come on... we have an element to find, Nidal... you can follow if you want, you dont seem to be one to really hang around long" and with that, he led the group into the forest, toward the old castle of Luna


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Nidal trailed after C2. "I'll stick around for now. I won't help you fight unless I need to, so don't expect to rely on me unless there are more than just a single enemy."

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Cloud found himself rolling his eyes, "Right" he said....

(TIME SKIP!!!! And we will just say that introductions have finally been made with everyone)

The group had traveled in almost complete silence, save for the many jokes told by Lightning Bolt. The group had finally found the old castle ruins, almost completely gone save for what looked like a cathedral in the center of the ruins. Cloud opened the door, the rotted wood fell off its frame and landed with a dusty thud on the ground. "Well... seems empty enough, just keep a lookout everypony... Lunatic, you probably know about this place more than us... what can you tell us?"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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(I have to be off to school, soon. it sucks that I have to leave in one of the most important parts of the RP :(. You can still take control of my character if you want. Oh yeah, and Lightning is going to be calling Lunatic "Loony" from now on. :P)

Edited by SuperTheAwesome

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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(I have to be off to school, soon. it sucks that I have to leave in one of the most important parts of the RP :(. You can still take control of my character if you want. Oh yeah, and Lightning is going to be calling Lunatic "Loony" from now on. :P)


(Okie Dokie Lokie!!! lol)


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Growing impatient, Black Lightning decided to come out of hiding and send a shadow figure to find out how far away they were. As the figure flew away, he walked up to the element of harmony that was standing in the middle of the chamber. There was a red lightning bolt on it. He realised it was the element of loyalty.

"Now, how do I break this forcefield? Hmm... maybe only the truly pure of heart can pass through it, just like only the truly pure of heart can wield the elements. Hmm... Nah." He dismissed the theory. "The Elements of Harmony can only be used if the Elements of Disharmony and their wielders are destroyed or decide to step down. Not that I'll ever do that of course." He thought to himself. Shortly after that, the Shadow figure returned and told him how far away they were. "Right. Go and guard the castle gate. Warn me when they're nearly here."The shadow figure flew away.

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There was a red lightning bolt on it. He realised it was the element of loyalty.


((It's the element of honesty said so by SH...))


"The Elements of Harmony can only be used if the Elements of Disharmony and their wielders are destroyed or decide to step down."


((And you're also making things up that actually effect them. I'm pretty sure that it's SH's final say on that one, that is unless your 100 year old character thinks something false about the elements...))
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((And the elements of harmony are what have to be used to remove the elements of chaos... so how does it make sense that they can't be used until they're defeated?))

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Cloud found himself rolling his eyes, "Right" he said....

(TIME SKIP!!!! And we will just say that introductions have finally been made with everyone)

The group had traveled in almost complete silence, save for the many jokes told by Lightning Bolt. The group had finally found the old castle ruins, almost completely gone save for what looked like a cathedral in the center of the ruins. Cloud opened the door, the rotted wood fell off its frame and landed with a dusty thud on the ground."Well... seems empty enough, just keep a lookout everypony... Lunatic, you probably know about this place more than us... what can you tell us?"


Growing impatient, Black Lightning decided to come out of hiding and send a shadow figure to find out how far away they were. As the figure flew away, he walked up to the element of harmony that was standing in the middle of the chamber. There was a red lightning bolt on it. He realised it was the element of loyalty.

"Now, how do I break this forcefield? Hmm... maybe only the truly pure of heart can pass through it, just like only the truly pure of heart can wield the elements. Hmm... Nah." He dismissed the theory. "The Elements of Harmony can only be used if the Elements of Disharmony and their wielders are destroyed or decide to step down. Not that I'll ever do that of course." He thought to himself. Shortly after that, the Shadow figure returned and told him how far away they were. "Right. Go and guard the castle gate. Warn me when they're nearly here."The shadow figure flew away.


((Also, uhm... he said that they had entered the old castle ruins, which held nearly nothing but the cathedral, and then you told the shadow to go to the castle gate. I just want to be sure that you know that we're already on the castle grounds, past the gate, and we've opened the door to the cathedral, which is where I'm guessing you're at, unless I'm wrong...))


((Sorry about all this, by the way...)

Edited by Linguz
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((No, I am in the room where the Element is))


The shadow figure returned to Lightning Bolt, and he made it vanish. Then he hid inside the crack in the wall, waiting for the others to arrive.

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looking around at all the broken artwork and dusty old furneture. "well it looks like it hasent been used in quite a few years." lunatic said with a sad smile. As Lunatic continued to walk into the darkness he found himself unable to see his own hoof infront of his face. "alright lets get this started" he said full of confidence as he made a resonable light out of the tip of his horn.

looking up at a big staircase he tried to remember how the castle was build.

"the library is here to the left. the royal chaimbers are up the stairs and the royal treasures are here to the right."


"the library we could probebly find where to find the element. but we can also try the royal treasure room even tough it would seem to obvious to hide something so powerfull in such a place. witch makes the royal chaimbers a much more reasonable place to hide it"

Lunatic said as he turns to the other ponies behind him.


lunatic desperatly hoped they would chose the library so he could look at the books that were placed there.

"so witch way will it be?"

Inspired by myself.

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Cloud thought for a while, tapping a hoof on his chin, "Well... if you say that the most reasonable place to hide it is the chambers, then we should try there first, lead the way Lunatic", Lightning then jumped up and down excitedly, "Yeah Loony! Show the Way!!"she said giggling.


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*Mercer slowly walked through the large castle towards the great presence at the back of the room.*

"I delivered your message. I honestly don't think that the others are going to go with this plan of yours though."

*The presence spoke, but his words were incomprehensible to all but his six warriors*

"Really? Ugh, you should have told me earlier, they already know of my identity."

*The presence spoke again.*

"Yeah, I understand what they are, what they really are."

*Again the voice rumbled*

"Fine then, I guess I'll go and watch over my, 'Little Brother' as you call him."

*The voice rumbled one last time and a clawed arm reached from the shadows and pointed towards the door.*

"As you wish, 'my liege'." *Mercer turned around and left the room, the castle, and the city, once known as Canterlot, to rejoin the one's his master had commanded him to follow.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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As Lunatic walked trough the big halls of the royal chaimbers he looked around at the shadows to make sure there wasnt something there.

"keep your eyes open we dont know if something's here."

there was a big door at the end of the hall with a small hole in it wat looked like some sort of keyhole.

"this looks like it could be it"

Lunatic walked towards the door and looked inside the hole.

"somthing's needs to fit into here. anypony an idea?"

Inspired by myself.

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"Nopony is an idea here because we're all real. I do know of several ways to get in though. Smash the door open, for one; pick the lock, for two; or you can find the key. If anyone wants to give it a shot, go ahead." Nidal sat down against one of the walls and waited.


((Don't say if you succeeded in your attempt, just leave it that you tried. SH should be the one deciding that.))

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Cloud looked at the door, it seemed a lot more solid and rigid than the one he had previously opened, he knocked on the door a couple times, then turned around and bucked the door with all of his might. The impact sent Cloud face first into the ground, "Ow..." he said as he sat up, the door was still quite strong, "I dont think smashing it will be an option" he said while rubbing his sore nose.


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*Mercer's head began to ache*

"Oh gods, not now."

*He landed on a nearby cloud and sat down, putting a claw to his head.*

"Damnit Dad. Why did you have to show up now?"

*A mirage of an older griffon that looked exactly like Mercer, but with a missing eye appeared on a cloud nearby*

"Because you know that the path you are on is wrong."

"Thats not for you to decide."

"Im not the one making the decisions."

"You are trying to influence them though. I can see right through you."

"No Mercer, despite your actions to those around you, you are the one who is transparent. You act like an enigma, not letting anyone through your guard, but in truth, you regret everything you've done."

"Thats not true! All of the decisions I've made were by MY terms. I follow Discord's orders merely because I'm bored. I could abandon him any time."

"Then why don't you Mercer? You could fly away, right now. Abandon this ruin of a country, be free to do whatever you like. But you don't because there is no one else out there. No one to praise your successes, no one to lecture you on your failures. You needed that, and now, due to your element, your betrayal, there is no one who can ever do that again. And even if you do find someone to call friend, it won't matter. Because no matter what happens, no matter what changes, you will always be a traitor."

*The image of the griffon disappeared, leaving Mercer alone, with nothing but his thoughts.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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lunatic looked again at the giant door.

"even if we manage to break this thing. dont you guys think it would be garded to be smashed by force only?"

Lunatic started to think harder.

"maybe if we'd check the library" lunatic made a happy jump in his mind. "we'd could find out how to get this thing open."

"on a second thought. that would be a perfect place for the enemy to hide since it would be the only way of entering that room."

"but even if the enemy is waiting for us there it would still be our only way to get inside."

Inspired by myself.

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