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Return of Harmony

Strong Hooves

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Aureity looked thoughtful. "Well, I'm sure everypony who is joining you wants to stop Discord as much as you do. Look at everything he's made happen around Ponyville. Scratch that, all of Equestria. This destruction is the only life I've ever known, and I would give anything to catch a glimpse of what life was like before all of this happened."

He was thinking. The pony with the map was probably pretty exasperated at having too many people with him already, but on the other hand, it was a pretty important job. Maybe all the hours I've spent practicing magic might come to use after all.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Cloud thought about what the pony said, He has a point, this is all Ive known as well... "Well... I cant make you any promises, but... perhaps if we all work... together... we could find the Elements and hopefully defeat Discord... Would you want to join us?"


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Ampyrion considered. I could get killed in this. I could get the others killed from a mistake. There was a long, awkward pause. He was about to decline, but just as he opened his mouth, a thought rang out from the back of his mind. United we stand, divided we fall. He blinked in confusion, he wasn't even sure where that thought had come from. All he knew was that the accompanying surge of magic through his bloodstream was the strongest he had ever channeled in his life. He looked back at the map. Well...it's better to go out fighting for what you believe in then spend eternity wishing you did.There was another awkward pause. Finally he nodded. "Yes."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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the group walked outside in the cold nightair. witch all didnt really enjoyed. not a sound was made as the group strolled over the used to be crowded market.

"so... where is our first waypoint? and what element should we find there?"

lunatic asked getting to nervous with the silence.

Inspired by myself.

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Cloud closed his eyes, the image of the map coming to him in his mentall vision, "The closest element is located at the heart of the Everfree forest, in the old castle of Luna and Celestia, If I am correct, it should be the Element of honesty".

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"then i think we should go there!"

lunatic spoke enthusiastic and instandly started walking.

"im really exided i always wanted to go ti the everfree forest! the wildlife there is just so interesting"

Inspired by myself.

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(Sorry, sorry. I was writing.)


"I'll be right back," promised Ampyrion. "I have to get a few supplies. I'd rather not waltz into the Everfree forest with no food, water, or light."

He quickly dashed out the door towards his house.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Cloud nodded to Ampyrion, "Alright, we'll meet you at the edge of the forest, be quick" he then trotted after Lunatic, the others following him to the forest, And thus the adventure begins, thought Cloud with a smile...


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Name: Twilight Hooves

Age: 10

Species: Female pegasus

Description: Dark blue mane, light blue coat, sapphire eyes, and mostly, a cutie mark of a yellow lightning bolt and in front is a tiara.

Element: Harmony and the element of laughter

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Nidal had gathered the family's belongings and put them in saddlebags which she absorbed into herself to travel with. She had seen the group head out to the forest and decided to tail them from above. As she flew, she plotted an excuse to use as for why she would be in the forest. Several sprang to mind quickly, all involved hinting at liking C2, even if only a little, so she shook them out. The last thing she needed was C2 believing a lie like that, because it was a lie, right? Of course it was. She shook her head again, banishing those thoughts, and began to devise a story to weave that involved either of her professions.

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Name: Twilight Hooves

Age: 10

Species: Female pegasus

Description: Dark blue mane, light blue coat, sapphire eyes, and mostly, a cutie mark of a yellow lightning bolt and in front is a tiara.

Element: Harmony and the element of laughter


Sorry, laughter is already taken, the available elements are despair, dis honesty (or deception), hatred, and betrayal


Cloud and the rest of the group reached the edge of the Everfree forest and sat to wait on Ampyrion. Cloud gazed into the dark forest and shivered, "So... does anypony have any experience regarding the forest?" he asked to the others. He couldnt help but feeling a shroud of dread come over him, almost as if the forest was... evil, he tore his eyes away from it, trying to distract himself with something else to look at, thought the run down town of Ponyville wasnt much help. He then decided to look into the sky, the dawn sun giving the sky an redish orange glow. As he looked up, he saw a familiar pegasus flying, Nidal?, he wondered to himself, he then waved at her, hoping to catch her attention.


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"I've flown over the forest before!" Lightning said, "It seems like a dark and scary place, I saw some odd bugs flying around in there the other day!" Lightning looked at the pegasus that Cloud was waving at. Oooh, I could prank her later! She thought, giggling. I could fly over her and dump a bucket of water on her! "I need to get something!" She laughed as she took off to find a bucket.

Edited by SuperTheAwesome

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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looking after the giggeling pony lunatic said "indeed she is."

Lunatic looked back at the dark forest.

"they say that the weather takes care of himself. just like the animals and plants. its really strange."

"and that the only ponies to ever walk in and come out of that forest were the elements of harmony itself."

Inspired by myself.

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Ampyrion skidded to a halt before the group, carrying a bagful of random items that he had pillaged from his house. "I-I'm back..." he huffed in exhaustion, panting and wiping the sweat from his forehead.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Ampyrion looked blankly at the rest of the ponies not holding any bags of their own. "Didn't you guys bring ANYTHING? I mean, look..." he unzipped his bag and began rummaging through ropes, tinderboxes, knives, oil cans, food rations, among other items buried closer to the bottom. "You guys don't expect to go into the Everfree without being prepared, do you?"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Cloud lifted his saddlebag, "I got what I need, its always best to travel light and be able to survive on what you find along the way. You never know who you might come across who would soon as rob you than anything else"


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Ampyrion looked blank. "It's the Everfree. Nopony is going to be robbing anyone out there, because nopony is going to be there."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Ampyrion gave a flicker of a smile. "Trust me, I've got more ways to escape than I can count." His horn shot off a little bright spark as he said it.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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