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It provided a rather different mood from snowdrop. It was very funny, lighthearted, and nostalgic. I appreciated all of the tiny details they put into it, you can tell the animators really loved their job. Everything about it is superb. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm surprised so many people liked this fan episode. Personally I found it to be very hallow. A serious lack of any real substance.


There was such a huge amount of filler. Way too much time spent watching Rainbow fly around and looking at background ponies. There's a reason they're called "background" ponies. They should be hanging out in the background while the plot is moving forward. Instead precious time is spent just...looking at them. Not that they had anything to do with what was going on, it was an unfortunant case of "Hey look, this is a thing. It exists. No joke or point, it's just here to be here."


The big problem here was that there were two major plot elements going on, and neither one was fully explored.


First we have this potion that Twilight has made. It's some kind enchancment that pushes ponies to their limits, based on their special talent. This right here is enough of a concept to explore for an episode. Instead it's only used as a set up for the other part.


Second is the crossover with the PPG's. What really upset me about this was the credits. We see a bunch of characters from both shows having humerous interactions with each other. This is what the episode should have been focused on if the whole point was to have a crossover. Instead we only have RD get chased by the girls for a little bit.


Overall there really isn't much substance to this. The whole thing makes me feel really bad. This guy managed to get a group of people to help him and they successfully created a 25 or so minute animation. Dispite all the work that was put into it, it's held back so much by bad writing. There's no theming, no subtlety, no meaningful character interaction, no development, no world building, and a half assed moral lesson stuck in at the end.


I can't believe this guy, Zachary, considers this to be on par with the show. It lacks pretty much everything that makes MLP a stand out show in the first place. The animation is fine, but what good is that if the story, the very substance, is so weak? If he would have just hired a decent writer to help out. I'm a writer myself, and I could easily make a great episode based on that potion alone.


Such a shame, so much work for such a disappointment.

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I only really think this was "Meh" worthy.


Don't get me wrong, the animation was great, and I appreciate the fan work put into it. But, like many others have said, this whole thing lacked a good storyline. And that REALLY stands out to someone who cares little about meme references.


He spent far too much time trying to jam in every fan meme and popular internet meme instead of having character development, in character characters, and Rainbow Dash not being a complete idiot!


I mean, She saw the potion turn into a large cloud with lighting, grow a face, and laugh manically at them, AND SHE F**ING DRANK IT BECAUSE IT WOULD MAKE HER GO FAST, EVEN THOUGH TWILIGHT F***ING SAID IT MAY NOT BE SAFE!!!



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I liked it in general.  At first I thought it was great.  The animation was great.  But it did kind of lack the sort of plotline that I had expected.  I had imagined the double-rainboom to be an "end of episode" occurance instead of the opposite.

While I realize this is for a reason, it was just not of my expectations.  I also liked the idea of the cross-over in the episode but I feel that many of the younger crowd didn't quite get it.  I saw a reaction video that had some person mis-reference characters.  So all in all it was unique and fun.  But I wouldn't go as far to say it was groundbreaking like the trailer made it out to be.


All in all rating: 8/10

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It's a very good episode, however it obviously cannot be official because it goes into the powerpuff girls dimension, so legal issues would happen.



My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rick-r3145My Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/minds-eye-r3273I also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fred-r3298

Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marshall-r3314

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As far as fan made content goes, I thought it was damn good, especially the animation. The voice acting was OK... though it was a little jarring. As for the story, I thought it was pretty good, though Rainbow's lesson was stupid. (Seriously? She endangers countless lives, causes about as much devastation as a hurricane and she gets off scot-free with a lesson about not taking things that belong to her? WTF!? I'd have been much happier if they imposed some kind of torturous punishment on her)


In short, I liked it, but I thought Snowdrop was much better.


One thing I did notice is how many moments there were between Twilight and Dashie where they get far too damn close to each other. Twilight standing over Rainbow, the two pressing their noses up against each other, lots of stare downs from mere inches away... You could have cut the sexual tension with a knife. happy.png

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


Feel free to follow me on Fimfiction!

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I guess this would work pretty well in context with what happened. 




(I have nothing else to say so here is some mindless text to help fill things up.)


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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I just happened to stumble across this episode recently; I hadn't really heard about it before then. I think others here have said enough about its pros and cons in general. For me, the episode had a somewhat interesting premise at first, but dragged in several places and caused me to lose interest, particularly when it tried a bit too hard to give screen time to so many characters, references and memes. While some of those may have been enjoyable, they jerked me out of the world and reminded me that I was watching a fan-made cartoon several times throughout the episode.


Now, just as I do with regular episodes, I spotted many logical/physical inaccuracies throughout the episode. I'll discuss the bigger ones I encountered below.


Judging from the first scene, it's obvious that Twilight is a librarian and NOT a chemist. She apparently leaves open beakers and flasks out on the table (or among the books on her bookshelf) where the contents might become contaminated or evaporate. I don't see a fume hood, so I guess she doesn't mind inhaling chemical vapors either. Also, despite this being a project she's worked on for several years, she apparently never bothered to label any of her beakers or flasks. She holds her flasks/beakers several inches above the flask she's pouring them into and doesn't use a funnel, running the risk of the chemicals spilling or splashing out. Furthermore, I guess Twilight doesn't need to measure the amounts of any of these chemicals she's working with. Finally, why is she trying to pour one drop out of a big round-bottom flask? Hasn't she ever heard of a pipette or a syringe or even a dropper?


It was indeed quite stupid for Rainbow Dash to just drink the entire test tube of "talent enhancer." It's generally a good idea not to just drink a chemical concoction made in a home laboratory without even knowing what it consists of. Twilight could have messed up the recipe or contaminated her concoction, especially given her poor lab technique. Twilight also never said how much of it was needed to produce the enhancement - it could have been fatal or at least injurious to drink that much at once.


There's also a lot of dubious science (especially physics) at work during Rainbow Dash's "enhanced" flying. Scootaloo would probably not be unscathed after slamming into a billboard at high speed. As Rainbow Dash flies up through the atmosphere, there should be a significant part of the atmosphere that does not have clouds; as it is depicted from Rainbow Dash's point of view, she sees clouds in her path all the way out to space. There is also no sound in space, since there is no medium through which the sound can travel, so there should be no low background noise while out in space, and obviously Rainbow Dash shouldn't be able to talk either.


Not being able to talk might be the least of Rainbow Dash's worries while out in space, though. Being exposed to the vacuum of space produces several problems for animals like Rainbow Dash, and she really should be dead several times over before she even goes through the portal. The most obvious problem is lack of oxygen, but other problems include rupture of lungs, eardrums, or sinuses, swelling of the body due to lack of environmental pressure, and direct exposure to very harmful solar radiation. The g's exerted on her as she flies however fast she goes to make the double rainboom would probably also kill her, as would the aerodynamic heat from re-entry into the atmosphere at such a high speed.


Does Twilight really think that Rainbow Dash can hear her scolding as she's flying at thousands (even millions) of miles per hour? The sound of the air rushing by her ears would be so loud that there's basically no way that Rainbow Dash could hear anything else (that is, if her eardrums aren't already ruptured). Also, what exactly did Rainbow Dash do to create a double rainboom and create the portal through which she traveled? Did she supposedly break both the sound barrier and the "light barrier," and tear the fabric of spacetime in the process? It would take an infinite amount of energy for a body like Rainbow Dash to even approach the speed of light, let alone exceed it. That's not even mentioning all the problems her body would have trying to handle traveling at light speed. Rainbow Dash may have drunk a "talent enhancer" that increases her "natural abilities," but I don't see how that can enhance Rainbow Dash's non-existent "natural abilities" to shatter the laws of physics or totally disregard the limits of her pegasus body.


Pinkie explains near the end that Twilight made another "talent enhancer" which Pinkie drank to go through another portal and grab Rainbow Dash, yet Twilight supposedly spent years concocting the first one, and she was moaning earlier about "making it all over again." Just how long did Twilight take to make the second "talent enhancer," and just how long was Rainbow Dash in the alternate universe anyway? Finally, I have to wonder, is Rainbow Dash receiving ANY punishment for her stunt or making ANY restitution to everyone whose property was destroyed? Or is merely writing a one-paragraph letter to Celestia supposed to make up for all of the damage?

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I thought the episode was well done overall, but the thing that bothered me the most was the little guitar playing almost every time Rainbow talked. It seemed rather unnecessary. 

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Double Rainboom, the first full length fan made episode.

This will just be a discussion about the episode and other stuff.

I will put a link for the video in later because i cant access YouTube right now.

For now you can just search MLPFiM: Double Rainboom on YouTube.

Edited by Flare Fire
  • Brohoof 1

This is MY signature >.<

Don't steal it.

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Double Rainboom... 


Am I the only one that didn't really like it? Probably... blush.png


I just found it too random... the story didn't really make much sense and there were WAY too many outside references... I'm much more of a story oriented person... I like things with stories that actually make sense to me... Overall I liked Snowdrop much better than Double Rainboom, but everyone is entitled to their opinions :)


I do want to say this though... I do not hate Double Rainboom... I just didn't really like very much... 


I hope more fan projects come out soon! :D

  • Brohoof 3



"Time passes, people move.... Like a river's flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... Young love will become deep affection... The clear water's surface reflects growth... Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself..." -Sheik, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time


Self proclaimed theme song: 



Thanks to vinyl_scratch13 for making this!!!! 

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i personaly liked it...i also liked the other fan-made story Snowdrop. they were pretty good in the way of animation and story. the episode was funny and cheerful and i congratulate the creators. i hope there will be more in the way of fan made episodes and if there is...it'll break up the hiatus until season 4 comes out this winter. which i think is a bugger to all heck...but it is just as well. i have wait like the rest of us.

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 I appreciate the work they did, but I just don't think it should have been as big of a deal as it is.


I'll go chronologically with this thing, and I'll try to not completely beat down Zach and his team.  But if I do, know that it's these types of things, the types of things where some people aren't as popular as they should be and others are more popular than they should be, that really get my goat.  So here it is: My Big Rant.


Well to start off, we see that this dude is only the slightest bit proud of himself for making this.  You might be able to tell by, oh, I don't know, the few thousand times he makes sure that his logo is in the video.  But for now we only see two.  I'll point them out later as we continue.  So yes, we see a pretty little background of ponyville I assume.  And I have to say, if there is one thing I like about Double Rainboom it is their backgrounds.  they're all nice and pretty and you can download them from their site as well!  A pretty nice thought from the artists, but that doesn't excuse the entirety of the animation!  So our camera floats up, oh look! Made by FlamingoRich, who would've guessed?

But yeah, we keep floating up until we see Rainbow Dash floating in the air.  Now this is where my bad vibes started to kick in.  Just like Obi Wan said "Master, I have a bad feeling about this"  Mostly because Rainbow Dash looks frikin EVIL.  And this is a constant theme throughout the whole movie, not just here.  she doesn't look mischievous, she doesn't look like she's about to pull a prank, she looks like she has just murdered a school full of orphaned blind puppies, and she's happy about it.  Maybe this is because she's stuck with one freaking facial expression the entire time she's floating up there next to her voice actor's name.  At least she blinks, something that many animators forget about.  Yes, ponies have animate eyes as well you guys.  But oh ho ho, here's a nice part for ya, we pan the camera up to Applejack looking frightened up there with Twilight.  Now take a closer look at AJ and how she moves.  Does she move? Oh wait! she blinks at the very first half a second that we see her.  That must mean tons of movement right?  NO.  She's practically static the rest of the time, an unchanging expression on her face (starting to notice a pattern here?) and just take a look at Twilight!  For pete's sake people, ponies didn't live in the age of jazz, their movements are not absolutely smooth in every way possible.  Twilight's arm does not move across her head organically, no, it glides across her head like it sprouted wings and was floating on a gentle breeze.  That is, if you even saw that at all.  The main thing was Twi's head looking up and down, and that had the exact same freaking problem.  Not only did was this inorganic, but it looked just plain silly!  

So we move onto Pinkie Pie.  Oh dear Luna don't even get me started on this mare.  Now, when you have a cartoon character, the point is to kind of make them look like you didn't just take a bunch of pictures and stack them together, but instead like you actually imitated motion.  So what's the problem here?  LOOK AT HER MOTHERBUCKIN HEAD!!!  Directly from a 3Q to a Profile view, and in the most awkward of ways.  Now you might be wondering "Well sky, what were they supposed to do?"  I'll tell you what you're supposed to do.  NOT THAT.  Instead, move the head like it's a head.  First, move the eyes and features across the face slowly when starting your transition, and then translate them along with the face when the symbol actually changes.  And pony heads don't even work like that to begin with!  Ponies don't move their heads from one strictly perfect view to the next! They are not mechanical figures and even robots can swivel their heads around instead of sharply cutting to a certain view.  But You'll see a perfect example a few seconds later.   So I can't really blame the puppet makers, because the animators actually show that they had the capability, the materials to create a proper head turn.  But for some reason they absolutely neglected to use the proper technique for Pinkie.  Because Apparently the character that solves the conflict in your plot line is just not important enough to have time spent animating on.  And to further that, it's one of the first bloody shots in the show!  Have you ever heard of first impressions?  Those actually have some sort of effect here you guys!  Well lets go on to see the quality increase slightly as we come into view with Fluttershy.  Wow, nice job FlamingoRich.  Fluttershy looks ok except for the fact that the top of her tail is more static than it should be, but we'll just let you pass on that one because I'm feeling generous.

Now here's where we see that the animators can turn heads properly I mean look at that Rarity!  Sure she's the prettiest pony around so she has to have the most glamorous animation, but I mean that is just the perfect example of what they should do and they totally passed it off.  Now there could be a little more bounce in the head turn if it were on another pony, but at least it's better than just flipping back and forth between two pictures PINKIE PIE.  Look, you don't even take the time to insert a simple 5/8 shot in between your 3/4 and your profile.  Just decided that we'd skip that step I guess.  A 5/8 shot isn't even that hard to make, you can just hide the back eye a little bit more with the nose and bring it closer to the face, and after moving the other eyes and ears and hair over a little bit, you're good!  You've got a transition!  Oh and don't even get me started on those transitions!  You know what this animation is absolutely lacking?  ZIP LINES!  they're those little thingies that go "shwooh" from side to side or when a character zips off scene and they just leave behind zip lines and a dust cloud.  Oh no, This thing had plenty of dust clouds.  You would think that Equestria would have had a global warming problem by the time this episode finished with all the smoke and dust that's been puffing around.  You'll see what I mean a little later on, but for now, lets just keep going.  Oh, nice sun by the way.  That circle gradient looks like it took a TON of work *sarcasm*  Now holy cow, it's orphan killing Rainbow dash again, and this time she looks like she's just finished slurping down a nice glass of kitten tears.  So she flies off into our gradient sun and then boom.  A double rain boom. 

Now the rainboom fire effects actually look rather nice.  But that's because you can just rip them from the Hub's website's Flash Resource kit.  I could make a quadruple Rainboom in a matter of seconds if I wanted to and I would really only have to use copy and paste.  So the rain booms?  not that impressive from an animator's perspective.

Alright, so turning about half a second in to the first scene, I see some pretty nice magic effects.  Like really, this is quite an accurate quality magic ya got going on here.  Not bad at all.  Oh so we zoom out to see Twilight staring at this vial, and everything is going fine so far.  No memes in the background, no overbearing lighting situations, nothing screwed up about the-- OH MY JESUS TWILIGHT'S HAIR!  Twilight Sparkle, what the bloody hell is going on?  Well multiple things, but they all happen in your bloody hair.  First of all, it's way too close to your ear and it cuts off in the middle of nowhere.  But then OH DEAR LUNA WHAT IN DISCORD'S GOOD NAME IS GOING ON HERE???  Your hair looks like it's something out of Predator.  It frikin flips itself on it's own without any help from you at all, and then continues over to the other side.  Ya know, a normal problem with animators in the pony world is that their hair is too static.  No, not here.  It's like club Pinkie all up in that mare's hairspray.  Onto the next part though, We see Twilight happily looking at her potion when what the heck?  Twilight, your freaking eye just jumps!  I mean, I can appreciate the animators trying to do what I said before with moving the whole face instead of just switching from one symbol to the next, but what the heck is this???  You Sure did remember to turn the eye, but you kind of forgot about, like, everything else.  Oh now here's the best part though, Twilight is focusing on her potion thingy and is locked in concentration when Rainbow Dash rudely interrupts with "What's up?"  So then what does Twilight do?  Well if you pay attention it looks like Twilight slowly has a heart attack, freezes in place, and then falls over.  Because you know, Ponies get scared that way *SARCASM*  So how would ponies get scared?  MOTHERBUCKING ZIP LINES!!!!  twilight would have probably jumped up in to the air, off screen, with zip lines and dust where she used to be.  So for those of whom don't know how ponies get scared, well you do now.

Anyway, aside from Ponies not being ponies.  Tell me about first impressions.  What do you know about first impressions?  Would it be a good first impression if Rainbow Dash started speaking like a 6 year old girl for her very first line in the movie?  I don't think so!  It's a given that they couldn't get RD's actual voice actor on their, but please try to sound a bit more grown up when imitating a girly pony.  Ok, now that did sound off, but honestly the voices were not all that great.  I couldn't really complain, but if you look everywhere else on the internet, then you'll find that they're complaining about it.  So that's a bad score for voice acting, but I'm willing to forgive.  Everyone has a different voice after all.

Oh but hey, let's not focus on rainbow's audio, let's check out what's going on with her freaking head.  It looks like it's a metronome or something with the way it so smoothly rotates back and forth to say the simple word "Sup"  I mean, yes you'll have head movement when you speak, but your head isn't going to be slammed against the back of the wall because your MIGHTY 6 year old voice projects a single word.  Now let's take a look at her reaction to Twi's very slow heart attack.  Our sick and twisted Rainbow Dash looks rather interested in her friend's drawn out death.  And guess what?  her head is still on a pendulum.  Yes it swings smoothly back again at Twilight's dying reaction.

So then Rainbow catches the vial as it falls, I might have a problem if I wanted to look closer at it, but forget that.  Let's look at Twilight as she pops out of her book pile.  Ok, so not bad with the little rolling eyes part, but then she just flips out.  I mean this mare just takes all hell out on our rainbow friend.  She just flips her arms like crazy all because RD said hello.  You would think that she would have been confused right?  She asked a question "What are you doing here?"  Not "Rainbow Dash HELP!" or any other exclamatory sentence.  So yeah, twilight's character is pretty much WAAAAAAAAAAY out of whack.  But that's not even where our characterization problems begin people.  No.  Look at freaking Rainbow Dash.  The element of Loyalty indeed.  This mare has got to be discorded or something I swear.  After giving her friend a painfully slow stroke, does she even say sorry?  Does she say are you okay Twilight?  Does she say "here, let me help you" Like she does in the very first  episode of the very first season?  NO.  No a million times.  Instead we have a Dashie who says "I snuck in."  In her rude orphan killing 6 year old voice.  So then we see Twilight walk from the book pile and shake Rainbow off of the vial.  Well, hey.  that was actually pretty good.  Not bad you guys that actually looked relatively natural.

But then, let me tell you about Rainbow's head.  Ok this is the last time I'm going to talk about this particular part of Rainbow Dash, but still, your hair is a freaking trampoline and your face has more tweening than I have ever thought possible.  just look at the smoothness of the face as it moves up and down when Dash pops up.

So that's the final verdict on Dash's head.  Anyway, let's move on.  Then we see twilight looking at her vial again when Rainbow pipes up with "What are you doing anyways"  Well for some freaking reason, Twilight Sparkle just about pops with fear.  It's like she had just watched SAW or something and was on edge about everything.  I mean, she knew Rainbow Dash was in the room with her at the time, why the heck are you going to flip out again?  Oh here's something else I forgot to mention.  TWILIGHT SPARKLE SHAVE YOUR FREAKING EYEBROWS.  We see WAY too much going on with twi's facial expressions throughout the whole  Luna forsaken animation, as she has marks under her eyes, Eyebrows, closed eyelids, and eyelashes all at the same time in some parts.  NO.  Ponies are not that complex you guys! They do not need all facial indicators all of the time.  Just chill out Twilight.

Now speaking of chilling out for twilight sparkle, Look at how after she says that some pony keeps ruining her concentration, Rainbow Dash actually says sorry.  OMG you guys, the 7 colored jerk has just apologized for something, alert the frikin media.  Seriously, if you were going to make her look like a totally mean and heartless soul devourer you should have at least kept consistent with this character build.  So moving on, Rainbow dash makes the most awkward landing on the floor.  She kind of tilts forward and backward, and she lands completely straight-hooved, I mean I'm sorry DR, but I can't fix that one for ya. 

So the potion explodes, and whaddya know?  More smoke.  Yes thank you, I believe we recognize that Equestria's pollution level is already way above the norm.  Now just what happens with twilight and Rainbow after the smoke clears, do they cough or anything? no, but I'll get on to that point later, just remember that.  But more importantly, Rainbow's nose is just ridiculous when she gets up from the ground.  Oh sorry, wasn't supposed to get on to the Dash face anymore.  I'll remember that from now on.

So here's the load of crap that has everybody turned on from all corners of the web, the troll face in the smoke.  I can't really hit on it aside from, why was this necessary again?  Anyway, moving on.

Well talk about feeding the TwiDash shippers here, in every single view from this scene we have Twilight and Rainbow Dash all comfy with each other.  But no, let me tell you the problem.  Every single camera cut, they are in a different position.  One part, Rainbows head is over Twilight's, the next its to the left, and then they seem to be really close together on one part, like lolwut?  but then the troll face goes back into the bottle and that part of the trouble ends.

Now, what the hell happens next, I can only explain with one word: tween.  Tween here, Tween there, Tweening happens everywhere.  It was just so incredibly slow, it was painful.  Rainbow dash's face tweened in it's skew, oh wait, not supposed to talk about that.  And Twi's hooves were just smoothly running across the screen like there was no such thing as bounce in animation.

Oh but hang on, remember how I was talking about how no pony coughed when there was smoke?  Well guess what? NOW she decides to cough, and that's after the smoke has completely disappeared.  Like, Wtf is this?  I guess the Equestrian residents have gotten used to having so much smoke in their lungs, that clean air actually makes them cough instead? I don't know.  It's just messed up.

Oh, and then Rainbow Dash completely ignores Twilight's safety again.  The thing is though, that Twilight actually recognizes it!  You guys! twilight has finally figured out that Rainbow is a jerk! congratulations.  Twilight you get 1 point to help counteract against the negative 73 points you've acquired so far.  Good Job.

Now, rainbow's wondering what the vial is was actually pretty well animated and it seemed pretty dang show accurate as well.  Good job.

Now here's a part that really takes the cake for twilight sparkle.  It just absolutely finishes her off for me.  Rainbow somehow really really surprises her when she asks the question: "Does it make you invisible."  THE UNICORN GOES FLYING!  I mean it's like she just realized how many memes there were in this thing.  She was scared out of her cartoon skin I mean really.  They need Twilight to really just calm down here.

So then after our little scream from Twilight, we have, oh I don't know.  rainbow dash just asks a simple question.  What's Twi's response?  NOOOO ITS NONE OF THOSE THINGS!!!!  I must admit though, that she has a very nerdy voice to match her character.  It still isn't twilight sparkle's voice, but it certainly is annoying enough to be fitting.

So then this next scene Drags on for EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR.  And we get to seeing that twilight doesn't have a clue what her potion does right? RIGHT? Keep that in mind.

Why?  Because not more than ten seconds later does she say that its a talent enhancer potion.  And not more than two minutes before hand does she say that she's been working on this potion since she was little.  Like, wut?

So then it goes on to the felt animation and I ain't even gonna touch that.  They said it would be show accurate, so I was wondering just why they were using all this felt filler in this part, but OH WAIT HOLD ON A SEC. Now there have been tons of people who have been getting on to me about "Well it's just a fan made project, it's pretty good for a fan made project, blah blah blah"  Well guess what?  The main problem of mine is FALSE ADVERTISING.  They stated "100% show accurate animation"  and this is nowhere close!  I mean, I have picked up a greater attention to detail than most because of my reviewing animations for a while now, but 100% means 100%.  Not any of this crap about Twilight's freaking hair.  So if they want to claim that it's 100%, then I'll review it like it's 100%.

With that in mind, lets take a look at this felt part.  No not the animation, I won't kill that.  But the amount of obvious references are over 9000.  Just look at those pony designs rarity puts out.  Honestly! Ok so first there's aang from avatar.  Then we see star fire from teen titans (that was a good show) and then… I don't even want to… Yes, Rich puts himself in again.  Just to make sure we know that he was a part of this.  Thanks Zach, we know you did something.  In all honesty I shouldn't be that focused on it, but he puts it out there so many times.  It's hard not to talk about it.

So yes, references galore.  But pay attention to the voice.  It's like there's a question mark at the end, but there definitely shouldn't be.  It's Twilight Sparkle, she doesn't need to question herself.  It especially get's old when we get to Pinkie Pie.


Oh dear lord.  Twilight wondering about Pinkie.  Does it really take her that long to realize that Pinkie will get even more partiful than before?  Like come on, You're a freaking alicorn princess now, do you think you could at least try to look like you know what you're doing?  And if  you do wonder what would happen to Pinkie, STOP FREAKING THE HELL OUT.  YOU SAID IT AT THE END OF THE FINALE, WHY ARE YOU SO EXCITED? STAHP.


And I've got some more stuff to do with you Twilight, When Rainbow drank that potion, you teleported up to her to tackle her, pinned her on the floor, face planted against the floor, and just freaked the heck out.  Chill.  And OMG that voice when you said "I should have known you would drink it"

That voice.  I quite so, at that very moment, considered taking my headphones off, and walking on over to Mordor so that I could drop them into Mt. Doom or whatever and watch them burn.  Next would be my ears, so that I no longer had to hear such a thing again.  Then, would be my laptop and all of any source of contact that I had with the outside world.  I would live alone in Mordor for the rest of my life.  Have a nice time with Sauromon.  I hear he doesn't talk much though, so we'll just play chess.  I like chess.


But continuing from the whininess of our dearly beloved sparkle, we see now that Twilight strains Dash up with some cords putting them on her face, her chest, her wings, her wings… her… wings…

Oh no

Oh dear Celestia tell me it isn't so.

No, I must be dreaming, a hallucination of some sort.


No.  That is not ok.  I don't care how you define it, that is not acceptable by any possible means. Rainbow's wings look,,, I don't even know.  They are simply just little 4 year old drawings of what a potato might look like if it were hung out on a line and started melting or something.  IT IS NOT OK.  No.  You have no feathers on your wings, and that is not an excusable thing by any possible means.  I can't cut anybody any slack on this because this is nowhere near an Ice cream snuggles and it looks like the most awkward thing ever.  Please, for the sake of humanity somebody fix this somehow.  Please, someone, anyone, just fix it.

Moving on from our multicolored monstrosity, animations alright for a bit.  We do like that paper that constantly folds together and actually gathers up.  That's nice.  An ok attention to detail there. Except for Twilight's hair.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………………..

So then there's more smoke clouds.  Who would've guessed right?

So then the pre-flight scene was also ok.  Besides ya know, Rainbow's wings looking like potatoes on occasion.  But whatever.  Now here's the part that really got me.  Applejack's Open/Closed sign.  Oh no no no no no….  Just please Double Rainboom, explain to me again why you decided to 3D rotate the thing? It looks oh so out of place when a Flash 2D Object gets rotated as a 3D object.  You use 3D for Timberwolves, A. Because they're special, B.  Because they don't change from 2D to 3D like you've done here, and C.  They actually serve a foreground purpose.  If the main focus of the scene was the sign, I might have been ok, but it was about Applejack and Rainbow dash.

So now Derpy's muffin comes along, and this is actually a nice joke.  Her arms were a bit stiff though, and oh dear lord that muffin out line.  It was a thick dark dark brown.  Ugh, it's just… I don't know.  You would just expect for the muffin to be at least accurate is all I'm saying.

Pinball RD was kind of funny as well, but we see an even greater example of overpowering the memes here.  Not cool you guys.  Oh but wait, the chicken scootaloo.  I take back what I said before, NOW you've overdone the memes.  Snowflake was kinda funny but not really necessary at all, and we get a good time just spent looking at his face for whatever reason, but overall the problem with the flight scene is the enormous amount of time it took to cover it.  Rainbow Dash is supposed to be fast, so why did we have so many meme fillers in her flight?  Beats me, but I'll digress on that one.  Next when Twi says "this is bad"  I just can't stop mentioning her hair again.  You guys, Pony hair is supposed to be a more of a loose rubber substance except for that one scene from the "I wasn't prepared for this" song.  Twi's mane does not sexily flow in the wind every time she takes a step forward, but instead should spring just the tiniest itsyest bit.  Granted that again, animators do tend to forget about the pony hair more often than not, and it's nice to see that there is much more thought put into it, but still it's too much thought.

Oh and then the Domo moon.  Gee did people freak out about that.  But what was really interesting was the fact that you've got some sound in space.  Granted it's a children's television show, but it doesn't exactly add the greets effect.

So then rainbow flies and junk, but MY FREAKING GOD ITS TWILIGHT AGAIN.  "Rainbow dash you have to slow down, no pony has ever gone this fast before.  TWILIGHT.  JUST SHUT UP.  Your voice is making me want to listen to Rebecca Black, and I can assure you it would be better than this.  Not to mention your motion is way way way too intricate, which you really get to see is Rich's style.  It's just part of him to animate things so intricately.  Dude, ponies are not jigsaw puzzles, you do not always have to have eyebrows, and Tweening does not solve everything.

And then there is the Double Rainboom.  It really doesn't focus so much on the rain boom itself as it does it's effects on ponyville.  I mean, it does focus on it a bit more further after it initially hits, but I could have done with some slow motion at the very moment it happened.  And maybe some more exciting sound effects.  I don't know what it is about them, but they need to be about 20% cooler for something like a Double Frikin Rainboom.  And there we see Zachary Rich in the bathtub, yes, thank you Zach, we know that you made this.  And then there's the FlamingoRich logo flying around in the debris, again, we couldn't have done it without you zach, thanks for reminding us.

Next we have some 3d flash leaves, just why?  and Oh look, a delorean fire trail following behind rainbow Dash.  I'm pretty sure that they just wanted to show off their rainbow fire animation some more, so it doesn't really do all that much, but hey, at least they don't tween twilight's head like crazy, oh that's right, they do that in this scene too. 


Oh but here comes the good part.  And by good, I mean what the heck is going through this guy's brain.  So when rainbow dash is in her little inter dimensional tunnel (which I expected to be more than just a little swirly considering it was the result of double the speed of light or something) we see cut scenes from other Cartoon Network shows.  Well, when you said 100% show accurate animation, I didn't realize that you meant for other shows as well.  I mean, sure I loved old cartoon network shows, but did you think that it was really the best plot turn to have for a fan made episode?  "Lets call it 100% show accurate animation, but change shows in the middle of it.  Nobody will ever complain about that right?"  So after this point, the plot was ridiculous and the writing for the voices was just so… generic.  It's like you could have switched around the three power puff's dialogue scripts and nobody would have noticed.  There was one time when Bubbles was cuddling rainbow dash, but overall these power puff girls seemed extremely rude and grabby.  You would think that Blossom would be intelligent one and instead of "hey lets keep the newly found creature as our eternal pet!"  She would have thought it out a bit more.  No.  Instead, the power puff girls turned out to be meaner than our kitten killing Dashie over here.  Bubbles dropped the freaking dog into the Garbage and just forgot about him.  Like, the hell was that for?

So the plot is definitely not a shining star in this thing as has been established before.  The solution to the incredibly shortly built conflict was solved just as quickly as it had begun, with Pinkie appearing out of her inter dimensional warp zipper.  Now did I forget to mention RD's scream of surprise as well?  It didn't sound very surprised to me, just like she was yelling for the sake of doing so.  But I've already complained about such a thing enough, so I'll leave it at a 5/10 for voice acting, being generous.

Also, facial expressions were a bit out of whack as we see Twilight do her little nose, wrinkly, thingy ma bop a few too many times.  

But then, we have Rainbow say "Yeah, get spike," which I'm sure came around for all of us as "Get spike to clean this up"  which would make rainbow even more of a jerk, but no.  Luckily it was just to write a letter. 


Then There's the letter to Celestia.  My God.  This could've been better thought out by the same four year old who designed Rainbow's potato wings.  Well to start of she addresses it to princess Celesty, which I'm pretty sure, no matter what legal system you live under, is not the way to address someone of royalty.  Also, we see bon bon and some other ponies helping to fix up ponyville, but it's really awkward because they look like they have no purpose.  Bon Bon is just sitting there holding out a wrench for Lyra on the roof, and we see another pointless snowflake just chilling around, but I guess that's what he usually does anyway.  


And then came all of the worst things for me.  No.  When Pinkie said Snozzberries, I had just about had it with everything and everyone.  It was like listening to all of the helpless creatures that Rainbow dash had slaughtered in a unanimous chorus, and it wasn't the word, just the way she said it. "SnozzBerries"  Then there was Twilight's hoof in the same scene, Oh somebody help these poor animators.  This part was actually slightly more so the puppet riggers' fault because they gave them almost no position that would have fit, but aside from that it looks like Sparkle's wrist could have been used as a lethal weapon.


But the big problem with Celesty's letter, was the lesson that was learned.  "I won't steal" Like none of the plot even revolved around that, nor did it build up to that moment.  If anything, the lesson was to,  I can't even come up with one! maybe not use inter dimensional time travel?  Well, anyway, that would've been more fitting than I shouldn't have stolen stuff.


Oh looks like we still have some credits to go through though.  Let's start out with ZACHARY MUTHERBUCKIN RICH. We understand dude.  You even have your own logo framed above your fireplace, just so that you could renind yourself about who you were.  We get it.  Trust us.  Nice upside down thesaurus though, it really adds some class.  We look through the credits and again I can't comment on the felt anime. But as for some of the people in there, Meredith sims did a rather good job if you ask me and possibly David Larsen was alright, their backgrounds were good too, and their jokes were funny about twice.  But I was certainly put under false advertising through this entire thing as it rose up from the start.  This thing was hyped to the moon and back, flooded with references, choppy, er, no, too smooth with animation, lesser quality with voice acting, and mostly dominated by the music.  I'm working on a full length movie with accurate style animation, and I was worried that Double Rainboom would far outclass me and I would be totally underscored.  Well, at least I can say that I am no longer worried whatsoever about that.  


So overall my rating would be a 6/10 at most.  Like most people argue, it is just a fan project.  So in the end we can't complain to any professional animators or voice actors about the thing.  But it was extremely hyped up and that plot… oh dear.  I'd have to say my least favorite part was whenever Twilight was on the screen, and my favorite part was at 29:31.  Ten seconds after it had finished and I had the opportunity to rant about it.  Now I'm sure some people will fight to the death to side with me, and some will Pinkie Promise to oppose me forever, but there really isn't any need to care about this at all.  Maybe if it had been an actual episode you could say that "the fandom is doomed" or whatever you people say, but this was just as much of a side project as anything, so it shouldn't really be life or death argued about.  There's really no reason to keep complaining about it if its just something made for school and fun (says the hypocritical brony) so if you really hate it, then it would be best to just ignore it.  And if you really loved it, well you can express your opinion for all I care, just don't call me out when I agree.  In the end, it was something nice to keep us going until season 4, but nothing nearly as major as they claimed for it to be.

Edited by Rainbow Skywalker


Signature by Azura

みぞれ 恋人 (:

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The first half of the episode was *great*.  Loved it.  In fact, I think it was better than some episodes in Season 3, to be honest.  One of the things I like in animation is the details- quirky little gags, character expressions, and whatnot, and this had loads of them.  I loved the animation when Twilight explained what the potion would do for each pony, or the knock to the head underping Derpy's eyes, and the second one re-derping them, or the sign on Applejack's stand swinging to "closed" as RD flew by.  There's so much to enjoy in those little details ( and I'm not talking about shout outs to memes and whatnot)that I couldn't help but love what I saw. 


But then... what the hell, Powerpuff Girls crossover?  I enjoyed it as I was watching it, but in retrospect I wish they went for a more consistent storyline.  Still, it's overall strong enough for me to more than heartily recommend it.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 3 months later...

 Doulbe Rainboom has some flaws, but it isn't terrible. Besides they guy had the freedom to do whatever he wanted AND he probably thought "Ok just do some fan-pandering from an awesome cartoon and graduate" which in my opinion he did great, but in terms of plot and character development it felt flat. If I could change something would be the ending: the PPG keep RD as a pet but realize she is unhappy and decide to help her acchieve a Double Rainboom by combining their speed, thus the 4 of them end up in Equestria. The PPG help rebuild Ponyville and in return twilight makes a portal to Townsville.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm not sure if this has already been discovered, but it appears that Double Rainboom has a portion of Gen 3 in it - in the form of "Whenever There's A Rainbow" which plays when Rainbow Dash flies through the air at ~13:55.

Feel free to call me the one who hears things, but it's really similiar, in my opinion.

Here's a flashy nonsense comparison video of mine: Youtube link.

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