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Apple      Bloom

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Her maid outfit is pretty cute too ~nya!





Don't do this to me, my heart can't handle it!!! I swear neko mimi and maid in one out fit...please I'm dying!!!


Edited by T.K.


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Don't do this to me, my heart can't handle it!!! I swear neko mimi and maid in one out fit...please I'm dying!!!


haha xD. She has some pretty awesome fan art too, no?



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Am I the only one who's unreceptive to anime?

Nah man, anime is like ponies, it isn't for everyone and if it's fine if you don't like it...as long as no one's waifus get insulted, then there is a problem.

haha xD. She has some pretty awesome fan art too, no?



Can i have a link to that please, I need it...*whimpers*



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Nah man, anime is like ponies, it isn't for everyone and if it's fine if you don't like it...as long as no one's waifus get insulted, then there is a problem.

Let me rephrase that question: Am I the only who doesn't get it?



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Let me rephrase that question: Am I the only who doesn't get it?

No you aren't the only one who doesn't get it. Everyone in my school except for the 20 or so people in my school's anime club understand anime. Though lately it has evolved into more of a mixed nerd club, We have CCG players, otakus, Bronies, Whovians, Homestuck fans, gamers, furries, and all other manner of social rejects. Though many of the members fall into at least 2 of those categories.


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No you aren't the only one who doesn't get it. Everyone in my school except for the 20 or so people in my school's anime club understand anime. Though lately it has evolved into more of a mixed nerd club, We have CCG players, otakus, Bronies, Whovians, Homestuck fans, gamers, furries, and all other manner of social rejects. Though many of the members fall into at least 2 of those categories.


Do I have a right to be scared, though?



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Why are the questions becoming more obscure as we go?

Because I believe that people should think for themselves rather than be told by others!

Why are the questions becoming more obscure as we go?

I have a question what scares you about anime?


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Wait a mofucking second....


You guise posted Kuroneko and didn't fucking tell me?!


You bastards! ;~;

It's a long story...

Stop being so scurred, Ganny. Go watch you some animu and see if you like it, brah.


Im betting you won't cause i can just tell that most arent you're kind of thing at all.

  • Brohoof 1


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Wait a mofucking second....


You guise posted Kuroneko and didn't fucking tell me?!


You bastards! ;~;

Oh, I'm sorry :C Here, have some more Kuroneko. :3





  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, I'm sorry :C Here, have some more Kuroneko. :3

Yuss, your offer pleases me!


I shall make sure that thou are prosperous for a time for this.



Also, holy shit i forgot how down right beautiful she was since i watched that show.

  • Brohoof 1


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Behold, The Constitution of Bronydom by me ^^ Hope you all enjoy it ^^ Hope this dosen't bother you guys.



We The Bronies and Pegasisters of Equestria and The World form a more perfect Fandom for Love, Tolerance, Friendship, Tranqulity, and Justice. We Secure the Blessings of Individual Liberties, Free-Thought,Uniqueness and Friendship, and We herby in the Name of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and The Power of Friendship, Establish this Constitution of Bronydom of Equestria and The World.

{Article 1: Bill of Rights of Equestria and The World}

The Mane Six Amendments

Amendment 1
Everypony shall have the Individual Rights of Free-Thought, Opinions, Speech, Religion, Sexuality, Lifestyle, and Being Unique without Laying Phyiscal or Mental Harm to each other in Bronydom.

Amendment 2 
The Rights of Privacy shall not be infringed! Everypony shall also have the Rights of Classifed Thoughts and Statements to be shared to each other without Exposing any to The World, only if they feel Comfortable to do so. It shall be done via Real Life, Phones, and Intenet.

Amendment 3
Everypony shall have the Rights of Expressing their Fandom-styles in Bronydom with The Show. Either its with Violence, Peace, or any Content in the Bronydom with The Show as long as No Harm is laid on Anypony else.

Amendment 4
We shall have the Rights of Non-Stop Fun and  Humanitarian Services in Bronydom.

Amendment 5
Everypony Shall have the Rights of Questioning Everything, Breaking Away from and Challenging Stereotypes, Age and Gender Roles and Being Unique without laying Physical or Mental Harm

Amendment 6
Everypony shall use Violence in only means of Self-Defense and Defense of the Innocent ones around them via Martial Arts, Pysical Defense and Weaponry, including Firearms. Senseless Violence will not be acceptable.

{Article 2: Humanitarian and Fun Services}

The Morones Humanitarian Amendment:
Everypony shall have the Rights of following Humanitarian Deeds for the Needy of the World.
1. Donate Food, Money,Clothing, and Fun Accessories to the Needy.
2. Conserve and Protect The Environment
3. Protect Animals from Abuse, Poachers, and All kinds of Cruelity.
4. Travel to do Charity Works 
5. Give Comfort, Encouragement, Love and Tolerance to The People who feel Different from Others and Looked Down Upon.

Fun Services Amendment
1. Everypony shall have The Right of Fun Expression via Fan-Fiction, Videos, Fan-Animations, Memes, Fan-Art and Creative Services to the People

2. Everypony shall have the Right of Making Music related for the show for Everypony to enjoy.

3. Everypony shall also do activites as Brony Meetups, Trading Cards, Games, and lots more Fun Activities that promotes the Fandom and Friendship between Everypony.

{Article 3: The Morones Problem-Solving and Special Needs}

1. When somepony accuses other of Mis-Deeds, to prove the Innocence or Guilt, the situation must be investigated Logically and Scientifically.

2. When somepony(ies) within the Fandom is/are Injured, Ill, Lacks Confidence or other special needs need met, we shall help to meet those needs for those in need within the Bronydom.

3. If there's a Domestic Conflict(s) between Bronies, Pegasisters or Anypony else either Mentally or Physcially either in Real-Life, On Phone, or Internet, This Matter needs to be taken seriously to avoid any senseless Violence or Hatred towards One Another.

4. (The Morones Rule) If Bronies,Pegasisters or AnyPony else are Bullied within the Fandom because of their love for the Show and either had talks, thoughts, or attempted suicide or any self-harm, this matter has to be taken seriously and instantly! Give Donation Funds and Gifts to Bronies and Pegasisters who are in Depression or Medical Care either suicide or self-harm was attempted. Also address the Anti-Bullying messages as well without encouraging Senseless Violence. Also give good Special Attention to Bronies and Pegasisters until they make Full Recovery, give them Encouragement to be Stronger and Prouder as Bronies and Pegasisters regardless of close-minded judgments made by the nay-sayers.

{Article 4: Purposing Amendments and Articles}

When Purposing New Amendments and Articles to this Constitution, The Signers of this Constitution shall take a Vote for a Amendment and Article to be Accepted or Rejected from it. The Votes shall be Yeas and Nays. The Voting Time Period shall be the Mane 6 days.

As We The Bronies and Pegasisters embrace our Individualities, We Continue to Flourish the Message of Love, Tolerance and Friendship among the World and Continue our Humanitarian and Non-Stop Fun Services we Provide to Bronydom and the World. By Signing this Consitution shows your great support for the Cause and Message for Being Unique, Embracing your Natural Rights, and Spreading Love, Tolerance, Justice and Friendship to the World, as We do so in the Name of Celestia, Luna, and The Power of Friendship. This Consitution shall never be Null and Void and will forever Secure the Liberties of Bronies and Pegasisters, and Declare ourselves to be Free and Independent Unique Human Beings, and Dissolved All Alliegence to Gender and Age Roles, and Stereotypes. May the Bronydom Flouish Love and Tolerance and the Power of Friendship upon this World, In Celestia's and Luna's Name.
Signers of the Constitution:
Princess Celestia, Princess Luna
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Candance,
Prince Shining Armor
Mane 5:
Pinkie Pie, Applejack
Rarity, Rainbow Dash
Citizens of Equestira:
Mayor Mare
Spike, Applebloom, Sweete Belle, Scootaloo,Cheerilee,  Mr.Cake, Mrs.Cake, DJ-Pon-3, Octavia, Berripunch, Bon-Bon, Lyra, Colgate Minutte, Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, Braeburn,Filthy Rich, Daisy, Lily Valley, Rose, Dr.Hooves. Nurse Redheart, Doctor, Lotous Blossom, Ace, Golden Harvest, Blossomforth, Hoity Tioty, Photo Finish, Fancypants, Sapphire Shores, Jetset, Upper Crust, Bulk Biceps, The Wonderbolts, Flitter, Stormwalker, Thunderlane, Babseed, Twist, Snips and Snails, Pipsqueak, Featherweight, Matilda,Cranky Donkey, Chief Thunderhooves, Little Strongheart, Iron Will, Gustave Le Grand, Mulia Mild, Donut Joe, Zecora, Daring Do, Ms. Harshwinny, Steven Magnet, Discord, Trixie, 

D  E   R    P   Y    H      O  OV         E  S
Bronies and Pegasisters:

Author: Stevenator-20xx (Steve-a-Sketch)

(IF you wish to sign this Constitution, please comment "SIGNS IT", hope you all like it ^^)

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What do you work as? :3

A goddamned blue-blooded, patriotic, door-kicking, gunslinging, brass-balled, Infantry, freedom delivery man.



Or, y'know...I'm in the army :P


MLPforums resident marksman. Mathlete/Badass MC

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Stop being so scurred, Ganny. Go watch you some animu and see if you like it, brah.


Im betting you won't cause i can just tell that most arent you're kind of thing at all.


Here's the worst part: I think I just foregone the chance to get a flu shot and now I'm suffering.


Behold, The Constitution of Bronydom by me ^^ Hope you all enjoy it ^^ Hope this dosen't bother you guys.

How coincidental; we're learning that again.



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