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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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Really :/ how soo??


Typhoid Libby took over. Everyone got paranoid about spamming because someone mentioned it, and now people are trying to avoid "spam" as much as possible (That is IF I described the story right).


Quite silly. Speaking of silly, Crona, being a good kiddo, decided to remake the Random Thread so that the serious people won't bitch and moan about "spammers" here.

Edited by spas-ticShotty
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Try imagining being dragged by something unworldly through a portal. You tried kicking and screaming for help, but it won't help.


Deep inside you know, that once you got past that portal, it's all over. You will be tortured eternally to fuel a dying God of the Imperium


Your hand found a small handgun. You tried shooting the monster, but all the bullets simply bounced off from its grotesque armor. After a few shot, you whimpered, you aimed the gun's barrel to your head.


As the monster tossed you like a rag doll to the portal, you heard a faint click of the gun's clicking empty


And then there was pain


Jesus fuck, you could write a grimdark fic off of that idea


Anyway, I gotta go now. Booyah!




Have a nice day/night

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So pretty much everyone has now moved to that random chat thread?


I'd say more or less.


Well, anyone that wants to be a little bit silly probably did. This thread is practically for the (Somewhat) serious people (I say somewhat since a little silly is added here and there, but it's nothing like the good 'ol days)

Edited by spas-ticShotty
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Jesus fuck, you could write a grimdark fic off of that idea


It already exists.


Emperor of Mankind demands thousands of souls daily to light the Holy Astronomicon, a kind of lighthouse that allows faster than light travel in his Imperium by providing a certain and immovable waypoint in the Warp, and to sustain him on his Golden Throne.

He is alive in death and can only sustain himself and the Astronomicon thru the souls of Psykers.


That's what happens to those poor souls that get sent to Black Arks, huge black spaceships that gather the weak Psykers who may be a threat to the Imperium by allowing Daemons to pass to the material from warp.

Psykers see with their mind as much with their eyes, Black Arks are made out of materials that blind them to the warp and are crewed by "Soulless", a rare mutation of that does not register their minds in the warp at all and blanket the powers of those who can.

It will be utter darkness to Psykers inside those ships.

And they are subjected to Pain Harnesses as pain prevents them from focusing their powers should they be strong enough to pierce the hulls and the effect of the Soulless.


Every Psyker is a bright light of emotions to the Daemons and draws them in like moths to a flame.

And the Psykers, unlike those without that genetic mutation can hear those Daemons.

Should the Daemons get a foothold in a Psyker by lies, truths and promises of power, then, sooner or later they will bend that Psyker to their will and thousands of them will pour into the Material realm as the Psyker is mutated into a grotesque warp portal made out of flesh.


Strong ones may undergo gruelling training and eventually be allowed to be Soulbinded to Emperor.

Soulbinding means constant pain, blindness and 90% never survive it as the Soulbinding destroys those not strong enough to feed the Astronomicon.

Edited by Typhoid Libby
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I'd say more or less.


Well, anyone that wants to be a little bit silly probably did. This thread is practically for the (Somewhat) serious people (I say somewhat since a little silly is added here and there, but it's nothing like the good 'ol days)


Do we really want to be labeled as super cereal all the time? I mean, we're not like having philosophical debates or anything


Edit: Oh god, I broke 600 brohoofs... I'm so popular

Edited by bluetrace
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Do we really want to be labeled as super cereal all the time? I mean, we're not like having philosophical debates or anything


Eh, I think he's just about being a bit buthurt about the whole thing than actually thinking that.

Shotty did join when spam festing was allowed.


Just go with it and respect other posters who are having a discussion seems the best way.


Edit: Oh god, I broke 600 brohoofs... I'm so popular


You did not, you were even.

Now you did.

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Eh, I think he's just about being a bit buthurt about the whole thing than actually thinking that.

Shotty did join when spam festing was allowed.


I don't think he's butthurt... Maybe just reminiscing


You did not, you were even.

Now you did.


I just anticipated that you would do that

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Same thing.


I don't typically get butthurt when I think back to good times, but sure.


Good call.


I'll always know your next move.


That being said, I will now go to bed (lol, rhyme). It's 3:11 am, not a healthy time to stay up till

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UGH, I feel horrible :(

I ate WAAAY too many Little Cesar's pizzas and I am now feeling their wrath X(

It is NOT a good feeling :(

I feel like I am gonna explode in the next few seconds X__X



I need to learn self control :/

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UGH, I feel horrible :(

I ate WAAAY too many Little Cesar's pizzas and I am now feeling their wrath X(

It is NOT a good feeling :(

I feel like I am gonna explode in the next few seconds X__X



I need to learn self control :/


after reading at your post my signature crashed at very best moment...


this is Sparky reaction to your post:



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something tells me I have a bit of OCD





I'm not quite sure though


Becareful not to get raped by errbody in here now. Apparently anything not discussed for more than three to four posts is spam. ;)


And I don't know about OCD as much as you like to stare at yourself. :lol:

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Becareful not to get raped by errbody in here now. Apparently anything not discussed for more than three to four posts is spam.


As long as it's not interrupting anyone, or trying to sidetrack, it's fine.

No-one was posting, no reason to get pissy.


Damn you, now I can't claim that one as my idea :*


Yeah, and kinda get screwed over by GW.

They really hate peeps copying their shit.

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Simply said, if someone try to divert an existing discussion to something non-existent (continuously posting random stuff), it's a spam


A simple posting of something that just happened or a general idea about something when done more than a status update should be fine though.

Also, I place the job of telling Airi about having to move on you. Cause her posts here are exactly as you have explained multiple times.

Depends. Does he want to stay on that conversation for a while? If he changes topic every three or so posts, then it's a goddamn spam


Not so, good sir. It's not hard to run out of stuff to say on something you don't so much care for. Doesn't , or shouldn't, make them a spammer for just attempting (once, not a whole bunch of times) to get something they can actually discuss.

Of course, I don't try to change anything myself. If I run out of stuff then I might post whatever the hell is on my mind or what else I either cease posting or just add in my two bits where I can on whatever the hell is being discussed no matter what. Still wouldn't be a spammer though.


As long as it's not interrupting anyone, or trying to sidetrack, it's fine.

No-one was posting, no reason to get pissy.


Define interrupting. You can see and even reply to someone's post even if there are 100 pages in between, you can't exactly be interrupted on a forum.
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I really really need to read the OOC thread before post things on the roleplay thread Posted Image


Also, I place the job of telling Airi about having to move on you. Cause her posts here are exactly as you have explained multiple times.

She can move herself :c


Not so, good sir. It's not hard to run out of stuff to say on something you don't so much care for. Doesn't , or shouldn't, make them a spammer for just attempting (once, not a whole bunch of times) to get something they can actually discuss.

There is a good example just a few pages behind, someone tried to bring out a topic, but he keep changing his mind whenever someone replied to his posts :/


Such clusterfuck


They really hate peeps copying their shit.

Not if they can't find me! :P

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