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Apple      Bloom

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Hmmm...if you actually managed have Twilight like when she was trapped in the "ring of fire" by Chrysalis, showing our favorite bug queen all high and mighty, then Twilight all down...and suddenly insane Twilight, would that be possible? :huh: "Oh crap" face by Chrysalis is optional.

Ouch... Gif is a big no to me. I couldn't make anything that moves :x


Maybe that explains why my artificial humans are unable to smile

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Ouch... Gif is a big no to me. I couldn't make anything that moves :x


Maybe that explains why my artificial humans are unable to smile


yeah, forget about it. I think it'd be a great idea for a comic what I said though. I need to think of something simpler for a siggy...unfortunately, that is NOT my forte. Simple stuff ain't my forte. :lol:
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There not opposites, but they would work still, right? :P


Go Google the 7 virtues.

Any ideas for a good Twilight Sparkle signature?


What's with you and Twilight Sparkle now?
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Posted Image


I need to think of something simpler for a siggy...unfortunately, that is NOT my forte. Simple stuff ain't my forte. :lol:

Your current signature is very simple and eye-catching :U


What's with you and Twilight Sparkle now?

I... really like her mane? Posted Image

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Go Google the 7 virtues.



Your current signature is very simple and eye-catching :U

Why thank you! :blush: But it's a written siggy. I meant as a image siggy. Let's see...can I think of something simple that involves Twilight for a siggy?...Hmmm...well...if you liked cute stuff, maybe Twilight filly in her book fort would be nice, with a cool fond for the words "Book Fort Alpha is in position" or something like that. :)
  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, I got a new signature. If you've been paying attention, you might spot it.

Holy bloodbath, you can't be expecting us to refresh the page over and over :wacko:


How many siggy you got there?


Let's see...can I think of something simple that involves Twilight for a siggy?

I prefer image signature more than the text-based kind, it gives the eye something to catch :o


Bookfort... maybe I can make something out of it

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That's the first time in awhile I've actually slept due to boredom. I'm doing my best not to do that again, my drawing tablet is on it's way here. :D


Okay, I got a new signature. If you've been paying attention, you might spot it.


I really like the one with Pinkie, Trixie, and the Shadows of Doubt

  • Brohoof 1
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Holy bloodbath, you can't be expecting us to refresh the page over and over

Well, you refresh the page anyway.


How many siggy you got there?

11 so far.


Bookfort... maybe I can make something out of it

Want me to try my hand at it?
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I prefer image signature more than the text-based kind, it gives the eye something to catch :o


Bookfort... maybe I can make something out of it


Huh...I see...it makes sense I guess. It is a different impact though. It really depends on the tastes (you have to admit, that Gone Airbourne's siggy for Devious Detonation was completely badass :mellow: ).


And yeah...use all those comics that have Twilight filly and a book fort. Maybe you can work something with more ideas out of those.

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That's the first time in awhile I've actually slept due to boredom. I'm doing my best not to do that again, my drawing tablet is on it's way here. :D

You can always try to play some exciting simulation game, boredom won't bother you after that :P


Want me to try my hand at it?

I don't see why not :wacko:


But you might want to try to spend your time somewhere else, though. I'm not sure I'm willing to part with my new siggies yet :x

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That's the first time in awhile I've actually slept due to boredom. I'm doing my best not to do that again, my drawing tablet is on it's way here.

YAHOO! Congrats on your soon-to-be means of drawing Jinx! :D And hai! :)
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You can always try to play some exciting simulation game, boredom won't bother you after that :P

Boredom always bothers me, especially around the Holidays. Probably because my birthday is right around the corner, and getting older sucks.




Hello there, Arcy

Edited by Jinx
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But you might want to try to spend your time somewhere else, though. I'm not sure I'm willing to part with my new siggies yet :x

All you have to do is plug it into the rotator. And you only have 24. Waaaaaay less than the maximum of 500. You are using the same site as me, yes?


Just fill out an order form and I'll see how well I do.






  • Brohoof 1
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Posted Image


All you have to do is plug it into the rotator. And you only have 24. Waaaaaay less than the maximum of 500. You are using the same site as me, yes?

500 is wayyyyyy too much :wacko:


But I guess trying won't be so bad


Pony: Twilight Sparkle and Luna. The pose can be anything, but if possible both of them are standing together and smiling

Background: Somewhere like the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters in the Everfree Forest, with the night sky visible

Text: No text please

Other: Don't put too much details :x

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So, aside from boredom sleep (any sleep is good :lol: ), and in the eve of your drawing material, how's it going?


Nothing too especially grand, my sister and her husband were supposed to come over here tomorrow for Thanksgiving. My parents are both sick, mother with bronchitis, and father with pneumonia. Luckily I've just got a sore throat. Last year we had 15 people, this year was going to be 5, and now we're down to 3.

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Nothing too especially grand, my sister and her husband were supposed to come over here tomorrow for Thanksgiving. My parents are both sick, mother with bronchitis, and father with pneumonia. Luckily I've just got a sore throat. Last year we had 15 people, this year was going to be 5, and now we're down to 3.


...Well, crap. Where's Nurse Redheart when you need her? :( I hope your parents and you get well though. :)


And I think with that I'd better go to sleep. See you all GCT and have a good night of sleep! :D (Also, just because...YAHOO! 2000 POSTS IN HERE! YAY! ^_^ )

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Pony: Twilight Sparkle and Luna. The pose can be anything, but if possible both of them are standing together and smiling

Background: Somewhere like the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters in the Everfree Forest, with the night sky visible

Text: No text please

Other: Don't put too much details :x


Okay, just remember, I'm not peculiarly skill at this. And the fact that you don't want text or additional details make it look kinda barren to me.


Posted Image


  • Brohoof 1
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Would anybrony here watch it if they made "My Little Cephalopod?"

Posted Image


Okay, just remember, I'm not peculiarly skill at this. And the fact that you don't want text or additional details make it look kinda barren to me.

Barren signatures works perfectly fine with my current theme. Thanks a lot! :P

Not really sure when I could see it under my post, though. The Random Dice God hates me :c

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