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Apple      Bloom

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Oh god... It's true.




That, and I'm too goddamn self-conscious.


Is that talking about Celestia's glorious plot and its plotshots being most of her appearances?

Cause I never noticed that until pointed out.


Dammit. You gotta work on that.

Your parents do approve or at least don't care about you being a brony, right?

What else could they do to bother you?


This thread took a very weird turn, the drivers found themselves in Narnia, without any pants and out of gas


Posted Image


So they were driving.....into Narnia.....Which can only be found in a wardrobe....and somehow lost their pants along the way....


Seems legit.

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Is that talking about Celestia's glorious plot and its plotshots being most of her appearances?

Cause I never noticed that until pointed out.


Dammit. You gotta work on that.

Your parents do approve or at least don't care about you being a brony, right?

What else could they do to bother you?


It's gotten bigger and more defined in each season.


And my parents have no idea I'm a ponyfan.

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And my parents have no idea I'm a ponyfan.

Get a job, earn some cash, buy plushies


At least that's what I'm trying to do, until my parents demanded some money


Is that talking about Celestia's glorious plot and its plotshots being most of her appearances?

Most likely it's the perspective, or John Joseco managed to brainwash one of the staff behind the show :o

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Get a job, earn some cash, buy plushies

Pretty much this. I still haven't found a Lyra plush that I'm satisfied with for the price people want to sell them for.

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It's gotten bigger and more defined in each season.


And my parents have no idea I'm a ponyfan.



Me gusta.


and that's you're problem right there.

Like Weyland said, get job, save money, buy plushies, profit.


Most likely it's the perspective, or John Joseco managed to brainwash one of the staff behind the show :o


Ooooh I just not noticed that as well. :wacko:
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Posted Image


So, do those brohoofs mean that it's okay? No need to edit the banner I just made?

It's perfectly fine imo. Adding more details cam actually damage it.


Pretty much this. I still haven't found a Lyra plush that I'm satisfied with for the price people want to sell them for.

You can always try your local plushie maker, not those from ebays. You can get a good deal if you know where to look

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Get a job, earn some cash, buy plushies


At least that's what I'm trying to do, until my parents demanded some money


I plan on getting a job this coming summer. I'll be in that void between high school and college, so I'll have a lot of free time on my hands


But still, there's that whole self-conscious thing and me not wanting my parents/friends to know about this... Yeah, the guy who normally doesn't give a fuck is being overly self-conscious. Sue me. I can't help it, I just can't see myself buying a plush.


This seems to be getting in the way of a lot of things for me...

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But still, there's that whole self-conscious thing and me not wanting my parents/friends to know about this... Yeah, the guy who normally doesn't give a fuck is being overly self-conscious. Sue me. I can't help it, I just can't see myself buying a plush.

Says that a girl you like made it for you, and act all happy-as-fuck while you show it to your parents, done.


At least that's how I justified the figurine in my room, everyone believed it.

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I have no idea what's happening in our RP at the moment, but I think you might approve.



Okay, I'll read the latest and try to make a post in the morning. I meant to today, but I needed to clean the whole house and then have Thanksgiving.
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I'd have a plushie, not a picture.

Ok, so I won't lie, I would actually cuddle with a plushie while sleeping. But I'm sure most bronies would as well.


Aren't plushies made for cuddlin' ? I know I do.

Posted Image

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But still, there's that whole self-conscious thing and me not wanting my parents/friends to know about this... Yeah, the guy who normally doesn't give a fuck is being overly self-conscious. Sue me. I can't help it, I just can't see myself buying a plush.


This seems to be getting in the way of a lot of things for me...


Meh, pay it no attention.

If you can't help it then you just can't help it. So don't worry too much about it.

So long as its not getting in the way of something actually important.

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You can always try your local plushie maker, not those from ebays. You can get a good deal if you know where to look

Locally our little town has nothing to it. Maybe a larger city nearby, but I've never tried really searching around. It's not really on top of my list right now anyways.

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I have no idea what's happening in our RP at the moment


>no idea what's happening


That's the last thing everyone in any RP want to hear Posted Image


I really just want to know if the text works. Font, color, size, and content.

The content is fine, font is okay. Generally it's a 7.5/10

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Aren't plushies made for cuddlin' ?



Ummmmm.....they are..........

But not with a face or mouth motion like that......

Unless you're into that kind of thing....


*backs away slowly*

Edited by Hven
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Says that a girl you like made it for you


There's a problem with this plan already...


Meh, pay it no attention.

If you can't help it then you just can't help it. So don't worry too much about it.

So long as its not getting in the way of something actually important.


Being too self-conscious is getting in the way of things I want to do.

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Ummmmm.....they are..........

But not with a face or mouth motion like that......

Unless you're into that kind of thing....


*backs away slowly*


No, I'm not. Just wanted to be creepy and funny at the same time. :3

Posted Image

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That's like a C. Why that rating? Originality shouldn't be a factor here...

Seems like we have a different opinion in terms of rating :U

(even Jonke's sig could only get like 8.5 in my book)


Signatures doesn't have to be original. As long as it's pleasing to the eye, it already fulfilled its purpose


There's a problem with this plan already...

Gah, fine. Just say to your parents that you found the plushie from a crippled man on a Golden Throne which resides in a gigantic palace made of silver and titanium, who gave it to you because you bought him some cheeseburger

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There's a problem with this plan already...




Being too self-conscious is getting in the way of things I want to do.


How so?


Well, fix it for the really important things. But as far as a plushie goes, don't worry too much unless you just really want that plushie.

That's like a C. Why that rating? Originality shouldn't be a factor here...


Why shouldn't it?

No, I'm not. Just wanted to be creepy and funny at the same time. :3




lol I know, silly filly! :3


And the best part of that gif is when the person steps out of the box! :lol:


Gah, fine. Just say to your parents that you found the plushie from a crippled man on a Golden Throne which resides in a gigantic palace made of silver and titanium, who gave it to you because you bought him some cheeseburger




Evar! :D

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Okay, I'll read the latest and try to make a post in the morning. I meant to today, but I needed to clean the whole house and then have Thanksgiving.



No worries, Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family. Though it can be disconcerting when that time with family includes large amounts of cleaning.




There really hasn't been too much activity since you last posted. There has been some possible shipping though, so I figured I'd declare that I had met the command from headquarters:


Ship away.

Now... , fall in line! Where's your ship???



That's the last thing everyone in any RP want to hear


Well, I don't know. I have a blueprint, but everything depends on what the player characters do, and I like it like that. I would be bored stiff if I had total control over everything happening. To me, that would defeat the entire purpose of playing the game with others. Half the fun is in not knowing exactly what's about to happen. The other half of the fun is in responding to unexpected things in such a way that the story stays on track (come on my fellow train RP players, was that a good pun or no???).

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