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That's something not even friggin SATAN would do! :blink: ... Other solution, always stay in big groups. :lol:

I still wanna go


Posted Image


but you said more bad things XD

It is in my nature to be pessimistic :)

Edited by Twinkleshine
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one of my many kinks is really pale skin.


Is this a black thing or something?

cause I also find pale girls to be abnormally attractive for some reason. :x


  • If it has legs, run

  • Never travel alone, and no matter what the guide says, never go to the forest
Uuuuhhh.... does that include other humans as well?


The fuck goes on in that forest!?

Edited by Hven
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bad pony! you don't say that...he meant by his pictures! you're not gonna look at his pictures and comment that he has a great sense of humor right?


What about my pictures?
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you can't bring guns to protect against the weather, and thats how Canada kills

Indonesia is an island right? that will probably keep me away lol

I mean I will do some research and pick some more... western friendly countries, or western tolerant ones

Gonna keep away from most of Africa and the Middle East, (mostly because of the heat though)

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oh, wow... that's impressive, I found that very interesting when people's hair and eyes colors change over the years. It happened to me but with the color of my skin, the day I was born, my mom was looking for me among all the babies, but she couldn't find me (she was expecting a black baby or at least a dark skinned baby :D), anyways, when the nurse presented me to my mom, she was like, that's not my son XD ....I was incredibly white, not white you, but very white - she got really surprised, but as I grew up my skin darkened back to a natural light chocolate color. It was a fun story XD

I noticed, but wasnt sure, what's the color of your eyes? they seemed like a light brown, but I wasn't sure because of the redness of the shot.



yes :mellow:



errr, I said many, my kinks are infinite, I like a lot of things.


I love how you say "incredibly white", but I'm still whiter than you were. :P Still, that's hilarious! Although your mom might have had a little scare at first. And wow...either Panama is the king of all tanning places, or your DNA thought really tanned was your color. :lol:


And I know...that's why I'm still slightly scared yet. :P



The last thing I want is for any of you to die here because I only exaggerated the good things in my country Posted Image


Amen for that bro, and thank you for not letting us die. :lol:



ahh... here its just a lack of cellphone signal and the landmass of the 2nd largest country in the world... with a tiny population

people often make the mistake of thinking our weather is like the US', but its far worse, and thats what kills most lost people...though we have our share of bears, big cats and moose


Well, I went to Canada (especifically Montreal, but we did go around Ottawa and Quebec for a bit) with my family for a month in Winter 11 years ago...those were the coldest to this day. I know it's probably not much to you, but the worst day we had on that month was the only sunny day we had on the entire month, and it had been -25ºC. Apparently, my mom didn't know that when the sun comes out in climates like that one, it gets colder below, and so she was all "Oh look, the sun! maybe it will be slightly warmer and we can have less clothes"....unfortunately, we had to go into a mall several seconds later because we were going to froze like the guy in "The Day After Tomorrow". :mellow: Still, it was a great holiday. I enjoyed Canada a lot and would definitely come back. :)
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bad pony! you don't say that...he meant by his pictures! you're not gonna look at his pictures and comment that he has a great sense of humor right?


Now i'm gonna look at his pictures.


sorry. Posted Image

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I love how you say "incredibly white", but I'm still whiter than you were. :P Still, that's hilarious! Although your mom might have had a little scare at first. And wow...either Panama is the king of all tanning places, or your DNA thought really tanned was your color. :lol:


And I know...that's why I'm still slightly scared yet. :P




Amen for that bro, and thank you for not letting us die. :lol:




Well, I went to Canada (especifically Montreal, but we did go around Ottawa and Quebec for a bit) with my family for a month in Winter 11 years ago...those were the coldest to this day. I know it's probably not much to you, but the worst day we had on that month was the only sunny day we had on the entire month, and it had been -25ºC. Apparently, my mom didn't know that when the sun comes out in climates like that one, it gets colder below, and so she was all "Oh look, the sun! maybe it will be slightly warmer and we can have less clothes"....unfortunately, we had to go into a mall several seconds later because we were going to froze like the guy in "The Day After Tomorrow". :mellow: Still, it was a great holiday. I enjoyed Canada a lot and would definitely come back. :)


-25 isnt bad, though the coldest i ever experienced was -53, it was so cold my eyes begun to freeze shut, had to go around looking like I was on hoth, and indeed there was enough snow to make it seem such

Edited by Princess_Molestia
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oh you poor baby ;_:

maybe if you smiled in your pics but I understand if you have not-so-good teeth :(


here's one, I'm jealous of your eyes! :D


Actually, I think my teeth are ok. I just hate smiling for some reason.


You actually wouldn't believe this, but I actually get THAT exact one and that only one, not a lot, but enough to remember it.

I have no idea why.


And thanks!


I just made myself sad realizing how useless of a trait that actually is. ;-;


You have a great sense of humor. :)


Do I know you? :lol:


Nah, thanks.

Though, have you actually been around long enough to actually KNOW my sense of humor?

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I just made myself sad realizing how useless of a trait that actually is. ;-;

If you're talking about your eyes, you ahve no idea how wrong you are. Eyes can easily be the first thing you see, and you know what they say! "Eyes are the windows to your soul"...and I friggin believe. Never underestimate the eyes. Trust me. :)


-25 isnt bad, though the coldest i ever experienced was -53, it was so cold my eyes begun to freeze shut, had to go around looking like I was on hoth, and indeed there was enough snow to make it seem such


-53?! :blink: ...Holy Celestia, that's cold! How bad does the winter have to be to get THAT cold in the southern part of Canada?
  • Brohoof 1
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Though, have you actually been around long enough to actually KNOW my sense of humor?


Not long enough. '~'

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If you're talking about your eyes, you have no idea how wrong you are. Eyes can easily be the first thing you see, and you know what they say! "Eyes are the windows to your soul"...and I friggin believe. Never underestimate the eyes. Trust me. :)


Hmm, then maybe I've been using these things wrong then.


And I don't think I've heard that one. But I like it!

I shall try! :3

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I can't stop listening to the Babs Seed song :o. It's got a very addictive tune to it's benefit, and I just can't get it outta mad head!


Listen to the remixes.


I really like it too....

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Listen to the remixes.


I really like it too....


You were right yesterday. Some of it does sound a tiny bit similiar to that Sugar Rush song. That's actually good, since the Babs Seed song seems to remind me of Vanny for some reason :P.

  • Brohoof 1
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