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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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I don't have the plans, furnace, tools, or mould for it. Plus, I'm out of iron ore to make steel with. What do you expect me to do, go out with a magnet and collect iron filings from the ground?


Yes. When there's nothing else left, TO THE MAGNETISM WE GO! :P
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ooh ooh, let me guess: you know of The Offspring and blink-182, am i right?


Eeyup. :) Haven't heard much of those bands either. But I should try to. Well..ther are a LOT of bands I need to hear, but Muse and Break of Reality are and will always be my favorites. :wub:
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What kind of paraprosdokian can I make out of the question "Cloth or disposable"?


- it is sexy, either way? are you into this, as well?


Eeyup. :) Haven't heard much of those bands either. But I should try to. Well..ther are a LOT of bands I need to hear, but Muse and Break of Reality are and will always be my favorites. :wub:






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Well, let's be honest. Those two from that set are the most known worldwide. :mellow: But you be happy, me be quiet. :) Edited by Arcanel
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My nostalgia levels are increasing by a lot-fold. Now a XJ9, ponified

Is this another one of those shows that has universal appeal just like PPG and MLP?


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Is this another one of those shows that has universal appeal just like PPG and MLP?


I don't know if universal, but I certainly loved that show, back when I watched a LOT of Nickelodeon. And I'm pretty sure it is a known show. My life As A Tennage Robot....man, it's been YEARS!
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I don't know if universal, but I certainly loved that show, back when I watched a LOT of Nickelodeon. And I'm pretty sure it is a known show.

I didn't follow it closely but I did enjoy it. I never watched the earlier Nickelodeon but I enjoyed the 2000's era of Nick.


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I didn't follow it closely but I did enjoy it. I never watched the earlier Nickelodeon but I enjoyed the 2000's era of Nick.


Amen to that. Well...a lot of that era's shows anyway. At least for me. Anyway, gotta go for a bit. Castle is going to begin! :wub:
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Plus, it's Pyfgcrl Chat Thread, not General Chat Thread



And I keep forgetting to ask this question: For those who deal with FL Studio or MIDI files in general, is 2.39 million notes overkill?


Yes. Yes it bucking is. :|




I will NEVER say "Just be yourself" to anyone because everyone knows the response to that.

"How the balls do I be myself?"


You took the exact words out of my mouth.

okay, another idea! truth or dare, GCT-style!


OOOOOOooo I wanna play!

We really should do this sometime! >:3

The response.


[4:58:28 PM] Starshine Haste: heh... Alrighty...

[4:58:42 PM] Starshine Haste: but im incredibly silent in chatboxes

[4:58:55 PM] Starshine Haste: unless something concerns me

[4:59:01 PM] Starshine Haste: or something interests me

[4:59:06 PM] Starshine Haste: and thats kind of rare


Also this.



[5:08:29 PM] Starshine Haste (Pissed off and sadistic, insanity ):

Posted Image


[5:08:35 PM] Starshine Haste: Show them this

[5:08:38 PM] Starshine Haste: and i wanna hear them


He wants to hear what?

I'm very scared to answer that considering what he did to Mandy...

An interesting strategy for those who want the current page of the PCT to stay at a specific post. See the grey number up at the corner of the post? Click it.


Never knew that.

Still a little lost as to what it does.

But Im going to mess with that now.

In other news: Splash.


Shut up, Magikarp! :|

Wait,... What just happened? Am I gonna have to pull out the steel diaper again? Because I had it melted down into a casing that I use in my nuclear reactor, which keeps disappearing and leaving huge holes in the basement.


I don't have any steel. It all disappeared.


A giant hole right where my reactor's supposed to be.


I swear I have nothing to do with this. *Whistles innocently*

Maybe. But it's easier for me to chat online instead of IRL.


I know that feel completely.

Though, it would be hella fun for it to be real.

Dude, what the hell?


You totally just contradicted yourself.

Can anyone help with this?




I think Krystal does them?

Not sure. Maybe make a thread for it?

  • Brohoof 1


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He wants to hear what?

Just an honest opinion of what you think of the drawing.


I think Krystal does them? Not sure. Maybe make a thread for it?



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Hi all


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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I say we leave Applejack hanging and see how long she lasts until... You know... (Alludes to last night's steel diaper)


Wanna see my background?


If you leave poor AJ hanging up like that I will go get her down myself and then proceed to hurt you.

I have something for you all to look at, and I'd like some opinions.



[4:13:48 AM] Coeus: Do you have any other reservations?

[4:16:02 AM] Coeus: Would you like to join MLPforums?

[4:20:34 AM] Starshine Haste: I dont know

[4:20:44 AM] Starshine Haste: and no i dont

[4:20:44 AM] Starshine Haste: im just going thru tumblrs

[4:21:14 AM] Coeus: Huh

[4:21:31 AM] Starshine Haste: tumblr is the ONLY thing i do on the net

[4:22:41 AM] Coeus: But you wouldn't want to join a forum? It could give you something to do when you get bored. You know, when things get slow.

[4:22:55 AM] Starshine Haste: I just dont know what to do on them

[4:23:14 AM] Starshine Haste: but I cant get any respect or attention

[4:23:19 AM] Starshine Haste: so i just dont do forums anymore

[4:23:33 AM] Starshine Haste: Only forum i ever been and made a convo

[4:23:42 AM] Starshine Haste: was the onrpg

[4:23:49 AM] Starshine Haste: and the topic of the Korean DnF

[4:25:00 AM] Coeus: Well, on MLPforums, you could showcase your art, talk to people in the chat thread, make personal blogs, play forum games, discuss the problems of the world, discuss MLP. And many other things.

[4:25:32 AM] Coeus: Make more friends and advertise your pony blog.

[4:25:44 AM] Starshine Haste: My poni blog needs to be recognized

[4:26:17 AM] Starshine Haste: but i cant advertize

[4:26:17 AM] Starshine Haste: i just have to wait and watch

[4:27:28 AM] Coeus: You could make a status update with a link to your blog in it. Or make a personal blog entry about it. Or post a link in the chat thread.

[4:29:16 AM] Starshine Haste: I'd like that but im just not doin any more forums

[4:29:50 AM] Coeus: Would you be willing to give it a try? What's holding you back?

[4:30:18 AM] Starshine Haste: Almost got hacked once, threaten a few times before

[4:30:31 AM] Starshine Haste: Trust? Its hard to get from me now

[4:30:35 AM] Starshine Haste: than it was back then

[4:31:45 AM] Coeus: Oh. Well, MLPforums is different. A good majority of the people there are nice. They don't do stuff like that.

[4:32:56 AM] Starshine Haste: If you want me to be there

[4:33:11 AM] Starshine Haste: might as well convince me the people are nice

[4:33:17 AM] Starshine Haste: do something to bring them to me

[4:33:58 AM] Coeus: I have been. Remember those people from various streams? Haven, Jinx, Motion Spark.

[4:34:04 AM] Coeus: And a few others.

[4:34:22 AM] Coeus: They were nice, right?

[4:35:50 AM] Starshine Haste: I thought I know jinx

[4:35:53 AM] Starshine Haste: for some reason

[4:36:44 AM] Coeus: He's on Tumblr I think. Not sure about him. But he comes from MLPforums like the others I mentioned.

[4:45:02 AM] Starshine Haste: Kay

[4:46:02 AM] Coeus: Did you consider them at least somewhat nice?

[4:53:05 AM] Starshine Haste: Well.. Then the last reason is most unavoidable

[4:53:23 AM] Starshine Haste: There is a catch as to why I picked Starshine Haste

[4:53:34 AM] Starshine Haste: I have another reason

[4:53:36 AM] Starshine Haste: Haste

[4:53:41 AM] Starshine Haste: Im not the patient kind of person

[4:53:50 AM] Starshine Haste: All I do and think of is speed

[4:54:59 AM] Coeus: In the General Chat Thread, things can get pretty fast. Not everyone is able to keep up sometimes.

[4:55:08 AM] Starshine Haste: Mhm

[4:55:15 AM] Starshine Haste: Then that will most likely get me ignored

[4:55:27 AM] Starshine Haste: cause i am ignored most often

[4:55:32 AM] Coeus: But I'll be there.

[4:55:43 AM] Coeus: I'll make sure you don't get ignored

[4:56:05 AM] Coeus: They're interested in meeting you, some of them.

[4:56:18 AM] Starshine Haste: Well... I have conditions

[4:56:23 AM] Starshine Haste: I need some sort of proof

[4:56:43 AM] Starshine Haste: visiting stream and staying silent at times then going off topic isnt enough

[4:56:52 AM] Starshine Haste: brbs doing dungeon on dfo

[4:56:58 AM] Starshine Haste: Tower of dispair

[5:03:32 AM] Starshine Haste: fucking hell

[5:03:39 AM] Starshine Haste: lag, repeative beeping

[5:03:45 AM] Starshine Haste: made me fail the dungeon

[5:04:14 AM] Coeus: Never played. But you can try again later, right?

[5:04:20 AM] Starshine Haste: I can

[5:04:24 AM] Starshine Haste: only once per day

[5:05:48 AM] Coeus: Hmm. You could try to get rid of some extra stuff on your PC so it won't lag as much.

[5:06:02 AM] Starshine Haste: its a laptop vista

[5:06:06 AM] Starshine Haste: which is why it sawks

[5:06:27 AM] Coeus: My computer has the same OS.

[5:07:26 AM] Starshine Haste: well fuck

[5:07:33 AM] Starshine Haste: my game just shutted down for no reason

[5:07:36 AM] Coeus: If you ever get really good at art, you could sell commissions.

[5:07:47 AM] Coeus: Then buy Windows 7

[5:07:54 AM] Starshine Haste: Im poor

[5:07:57 AM] Starshine Haste: >w>

[5:08:09 AM] Coeus: Well, practice makes perfect.

[5:08:20 AM] Coeus: And people love to buy quality work.

[5:10:10 AM] Starshine Haste: Meh

[5:10:20 AM] Starshine Haste: I'd like that

[5:10:29 AM] Starshine Haste: but i cant get banking account for paypal

[5:10:35 AM] Starshine Haste: cause stoopid parents

[5:10:40 AM] Starshine Haste: being a bug to me

[5:11:09 AM] Coeus: Hmm

[5:11:31 AM] Coeus: You can't just ask them?

[5:12:34 AM] Starshine Haste: No i did

[5:12:37 AM] Starshine Haste: theey denied

[5:12:41 AM] Coeus: Well, not much you can do, eh?

[5:13:40 AM] Starshine Haste: Eyup

[5:14:36 AM] Coeus: Okay, so you want my friends to prove they are genuinely nice people who won't wrong you, yes?

[5:14:48 AM] Starshine Haste: Eyup

[5:15:26 AM] Coeus: And to do that, they must attend a livestream and show that they are nice.

[5:15:56 AM] Starshine Haste: Sure... or submit a fanfic, pic, something in submit box to prove

[5:16:12 AM] Starshine Haste: iunno what people do

[5:17:00 AM] Coeus: Well, I don't think a lot of them are on Tumblr. Or are capable of creating something of value.

[5:17:32 AM] Coeus: If you got to know Motion Spark, he might make something.

[5:17:57 AM] Coeus: Artists make each other pieces if they are friends I guess.

[5:18:22 AM] Starshine Haste: Yea not all artist do that

[5:18:34 AM] Starshine Haste: I made willow mist something and we werent even friends

[5:18:40 AM] Starshine Haste: we didnt even know each others

[5:18:49 AM] Starshine Haste: I juust took my dead butt, did something NICE

[5:18:57 AM] Starshine Haste: and drew her something

[5:19:10 AM] Starshine Haste: And rarely most artists do that

[5:19:17 AM] Starshine Haste: despite that they can art so well

[5:19:24 AM] Starshine Haste: it'd take them not so much

[5:19:32 AM] Starshine Haste: concidering other things they do in their time

[5:19:35 AM] Coeus: You build bridges.

[5:19:42 AM] Coeus: You get them to like you

[5:20:10 AM] Coeus: I'm not an artist, but I study things.

[5:20:52 AM] Coeus: Sometimes you have to tell people what you want and hope for the best.

[5:21:45 AM] Coeus: It works when I do that. Especially if they are my friend.

[5:22:16 AM] Starshine Haste: I tried many sorts of things

[5:22:25 AM] Starshine Haste: no respect given

[5:23:25 AM] Coeus: By joining this forum, you could very well find that respect. I've dwelt among the forumites for a few months now, and I've come to know them.

[5:23:39 AM] Coeus: If you show them kindness, they show it back.

[5:23:53 AM] Coeus: Friendship begets friendship.

[5:24:28 AM] Coeus: Respect shown turns into respect given.

[5:24:46 AM] Starshine Haste: What im saying

[5:24:59 AM] Starshine Haste: is im at my limit

[5:24:59 AM] Starshine Haste: They better prove it... before i return it

[5:25:53 AM] Coeus: Well, they can't very well do that if you are not there. But I've seen my friends compliment your artwork.

[5:26:06 AM] Starshine Haste: Like every other person

[5:26:38 AM] Starshine Haste: They need another method

[5:26:47 AM] Starshine Haste: common compliments arent enough

[5:28:25 AM] Coeus: It's just the surface.

[5:28:47 AM] Coeus: I'm not sure what else they could do.

[5:28:53 AM] Coeus: On that level.

[5:30:20 AM] Coeus: Provide comfort? Dispell doubt? Declare loyalty? Not entirely sure what it would take for them to convince you they are generally nice people who wish you no ill will.

[5:31:55 AM] Starshine Haste: No one knows

[5:32:04 AM] Starshine Haste: so im just sitting here

[5:32:04 AM] Starshine Haste: and waiting

[5:32:50 AM] Coeus: Okay. Sometimes you just have to trust. To blindly throw yourself into something. I'll be there to catch you if you fall.

[5:33:03 AM] Starshine Haste: ....No

[5:33:08 AM] Starshine Haste: Im sick of that shit

[5:33:13 AM] Starshine Haste: I am finished with that

[5:33:23 AM] Starshine Haste: The roles are reversed

[5:33:32 AM] Starshine Haste: they are gonna throw themself to me

[5:33:39 AM] Starshine Haste: they fuck up? Too bad

[5:33:54 AM] Starshine Haste: Im through trying to trust

[5:33:57 AM] Starshine Haste: Want my trust?

[5:33:59 AM] Starshine Haste: Earn it!!

[5:35:50 AM] Coeus: How so? What can I do, hmm? I may try it. I'd be glad to have your trust, and I'm willing to earn it.

[5:36:15 AM] Starshine Haste: Spread the word then

[5:36:55 AM] Starshine Haste: Mmuuurrr

[5:36:59 AM] Starshine Haste: I want discord~

[5:37:06 AM] Coeus: Well, I'm the only one awake basically. Spread the word how? That they have to earn your trust?

[5:37:13 AM] Starshine Haste: Yep

[5:37:28 AM] Starshine Haste: Listening to so much discord now

[5:37:41 AM] Starshine Haste: and i watched the season 2 ep 1 like 3-5 times

[5:37:46 AM] Starshine Haste: gonna do it again

[5:37:50 AM] Coeus: Well, I'm sure I may be able to get someone to draw Starshine Haste and Discord.

[5:37:56 AM] Starshine Haste: Has him in my wall paper now

[5:39:36 AM] Coeus: When I wake up, I shall try to get the others to do something to earn your trust. But for now, perhaps there is something I could do?

[5:40:15 AM] Coeus: My mind is a bit weak right now. I cannot think of a way to earn trust.

[5:41:25 AM] Starshine Haste: Iunno.. but put something to my interest

[5:42:01 AM] Coeus: To your interest?

[5:42:12 AM] Starshine Haste: Yes.. things that i interest in

[5:43:12 AM] Coeus: I know that you like Discord. And drawing. And probably dungeon crawlers.

[5:43:21 AM] Starshine Haste: Dungeon Crawlers?

[5:43:24 AM] Starshine Haste: Doubt it

[5:43:34 AM] Starshine Haste: Only MMO Im playing

[5:43:35 AM] Starshine Haste: Is DFO

[5:43:58 AM] Coeus: Well okay, there is that.

[5:44:14 AM] Coeus: I don't really know what that is.

[5:44:21 AM] Starshine Haste: Dungeon Fighters Online

[5:44:52 AM] Coeus: Hm. I have not heard of it before. Is it fun?

[5:45:00 AM] Starshine Haste: Awesomeness

[5:45:10 AM] Starshine Haste: Was adicted for it for like

[5:45:13 AM] Starshine Haste: 5 years

[5:45:29 AM] Coeus: So this is a well established game then?

[5:45:39 AM] Starshine Haste: Yes

[5:46:03 AM] Coeus: Ah. Perhaps I will check it out.

[5:47:18 AM] Starshine Haste: Okay

[5:47:48 AM] Starshine Haste: Im progressing and will draw discord good

[5:48:26 AM] Coeus: Wonderful. It's nice to see that you are improving your art skills.

[5:50:02 AM] Starshine Haste: if i can pay for comissions

[5:50:11 AM] Starshine Haste: I'd waste about 100-200 dollars

[5:51:36 AM] Coeus: Well, then it would have to be quite the masterpiece for prices like that. Or be by someone at least somewhat well known. Not entirely sure of course. I don't know how much good commissions go for.

[5:52:35 AM] Starshine Haste: i said

[5:52:41 AM] Starshine Haste: comissions

[5:52:43 AM] Starshine Haste: with the S

[5:52:57 AM] Starshine Haste: >implies more than one commision

[5:53:13 AM] Coeus: Ah, terribly sorry. Only half awake as the case may be.

[5:53:35 AM] Starshine Haste: Yet you are doing complete sentences with no grammar mistakes..

[5:53:36 AM] Starshine Haste: Weird

[5:54:12 AM] Coeus: Yes, and? My arms feel weak and I missed an important 'S'.

[5:54:47 AM] Coeus: Bad manners in truth. Still very sorry.

[5:54:52 AM] Starshine Haste: You can type every word correctly, meaning that each letter hasnt been avoided.

[5:55:00 AM] Starshine Haste: yet...

[5:55:01 AM] Starshine Haste: Hmm

[5:55:23 AM] Coeus: What...

[5:55:55 AM] Coeus: Some people can drive drunk and not mess up. Doesn't make 'em any less drunk.

[5:56:30 AM] Starshine Haste: Mhmm

[5:56:43 AM] Starshine Haste: Im going to believe the things that I think..

[5:56:57 AM] Starshine Haste: and not continue this...

[5:57:07 AM] Coeus: Okie dokes.

[5:57:27 AM] Coeus: So, what else do you do? Or would you like to know about me?

[5:58:08 AM] Starshine Haste: I just sit and draw, sleep and school, boredom and work, return and draw, draw and boredom, no ideas and sleep, wake and wait, play with kd, then sleep and repeat

[5:58:30 AM] Starshine Haste: There are eating and watching

[5:58:45 AM] Coeus: I don't do anything too special myself.

[5:59:07 AM] Starshine Haste: Meh... If you ask me, Im just as boring as hell

[5:59:47 AM] Coeus: Well, you can't be all that boring. You don't need to live an exciting life to be interesting.

[6:00:30 AM] Coeus: There is always personality

[6:02:22 AM] Coeus: I think that you are interesting.

[6:06:40 AM] Coeus: Okay, I should get some sleep. Hope we can chat again later. I hope I can somehow earn your trust. Cya 'round.



@, @@Arcanel,


@@Jinx, @@Count Paradox,


He just so happened to get the short end of the stick on that forum experience. Not sure what the did to piss them off, but it must have been good. And what are they gonna hack? His profile? Not sure what the threat is.....


Im not sure how we can show him we are nice and whatnot and earn his trust. That is completely flying over my head.

I know one thing, though. And that is that I need to know how well he can take a joke and how well he can decipher sarcasm/blatant joking from srs bsns.


I'm also a little unsure what he exactly wants from us, other than trust and respect.


Also, like Arcy said, don't force it or bring it up too much or it will completely screw up for good.



I sometimes make stay up really late and be horribly tired, but don't make grammatical or spelling mistakes when typing.

Its called being literate.

I guess I'm just lying then, huh.

He is very, very, skeptical.

  • Brohoof 2


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