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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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Alrighty, thank you Hven for the wonderful intro *grabs a muffin*


Several thins that Haven didn't tell you:


- There's a nuclear reactor in the basement that keeps disappearing and leaving giant holes. If you have any clue as to what's happening, alert me.

- The bathrooms are periodically locked. If you have to go, deal with it.

- No, I lost the mop.

- Be wary of the holes in the ceiling; Fellow forumites like to drop in through the ceiling.


Hmmm, we must fix that pronto!

I thought you said "Fix that potato".

  • Brohoof 1
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Several things that Haven didn't tell you:


- There's a nuclear reactor in the basement that keeps disappearing and leaving giant holes. If you have any clue as to what's happening, alert me.

- The bathrooms are periodically locked. If you have to go, deal with it.

- No, I lost the mop.

- Be wary of the holes in the ceiling; Fellow forumites like to drop in through the ceiling.


Oh yea. That reminds me...


*Goes into the basment*

*Come back out with a giant thing covered with a sheet*

What? Its nothing. >.>

  • Brohoof 2
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Why do I feel more comfortable talking to young women on this site? I'm not gay... :blink::unsure:


I don't quite understand how that makes you gay in anyway at all........................................................................................................
  • Brohoof 1
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Wait..........Can you actually eat plutonium?


Contrary to popular belief, radioactive substances can really be anything. In the case of Uranium and Plutonium, it's merely a really heavy metal that you really wanna encase in another heavy metal: Lead.


And it's typically like other metals if it's stable enough. If not,... You'd be toast.


And you can eat radioactive substances, but only if it's in really small amounts

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What's up with the "diaper"


when am i not on a diaper crusade?


You need to come here more often to understand the deep complexities of this thread.


The biggest recurring themes here:


- Pyfgcrl

- Diaper

- Locking the bathrooms just to see how long innocent ponies would last

- Nuclear reactor

- Mod dev discussion

  • Brohoof 1
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No lifing RS, eating lotsa ice cream, and being awesome.




I watched the Michigan-Ohio State game. Michigan lost yet again -_-. Overall though, I've been pretty awesome all day.

  • Brohoof 2
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