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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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(Ooc Welcome to the contiunation of  "A new life in Ponyville" In order to precipate in this RP, you must first post here http://mlpforums.com/topic/55629-a-new-life-in-ponyville-a-month-later/page-3#entry1343479


Once you post your OC, a member of the DM team must acknowledged your OC before you can post in the RP)


General (GOD MODE!)


A new day had begun in Ponyville, the birds were singing, the flowers where in bloom, and not a cloud in the sky... scratch that, Rainbow Dash had missed a few...but other than that is was a beautiful day.


The residents of Ponyville where awaken by a faint train whistle as a train full of new arrivals neared Ponyville station.




A month had passed in Ponyville since Corkscrew set hoof in Ponyville. His life had changed for the better..for the time being at least. He had made many new friends and reconnected with a few of his flight camp friends. His life was on cruise until that day a few days ago when he received an official letter from Canterlot. 


He quickly packed a few thing into his saddlebags and flew to the capital city as fast as he could to get his over with. His one month leave of duty was about to expire from the guard. A leave in which he was the happiest of his life. The sheer thought of having to go back put him into a depression. 


His meeting with Celestia was just a few hours away.....




;;Character - Corkscrew - Skycoaster (Corkscrew) -post-1908-0-16341200-1378950515.jpg


;;Character - Fender - Becker (Fender) - post-1332-0-50329500-1365300783.png
;;Character - Winterglade - Starshine - post-1332-0-40016600-1365300799.png
;;Character - Plagal Cadence - Antismurf9001 - post-9721-0-44674600-1365260424.jpg
;;Character - Nexis - ActFast231 - post-1332-0-68813300-1365300695.jpg
;;Character - Fire Star (Fox) - Fox801 -
;;Character - Dogboots - thor9356 - post-1332-0-93292000-1365300689.jpg
;;Character - Elyssa /url] - Miles Rarity Edgeworth - post-1332-0-29454400-1365300777.png
;;Character - Phillips - Stratos - post-1332-0-19348200-1365300789.png
;;Character - Aquaris - ~Dishonored Luna~ -
;;Character - Golden - golden009 -
;;Character - Stella Shine - MojoDash - post-1332-0-00867500-1365300794.png
;;Character - Aerial Shot - Aerial~Shot - post-1332-0-63867900-1365300764.png
;;Character - Parcel Shift - slimmyjimjim -

Edited by ~Lawful Skycoaster~

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Coming off the train was a red pony with crimson red eyes named Flarebolt. "Well im finally here...in Ponyville" Flare said getting off the train with his saddle bags. "Wonder where I should head to first...where do I even go to get a house" Flare said as he headed away from the train station.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Max awoke in his bed in a sloppy sort of manner, which was nor an unfamiliar sight. Over the last month, Max has developed an addiction to a few potions. Rainbow Sight, Disorientation, KO, and Laughs-a-lot were the main potions he whipped himself up. He was making up for it by volunteering at the hospital when he could, helping patients, cleaning rooms, and even making a few pain reliving potions. Max has become quiet adept at alchemy, and was actually able to get a permit to sell some Love and Pain Relief potions to the public. It was the more...interesting ones he kept for himself. He awoken with his head resting upside down on the floor while the rest of him was on a bed. Sun was hitting his eyes and was giving him a headache. He got up, and found an empty KO bottle next to him. He begrudgingly got up, got his usual outfit on-fedora, concierge, heart ruby necklace- and flew downstairs to get breakfast. He had hoped that his friend and tenant Dogboots had already made something. When proved wrong, he simply poured himself a bowl of cereal, and began the process of starting the day like he does everyday.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Aerial Shot hovered in the air for a moment, looking over her new home. She watched as other ponies went about their morning routines; foals running to school, shopkeepers opening up for business and venders setting up shop in the marketplace. Spotting a train coming in, she flew a little closer and saw a red stallion get off. Hm. Maybe he's new too...? She flapped her wings and flew down towards the station, landing carefully so she didn't rattle her saddlebags containing her pride and joy - her camera.

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A gray stallion with a noticeable horn got off the train, talking to himself. "Let's see, according to my Encyclopedia Equestriana, Ponyville is a small rural town, that happens to have a Princess, the fastest flier in Equestria, A well-known fashion designer, and more ponies." Golden looked up from his book. "What a coincidence. Eh, I guess it's not the worst place to go for a trip. At least it has a library. Speaking of which..." Golden ran off to the library immediately.

Edited by golden009
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Fender awoke with Winterglade's head almost on top of his. He scooted off of the bed quietly and carefully. He walked into the restroom and looked in the mirror at his underside. The scarring had become rather distinguished...but at least he wasn't having to take medicine daily for his injury. He returned to the bedroom, Winterglade still snoozing. He found her cape on the floor next to the bed and grinned, thinking, "Must've gone to sleep with it on and slipped out of it, huh?" He almost expected an answer, but he laid the cape out over her, and gave her a tender peck on the cheek. Then, softly, he spoke into her ear "Hey, love. Good morning, wake up. We've got work to do today."

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Winterglade stirred. Her hooves twitched slightly, as if trying to push something away from her. She hardly felt anything when Fender blanketed her with her cape. The pegasus was a bit too tired after working during the night-shift in a nearby store, and it was showing. She finally rose from her slumber when Fender whispered something to her ear. She chuckled while flicking her ears.



"Five more minutes," she mumbled. She was yet to fully open her eyes, but she could totally recognize that coat of her stallion from anywhere. She flopped a lazy hoof on Fender's shoulder and stroke him a bit. "I bought some sweet bread yesterday. You can grab them from the cupboard." The mare dozed a little bit before fell asleep once more.


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Plagal had woken up, but he didn't quite feel like moving yet, so he laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling.  Alright, you can't just lay there all day, his mind told him.


Oh really?  You underestimate me  However, I was planning on getting up eventually.  There's no need to hound me over it.  I don't see any reason to rush.  Slowly though, he rose from his bed and started his morning routine.


There you go Mister Cranky Saddle!


Would you stop calling me that?  The joke was old before it even began.


Only when you stop being a Mister Cranky Saddle.  Plagal grumbled in response as he left his house to see what was going on around town.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Well it is morning now and the pony fox is not up and yes the pony fox is Star Fire.

Star Fire slowly opwn his eye and saw the morning light coming throught his window. Star Fire got off the bad and slowly went tossed the bathroom to brush his teeth and start his day off.Star Fire look throght the window and see how is the day is looking like. Star Fire went to the Kitchen and make some breakfast. He got some muffins he made last night be full. He ate them he look at his home and thought " It been a Month now I been in ponyville." Star Fire made some friend in ponyville. Pinkie Pie is a graet friend she help him for making some cakes and Muffins because she work with him they work in the some place. Sugar Cube Corner were Mr. and Mrs. Cake work at and they are the boss in here but they are so nice they help Srat Fire if he need some help. And then is Twilight who help him for is magic she so good at it he look in shock how she can do so graet skill in magic.


Well afther thinking for a bit Star Fire he decided to open the fridge and saw the frdge and said " Wow out of food in the Fredge I think is time to go food shoping now maybe I see Winterglade and Fender in the Market Place." He grap is saddle bag and out he goes frome is home and he closed the door behind him. And off to the Market Place he goes.

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Flare looked up into the sky and noticed a pegasus flying down towards the station. "Probably just catching the train before it leaves" Flare said as he walked away from the train station. "Time to get a place to stay at so I can settle down and get some sleep" Flare said wondering where he should go.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Storm Cloud got off the train and the first thing he thought was "Wait, I think I could've flew here from Cloudsdale. Nahhh too much work." He put on his hat and walked off the train. He was going to go to his new house but then a thought hit him, he should walk around Ponyville to get used to his new surroundings. So he proceeded to walk wherever his mind told him to.

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Dogboots had gotten up early in the morning to begin his daily routine. The sun was barely up and the stallion had already started working on his garden in the back. The patch of dirt was already budding with a few of the veggies that Dogboots had planted though it would take a little while longer before they were fully developed. He heard Max come down stairs and could hear the sound of cereal being poured into a bowl. Dogboots had already forgot that he was supposed to make breakfest or even have any at all. He soon shrugged it off and headed back inside the house for a break. Once he entered the kitchen he opened the cupboard and pulled out a can of spam. He cut the processed meat up into small slices and began heating them over the stove. "So, what are your plans for today?" He asked Max while flipping the small slices of meat on the skillet. 

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Max shrugged. He hadn't really planned anything.

"I think I am going to go pick up some fresh supplies. The hospital ordered some more Pain Relief potions, so I'll probably deliver those. I think I was going to experiment by mixing Rainbow Sight and Disorientation potions and see what the results are. Speaking of..." Max got up, walked over to a cabinet, and pulled out a Disorientation potion. Drinking it in one gulp, he clumsily makes his way back to his chair. 

"Much better." Max said quietly. He tried to continue eating, but found his spoon distorting in size and shape. He eventually gave up, putting the spoon down and sitting back in his chair. You could see his eyes shifting in and out of focus sporadically.

"What do you plan on doing today Dogboots?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Probably continue gardening for the rest of the morning and i'll check out the town square and see if there's any work available." He said to Max as the scent of cooked meat began to fill the kitchen. "By the way Max, I don't think it's a good idea to be testing those potions on yourself. It's awfully dangerous and I'm not going to sugar coat it but I think you might be developing an addiction." He said trying not to be too blunt with his friend. Over the past month the stallion had seen Max developing and selling potions which wasn't bad. In fact, Dogboots was quite proud to see Max making such progress but when he found out that he was testing them on himself he wasn't too comfortable with it.

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"Nah, its cool. I know what I am doing. Plus, I feel like I cant get to bed at night without a good KO potion." Max slurred out. The effects were picking up. Everything felt like it was spinning. The potion was doing its job well. Everything was flying in and out, stretching and compressing, and spiraling. Max tried to walk back up the stairs, only to stumble around madly, only avoiding a dangerous fall by hovering. He finally managed to get upstairs, and grabbed (after several failed attempts) his saddlebag. Tumbling down the stairs, Max got to his hooves, and mumbled out.

"All right, I am off to the market. See ya later." Max said, continually failing to grab the doorknob.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Here, let me uhh get that for you." He said opening the door for Max. To Dogboots, the pegasi looked like he couldn't even hold his own cider. He closed the door behind him and returned to the kitchen to check on his breakfast  The stallion soon placed the cooked meat on a plate and began to eat his meager Breakfast.  He looked out the window and saw the sun shining brightly on the town of ponyville.

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"Thanks" Max muttered before stumbling out into the nice day. He took 10 steps before tumbling over. He managed to crawl over to a nearby building to rest against. Max decided to wait out the storm and let the potion run its course. After about 20 minutes, he was feeling well enough to move, and quickly flew to the market. He swiftly picked up his supplies, and on his way he notices a Rainbow Sight potion in his bag. Must have forgotten to take it out.

"Why not?" Max said, before quickly draining the bottle into his mouth. His eyes went from blue to a pulsing rainbow color. Everything was pulsing in a vivid rainbow color. Max didn't even notice when he was at his home, until he walked into the door. He opens it up after picking himself off the ground.

"I have returned." Max calls out, everything still vivid.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Corkscrew's heart was pounding. He felt like crawling into a corner for the fear of what the princess might say.


"You can do this Corkscrew," he said to himself trying to work up the courage to say what he might have to say.


"Princess Celestia, Thank you for the opportunity that you gave me, but I......"


Just then the large doors into the main chamber of the castle opened, Celestia looking at him. 


"Good morning, your majesty. There is something that I've been meaning to ask you. As you know my leave is coming do in a few days when you and Captain Armor will be assigning me. As much as I loved the thought of being a guard, I just don't think I can leave Ponyville. As you know, I've reconnected with my friends, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. As well as becoming friends with your brother. I just don't think that I could leave them behind again."


Corkscrew puts his head down, almost in shame


"As you may have noticed, I was not liked two well in training. I don't know why, but the other cadets almost despised me. The only friends I had were the bat guards. I believe you know the rest of the story with the potion during my graduation."


Corkscrew looks into her eyes.


"Please princess, why was I despised by the others in my class? Why was I chosen from flight camp? These questions have been bugging my for my entire life. Just answer them for me so I can move on with my life. After that, I will accept what ever position you and Captain Armor see fit to give me.." 

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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After Dogboots had finished gardening he went inside to read up on his favorite novel. A few minutes had passed when Max came in through the door. The stallion looked at the green pegasi and noticed his eye color had changed to a multi-colored rainbow. Dogboots facehoofed himself after seeing his friend. "Max, what did I tell you about drinking those potions?" He asked annoyed at Max's condition. Dogboots began to hate seeing Max like this. The stallion was unsure whether Max was getting better or worse.

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Princess Celestia


"Corkscrew, from the day I met you, I could tell you were destined for greatness. The day I came to attend the yearly Cloudsdale flight camp, I saw a young talented colt, who was also kind and loving. Not afraid to push his limits, but also not afraid by the company he kept. You chose the two whom you thought could benefit the most from your skills. You didn't loose your temper when one fell behind, but instead chose to work with the mare. When one got hot headed at the others, you were there to calm her down."


"Corkscrew, that is the reason I chose you for training. It is rare to find somepony with your speed and agility that also has a caring personality. As for the other cadets, It was because you broke tradition. I broke tradition. Never has somepony been chosen out of the blue to come and join the guard. You were the exception, you and the bat ponies chosen for the night guard." 


"In training, I heard stories of you standing up for the night guard trainees, Just because they were different was no reason to be discriminated for. You stood up for them. That is why when your graduation rolled around, the night guards were the ones who told me what the others had conspired. That love potion was a dirty trick designed to make you want to quit."


Celestia turns around to look at a stain glass window of Luna, herself, and a young alicorn colt that had a striking resemblance to Corkscrew's friend, DarkSun.


"The reason I sent to on leave to Ponyville was so you could reconsider your decision to resign from the guard. To see the friends that you helped in flight camp, and to make a few new ones. The one thing I couldn't have foreseen was the return Eclipse. The way that you helped him only confirmed my confidence in you. Taking him in and showing him the modern Equestria."


Celestia's attention was now on Corkscrew as a few guards came into the room, mostly those cadets from his training.


"You are probably wondering why I had called you here today Corkscrew. I, Princess Celestia, after careful consideration have decided to end your leave of absence. You are to report to duty first thing tomorrow morning."


Celestia winked at the sad pegasus. 


"You have been assigned as Prince Eclipse's personal guard and mentor in Ponyville."


She looked at the now confused Corkscrew.


"And as for the love potion incident, all parties involved shale be dealt with, beginning with you Corkscrew. You were the victim of a heinous prank. I believe I owe you something for the embarrassment."


Celestia winked at Corkscrew again as he was confused at what was about to happen. She leaned closer to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.






Corkscrew could not believe what he was hearing. As the guards that had made his training a living hell came into the room, Corkscrew stood at attention. When he heard that he was assigned to Ponyville, he began to cry tears of joy.


As the mentioned love potion incident was brought up, fear quickly returned to the orange pegasus. He was confused by her winking at him, as if she had planned a prank of her own.


As Celestia inched closer, he locked up, unable to move. As Celestia gave him a friendly kiss, Corkscrew collapsed on the floor.




Princess Celestia

"Guard, Make sure Lieutenant Corkscrew makes it back to his house in Ponyville."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Come on Dogboots, this potion has the best effect. I use it all the time. Don't feel addicted yet. So don't you worry your head off. Mother." Max was clearly loopy. He had a very dopy smile, which seemed to fit very well with his pulsing rainbow eyes. This one of the side effects of potion addiction. Max was at the mercy of his mental dependency on potions.

"I'm just gonna go prepare those Pain Reliever potions for the hospital." Max said as fluttered up the stairs to his study.


(That moment when a response deletes itself so you must rewrite it.)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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@@Rainbow Night


Corkscrew awakes to find himself laying face down in his bed. 

"Was it all a dream......What the buck happened to me....My head is throbbing. That's the last time I go drinking in Canterlot again."

Under his door is a letter baring the royal seal, Corkscrew opens it to find his assignment. He has been assigned to DarkSun and Ponyville in general. He lets out a sigh of relief.


"Wait, what DID I do yesterday......"


Corkscrew looks out the window to see that It is just later in that same day.


"......Oh buck....What did I do? I need to find a mirror fast!"


Corkscrew looks in his mirror to see if he had any signs of a kiss on his cheek, there was. 


"That's it, I'm dead! I don't even what to think about what happened."


Corkscrew went downstairs


"Hey DarkSun, I have some news! Could you come down here!"

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Aerial glanced around, seeing other ponies stepping off the train and onto the platform, including the red stallion she'd spotted from the sky, and another pegasus. "Well... Seems I'm not the only one moving in around here..." she said to herself as she began walking alongside the other new arrivals, glad she wasn't alone in her situation.

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(Yay I can start! :3 )






Stella walked off the trainmen carrying her navy blue suitcase, with her cutie mark slashed over it. She set it down onto the platform with her teeth, and admired the scenery around her. Behind her, she spotted the beautiful apple orchard, and lots of buildings greeted in front of her. Stella once again picked up the bag and started walking away from the station and into the dirt road. She'd seen other ponies come off this station, and most looked like they were new too. She liked the pretty treehouse which looked like a library because it was full of books, and there was a sweet looking shop called 'SUGARCUBE CORNER'


Stella was already loving this quiet, little town and she'd only been there for a mere 10 minutes! Stella saw a rather tall, purple pony, who was a Pegasus just like herself. Stella made her way to the pony and coughed, hoping the mare would stop and say hello.


(Please tell me if I have done anything wrong, so I can edit it! This is my first time doing an MLP RP after all... :P )

Edited by MojoDash

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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@@MojoDash, (No problem, it's my first MLP RP too~ Have you done any other RPs before?)


Aerial Shot heard a cough from behind her and turned to see a blue-ish Pegasus mare looking at her. She smiled at her and turned around completely. "Hi, are you new to Ponyville too? I'm Aerial Shot, amateur filmmaker." She closed her eyes and raised her chin proudly, cracking open one eye, hoping the mare would be impressed.

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