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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Rockes saw the fear consuming Cypriss as she tried to feebly crawl away, dragging a Luminari that if she didn't see her chest rising and falling, she would swear she was dead. He stood in front of the fearful changeling, standing as tall as she could.


"Ma'am, we have very important buisness to attend to. This has been a lovely evening, but we need to take our leave now." He spoke firm, ready to shift and defend the two mares from any possible attack that might come.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"I, uh, I paint sometimes," she started, "I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my hair though," she laughed and looked around "I suppose going to the Town Hall would be a good idea. I need to find the way to my house... could you show me the way, if you aren't busy?" Neon smiled at Music

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"Why hello to you too!" He snapped back. He could see the white colt sitting in the chair. "I have some things to ask you too. For some reason, he thinks I'm his big brother, but both my parents died when I was his age. How could he know my name and Fluttershy's name if he is new in town....wait. There's something fimilar about those eyes. It can't be, can it?"









Twilight thought for a bite then Corkscrew said he look fimilar Twilight look at the colt to. "His eyes look fmilar but how" she ask.


Corkscrew reaches up behind his ear to take out a white feather he picked up at the castle ruins in the Everfree.


"I think it is." Corkscrew face hooves. "I think it is. I think it's Fire!"


Twilight look at the feather he had behind his ear and for some reason he face hooves himself and said that was Fire. Twilight look at the colt " No way he died to saving use all form the Changelings Invasion that can't be Fire at all." Twilight said but hope she is wrong she look at the feather and at colt " Maybe no it can't" but didn't believe that Fire but for now she well let it go.


A faint meow can be heard coming from Fluttershy's bag. As the young kitten jumps out and heads over to the young colt, rubbing up agents his leg than going back to Corkscrew. The kitten sat there, starring at its master.


"It's ok Pookie, you can play with him." Seeing the colt play with the kitten was making him warm inside. The first of many emotions to start to return.


"If its ok, I'll let little Fire stay with me?"

Corkscrew looks over to see the colt and kitten playing with each other. He looks to Fluttershy with a half smile on his face.


Little Fire


A kitten come up to him and started to rubbing agents him the colt was confused for a couple of minutes and then the kitten let. Fire follow with his head and saw Corkscrew and then the kitten come back " Oh you want to paly with me OK" Little Fire start to paly with the kitten.




She look at Corkscrew and said " Well he think you is Big Brother I know he well go were you go only one thing be careful if this is Fire his memories come back he may think it's kind of weird you calling him little brother just keep that in mind OK Corkscrew." Twilight tell Corkscrew.


"Now for the reason I came. I was hoping you cold write Celrstia a letter for me. I feel guilty for almost blowing up the medical wing when I was a nightmare. Do you think she'll forgive me? Also, there's this thing," as he points a hoof to the horn on his head. "I ether need to know how to use it, or how to turn back to normal. I bet in all the books you've read, you've never even heard of a male alicorn. I don't deserve that honor after how I've acted."




" I think you need to see Celestia your self if you are guilty you say you are. You well tell her yourself write a letter well not express that well but if you are there and say you are sorry I know Celestia will know you mean it better then a letter." Twilight tell him." And I think she may know how to make you back to normal or make you a princes of Equestria but that up to her" Twilight smile.


" And if Little Fire is Fire Celestia may know if he is Fire" Twilight hope Celestia can know this is Fire.



"I, uh, I paint sometimes," she started, "I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my hair though," she laughed and looked around "I suppose going to the Town Hall would be a good idea. I need to find the way to my house... could you show me the way, if you aren't busy?" Neon smiled at Music



Music Note


Music laughed for what she said " Sorry for that but ok that may make you a artists" Music ask here.


" Yes I well help you got my brother does not know I here I was going to surprise him. But I have time to help you out ". Music said to Neon. " But I do not know were is the Town Hall at all I think we need to ask around if some ponies know were is Town Hall is" Music tell Neon.

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China's left eye twitched, "leaving...you can't just leave not after you just got here. No you can't YOU CAN'T!'' she suddenly lunged toward them dropping the bowl of sugar cubes flying everywhere. at this Cypriss sprang into action changing into her true form immeadiately leaping at the old mare, when they collided the changeling dug her fangs into the mares neck sucking a bit of the color from her coat. She snapped back almost immediately the foul taste of the negative emotions almost made her hurl, "GET OUT NOW!" She fired a blast of green energy at the door making it smash open, all the ngative emotions whelled up in the room and seemed to follow her as she ran from the house as fast as she could not looking or caring if the others had followed. She just wanted out, out of the pony structure, out of the the death trap, out of the way of those dead ponies dead emotions.

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Nexus was shifting back into his true form, but didn't have time to wait for a complete transformation. He grabbed Luminari and as soon as she was on his back, he took flight and dashed out of the home. He soon caught up to Cypriss, completely horrified.


"Cypriss" He called through the wind rushing by as the group sped on.


"Nice work back there. You may of saved our lives. I still don't know for sure what that was about, but I don't think I wanted to stay to find out."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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Cypriss spat at the ground, "I did only what I needed to survive, don't thank me just yet. Look she's dreaming." the changeling attached her line to the mare and started feeding.




Luminari found herself back in her home in Manehattan but something was off. She was missing something she turned around and a breeze swept by when she looked up to see somepony familiar. 'Parcel' his head was tilted down apologetic, "I have to let you go now, I'm so sorry but I have to let you go." 'Parcel what are you talking about?' but he didn't seem to notice her words didn't even seem to see her at all he just kept staring at the floor and saying, "I'm going to have to let you go, but I'm coming back for you I promise." He repeating this for a few minutes from time to time Luminari would try to interupt him asking what was going on and then he looked up at her, right into her eyes and said, "I love you." and then let out a piercing scream as he was what Luminari could only explain as him being ripped into himself and disappear, out of site.

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"Right, take all the time you need admitting you have a heart." He said in a flat tone. He sensed Cypriss take her line out and begin feeding, eliciting a shake of the head and a sigh from the hunter. 


"Have you no restraint? I don't think this is the best time to be indulging your changeling urges." Truth be told, Nexus could feel the love oozing from Luminari, and it was the equivalent of being in the presence of a gourmet all you can eat buffet. He was showing a fair amount of restraint.


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"Tch, oh please don't even act like you don't want any of this," she said this as she proped up the sleeping unicorn to face Nexus placing a hoof on her face and forcing a pout out of the mare. The taste of her love was so delicious, now Cypriss had never had pony food and had nothing to comare it to but if she did she would've said that the love of this mare was spicey and flavorful with a kick but alas she cannot discribe it this way in her mind it tasted like a burning fire, warm and beautiful. And she never wanted to stop eating, "and besides I'm starving it's been forever since i had a meal and feading on that old woman drained the last of my strength so just let me have this one." she kept feeding more and more never getting enough of the taste.

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Nexus looked at her greedy consumption of the mare's love. He felt a little drained himself, but vowed to only take volunteers as love sources. He looked between the two, thankful that Luminari was producing more love than can be drained, but she wouldn't last forever.


"I will give you ten seconds, then you stop this immediately. Less I force you to stop."


"One" He looked Cypriss in the eye.




"Three" She continued.




"Five" Nexus continued counting down, expecting to have to go to plan B. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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Cypriss smirked, "you arent going to do anything, besides I'm not going to let go of this. This is the best thing I've ever had so no way get your own meal."

She continued feeding sticking to her word and not believing that Nexus would keep to his. What was he going to do kill the food supply? Not likely.

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"Eight" She really is going to test it, isn't she? 






Nexus attached his line to Cypriss, and did something he recalls having hurt Parcel very badly when they first met. It got Dogboots a lot of scars. He thought of his parents, how they died, all the grief, anger, and hatred he could summon, and then he poured it through his line, while also verbally delivering it.


"Figures you changelings can't help it. You all are a bunch of murderous, evil monsters hell bent on the destruction of Equestria. Bunch of sick, psychotic demon spawns. I'm glad I've killed so many, and I take comfort knowing my dad killed a TON of you pricks before he went down. Maybe Parcel is really a pony in a changeling body. Can't see changelings having hearts any other way. Not like you care you selfish, greedy, cold hearted ICE BITCH!!!" Nexus' voice grew deeper, darker, as did his coat, and the volume of his speech increased as well. He was oozing more hate than Luminari was love. Problem was, once the flood gates are open, it's hard to close them.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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As soon as Nexus' emotions started flowing in she retracted from the unicorn and began screaming. She fell backward writhing in pain it was unbearable. All the hate and pain dried up the love she had fed from Luminari leaving her stomach as dry as the holes that riddled her body. She nearly blacked out a few times and she begged, "PLEASE STOP. NO....I....PLEASE..NOOOOOO!!"

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"Don't like it? Next time, DON'T FEED OFF MY FRIENDS!" Nexus began the process of reeling in the hate. He must not kill her, as she is vital to this mission. Plus, despite the hate, he still wanted to be friends. Might as well have on in the changeling ranks. After five minutes, Nexus reels it in completely, regaining control. Cypriss looks like she's near death. Nexus looks over her, shaking his head.


"Next time, you come to me if you need love. You don't feed on the innocent, or my friends. Or else that will happen. Again and again. Understood?" He spoke in a firm tone, glaring down at her. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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She began to walk further into Ponyville, eyes darting around as the ponies passed her

"So, wh-who are we going to ask then?" She said, nervously. "There are quite a lot of ponies here, well, more than I expected..."

Neon forced a laugh, watching the rainbow of ponies going about their daily business. "I'm not sure why, but I thought there weren't very many ponies living here!"

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The fog in her mind was beginning to clear as she opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She sat up confused at where she was her vision adjusting to the light. Figures made themselves clear and she saw trees bushes and two distinct figures that turned out to be Nexus and that changeling, she walked over to Nexus 'what's going on?'




The changeling known as Cypriss shakily got to her hooves, "tch, I'll tell you what's going on, he's becoming one of us. He's becoming a changeling."

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"That explains the slowly growing...urges. I figured that Chrysalis needs me as I am. Since I have the ability to feed on changelings, she needs me until I get that plant. Then she will get my ability. And theoretically I should get her mind control ability." Nexus shrugged, looking upset.


"Doesn't matter. Parcel is doomed if I don't get this plant. I'm hoping I can find a way to stop her, but if I need to become a slave to save a friend, so be it." He looked between the two mares, one unicorn and one changeling, and then ahead.


"Let's just get the plant. And Cypriss...I'm sorry for what I did. Just, please show a little restraint, just for this mission, OK?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Corkscrew looked at Twilight. "So what your telling me is something I would have had to do anyway!," Corkscrew raised his voice. "I guess I better get going to Canterlot than!"


Corkscrew's horn began to glow black again, however he stopped it before he could do any damage.


"I guess I really am a monster," he said in a depressed voice. "Little Fire and Pookie had me happy for a second, than this stupid thing acts like it's going to destroy Equestria every time I get angry. Can you at least show me how to control it so I don't accidentally blow up the rest of the castle when I see Celestia?" 

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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She began to walk further into Ponyville, eyes darting around as the ponies passed her

"So, wh-who are we going to ask then?" She said, nervously. "There are quite a lot of ponies here, well, more than I expected..."

Neon forced a laugh, watching the rainbow of ponies going about their daily business. "I'm not sure why, but I thought there weren't very many ponies living here!"

@, @@TotalNeon,


Music Note


Music walking besides Neon she notice Neon was nervous when she speak. She was looking around but it so much ponies in this town Music didn't know who to ask for directions. " Um hello there sir" But the pony just passed by not answering her question.


Music started to think " How can I get a ponies attention" Music thought for a little bit. And a idea gust hit her " Neon can you stand next to me I have a idea to got all this ponies to help us out" Music said a excited tone.


Music tell Neon " I going to sing that how we well got some help" she tell her with a smile, but with out thinking Neon probably get more nervous. And she stared here song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGWr03bwP5o


Doing her song lots of ponies stared to come up to hear her song. Music tell Neon between her song to ask the ponies if one of them know were is town hall is she tell Neon.


( Occ Yes I using youtube I do not know how to put down lyrics besides with my bad spelling and grammar, yes it be bad. Well I hope YouTube be the best)  


Corkscrew looked at Twilight. "So what your telling me is something I would have had to do anyway!," Corkscrew raised his voice. "I guess I better get going to Canterlot than!"


Corkscrew's horn began to glow black again, however he stopped it before he could do any damage.


"I guess I really am a monster," he said in a depressed voice. "Little Fire and Pookie had me happy for a second, than this stupid thing acts like it's going to destroy Equestria every time I get angry. Can you at least show me how to control it so I don't accidentally blow up the rest of the castle when I see Celestia?" 



" Well Yes Corkscrew" Twilight raised her voice to him. " You know going to  see Celestia is not the end of the word you know. She have a way to help you" Twilight tell Corkscrew with a comforting smile.


Twilight saw the Corkscrew horn glow black and he was able to control his magic. " I can teach you some what Celestia show me but the only one how can teach you more of you tip of magic you have is Celestia." Twilight tell him she wish, she can help him but the magic he have is a dark tip. Hoping Celestia can help him to get rid of the dark magic he have.


Little Fire


When Fire was playing with Pookie he head Twilight and Corkscrew talking about going to Canterlot he jump up. " I we going to Canterlot are we Big Brother that well be fun you can saw me here you train where you eat where you sleep" he kept on going on tell Twilight tell him to stop.


" OK Miss Twilight, Big Brother are you asking Fluttershy go with us" he ask Corkscrew. 

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Twilight " Well Yes Corkscrew" Twilight raised her voice to him. " You know going to see Celestia is not the end of the word you know. She have a way to help you" Twilight tell Corkscrew with a comforting smile. Twilight saw the Corkscrew horn glow black and he was able to control his magic. " I can teach you some what Celestia show me but the only one how can teach you more of you tip of magic you have is Celestia." Twilight tell him she wish, she can help him but the magic he have is a dark tip. Hoping Celestia can help him to get rid of the dark magic he have. Little Fire When Fire was playing with Pookie he head Twilight and Corkscrew talking about going to Canterlot he jump up. " I we going to Canterlot are we Big Brother that well be fun you can saw me here you train where you eat where you sleep" he kept on going on tell Twilight tell him to stop. " OK Miss Twilight, Big Brother are you asking Fluttershy go with us" he ask Corkscrew.


Corkscrew nodded and looked over to Little Fire than Fluttershy. You know, I think we'll make a family trip to Canterlot....If that's ok Fluttershy?"


Corkscrew was looking around the libary to see if anypony else my have overheard his conversation with Twilight. The last thing he needed was for the whole town to know about what he's been though.


Corkscrew grabbed a peice of paper and began to wright a letter.


"Dear Princess Celestia,


I'm am truly sorry for what happened a few nights ago in Canterlot. I hope that you can forgive me, as I have a favor to ask. Do I have your premission to return to Canterlot?



It did not take long for a responce to return.


Princess Celestia

"My faithful guard Corkscrew,


I understand that sometimes we all go astray. Wanting to right a wrong is the first step to forgiveness. I await your arivle,


Princess Celestia."

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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As Music began to sing, Neon cringed. She was a lovely singer but Neon, in a very non-pony fashion, detested music. Fighting the urge to cover her ears, and trying desperately to react naturally to Music's song, Neon timidly approached one group of ponies listening to Music and asked them where she could find the Ponyville town hall.

a yellow bodied, blue maned pony answered her, "It's just up there! Around the corner." Neon nodded in response, "Th-thanks a lot."

Neon waved at Music, motioning that she had directions and silently hoping that she would stop singing.

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The mare jumped when she heard the kitten meow from within her bags.  She had forgotten that the little kitten was there!  Pookie didn't seem to mind though and hopped out of the bag and went to play with the odd young colt.  This seemed to make Corkscrew happy, which, in turn, made her smile.



Corkscrew nodded and looked over to Little Fire than Fluttershy. "You know, I think we'll make a family trip to Canterlot....If that's ok Fluttershy?"


"Of course!" she replied.  "B-but... but I'm coming too!"  She was going to see this through to the end, no matter what.

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Corkscrew nodded and looked over to Little Fire than Fluttershy. You know, I think we'll make a family trip to Canterlot....If that's ok Fluttershy?"


Corkscrew was looking around the libary to see if anypony else my have overheard his conversation with Twilight. The last thing he needed was for the whole town to know about what he's been though.


Corkscrew grabbed a peice of paper and began to wright a letter.


"Dear Princess Celestia,


I'm am truly sorry for what happened a few nights ago in Canterlot. I hope that you can forgive me, as I have a favor to ask. Do I have your premission to return to Canterlot?




It did not take long for a responce to return.


Princess Celestia

"My faithful guard Corkscrew,


I understand that sometimes we all go astray. Wanting to right a wrong is the first step to forgiveness. I await your arivle,


Princess Celestia."

@@Antismurf9001, @@TotalNeon, @,





"You see Corkscrew Celestia well like to talk. Do not worry Me and Fluttershy well come with you" Twilight said with a smile.


Litter Fire


YES we going on a trip to Canterlot  !!YEAH!!" Fire said in excited tone jump around the library. Twilight tell the colt " Stop jump around the library if you do not stop your big brother well not take you."

Litter Fire look at her and he stop jumping in the library and he walk to Corkscrew and look up to him. " Um big brother Flutershy and you  going on a date there in Canterlot I well like Fluttershy to be my big sister" Fire tell

Corkscrew hoping he say yes.




As Music began to sing, Neon cringed. She was a lovely singer but Neon, in a very non-pony fashion, detested music. Fighting the urge to cover her ears, and trying desperately to react naturally to Music's song, Neon timidly approached one group of ponies listening to Music and asked them where she could find the Ponyville town hall.

a yellow bodied, blue maned pony answered her, "It's just up there! Around the corner." Neon nodded in response, "Th-thanks a lot."

Neon waved at Music, motioning that she had directions and silently hoping that she would stop singing.


Music Note


When Music was singing she saw Neon was detested the music she was singing. But as much it was annoying her it got the job done.  


And then Neon waved at her and she finish the song she was singing. All the ponies was around her, she smile and tell the crowd " I well like keep on singing but I have to go now sorry every ponies have a good day" and she ran to Neon.

"Did you got what we need" she ask Neon.




"Of course!" she replied.  "B-but... but I'm coming too!"  She was going to see this through to the end, no matter what.




" Yes Fluttershy I think Corkscrew and litter Fire make them happy you are there" Twilight tell here friend. " And I well be happy you came anyways I think Litter Fire like you" Twilight smile.

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Twilight "You see Corkscrew Celestia well like to talk. Do not worry Me and Fluttershy well come with you" Twilight said with a smile. Litter Fire " YES we going on a trip to Canterlot !!YEAH!!" Fire said in excited tone jump around the library. Twilight tell the colt " Stop jump around the library if you do not stop your big brother well not take you." Litter Fire look at her and he stop jumping in the library and he walk to Corkscrew and look up to him. " Um big brother Flutershy and you going on a date there in Canterlot I well like Fluttershy to be my big sister" Fire tell Corkscrew hoping he say yes.




Corkscrew begins to turn red at the mention of a date in Canterlot. "Well....Um....you see....I.....have business...yea...business to take care of with the Princess...."

Corkscrew was hoping that he didn't have to answer that question directly. He was just hoping that Celestia would be able to fix him, or at least guide him to a way to restore himself and Little Fire to normal.


"Well, we might as well fly there, I mean we all have wings, right."


And with that, Corkscrew left in the direction of Canterlot Castle, Hopeing that his friends were behind him.


"I just hope it's Celestia that's meeting me, and not the whole guard"


He approched the damaged wing of the castle, landing in the hole that he had made just a few days before. He could see Celestia waiting in the room for him, He was glad that we got there before everypony, for he had questions to ask her in private.


"I...I'm so sorry for what I have done. I've damaged your beatuful home, made a fool out of myself, and almost got my firends hurt or killed. I deserve what ever punishment you deem."


Princess Celestia

"I know why you've come. I'm glad that you finaly realized that help is aviable. You are a unique case to say the least. Only one other pony has known what you have gone thourgh, and I have summed her here to try to help you."

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

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'But I don't get it, what happened?' she looked up at Nexus frowning 'we were having tea and then I wake up in the forest, what gives?'




Cypriss walked passed the two slowly making her way deeper into the forest, "I'm guessing creepy cabin lady didn't just put tea leaves into those drinks, but what really has me mad is all those dolls weren't just collectables. I felt feelings come from them or at least the remains of feelings," she sighed deeply, "such a waiste of food."

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Nexus also sighed heavily. Somehow, he found himself growing depressed.


"Yeah, because when ponies are killed and turned into collectibles for a twisted mage, it's a shame because of the wasted love." He continued walking, head held low. Maybe he didn't repress all negative emotions.


"Is this the life I'm destined to lead? Just a drone for an evil queen? Yeah, really doing my parents proud." He would occasionally look around for the plant in question, but then return his head to a low.


"Maybe...maybe the only way out is if I...you know, end it myself. Keep Chrysalis from using me." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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