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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Nexus and Dusty engaged in small talk, though the brown earth pony was the one leading, as Nexus wasn't really in the mood to talk. The southerner was proving to be enjoyable companionship, though in the back of his mind, the hybrid still worried that his partner was out feeding on some poor bastard with a soft spot for mares. He figured he could just hit her with some negativity. Not enough to drain her, just enough to make his point. He had plenty to go around.


"So this funny little pegasus nearly rams into me, carryin' all kindsa papers I can't make heads r tails of, sa-GAH!" Nexus was blown on his back, but he was quick to get to his hooves, seeing a cloaked figure on his new friend, trying to sink a pair of fangs into him. Luckily, it looks like Dusty was holding it back, but he couldn't keep it up forever. The hybrid was quick to act, galloping forward.


"No, you don't!" He brought a foreleg back, a blade extending out of his gauntlet, and he gave it a underhoof swing, knocking the cloaked figure off, creating a deep gash in it's chest. He helped Dusty off, asking if he was OK.


"Ahm fine. But what the hay was that thing?"


"If I had to guess, I'd say a...changeling." Nexus facehoofed, thankful that his blade was retracted.


"What's the matter, pardner?"


"Damnit, I think I know this changeling, and if so, then she has nopony to blame for her injury but herself!" He said loudly enough for the figure to hear.


"Wait...is that your friend you're talkin bout earlier?" Damn, he gave away too much.


"It's complicated. I'll explain later, for now I need to go check to see if this is who I think it is." Nexus trotted over to the figure, pulling to hood back to find...



Edited by ActFast231


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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His eyes grew 3 times wider than normal as he looked upon his old friend, all he could do was stare dumbfounded at Nexus. All the clouds had lifted from his mind in that one instant as the tears over flowed down his cheeks this only lasted a moment before he attacked the stallion in a huge hug wrapping his forelegs around Nexus' neck and hanging on for dear life as though Nexus was about to disappear at any second. All he could to was laugh and cry thankful at seeing such a friendly face and then he suddenly pulled away looking up into the stallions face, "....how can you be here? you were dead! I saw it you die....and- LUMINARI! where is she is she alright!" so many questions swirled around in his mind he felt a little feverish.

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Dusty ran over, ready to attack, but Nexus held a hoof up to signal him to stay back. Nexus returned the hug-rather awkwardly-before speaking up.


"Yes, well, despite my best efforts, I am still alive. Though things have changed. As for Luminari, I don't know. I think she said something about returning to town." Nexus slowly pried off the changeling, noticing his leather armor stained in a green substance.


"Parcel, your bleeding. Badly. You attacked an innocent pony and without knowledge of who you were, I knocked you off with my blade. Come, let us find you a doctor." He turned to Dusty, who had a mixed look, ranging from caution, concern, and confusion.


"Do you think we could make a detour to the hospital?

"Ah don't think bringin' a changeling to a hospital that was invaded by their kind would be the best idea, Axel." This caused a deep frown on the hybrids face, though his eyes were shielded from view.


"But Ah no somepony that can help ya out. He owes me a favor anyway. But uh, ya sure we can trust him. He did just try to bite mah neck."


"Yeah, he gets that way when he feeds, that's why he almost never does. He nearly killed me before, but that is behind me."


"Alright. Follow me."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Cypriss gave a winning smile knowing that she would be able to feed off of this one for a while if she got his spirits up enough, "well, my name is Daffodil, but you know I'm really thirsty how about you?" Her smile only widened at the prospect of having a good meal that she rightfully deserved after spending so much time with mopey, this surely was a good treat for her. "things are finally starting to look up' she thought.


Plagal Cadence


"Um... er, eh heh..." Plagal began to respond.  I'm not actually going to do this, right? he thought to himself.


Why not? his consciousness asked.


Because I'm in absolutely no state of mind for this.  Everypony has spontaneously gone insane, and the way things are going, I might be next.


Funny, because I'm pretty sure that that's exactly why you're going to say- "Actually, Miss Daffodil," he said to the mare, "I could use something to drink right now.  Would you care to accompany me to the cafe?  Don't worry, I'll pay."






After taking care of the critters, Fluttershy returned to her cottage.  It had been a tiring day, and it was time for her to relax.  However, no more than a minute later, she saw a rainbow blur outside of her window, followed by frantic knocking at the door.  She sighed, wondering what is was that Dash wanted.  "Hello Rainbow," she said as she opened the door.  "How are...  Oh my goodness!" she shrieked, looking at the convulsing pony that she carried.  "Is he okay?"

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Dogboots blinked twice indicating that he wanted to go to Fluttershy. However, the stallion didn't even know who Fluttershy was, he never met the mare. It was the only option he had to choose anyways considering how embarrassing it would be to be rescued by the princess that he just told off. The earth pony's spasms were only getting worse by the minute.

Rainbow Dash

"Ok, Fluttershy it is. Pinkie. I need you to stay with them. After I take him there, I'm going after the Princess to let her know the Changelings are back."

Rainbow picked up the earth pony, placing him on her back between her opened wings, and began the slow trip to Fluttershy's cottage.


After a few minuits, they arrived.



Rainbow knocked on her door.

"Fluttershy. I have something that's injured and needs taken care of."


Pinkie Pie

Pinkie bounced behind Rainbow Dash as they traveled to Fluttershy's. She was keeping an eye on DogBoots to see if he was getting any better.



Fluttershy After taking care of the critters, Fluttershy returned to her cottage. It had been a tiring day, and it was time for her to relax. However, no more than a minute later, she saw a rainbow blur outside of her window, followed by frantic knocking at the door. She sighed, wondering what is was that Dash wanted. "Hello Rainbow," she said as she opened the door. "How are... Oh my goodness!" she shrieked, looking at the convulsing pony that she carried. "Is he okay?"

Rainbow Dash

"Do you remember that little Changeling that DogBoots let stay with him? Well, he sucked the life right out of him! You and Pinkie should be able to get him back to normal."

Rainbow paused as she sat the stallion down on Fluttershy's sofa.


"The thing that has me worried is what are we going to do if there are more of them on the way? Twilight's in Canterlot, so we can't use the elements at this time. Corkscrew's...well...you know.....we are open to attack."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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His ears lay flat against his head as he trudged behind the two not blaming the earth pony for not trusting him but it didn't make him feel any better about his current situation. He felt embarrassed, he was only thankful that he wouldn't have to eat for a long time and it was all thanks to. He stopped rubbing his head with one hoof, "oh no, Dogboots I just left him there I hope he's alright. Oh man how could i be so stupid this is the second time I've done this I shouldn't have ever fed on him in the first place."






She grinned, "actually i was hoping for more of a pub type of place." If there was anything she had learned in her time at the hive it was that manipulation was key, and if she was going to do that she needed to get this ones guard down and that was the perfect place to do it.

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Dogboots tried reaching his hoof out to the yellow mare in need of help. His breathing was getting fainter and fainter. The earth pony tried gasping for air but it seemed fruitless.


"H..elp!" Was all the stallion could say and it took a lot of energy for him to speak.

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Corkscrew woke up a few hours later. He looked around the room, looking to a clock on the walk.


"We'll, I better get this out of the way before my training continues or I'll never hear the end of it."


He walks over to sleeping Fire and taps him on the back.


"Hey little brother. Do you know what day it is?" Corkscrew levitates Little Fire onto his back and begins walking towards the door, using magic to open it. Outside is one of the guards he went through training with, making his life horror able.



"Well well well, if it isn't Celestia's pet. If I knew brownnoseing the princess would get me living in the castle, in my own tower, I would have joined you." He laughed at Corkscrew. "I've got my orders that your not to leave this castle, so just where do you think your going anyway?"



"I'm heading to the grand ballroom. You know, the one that only gets used three times a year. I need to get some flying in."



"All right princess, but I'm watching you. Maybe by the time you get back, Princess Celestia will have a crown for you, Princess Corkscrew. "



Corkscrew was getting angry, but now was not the time nor place, espesclly in front of Fire.

"I'll be seeing you around. It's nice to see someponies don't change." As he walked by. After a few moments, Corkscrew, and Fire, who had been riding on his back reached the large ballroom.


"You better stretch your wings, because I'm teaching you how to fly before my lesson with Princess Luna."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Plagal Cadence


On second thought, Plagal's consciousness started, maybe this isn't the best idea.


Were you not the one that wanted me to be making friends? Plagal asked it.


Yes, but I feel something's wrong here.


Well you know what?  I'm going to go and have a good time, whether you like it or not.  His consciousness sighed, but gave no response.  "Right," he said to Daffodil, "that actually sounds quite good.  I believe that it's this way."  He then began walking towards the pub.


@@thor9356, @@Skycoaster,




"What?!" she almost screamed at Rainbow Dash.  "Me and Pinkie Pie should be able to...  Rainbow, we're not doctors!  This pony needs professional-"


Dogboots tried reaching his hoof out to the yellow mare in need of help. His breathing was getting fainter and fainter. The earth pony tried gasping for air but it seemed fruitless.


"H..elp!" Was all the stallion could say and it took a lot of energy for him to speak.


This single word caught Fluttershy off-guard.  Then it dawned on her, there was nopony else right now.  There was no time to get him to a professional.  A maternal instinct suddenly took over her mind, and she became calm.  "Dash, I need you to put him on the floor over there, away from any of the furniture.  We don't need him to hurt himself any more than we can help.  I think that he's in shock, and he's hyperventilating.  I'll try to calm him down, and I'll need you to get some sort of paper bag for him to breathe into."  She then knelt down beside the stallion.  She gently stroked his mane as she said, "It's okay Mister.  The changeling is gone now; he isn't feeding on you anymore.  Everything is going to be alright."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Nexus looked over at him,a neutral expression on his face. He wasn't surprised that he fed off somepony else, as that was likely the reason he was in a feeding frenzy, but it raised a thought.


"Why can't you control yourself after feeding. No other changeling I've encountered has lost themselves after feeding like that. Usually, it takes a life or death scenario for a changeling to go feral."


"You sure do know a lot bout these changelings."


"Well, I have spent the better half of my life hunting them." Dusty was understandably surprised, but remained silent as they continued to the doctor. Or whoever this was that they were being led to.


"How are you able to keep moving with such a wound, by the way?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Neon looked around at the tattered house, then back to Music Note. "I suppose I do need a bit of help with this place, I'm not much for DIY..." she looked nervously at the floor "are you sure you don't mind helping me out? I don't want to seem like a lot of trouble to anypony..."

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Nexus' words pryed him away from his thoughts, "well it's the two extremes, usually changelings are in the middle being hostile and just being down right cruel and well because I moved away from acting like that whenever I feed it brings be back to acting like a normal changeling but because I'm not used to it I'm pushed to the extreme. Usually I just get arrogant and rude but this time I was starved so I fed a lot. I guess you could say feeding for me is the equivalent of a pony drinking alcoholic cider." He looked down at his chest now the blood was flowing leaving a trail of green behind him, "I guess it's the adrenalin or shock. Either way I'm starting to feel it now but it's not as bad as what they did to me..."




She walked with him for a ways before they got to the pub. When they got there she looked up at the small enclosed structure frowned. Thinking that maybe this wasn't such a good idea, pony buildings were her only weekness and she avoided them at all costs but this was an emergency, "shall we go in?"

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Corkscrew woke up a few hours later. He looked around the room, looking to a clock on the walk.


"We'll, I better get this out of the way before my training continues or I'll never hear the end of it."


He walks over to sleeping Fire and taps him on the back.


"Hey little brother. Do you know what day it is?" Corkscrew levitates Little Fire onto his back and begins walking towards the door, using magic to open it. Outside is one of the guards he went through training with, making his life horror able.



"Well well well, if it isn't Celestia's pet. If I knew brownnoseing the princess would get me living in the castle, in my own tower, I would have joined you." He laughed at Corkscrew. "I've got my orders that your not to leave this castle, so just where do you think your going anyway?"



"I'm heading to the grand ballroom. You know, the one that only gets used three times a year. I need to get some flying in."



"All right princess, but I'm watching you. Maybe by the time you get back, Princess Celestia will have a crown for you, Princess Corkscrew. "



Corkscrew was getting angry, but now was not the time nor place, espesclly in front of Fire.

"I'll be seeing you around. It's nice to see someponies don't change." As he walked by. After a few moments, Corkscrew, and Fire, who had been riding on his back reached the large ballroom.


"You better stretch your wings, because I'm teaching you how to fly before my lesson with Princess Luna."



Little Fire


Fire woke up because Corkscrew tips Fire. Corkscrew tell him what time it is then Fire jump up and said " It time for me to Fly" Fire jump excited. " Yes Big Brother I can't wait to Fly as fast as you" Fire tell him in a excited ton.


Then Corkscrew use is magic to levitate Fire and put him on his back. " Look Big Brother I using my wings" Fire said to him he was laughing when he said it.


Fire was surprise how big the room is Fire jump of Corkscrew back and ask him " Why that Guard was so mean to you brother " Fire ask him. " I thought all the guards like you brother" Fire ask him again. Before Corkscrew was able to answer is question Fire just ran around him and keep telling him " teach me how to fly, Teach me how to FLY Brother" He keep on saying to Corkscrew. 



Neon looked around at the tattered house, then back to Music Note. "I suppose I do need a bit of help with this place, I'm not much for DIY..." she looked nervously at the floor "are you sure you don't mind helping me out? I don't want to seem like a lot of trouble to anypony..."



Music Note


" Stop being silly Neon I tell you I help you out and you are not trouble at all. That way we are Friend and that what friend do help out" Music tell her. " Now do you need me to got some ponies to help out or not Neon" Music ask.

Edited by Fox801
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Little Fire Fire woke up because Corkscrew tips Fire. Corkscrew tell him what time it is then Fire jump up and said " It time for me to Fly" Fire jump excited. " Yes Big Brother I can't wait to Fly as fast as you" Fire tell him in a excited ton. Then Corkscrew use is magic to levitate Fire and put him on his back. " Look Big Brother I using my wings" Fire said to him he was laughing when he said it. Fire was surprise how big the room is Fire jump of Corkscrew back and ask him " Why that Guard was so mean to you brother " Fire ask him. " I thought all the guards like you brother" Fire ask him again. Before Corkscrew was able to answer is question Fire just ran around him and keep telling him " teach me how to fly, Teach me how to FLY Brother" He keep on saying to Corkscrew.


"I'd just like to forget that part of my life. Don't worry though. I have it taken care off." He said rather darkly, hoping that Fire didn't reconize the tone. "Just remember Little Brother, Karma is a wonderful thing."


"OK Fire, this is one of the most important things. We must strech our wings every morning before we get up. If we get a cramp while were flying...you will crash. Just do as I do and you'll be the third fastest flyer in Equestria in no time."


Corkscrew spread his wings out, though now larger than that of when he was just a pegasus, and began doing exercises with them.

"Are you watching Fire? This is very important."


After some time of exercising their wing mussels, Corkscrew looked to Fire and stopped. "Ok, can you name the next step? We must always maintain our wings. Look your feathers over before you take flight for the first time of the day."


Corkscrew did a quick check of his, than began to look at Fire's to make sure he didn't miss anything.
"Wow, Princess Luna did a great job healing your wings."


After looking them over, he gave Fire a nod to acknowledge that he had done everything so far right.


"OK, Do as I do" Corkscrew spread his wings once more, this time, flapping them gently until he was hovering just a few feet off the ground. "OK, now you try. And don't worry about falling, I'll be right here to catch you if anything goes wrong."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@@Antismurf9001, @@Skycoaster,


The yellow mare tried to comfort the panicking earth pony but it still was terrifying for him. He waited for Rainbow or Pinkie to return with that bag.


"Why did I do that? Why must I always help others? Did I do it to see her again or was it just to help Parcel?"  He thought.

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@@Antismurf9001, @@thor9356,

Rainbow Dash

"I'll be back in 10 seconds flat with that bag." as she flew out an open window towards Sugar Cube Connor. Once there she gets some paper bags, as well as some doughnuts and other food and flys back.


Pinkie Pie

"I can help you move him Fluttershy!" as she puts the stallion in the area that Fluttershy wanted him to be in. "Nine thousand, Tentho...

Rainbow Dash

As Pinkie counted to ten seconds, Rainbow Dash flew back into the window which she flew out.


"What'd I tell you, Ten Seconds Flat! Here's your bags Fluttershy. I also grabbed some food for when he gets stable so he can start to get some of his energy back.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Plagal Cadence


The pair entered the pub and sat down at the bar.  When the the bartender came to them, Plagal said, "Um, we'll have some gin and tonic, and... er... whatever Miss Daffodil would like."  He looked over to the mare and noticed what may have been a hint of anxiety.  Concerned, he asked, "Er, Miss Daffodil, are you alright?"


@@thor9356, @@Skycoaster




Fluttershy immediately took the bag from Dash and held it in front of the stallion.  "Alright Mister, I'm going to put this bag over you muzzle," she explained in a soothing tone.  "When I do, I'll need you to breathe in and out nice and slowly.  Can you do this for me?"  Obviously not waiting for an answer, she put the bag in its place.  "In, and out.  In, and out," she encouraged.  "See?  I bet that you're starting to feel better already!  In, and out."


(note: Fluttershy's last statement doesn't necessarily indicate that she's noticing positive changes.  She's only encouraging Dogboots to believe that he's getting better.  Whether or not this is true is up to you.)

Edited by Antismurf9001
  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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The stallion's breathing started becoming a little more controlled. It soon started with small breath's and then it became nice and easy. Still, something seemed wrong with Dogboots. His mane turned a little gray and the color of his eyes seemed to have faded too.

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"I'd just like to forget that part of my life. Don't worry though. I have it taken care off." He said rather darkly, hoping that Fire didn't reconize the tone. "Just remember Little Brother, Karma is a wonderful thing."


"OK Fire, this is one of the most important things. We must strech our wings every morning before we get up. If we get a cramp while were flying...you will crash. Just do as I do and you'll be the third fastest flyer in Equestria in no time."


Corkscrew spread his wings out, though now larger than that of when he was just a pegasus, and began doing exercises with them.

"Are you watching Fire? This is very important."


After some time of exercising their wing mussels, Corkscrew looked to Fire and stopped. "Ok, can you name the next step? We must always maintain our wings. Look your feathers over before you take flight for the first time of the day."


Corkscrew did a quick check of his, than began to look at Fire's to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"Wow, Princess Luna did a great job healing your wings."


After looking them over, he gave Fire a nod to acknowledge that he had done everything so far right.


"OK, Do as I do" Corkscrew spread his wings once more, this time, flapping them gently until he was hovering just a few feet off the ground. "OK, now you try. And don't worry about falling, I'll be right here to catch you if anything goes wrong."




Little Fire


Fire notice Corkscrew said it in a creepy tone but Fire didn't cater he want to fly.


" We have to stech our wing " Fire tell him but he did what Corkscrew tell him. Fire look at him and said " The third fastest flyer in Equestria no Big Brother I will be Number one Fastest Flyer in Equestria" Fire said it with a small grin on his face.


Fire saw Corkscrew Wings he was inpressed how big they were. Corkscrew is exercises and tell Fire this is important to do. Fire is watching to how to do it.


After for a 2 minutes Corkscrew and Fire stop exercising there wings and Corkscrew ask Fire what is the next step is " Umm I do not know brother" he tell Corkscrew.  And Corkscrew tell him to maintain our wings Fire look at and copy what he did. Fire ask him " Why we need to look at our feathers before we fly brother."


After Corkscrew tell him why. Corkscrew was checking to make sure Fire did it right. Corkscrew tell him how he was surprise how Luna heal is wings Fire just smile happily at Corkscrew. 


Fire saw Corkscrew nod acknowledge at he did all right.


Fire saw how Corkscrew was doing it he was flapping his wings and he started to hovering few feet off the ground. Corkscrew tell him it was is turn to hover and he tell him he well catch him if he fall down. " Ok Big Brother I will give it a try" Fire star to flapping is wings and slowly come off the ground. Fire started to smile and he started to flapping faster the faster he go the more he went up. And then Fire thought " Um I may fly more faster if I flap my wings as fast I can" and he did.


Fire was flapping is wing to fast and something happen his wings started to hurt. But Fire was so happy he went to show off and then the pine was so bad he stop but he was still in the air. He try to open is wings but he can't he is falling down. He got scared " BIG BROTHER HELP ME I FALL DOWN TO FAST"  Fire was still trying but he still can't open is wings he was scared if his brother do not catch him he will die.

Edited by Fox801
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Little Fire


Fire notice Corkscrew said it in a creepy tone but Fire didn't cater he want to fly.


" We have to stech our wing " Fire tell him but he did what Corkscrew tell him. Fire look at him and said " The third fastest flyer in Equestria no Big Brother I will be Number one Fastest Flyer in Equestria" Fire said it with a small grin on his face.


Fire saw Corkscrew Wings he was inpressed how big they were. Corkscrew is exercises and tell Fire this is important to do. Fire is watching to how to do it.


After for a 2 minutes Corkscrew and Fire stop exercising there wings and Corkscrew ask Fire what is the next step is " Umm I do not know brother" he tell Corkscrew.  And Corkscrew tell him to maintain our wings Fire look at and copy what he did. Fire ask him " Why we need to look at our feathers before we fly brother."


After Corkscrew tell him why. Corkscrew was checking to make sure Fire did it right. Corkscrew tell him how he was surprise how Luna heal is wings Fire just smile happily at Corkscrew. 


Fire saw Corkscrew nod acknowledge at he did all right.


Fire saw how Corkscrew was doing it he was flapping his wings and he started to hovering few feet off the ground. Corkscrew tell him it was is turn to hover and he tell him he well catch him if he fall down. " Ok Big Brother I will give it a try" Fire star to flapping is wings and slowly come off the ground. Fire started to smile and he started to flapping faster the faster he go the more he went up. And then Fire thought " Um I may fly more faster if I flap my wings as fast I can" and he did.


Fire was flapping is wing to fast and something happen his wings started to hurt. But Fire was so happy he went to show off and then the pine was so bad he stop but he was still in the air. He try to open is wings but he can't he is falling down. He got scared " BIG BROTHER HELP ME I FALL DOWN TO FAST"  Fire was still trying but he still can't open is wings he was scared if his brother do not catch him he will die.


"I'm coming Fire!" As he yelled as he flew after Fire. He left the ground, leaving an orange streak behind him, catching Fire on his back.


"You Ok?" Corkscrew said ad he landed with a concern look in his face. "You'll be ok. You just overdid it for your first time."


Corkscrew looked up at the clock. "Well, it's almost time for my lesson with Princess Luna. I wounded what that third thing she was talking about was?" He said with a concerrd look on his face as he waited for the princess.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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She looked down at her hooves noticing that she was fidgeting, prying her hooves apart she looked up at the bar tender, "um... I'll just have what he's having, " she turned back to him plastering a smile on her face, "of coarse I am, why wouldn't I be, I'm in a pub with a handsome stallion, I think this might be the best day of my life." She gave him another smile, but just then when she looked at him she saw Nexus' face and she could hear his voice in her head saying, "this is wrong and you know it." She nearly fell out of the chair but quickly regained her composure, she had obviously been spending too much time with that sour patch than she could take, but it was affecting her hunting. This was bad.

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Plagal Cadence


Plagal smiled slightly at the compliment.  Well now I know that there's something wrong, he thought, trying to remember the last time that anypony outside of his grandmother had ever called him handsome.  He could think of nothing.  Still though, it did make him feel good, even if he was certain that she was merely flattering him.  "Right then," he said, "er... thank you... heh, heh...  Um, anyways, so you must be new to Ponyville?  Might I ask where you're from?"


@@Skycoaster, @@thor9356,




Fluttershy was relieved that the stallion had finally become more relaxed, though she couldn't help but notice how dull his coat was.  Was he always this gray? she wondered.  She wasn't sure, but she didn't think so.  "Alright Mister," she said to him, "I'll be right back.  I'm just going to go grab you a glass of water.  Just keep with your breathing, and remember that everything is going to be alright now."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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The stallion kept breathing steadily and soon stopped breathing in the bag. Dogboots took in his surroundings with such a dull look on his face. He didn't seemed fazed at all that has happened.


"Why, can't I feel anything?" The earth pony asked outloud, it seemed as though there was something important missing from Dogboots.

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This was a usual question , one that she had gotten quite often so she was prepared to answer, "well I was born in a small town of Hoofington and well my parents died so I've been moving from place to place and now that I've come here and I think I like it here I've heard the food here is.... to die for." She chuckled at her small joke, while most changelings just made up random stories as their backgrounds but Cypriss was more cunning and she had her hook on her side. After she fed on a pony she took a memory from them and stole it away, from each memory she comprised her story which kept getting longer and longer the more she kept feeding. The dead parents one was new and she wondered where it had come from but soon shrugged it off. "So what about you? I want to know everything."



Edited by slimmyjimjim
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"I'm coming Fire!" As he yelled as he flew after Fire. He left the ground, leaving an orange streak behind him, catching Fire on his back.


"You Ok?" Corkscrew said ad he landed with a concern look in his face. "You'll be ok. You just overdid it for your first time."


Corkscrew looked up at the clock. "Well, it's almost time for my lesson with Princess Luna. I wounded what that third thing she was talking about was?" He said with a concerrd look on his face as he waited for the princess.



Littler Fire


Fire was so happy because Corkscrew save him before he hit the floor. And then Corkscrew ask him he is OK Fire tell him " My wings hurt I think my wings is broken brother" he said in a sand tone.


Fire look at him " I sorry big brother I was so happy I was flying,  I my have broken my wings. Brother you think my wings are ok or is broken" He ask Corkscrew.


Princess Luna


Luna look at the clock and thought to herself " Oh I think it is time to give Corkscrew him lesson" she start to walk to the room where Corkscrew and Fire are at. She enter the room they are in and saw Fire was flying and then he was falling down and Corkscrew save him. 


Luna look at Corkscrew said out loud he was wounding what is the third thing is about. Luna then said to him " Good morning you two I see two of you having a fun time" Luna smile. " Now Corkscrew your lesson is today is a little different now come with me " Luna started to leave the room


They enter the library in the caster and then she stop and look at Fire " Sorry Fire but you need to stay her for a bite I need to talk to your brother alone " she tell him. She take Corkscrew to a room in the library and tell him some thing " I going to show you a secret a dark secret only me a my sister know. But you need to know this secret because this will help you out and in there is your great grand father books before he became Evil. But you can't tell know one what you learn including your little brother this is a top secret information. You need to promise me be fore I saw you the room" Luna tell him with a serious look on her face.

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