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gaming Playing as the opposite gender


Just a few questions...  

200 users have voted

  1. 1. How often, if at all, do you play as the opposite gender (when given the choice)?

    • Always
    • Often
    • Every now and then
    • Rarely
    • Never
  2. 2. Does it bother you when someone plays as the opposite gender?

    • Yep (their not being the correct gender bothers me)
    • Kind of (it depends)
    • Nope
  3. 3. If others playing as the opposite gender bothers you, which of these statements holds true?

    • Males playing as females bother me more
    • Females playing as males bother me more
    • Both bother me around the same amount
    • N/A

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Well, I suppose from time to time, yes.



I usually just pick the character that I feel is better designed than the other gender in that respective game.

Of course, if I'm forced to be a certain gender, I won't really complain all too much.


And it doesn't really bother me when someone picks the opposite gender. I just think of it as a, "So what?" situation. 

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  • 1 year later...

Generally speaking, I tend to play as males (my gender) more often than females. There are some females i like as well as some males for certain reasons. I don't believe sexual orientation plays a role, I think it is player preference.


People playing the opposite gender doesn't exactly bother me, and I don't know any sort of situation where picking a certain gender is more acceptable, unless they have a certain trait, advantage, or look.


I might play as a female character if she is either interesting to me, or in the case of a fighting game where her traits fit my playstyle.

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When I've exhausted Pokémon FireRed, I'll start LeafGreen and select the female player character and assemble a different team.


In other cases, I just play the third "enhanced" version, but that option is not available for FR/LG. (I totes malotes would have taken a Yellow remake over FR/LG)



Well, not for FR/LG to never exist; what I mean is that if all three games existed, I'd take the Yellow remake.


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Honestly in my opinion I don't see the problem of playing the opposite gender. I would just get on with it and have a nice day and not complain. If some else is playing the opposite gender good for them.

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I've played as a guy in MMORPGs before. I used to play a game called Club Penguin and yes, my penguin was a guy. I don't know why I wanted to be a boy on the game, but I think I wanted to because boys had more clothing choices. :P I think it's totally fine. I've seen other people do the same, and it's not going to hurt anyone. 


In video games, I'll just pick the character who I think will help me in the game the best, like being faster or stronger. Genders don't really bother me. If I'm a boy character, that's fine. If I'm a girl character, that's fine. At the end of the day, it's just a game.

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i love playing as a girl in mmo's because you can make them look cooler that male's. im not saying im only playing as a girl. it depends which race and class im playing. if im playing tank/warrior i normaly choose a tall, big male and if im mage/ thief i choose a girl. its all role based :lol:

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I don't play MMOs really ( have done so in the past in short bursts), so my experience is limited to playing single player games. And would generally, if playing an RPG, do at least 1 play through as a Female character after playing as a Male hero then villain, as it is typically a different experience and as you will get different options story wise in certain areas. So I would say 95% of the time I don't care, if someone plays as a Male or Female character; since most are doing it for similar reasons as above, and makes it the same as reading a book where the protagonist is female in effect.

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Well, I'm female, so I don't really have a choice in most games I play - I really like Mario games, but I have to play as Mario or Luigi most of the time, and they're both males. Mario Kart is an exception to this, but I prefer the male characters anyway since Princess Peach/Daisy aren't very good IMO.


In games where you create your own character though (which I'm assuming this thread is about) I usually play as a female since... I guess I can relate to the character more? I dunno. :P

Edited by SparklingSwirls
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I more frequently play as guy characters than girl characters, but as the person above me said, it's because I usually don't really have a choice. Most protagonists are male characters. That doesn't mean I pass up games that have female protagonists, of course not, but of the series that I like, the guy is the lead and the playable one.


When I have the choice, though, I play as both quite equally I would think. It depends on whether or not I prefer the design of a certain character. For example, I preferred how male worgens looked over female ones in WoW, so I played as them instead.

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