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private The Happy Romance Mystery RP


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In the heart of the White Lake Woods, there stood a magnificent cottage. It was owned by a lovely young mare by the name of Misty Leaves. She enjoyed her peace and solitude, her only companion nature itself. There wasn't any better feeling. But sometimes, she felt lonely. All alone out in the middle of nowhere. Ponies came and went, but they never bothered to visit.
Luckily for Misty, today was to be a big storm, and what it would bring with it would answer her prayers. She didn't know it yet, but she was going to have more company than she needed. It was her specialty to feel the changes in the wind, so she at least knew it was coming. Putting what tools she had outside into her shack, she hunkered down in her home, expecting the worst. Outside the warm, safe cottage, the wind was beginning to pick up. In no time at all, it was a downpour. She only hoped nopony had gotten caught out in the storm.

;;Character - Marco ~ Ace Attorney - Swift Justice - 89a01ba1f419c57f44af47bfb8c4615a.jpg - %% %%
;;Character - Zoop - Keystone -  - %% %%
;;Character - Auron - Jack Stallionson - 5yXgn8w.png - %% %%
;;Character - Twiliscael - Icarus -  - %% %%
;;Character - WingMcCallister - Wing -  - %% %%
;;Character - Alex Kennedy - Lost Knowledge -  - %% %%
;;Character - Neikos - Neikos -  - %% %%
;;Character - Dawn Rider - Dawn Rider -  - %% %%
;;Character - Firebolt - Firebolt - d9f18c2b0ddc7d591f04357d591d3954.png - %% %%
;;Character - Starshine - Winterglade - 6zulRb1.png - %% %%
;;Character - Emerald <3 - Chrysanthemum - 98185634b8ada300c7f62982ce94c065.png - %% %%
;;Character - Ambrosia - Key Gear - ff20194c900838ba4829316e6f4be15c.png - %% %%
;;Character - Electrobolt - Grand Journeys - fec4a605481f8ea11901aba56e6f4e9a.png - %% %%
;;ExtraLink - Cottage Layouts
;;DefaultTitle - %%RP Player%%

Edited by Zoop
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The wind buffeted her terribly. A strong sense of direction had never been Key's strong point, this was particularly a problem outside of an urban environment. Key was originally from Manehattan. Back in Manehattan, she had maintained a mechanics shop and done some locksmithing on the side. Somehow, while on a walk in the area outside of Ponyville, she had lost her way and ended up in this forest. Now, she deeply regretted it. The weather was ominously bad. The clouds were so thick that it blocked out every trace of the stars. The rain was pouring down in sheets. She was completely soaked. The contents of her saddlebag were undoubtedly drenched beyond uselessness.


She'd been in worse conditions. For quite some time after her parents disappearance, she had been homeless in Manehattan. She'd gotten into and lost fights with other ponies. Eventually, she learned to hold her own in some conflicts, but she still preferred to run rather than facing the possibility of being badly injured. Now, in this storm, there was no place to run, but she wasn't afraid. Just as the kindness of a stranger had gifted her with a shop and some bits to use to grow it, Key now held out her hopes that somepony, anypony would come along to help her out of the present circumstances.


A bolt of lightening lit up the area around her. Key jumped; she was wildly afraid of the possibility that she would get shocked by a stray bolt of lightening. She was soaking wet, and the rain was coming down so heavily. She knew that water could carry current... She needed to find shelter, quickly. Why had the pegasus ponies setup a storm to rage so heavily. The ground was soaked, completely saturated, it seemed to serve no useful purpose. Why weren't they clearing away the storm?


Another bolt of lightening. The area around her lit up even brighter than before and this one had landed even closer to her location. Her hair stood on end, but she saw, off in the distance, a welcoming looking cottage - a shelter from the storm. Ignoring the danger posed by the forest's terrain and the blinding rain, Key lowered her head and made a run in the direction of the cottage. She made it nearly to the location when she slipped and skid in some mud. Frozen by misery, she held still and hoped that maybe somepony from the cottage would see her and lend a hoof.

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Jack had been trotting along in the same direction in some woods.It had also been raining which annoyed him a little bit. As Jack walked he noticed the weather getting worse. What did i do to deserve such rotten luck? He thought to himself as he started to get pelted by rain. He then noticed a cottage ahead of him and decided to wait there until the storm let up. He then galloped towards the cottage and proceeded to knock on the door.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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The rain was really beginning to come down hard, Swift did his best to try and get home as quickly as possible, but the wind would just not let up, it kept blowing in his face He had just finished with a trial, was already annoyed enough as it is, and the way the weather was getting, was not helping his mood. Swift can't stand cold weather at all, and the fact that that he was drenched in heavy wind really was begging to make him lose it. 


*Why the heck did that trial have to go on for long? That witness would just not let up, I threw so much evidence at him... literally. This weather is getting obscene, I need to find some place to stay* 


Swift scanned the area for any sort of shelter from the storm, in the distance he spotted a cottage. Swift is not normally one to ask for help like this, but he just couldn't stand it anymore. He darted towards the cottage, fruitlessly attempting to brush the water off his mane. As he was running he heard a noise, sounded like a groan, like someone was in pain.


*Hmm? Is there someone out here?*


He ended up bumping into another pony, she had just slipped in the mud by the looks of it. She had a blue coat, similar to Swift's but darker, it was hard to tell because of the mud, but she also seemed to have a brown mane and tail and her cutie mark was a cog. Swift has never seen this pony before, it's quite surprising sense he is always out investigating. She did not look badly hurt, but Swift decided to give her a hoof and help her up.

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Sometimes life hands you a rough hand of cards.


This was a fact of life that Keystone was well acquainted and quite knowledgeable about. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, despite all action on your part, reality itself conspires and sees fit to throw some decidedly sour cards at you.


And sometimes - sometimes - reality sees fit to simply skip right by the rough hands, right by the sour cards, and present you with something so mindbuggeringly frustrating that you're left wondering which deity you've managed to make hate you.


Thus was the situation facing Keystone.


As the only pegasus employee of the lock shop he presently called home, Key often found himself in the decidedly unenviable position of being the go-to pony to conduct service calls in areas beset on all sides by difficult to traverse terrain, at the most irritating hours imaginable, and - in this current case - the most irritating weather imaginable.


Keystone had no illusions as to his ability as a flier. He wasn't a trickster, nor particularly athletic; he could fly further than most Earth ponies and unicorns could comfortably travel, but that was assuming ideal conditions, which he most decidedly did not find himself in presently: flying over a forest, soaked to the bone by utterly obnoxious amounts of rain, being thrown around by asinine gusts of wind, with more than a few bolts of lightning thrown in here and there for a bit of added spice.


It was, if he were to be completely honest with himself, a situation that was quite above his pay grade. It was also a situation, he decided, lightning struck not terribly far in front of him, that he wasn't going to deal with - underpaying job be damned.


His original idea was to try and find some sort of cave or crevice to cower in until the worst of the weather was over with, but that idea was set to the immediately as he caught sight of something far more appealing - a lit structure. Signs of civilization, of life.


He altered his trajectory toward the strangely isolated structure immediately and without a second thought. He didn't know what to expect from the sort of pony that would live so far out in the middle of nowhere, but if there was even a chance that the owner might be gracious enough to provide a roof for at least a short while, he would take it.


And so, with a landing that was quite a bit harder and less controlled than he would have liked, Keystone descended - stopping only when he collided head-first with the wall just adjacent to the structure's front door.

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Winterglade was flying leisurely over White Tail Woods on her way to the Los Pegasus when the weather decided that it was time to let loose. The cloud rumbled in the distance. The mare winced. She was carrying some books in her saddlebag, books that were quite important for a waiting mare in the Los Pegasus. She couldn't afford to risk getting the book wet under the rain. She had promised that she would deliver the books as fast as she could, but it seemed like a delay was inevitable.


"Oh not again..." Winterglade facehoofed. She could almost feel Summer's wrathful gaze on her fur, even if the mare in question was at least a hundred miles away from her. She would have to find a shelter if she wanted to keep the books dry.




The weather took a dive to the worst as soon as Winterglade decided to look around for a particularly large tree, or at least a cave, to perch in until the storm died down. "Oh please don't rain now... Oh buck!" An errant thunder struck a tree next to her, missing her head by merely two feets away. At that sudden shock she stopped her flight, and noticed that there was another pony near her, who looked like she had slipped into a puddle of mud and unable to stood . She also noticed a rather large cottage not to far away. "Speaking of my luck..." She muttered before flying down to reach the toppled pony.


@@Key Gear,

"Hey! Are you okay there?" Winterglade drifted closer to the blue mare. A good portion of her coat already covered in mud. The storm was getting worse for each passing second, luckily there was a stallion nearby who quickly gave the downed mare a helping hoof. She breathed a sigh of relief and landed next to them, helping the stallion to pull out the mare from the mood. "Um, sorry for interrupting, but can you walk to the cottage? We are almost there, and the storm's gonna be a huge one."

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''Rain! Why in The Songbird's name did it have to be rain?!'' Splinter complained as raindrops hit his body. He had been lost in the middle of White Lake Woods. ''Why did I even take a nature walk? Why in a place so BIG?! Why isn't there a map or something with directions on how to get out of this damn tree fiel- Is that.. Shelter?'' Splinter said as noticing a cottage nearby. Like, really, really nearby.


After a dramatic walking sequence of more complaining and running into a lot of trees, Splinter had finally reached his destination. The door of the cottage. As he approached his objective (He was a nerd), he noticed 5 other ponies. A blue stallion with spiky hair, a stallion with a mustache, a rather mud bundled mare, a pink stallion, and yet another mare.


Splinter shrugged shrugged and rolled his eyes. ''So, I take it you're all here because of the storm too?'' He asked out loud, pretty much knowing everypony's answer.


((Hope I didn't screw up. Which I probably did somehow. .-.))

Edited by Calirolls (Hazmat)
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Sky was having one of those days again.


It was one of those when life hands to lemons, and then puts them in your eyes. Yes it was one of those days.


He had been drinking again. A lot. Being a lonely stallion, he had only one friend though, a drink. One drink lead to another and then he was trotting outside in the rain along a path he not could recognize. Thunder boomed as it poured rain.


 He began to think about himself to ignore the cold biting rain. His life...he was a "business" man as he called it. Really when he meant business man, he just meant a charismatic speaker who could trick someone into trusting or believing him. That was how he made a living. He had many things money, valuables, girls, but he wasn't satisfied.


He started dazedly off into the distance to spot a place of rest. His eyes still affected by booze spotted a lonely structure amongst a place seemly barren of life. He started to trot towards the dimly lit structure.


Boy was he in for an adventure this time....


Somehow when he reached there he ended up coming through the back. He fumbled with door for a moment then trotted in. He looked around to see if anyone else was here...



Sky heard the stallion ask him why he was here. Sky just brushed it off as he was hungover now from all his drinking and not in the mood.

Edited by Warith

This Banner was Made By: Me
OC: Twilight Sky

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For a proper Pegasus, flying was a natural act. As long as you weren't pushing yourself beyond your own abilities, you were unlikely to ever have any major issues with it. Or with landing, for that matter.


In the moments before Keystone's spectacular and violent 100% vertical face-first landing on the cottage's front-facing wall, he found himself musing over the irony of the fact that had he remained high in the sky, he would have had sufficient time to compensate for the gusts, and avoid being cratered. It was, amusingly enough, the promise of shelter and safety that had lured him into his present situation.


First there were stars; by sweet Luna's beautiful night sky, were there stars - and so many of them! They appeared in an explosion of light and color, lasting only a brief moment as his face became acquainted with a hard wall.


Then? Then there was pain; first the pain of the collision, then the pain of his body bouncing back off of the wall, onto the floor. While not the worst pain he had ever felt in his life - he didn't feel as though anything was broken, at least - it wasn't exactly a minor thing, either.


Now, in the minutes following his skillful landing, as he lay sprawled out, back-down and hooves-up, Keystone noticed with a strange sense of pride what appeared to be a fresh crack at the exact point in the wall that his forehead had struck.


Still suffering from the shock of his impact, Key laid, largely immobile save for an occasional pain-induced wince in the rain. There would be plenty of time to get up and save himself from dying from exposure later - for now he was quite content to bask in his own pain whilst glaring balefully at the still storming sky that he had only moments before been forcibly and quite gracelessly evicted from.

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((Bleh. Just woke up. Sorry I'm a bit late...))


The grey unicorn trotted steadily down the dirt path. Rain certainly wasn't her favorite form the weather could come in. Of course; she should be thankful there wasn't a random hail storm either. Regardless, she would have to find a place to wait til it subsided. Any cave or such would be fine. The likelihood of any ponies living out here was fairly slim. Hopeful, but still slim. "Though the chances of finding a cave in a place called 'White Lake Woods' is also slim..." The unicorn muttered allowed. Tired of the rain, and sudden flashes that come with lightning, hopefully of which weren't too close, that came every few minutes, lighting her path up for a few seconds.


As she walked, the unicorn's horn gave off a slight orange glow. Nothing special; as it only allowed her to see about three steps in front of her. It was only temporary, after all. The lightning served as a much more useful guide. Of course; the kind of magic she used wasn't the best in rain. Not to say an aspect of it didn't work... in fact the most useful aspect did, but she'd also rather not use up too much power. The cost was, of course, she wouldn't be able to see anything for shelter. Hopefully her path would lead to something.


The mare's mane was generally a deep burnt orange, but now it came off as a brown, completely drenched from the rain. The curls it held now came down in a wet mess, and the heaviness of it all made her remember why she was informed a double mane ((Which is horse talk for having a bit of mane on both sides of your neck, if you're wondering...)) wasn't necessarily the most... functional mane cut out there. 


Eventually, the lightning flashed again and an old looking cottage came into view. The grey pony immediately strengthened the light coming from her horn, and trotted up to the house. She didn't notice the pegasus lying down on the ground, but instead put an ear up to the door. She heard someone ask, or what she thought was asking anyway, something quite loudly from inside. Followed what she thought of as mutters, or something like that.


The mare stepped back. She had no problem relying on the help of other ponies.... but there was so many of them there... Or so she thought, anyway.




Stepping back gave the mare enough vision to see the pegasus laying down. A lightly colored stallion, most likely a pastel red, blue or green, seeing as she had no idea which of those it could be, with a slightly darker mane of a similar color. She walked up to him and looked down, worried. "Uh... are you alright?" She asked, not sure of what to do.


((Long post? I would suggest not getting used to it. :3))

Edited by Firebolt
  • Brohoof 2



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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As the rain was pouring down hard in the White Lake Woods, a teal-colored mare could be seen trying to find shelter from the downpour. "Ugh, why did the rain have to start up now...?" Grand Journeys muttered under her breath, wishing she had brought some supplies with her. Believing that the conditions would be good and that she wouldn't run into any troubles, she decided to not really worry about getting supplies for her journey through the White Lake Woods. Needless to say, her preparation - or lack, thereof - was one of her flaws. "Next time, I should just get supplies regardless of weather..."


But that was too little too late now, as she realized. For now, Grand needed to find shelter from the rain, but as she looked around, she could not see any shelter. She couldn't hide under one of the trees, either, due to the rain hitting everywhere in the woods. "Come oooon, where is there a nearby cave...? Or someplace I can hide out in...?" As she continued galloping forward through the place, she wasn't watching where she was charging as she tripped over a rock that was in the middle of her pathway. "Waah!!!" she yelped out as she fell over, before she began to barrel out of control, mostly from the momentum of her gallop. The fact that she was on an incline also mattered.


"Waaaaaaaah, why is this happening to meeeeeeeeee???!!" she uttered out, still rolling uncontrollably. While barreling down the incline, she could barely make out two blurs - one pink, one grayish - in the distance that looked different than the surroundings of the forest. If they were ponies, then she was headed straight for them! She needed to warn them before she collided into them! As she continued to roll uncontrollably, she tried to shout out, "WATCH OOOOOOUT!!!!!!" trying to warn the ponies that she was possibly going to tumble into.


((The two ponies are supposed to be Keystone and Firebolt, btw, so yeah... Firebolt seemed kinda grayish to me))

Edited by Electrobolt
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There was a loud commotion coming from the outside of Misty's cottage. Getting up from her comfy chair carefully, she approached the door in hopes that she had finally gotten visitors. Opening the door, she peered outside to see a bunch of ponies out in the rain soaked to the bones. With a sudden vigor, she shouted out to them. "Hey, you out there! Get in here and out from the rain! You'll catch your death!"

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Jack was relieved that someone answered the door. He shook loose rainwater from his mane and wiped his feet. He then walked into the cottage as per the ponies invitation. "I must thank you kindly for letting me come into your humble abode. Can i ask you what your name is, friend?" Jack said to the pony with a smile on his face. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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''Thank he who waits behind the wall!'' Splinter said as he made a leap for the open door, not really caring for the fact that his fur had been soaked. He landed violently on the ground next to the stallion with a mustache. ''I need to start thinking about the consequences of my actions.'' Splinter thought as he got up.

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Chrysanthemum journeyed through the forest of White Lake Woods, the last place she had ever thought would hold shelter. 

All as her blue eyes could see were endless images of trees, with too-long branches that occasionally scraped the sides of her flank.

Still she journeyed on, determined to find shelter. Chrissie pushed past a bush, and was amazing at what stood before her.


A humongous house, possibly taller than a mansion stood above her, acting all high and mighty. A drop of water dropped on Chrissie's muzzle and slowly trickled on to the floor. Chrissie waggled her head from side to side, slightly dazed. Still, she ran twoardes the colossal house and knocked on the door, awaiting some sort of response.



Chrysanthemum had taken out the bands that tied her braids long ago, so now her mane now hung over her head like one giant tangled wet mess. She was cold from the rain, and hoped it stopped soon. Many winds had blown on her making the poor mare shiver and chatter her teeth in agony.


Chrissie held her gaze with the elaborately designed door, hoping it would open at sometime to let her in.

  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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If you were to make a list of the situations you would most enjoy being in, it is extremely likely that being sprawled out on your back, in the midst of one of the worst storms you've ever witnessed in your life, while sporting one of the nastiest headaches you've ever been subjected to would not make the list.

...unless, of course, you were some manner of masochist, and got a kick out of such things; in which case, I'm not one to judge - but I can say with some small degree of certainty that Keystone wouldn't qualify for that particular category of pony. Quite the opposite, in fact - his opinion on the matter was quite distinctly negative, and was expressed as such in a mumbled string of curses that I dare not repeat, for fear of getting warning points.

It wasn't until he heard the faint sounds of another pony approaching that he cut his string of obscenities - inaudible over the raging rain and wind - short, as a voice rang out, calling to him.


"Uh... are you alright?"

Keystone's first reaction was an involuntary twitching of his right eye. Was he alright? What about him looked alright? Did this pony - a mare, by the sound of it, probably a few years younger than himself - think that he was sitting out here, beneath the pouring rain, on his back of all things, for his health? For profit? For material gain? Did she think him to be practicing some manner of new age hippy meditation? Did she really think ---

Key took a deep breath, holding it for a moment, before releasing it slowly. There was no no need to be annoyed; no need to get worked up, and certainly no reason to get angry at someone who was expressing some degree of concern for his well being. Even if it did seem to him that the answer should be completely and utterly revoltingly and absolutely destructively obv---

Another deep breath.


"I've been better. I've been drier, too. I would imagine healthier overall as well. I blame the wall, really - that one, over there," Key said, breaking himself out of his pain induced paralyzed stupor and motioning in the general direction of the crack in the wall that had marked his forehead's impact zone, "...it's a good wall, I'll admit... very sturdy, good construction, probably cost quite a bit to put up, but still - it's to blame. It shouldn't have been there, or maybe I shouldn't have been there? I'm not really sure, if anyth-"

Key blinked, and shook his head - realizing that the impact had quite possibly left him a bit loopy in the head. He stretched a bit, and rolled over, getting up and sitting down on his hind legs, wobbling a bit as he did so.

"... sorry. I had a hard landing... I think it knocked me a bit... well, probably very silly. I'll... be fine, I think, in a moment. Maybe. Probably. Just as long as nothing else happ--"



Sadly, before Keystone was able to finish his rambled assessment of his own state of disrepair, he was blindsided from behind by what felt like a freight train barreling into him at high speeds. There was no time for witty commentary, no time for a response, no time even to contemplate the fact that his already battered HP was about to take another hit; there was, quite simply, no time for a reaction of any sort before the unidentified mass struck him from behind, smashing him back into the wall that he had already managed to ram just a few short minutes prior.

He landed hard, finding himself on his back once again. It was with the last vestiges of his strength that he managed to lift a shaking hoof to the sky, drawling out, as he faded from consciousness, "I don't get paid enough for this shiii-"
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Opening the door, she peered outside to see a bunch of ponies out in the rain soaked to the bones. With a sudden vigor, she shouted out to them. "Hey, you out there! Get in here and out from the rain! You'll catch your death!"


"Oh, buck!" Winterglade didn't notice the rain that had just poured all over the place. She was now positively panicking. Quickly she grabbed the blue earth pony mare to her hooves. "Sorry! Gotta dash!" Without further ado, the pegasus dashed through the open door, nearly knocking over three ponies that were currently standing around the cottage's entry. She skid to a halt inside the room. Her sudden entry toppled a nearby chair. "Whoops. Sorry for that, miss."

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@@Zoop, @@Electrobolt,


Firebolt listened to the Stallion's rambling, half focused on that, and half on the sound of what sounded like other ponies coming from the opposite side of the house. It was bizarre, for there to be ponies around here, or any at all... At the same time, she had never been to this area of the woods before.


The rambling of the hurt stallion was now fully ignorable, as the mare was too interested in the noises coming from just around the corner. The question was rhetorical, after all. That was until she heard a loud "Watch out!". Firebolt quickly stepped back, to avoid any physical harm that might befall her. The other pegasus, slightly darker then the stallion, but of a slightly similar shade, hit the one lying down squarely. Firebolt was shocked, of course. The stallion had blatantly falled unconscious, and she was not sure about the state of the mare.


"Well, at least now I know pegasi are attracted to walls..."

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Chrissie knocked on the door, her brilliant blue eyes fixed on the handle. Please open....she begged silently, sneezing a few times. her mane was now soaked more than ever, and Chrissie had to keep dabbing at her eyes to get the water out of them. The rain was strong, and was getting stronger by the minute.

  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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He ended up bumping into another pony, she had just slipped in the mud by the looks of it. She had a blue coat, similar to Swift's but darker, it was hard to tell because of the mud, but she also seemed to have a brown mane and tail and her cutie mark was a cog. Swift has never seen this pony before, it's quite surprising sense he is always out investigating. She did not look badly hurt, but Swift decided to give her a hoof and help her up.
Key's hatred of the outdoors had redoubled during just the few seconds that she had lied there in the mud. It doubled again when she felt something touch her fur. Probably a timberwolf. Which means I'm about to get eaten. I hope it chokes on me and dies. The grim thought echoed through her mind in a split second as she considered her options and realized that she had none. The element of surprise was gone. Her agility would be useless in the mud. Whatever it was had already made contact. She was in trouble, but she didn't care. Hopefully the end would be swift. 
Suddenly, it seemed that the creature was trying to help her to her hooves. Key looked up from the mud, and there, looking back at her was a stallion with a blue coat, similar to her own. His mane, however, was much darker than her own grey. She tried to make out his cutie mark, but, in the storm, she couldn't see it. Key was surprised. She had fully expected to be in serious trouble. Instead, she was the beneficiary of the unexpected kindness of a complete stranger. She opened her mouth to thank him, but another voice cut in and another pair of hooves arrived to help her up.


"Hey! Are you okay there?" Winterglade drifted closer to the blue mare. A good portion of her coat already covered in mud. The storm was getting worse for each passing second, luckily there was a stallion nearby who quickly gave the downed mare a helping hoof. She breathed a sigh of relief and landed next to them, helping the stallion to pull out the mare from the mood. "Um, sorry for interrupting, but can you walk to the cottage? We are almost there, and the storm's gonna be a huge one."
Despite the terrible storm, Key couldn't help herself. She laughed, it was an abrupt laugh, quick and loud. It was her delayed reaction to the sense of relief in finding herself with two friendly ponies instead of being surrounded by hungry timberwolves. A sudden thunderclap drowned out her laughter and brought her attention back to the situation. "Right, yeah... Let's get over there. In the meantime, though, thank you both." She raised her voice to cut through the storm.


Splinter shrugged shrugged and rolled his eyes. ''So, I take it you're all here because of the storm too?'' He asked out loud, pretty much knowing everypony's answer.
Key heard the voice, but decided to not bother responding. She was starting to wonder. Her sense of paranoia told her that it was unusual for so many ponies to be gathered in the wilderness... It just seemed rather unusual at best.


"Sorry! Gotta dash!"
It was true that the storm was getting worse by the moment, but in the presence of so many other friendly ponies, Key didn't see the importance in dashing. She watched the other pony with a quizzical eye as she shot in the direction of the cottage and, presumably, into an open door. Key turned to speak to the stallion standing by. "Hey, it looks like somepony is home over there! Come on, let's get out of this rain!"

In the darkness and the rain, the cottage's appearance was deceptive. It appeared simultaneously both larger and smaller than it really was, depending on the angle that it was approached at. In fact, it had once been a hotel. It had a number of rooms in it, though some of them were locked or empty. It also had a library, a den, and a rather large kitchen and dining room. It had a basement as well.
Around the outside of the cottage, the area was rather unkept. It was just forest, in nearly every direction. There was no garden, no garden path, or anything else that might indicate that the building was inhabited. 


"I must thank you kindly for letting me come into your humble abode. Can i ask you what your name is, friend?" Jack said to the pony with a smile on his face.  
Misty smiled and responded courteously, "It's my pleasure, really. My name is Misty... I have to say, I can't even begin to imagine why any ponies are out in this storm. How in Equestria did you..." Before she could continue, another pony entered the scene, rather energetically. 


He landed violently on the ground next to the stallion with a mustache. ''I need to start thinking about the consequences of my actions.'' Splinter thought as he got up.
"Goodness!" She exclaimed, taking a step back from the open door and allowing it to blow around its hinges. "Well, then, what brings the both of you here?" She asked, while trying to work her way back to the door to shut it. Due to the wind, some of the elements of the weather were now making their way indoors. Her floor was getting soaked. She had finally made it to the door when yet another pony made a surprise entrance.


"Sorry! Gotta dash!" Without further ado, the pegasus dashed through the open door, nearly knocking over three ponies that were currently standing around the cottage's entry. She skid to a halt inside the room. Her sudden entry toppled a nearby chair. "Whoops. Sorry for that, miss."
With a squeak of surprise, Misty managed to sidestep the dashing pegasus and shut her door. "Goodness gracious! Are you alright? That was... Quick an entrance... Ummm, don't worry about the chair. So... What in Equestria are all of you ponies doing out here and... Are there any more outside?" Misty inquired with the strong sound of concern in her voice.


And so, with a landing that was quite a bit harder and less controlled than he would have liked, Keystone descended - stopping only when he collided head-first with the wall just adjacent to the structure's front door.
A dull thud could be heard outside, it was far too dull for it to have been thunder. Misty thought about it for a moment but decided to disregard it. She figured that it was probably a piece of one of older trees, blown loose by the heavy winds. She breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully it hadn't hit a window. 


Chrissie knocked on the door, her brilliant blue eyes fixed on the handle. Please open....she begged silently, sneezing a few times. her mane was now soaked more than ever, and Chrissie had to keep dabbing at her eyes to get the water out of them. The rain was strong, and was getting stronger by the minute.
A knock at the door at the side of the house called Misty away. "Excuse me everypony, it seems like somepony else is in need of shelter! I'll be right back!" Misty ventured through the den and the kitchen, opening the side door there. "Hello there, oh do come in, you look positively drenched. I'm Misty, the owner of this cottage, what's your name?"

(OOC: Well. We're going to need a map of this place. That will take some thinking and work for me, but... In the meantime, just wing it and ask me if you have any questions. Let me know if I missed you, I had a lot of catching up to do. @Electrobolt, You killed @Zoop's pony. What do you have to say for yourself?! I'm kidding, but... These pegasus ponies are clumsy, I'm telling you. , Feel free to knock on the front door. biggrin.png)



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A knock at the door at the side of the house called Misty away. "Excuse me everypony, it seems like somepony else is in need of shelter! I'll be right back!" Misty ventured through the den and the kitchen, opening the side door there. "Hello there, oh do come in, you look positively drenched. I'm Misty, the owner of this cottage, what's your name?"



"Oh! Thank you. I am Chrysanthemum, but please do call me Chrissie. Plesure to meet you Myst." Chrissie entered the house marveling at it's largeness. Then she remembered that Myst was there. "So, am I the only pony here or are there others?

(Why does my profile thingie say Chrysanthemum? Also I GTG for tonight.)

Edited by Emerald <3
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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Hey, it looks like somepony is home over there! Come on, let's get out of this rain!"


*Smartest thing that has been said all day*


Swift gave another look to the blue mare, she looked quite flustered, understandably with all she has been through. "Alright then, let's start heading there." Despite being a female Swift had a feeling that she was tough and knew that he probably should not get in her way. Swift didn't say much along the way. As they approached the cottage, Swift noticed something going on in the distance.


It was a teal pegasus tumbling down a hill, at the end of the incline seemed to be a another pegasus with a pink coat who looks like he just recovered from a crash, and another pony, a white Unicorn who seemed to be helping the pegasus get back on his feet. The teal pegasus was about to crash into the pink one and Swift was about to shout to hopefully get the pink pegasus out of the way, however it was too late and the teal pegasus ended up smashing right into the other one and they both flew against the wall. *...*sigh* why must I be part of the same species as these ponies?*


Swift dismissed what was going on in the distance and headed towards the cottage, when he got there he was relived. He looked at himself and Key, they were both drenched, even Swift's spiky hair was getting a bit droopy. Staring at her, Swift realized he never learned her name. "I just realized, I don't believe we have exchanged names" Swift stretches his arm out for a hoof shake "The name is Swift Justice, Attorney at law, and you are?"

Edited by Marco ~ Ace Attorney
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With a squeak of surprise, Misty managed to sidestep the dashing pegasus and shut her door. "Goodness gracious! Are you alright? That was... Quick an entrance... Ummm, don't worry about the chair. So... What in Equestria are all of you ponies doing out here and... Are there any more outside?" Misty inquired with the strong sound of concern in her voice.


"Uh.. I believe there are other two ponies after me." A loud thunderclap silenced Winterglade's further attempt from speaking out. The mare shivered. "I think I'll sit on that corner. Yeah, that corner," she said before cantering to a corner of the room that is the furthest from any of the door. She watched as Misty Leaves greeted the other ponies who also took shelter in her cottage.


After sure that there were no precious furniture around her immediate vicinity, Winterglade shook her body violently, from her head to her tail, to let out the moisture that had taken hold in her fur. The rain didn't sound like it would dissipate soon. She wheezed. "I hope she wouldn't mind the delay," she muttered as she unlatched her saddlebag from her back and put it next to her.

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@@Key Gear,

 "Well thank you again Misty." Jack said as he trotted past Misty while she was greeting another pony. 

He then glanced around at the current visitors. "We sure picked the time to travel." Jack said with a titter. As Jack looked around he decided that the best way to spend his time would to make some new friends. Out of the corner of his eye, Jack saw a mare shaking the rainwater from her mane, and decided to be friendly.



“Well Howdy, Ma’am. My name is Jack.” He said with a smile on his face. “May I ask what your name is?”

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R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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As Grand was tumbling, she hoped that her message had reached the ears of whomever she was going to tumble into in time. She really didn't want to injure anypony, even if by accident. But as she was barreling uncontrollably,  she felt herself slam into something before being brought to a sudden halt. The position she had been abruptly put in was very painful, but it didn't last long as she then soon fell backwards, landing on her back. Sighing, she then got off her back while the raindrops continued to beat down on her before turning around to see what it was she slammed into. As soon as she saw what she impacted, her eyes opened wide as a gasp escaped her mouth.


In front of her was a pink pegasus, and he was knocked out, most likely from her accidental roll. *Oh my Celestia... I... I didn't mean to... Is he still---* Quickly approaching the pegasus, Grand put one of her ears close to the stallion's chest as he listened for any signs of breathing or a heartbeat. As soon as she was close enough, she could hear everything she needed to know. Sighing out of relief that this pony was still alive, she quickly worked him onto her back, before trying to lift him up. Unfortunately for her, Grand was never very good at lifting other ponies and staying steady, so her legs began to shake from trying to hold the colt up.




As she tried to look around, Grand recalled how there was another blur - most likely another pony like this one - that was nearby. As she was doing so, she had noticed the wall where she accidentally slammed the pony into, and saw that it looked like that of a house or a building. Perhaps there could be somepony there who could help. Feeling her legs starting to give way under her, though, Grand quickened herself before eventually spotting the pony, a gray unicorn. This must have been the blur that was with this pegasus. "Um, ex... Excuse me, but..." she started, her legs possibly about to give way any moment unless somepony helped. "Could you help me carry this pony into this building, please...?"

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