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How many ATHEIST bronies out there?


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It makes me sad seeing that the Christian inverse of this thread is way more active than this thread.


Well, as of recently, my views towards religion have skewed closer to atheism. Whether or not a deistic being exists is irrelevant to me because its existence can be neither proved nor disproved. It's unlikely that it knows we exist and it's extremely unlikely that it knows us personally and cares about what we do in bed or whether or not we "believe" in its existence. If there is such an entity, it is certainly not an intelligent one. I no longer wish to lie to myself and claim to know the unknowable. I'd rather have unanswerable questions than unquestionable answers. That is the beauty of life. There is always more to know. 



I really hope to meet some like-minded people here.

Edited by Dsanders
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It makes me sad seeing that the Christian inverse of this thread is way more active than this thread.


Well, as of recently, my views towards religion have skewed closer to atheism. Whether or not a deistic being exists is irrelevant to me because its existence can be neither proved nor disproved. It's unlikely that it knows we exist and it's extremely unlikely that it knows us personally and cares about what we do in bed or whether or not we "believe" in its existence. If there is such an entity, it is certainly not an intelligent one. I no longer wish to lie to myself and claim to know the unknowable. I'd rather have unanswerable questions than unquestionable answers. That is the beauty of life. There is always more to know. 



I really hope to meet some like-minded people here.


How?.....Well let me just say I'm interested in knowing how you came about such assertions ^_^


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I am kind of an atheist but I don't like the label.


Unless you don't like labels in general, which I can understand, there is nothing wrong with calling yourself an atheist. I think the problem some of us have is the negative and falsely attributed connotations that unfortunately come with this label. Some people don't understand its true meaning and get the definitions confused. You can be a gnostic atheist or an agnostic atheist; in the same way you can be a gnostic deist and an agnostic deist. I'm close to being an agnostic deist, because while I acknowledge that I don't know whether or not a god exists, I cannot bring myself to believe with certainty that Yahweh is real. There is no evidence. The natural world disproves intelligent design.

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I am kind of an atheist but I don't like the label.


Then just be irreligious like me.  i dont make statements about gods at all.  They have no meaning to me at all.  I dont say they dont exist and I dont say they do exist.  I dont even say I am an agnostic.  The idea of religion has no meaning in my life

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  1. indifferent or hostile to religion.
    "an irreligious world"



The word is synonymous with atheistic or agnostic. By definition you're saying you fit into this category. Come on comrades, there is no need to feel ashamed of donning an honest label that represents how you feel about religion.

  • Brohoof 2
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I would say I am "neutral" on this issue. Normally religion or lack of it does't even come up with discussion around me so I just don't have a label about it myself. I prefer to be defined by my actions than loaded words.



>hostile to religion


The problem is I am not hostile to religion. Also I don't want to be associated with the arrogant and aggressive people.

I prefer to be friendly to all. Even if you believe in Celestia or not. 

Just call me Nori.

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Agnostic Atheist here :catface:


And whenever a discussion about religion comes up, I try to stay out of it, because it will never end well :/

  • Brohoof 2

„I shall be quiet as a calm sea. Which is... not... very quiet.“

„This is intolerable!“

„Even combat is a partnership... for a little while.“

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Well I should have payed attention to the definition of irreligious because that isn't an accurate label. I am nuetral most of the time but play atheist in arguments to play Devils advocate

Edited by alpinefroggy
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I wouldn't say I'm an atheist, I'd say I'm more of an agnostic atheist who is accepting of any kinds of faith, as long as you don't misuse it. And yes, that applies to atheism as well. I just never really felt that engaged in church. Growing up, I never payed attention in church and would sometimes even fall asleep in church. I just found the way the preacher presented it very dull. I could pay attention in school but not church.


I also am not too fond of the idea on focusing and preparing on something that could potentially happen after I die. I prefer to just live my life now and deal with it later if there is an afterlife after all.



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Agonistic Unitarian Universalist here!


There was a quote way back in this thread that said that some agonistics believe in some sort of spirituality and it's true in my case. I don't believe in the traditional concept of God being a bearded guy but I don't completely disbelieve in God either.


For me, God is a light within us, the human nature that will tell us to treat others well. People interpret this light in different ways and that's why there are so many religions. Now, I don't think religions are infallible, though. It's quite obvious that a lot of other people misuse them to persecute minorities or to gain more power.


If your religion or philosophy tells you to treat others fairly and equally, I have no problem with it. I think everything happens for a reason and everybody has a unique life that tells them where to go to. Now, I have no idea if anybody is guiding the spirtual or moral realms that I believe in or that's just the way it is, but what matters most to be is to try to be a nice peep.

  • Brohoof 1

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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I'm an atheist and have been for quite a while now, ever since I was 12 in fact. Though I'm quite young, I matured a bit ahead of time and realized I just can't bring myself to believe in something like God. I have no problem with christians/theists in general, I just have a massive grudge against those who just shove their belief down your throat once you accept it.


My parents are those types of people actually, they're basically one of the main reasons I became an atheist, because they shoved it down my throat so often.

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Agnostic atheist here... I have nothing against theists in general and I can enjoy discussion with them to a certain extent... I've dropped discussing with theists though because most of the ones who are willing to discuss aren't open enough to criticism etc.

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I am an athiest pegasister.

I was raised catholic, but at 15, I decided to follow my own path so that I could see the world without bias.

I didn't agree with what I was being taught in church, so I decided to become athiest.

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My parents put me through catholic school when I was younger and it made me only want LESS to do with the religion. It was just so out there and unreasonable I couldn't get myself to believe in such things. I tried, for sure, but so much just seems like blatant lies to me so I couldn't do it. It wasn't for me. Now that I'm way too old for my parents to make me do anything like such, I am atheist and I'm happy with it. 

Edited by Kellie
  • Brohoof 2


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I am so happy to know that I'm not alone. Seeing so many like-minded people here restores my hope in humanity. My parents are hardcore fundamentalists and it's incredibility difficult to have civil discussions with them about topics such as homosexuality, evolution, climate change, and morality. I don't understand why so many people in "Jesusland" have unreasonable faith in things that are clearly wrong and inconsistent with reality. The problem I have with Christianity and all the Judeo-Christian religions is not necessarily that they believe their book is inerrant but that it's completely unquestionable. It's totalitarianism. You are not to question the "divine" and "infallible" word of this authoritarian deity. You have to believe that Yeshua is his son, that he and his father are one, and you must love him endlessly regardless of how illogical that sounds. No questions asked. You cannot rebel. You cannot doubt his existence; you cannot even doubt his existence in your mind. You will be punished just for the simple crime of unbelief; no trial; no questions asked; no justification; you will be sent straight to eternal fire. That I personally find almost indistinguishable from the reality portrayed in George Orwell's 1984












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I am an atheist, but I respect all religions as long as no pony pushes there's on me. MLP is my only religion. I grew up as a christian, but when I turned 16 I kinda questioned myself what is religion.

Edited by CosmicSpark
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I am so happy to know that I'm not alone. Seeing so many like-minded people here restores my hope in humanity. My parents are hardcore fundamentalists and it's incredibility difficult to have civil discussions with them about topics such as homosexuality, evolution, climate change, and morality. I don't understand why so many people in "Jesusland" have unreasonable faith in things that are clearly wrong and inconsistent with reality. The problem I have with Christianity and all the Judeo-Christian religions is not necessarily that they believe their book is inerrant but that it's completely unquestionable. It's totalitarianism. You are not to question the "divine" and "infallible" word of this authoritarian deity. You have to believe that Yeshua is his son, that he and his father are one, and you must love him endlessly regardless of how illogical that sounds. No questions asked. You cannot rebel. You cannot doubt his existence; you cannot even doubt his existence in your mind. You will be punished just for the simple crime of unbelief; no trial; no questions asked; no justification; you will be sent straight to eternal fire. That I personally find almost indistinguishable from the reality portrayed in George Orwell's 1984












That's a problem I have with the Judeo-Christian religions too, though it's not THE problem for me.


The problem I have with traditional Christianity is that it implies that God has favourites and thus does not pay the same degree of attention to non-believers. I find that to be unacceptable as well as illogical. I find the Dalai Lama and Bhudda to have had just as much as a moral and positive life as Origen or Martin Luther, so why would God prefer one to the other?


Not only that, it causes religious hate. Let's say you're a traditional Christian. You have three friends. One's a Christian, the other's a Jew and the other is a Wiccian. You love the three of them dearly. However, you're only sure you'll see ONE of them in your idea of heaven. You're not sure about the Jewish friend and you're definetly not expecting the Wiccian to be there. Can you imagine the division this might cause?


Here's the only thing I really pity about conservatives: they're scared. They don't want that atheist uncle of theirs to go to hell and they can't bear to imagine their grandmother burning in hell-didn't she die an atheist too? That's why they're so vocal in the media. It's not that they think they're the only right ones. Well, actually they do and their arrogance seeps through sometimes but that's not the full story. They're too afraid of seeing their fellow countrymen in hell.


I view Reformed Judaism, Liberal Christianity and Liberal Islam to be very positive religions, though. There's nothing wrong with any religion if it allows you to think for yourself instead of relying on a book that's been mistranslated and used to justify slavery and fear of other various groups. I just prefer being agonistic.

  • Brohoof 1

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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Am I the only one here who disagrees with bringing children into religion at such a young age like 5 or anything around that time span? Basically endoctrinating (forgive me if I mispronounced that, I'm on mobile) them into your religion which ends up doing more harm than good actually. A good example would probably be myself and other young atheists out there (if there are any).

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Am I the only one here who disagrees with bringing children into religion at such a young age like 5 or anything around that time span? Basically endoctrinating (forgive me if I mispronounced that, I'm on mobile) them into your religion which ends up doing more harm than good actually. A good example would probably be myself and other young atheists out there (if there are any).

Yes, yes, it definitely is a harmful thing!


It encourages your kid not to think out of the box and if you teach them your religion is the only right one it's going to cause them A LOT of worrying (trust me, I've been there before). I'm going to raise my kid in a UU church if possible, but if they decide to move away from the belief I won't mind as long as they don't go into an exclusive form of religion.

  • Brohoof 2

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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I am agnostic to the point of the 'floating teapot'. I will never declare something as proof of, or against any theory. There is nothing definite  but you won't catch me walking off a cliff hoping gravity is wrong.

That's an awesome way to put it.

Happy and Renewed <3

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Here's the only thing I really pity about conservatives: they're scared. They don't want that atheist uncle of theirs to go to hell and they can't bear to imagine their grandmother burning in hell-didn't she die an atheist too? That's why they're so vocal in the media. It's not that they think they're the only right ones. Well, actually they do and their arrogance seeps through sometimes but that's not the full story. They're too afraid of seeing their fellow countrymen in hell.


I fully agree with you there. I think it's extremely unhealthy and pitiful for religious people to worship their gods out of fear that he will send them to hell if they don't. It's doublespeak. LOVE IS FEAR. Contradictory but of course it makes sense to them.




There's nothing wrong with any religion if it allows you to think for yourself instead of relying on a book that's been mistranslated and used to justify slavery and fear of other various groups.


That may be true. I would fervently disagree with you however on the notion that any one religion could help think for yourself. At least not any of the Abrahamic religions which are totalitarian by nature; stripping those who wholeheartedly believe of their identity. Sure, there is nothing wrong with cherry picking some verses from religious text that are moral, positive, and benefit you life. Just as long as you don't take their prophetic and divine claims seriously. 

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About cherry picking, I agree with that. Some conservatives accuse liberal of cherry picking passages only because we're 'too scared to face the truth' but the reason why I cherry pick is because I find traditional Christianity to be downright illogical. It's only if we look into the historical background of most holy texts when we can start to all discover our own idea of truth.


Speaking of rich, due to a...debate yesterday I'm now reading something called 'Faith Within Reason' which was written by a conservative Christian and...I don't get it. The arguments are, simply put, crap. I have forty more pages left on this thing and I don't think the author is even attemtping to be serious. The next chapter is on atheism and agnosticism and, oh, boy, can't I wait to be proven wrong by a person who seriously equates religious pluralism with Nazism.

  • Brohoof 1

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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I also try to stay clear from being in a fandom. I don't consider myself a bring, I just like the show.

You will join the herd. Resistance is futile.

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