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private Mistaken Identity!

Toxic Widow

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(( Ok so before we start roommates are: Thought Shaper and Cream Tea

Novella and Civil Sunset

Splinter and Cloud Whisper

Thought Shaper (no roommate)

Neon Strobe (no roommate)

Flying Ace and Icy Stars

OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/59031-ooc-thread-for-mistaken-identity/

Roles and Sign-ups:http://mlpforums.com/topic/58410-mistaken-identity/ )




Novella wakes up and rolls out of bed as usual, but something feels off. As she looks around them room she notices a human teenage boy in the bed on the other side of the room. She gasps and covers her mouth, scared to accidentally wake him. She looks around the room and sees that it's not her cottage. She looks in a mirror and sees a girl in an oversized blue sweatshirt and sweatpants, both with red lettering on them that say, "Crestview High"

She looks farther upwards on her body and sees fiery red hair with blue streaks instead of her mane. She sees an adorable doll face staring back at her with an average sized body. She runs her hooves hands through her mane hair and puts it up into two hair ponytails and leaves her bangs down. She looks into her closet, and almost everything is a uniform. A blazer with the Crestview High emblem, a blue bow with stars and swirls all over it, a fitted vest and dress shirt, a blue skirt with the same stars and swirls near the hem, blue knee high socks, and lace up high heeled oxfords.


"What in all of Equestria is going on here!?" She thought.

Edited by MissWonder

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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I'll join as my OC Chrysanthamum, and she'll be with Neon Strobe. This sounds fun, maybe Novella and Chrissie could be friends? I like the sound of your OC. Best of luck to you with this RP! Btw you are a amazing writer, hope you join some of my RP's sometime? That would be fun.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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3 things!

1. i dont think people know this thread already exist

2. i'd do my role, but i have no idea how :c


I'll join as my OC Chrysanthamum, and she'll be with Neon Strobe. This sounds fun, maybe Novella and Chrissie could be friends? I like the sound of your OC. Best of luck to you with this RP! Btw you are a amazing writer, hope you join some of my RP's sometime? That would be fun.

not the right thread, look at the links in the first post (good luck, i hope for you its open for more players, cute signature by the way)

filled the 200 chars




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thanks, so I am in? Awesome, just tell me when the RP starts and I'll post it.


you're response to my post to mine was a little confusing, so if you could clear that up and tell me if I am in ir not that woud be great and even more less confusing.  Thank you for liking my signature:)




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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To clear up your confusion: This is the roleplay thread, not the sign up thread. The sign up thread is this one: http://mlpforums.com/topic/58410-mistaken-identity/ So you can ask if you can be in this roleplay there. :) And then we can get this roleplay started! by the way, i like your signature too :3  Fluttershy wink.png


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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@@PinkieShyFlutterPie, @@hana, (Can we all please get this thing started? @@hana, http://mlpforums.com/topic/6539-a-general-guide-to-roleplaying/ please read that so you can participate. I'm just gonna start and I just hope you guys join in.)


She walks over to the strange boy in her room and pokes him, hoping it wakes him up.

"EXCUSE ME!" She practically yells.

"Why am I here?" She asks more politely.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Neon woke up "Another party to Dj today" Neon told herself then went to get up. She stood up and something felt different, she tried to walk but fell "What the...?" Neon looked down to see legs! human legs! She stumbled over to a mirror and saw she was a human! She looked at herself. She has some weird uniform on.  'At least i still have my bracelets' Neon thought to herself "Oh darn it, i'm guessing i'll be missing the party now!" Neon said to herself and rolled her eyes


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Yawned softly as a bit of sunshine had passed into his eyes, nothing, but peace and quiet. He rolled onto his side, just hugging his pillow to his head, just sleeping in his cot as usual. He swore he felt something poke him, which he ignored before a loud voice woke him up, scaring him to scoot himself to the wall in a panic. "I.. Uh, what?!" He breathed heavily before calming himself, placing a hoo-.. A ho-.. "Wh-What? My hooves?!" Something wasnt right at all with this and he needed to figure this out.


Eyes cycled to the whatever it was infront of him, leaving his mouth agape. "Um, I dont know wha-.. My horn! Not my horn!" He breathed heavily a few times, words escaping him as he pressed whatever replaced his hooves to his chest noticing clothing ontop of him already. His mane was down to his shoulders, blue edges with midnight purple hair ended in a ponytail, ribbon at the end kept it together. Clean, uniform downwards stood along his frame. His bag was next to his bed, though he wasnt sure of how to pick it up. This body was weird and he was surprised he could move his hind legs.. Walking was going to be hard.


"Okay, I dont know why youre here, but we need to find out answers."

Edited by Civil Sunset

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Cloud Whisper woke up, she saw the bright sunshine flshing from the window and tried to decide if she wnat to wake up and do something, or fall back asleep. As she decided not to wake up she rolled around on the bed, and for her surprise she saw something sleeping next to her.

She screamed somewhat in horror as she retreated and fell of the bed.




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Cream Tea woke up unhappily to the sun blazing into her eyes. As she felt around her head for her sleeping mask, something wasn't right. She reached her forehead and found that her horn was no longer there, and her body felt smoother somehow.

She almost fell out of bed until she regained her composure and went to look at her reflection in a window.

She let out a small yelp and told herself off for it. Instead of her normal body, she seemed to be something that she could only describe as some sort of mutated ape, but that wasn't even close. She still had her brown mane, but everything else was different. She wiggled her fingers and toes uncomfortably while trying to keep her cool. She focused on looking at the room she was in (Which was clearly not her own) and found that she had a room mate who looked like he was still asleep. She decided to sit on the end of her bed and wait for him to wake up.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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@@Civil Sunset,  Novella walks around the room casually, getting used to walking on two legs. She saw the poster of the rules put on a poster hanging on their wall.

"...Were you a pony too?" She asks bluntly.

"I was......" She adds.

She twirls her hair, thinking.

"I hate this. I hate it. It's so annoying. Why am I like this?!" She thought.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Neon was confused 'I need to find out what happened, maybe somepony else knows why we are here' Neon thought to herself then walked over to the door when she saw the rules 'No socializing between Houses except at lunch.' "Seriously? well sue me." Neon said to the rules then walked out the door she saw a whole bunch of different rooms but decided to go to the closest one to her she knocked on the door hoping someone would answer. @,

 @@Civil Sunset,


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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(I'm going to use this color text for the teachers and such)


Novella hears the knock on the door and hurries over to it and opens it a crack.

"Who are you? Why am I here!?" Novella asks.


When making her normal rounds, Ms. James saw a student with the rocks on her skirt from the Dwellers house and  a student with the stars and swirls on it from the Mag house socializing.

"Not allowed! Definitely not allowed!" She thought walking quickly towards the students.


Novella, sensing someone watching them whispers, "Someone's watching us...Come back later."

Then to cover up their little chat she yells, "EW GET AWAY. I DONT WANT WHATEVER YOURE TRYING  TO GIVE ME I DONT WANT ANY!!!" She then slams the door in Neon's face.


Ms. James reaches Neon and grabs her and spins her around.

"What were you doing you dirty little Dweller!?" Ms. James yells into Neon's face.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Civil huffed lightly as he brought his legs to his chest, just resting his arms against them before answering yer question in a low voice. "Yes, I was a pony, but not anymore, as you can see. Im sorry we're both this way, but hopefully we can go back to our original selves." He sighed softly before scooting himself to the edge of the bed and attempted to get up, however it was just a lot of flailing before hitting the floor.



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"I'm Neon Strobe, i am-was a pony and i was ju-" Neon was talking when she herd the teacher 'Oh darn' she thought to herself. The pony slams the door "Thanks for your help" Neon says sarcastically then she suddenly feels someone spin her around   "First of all, ow i'm right here i can hear you! second of all...this isn't the bathroom?" Neon said trying to cover up why she is here 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Ace opened one eye at the sound of screaming but was so tired that he just yawned and rubbed his tired eyes with his hand.




Ace's eyes snapped open and he fell out the bed in a panic. "Ah! What the heck?! Why can't I get up?!" Ace knocked the blanket off him to see he had a completely different body, he also seemed to have a uniform on but he was so scared and shocked he paid no mind he ran to the mirror and got a good look at himself. He still had his hair which was the same except maybe a little longer and more spiked, but the big kicker was one crucial detail he noticed right off the bat.


No wings.



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After few minutes of panicing , and learning how to walk from side to side nervously on two legs, she decided to do something she walk to splinter () with a shoe she found in the closet as a shield. attempting to wake him up she poke him weakly asking "are you awake?"

Edited by hana




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@@PinkieShyFlutterPie, "OF COURSE NOT! NOW BACK TO YOUR HOUSE IMMEDIATELY!!!" Ms. James yells before stalking off.


Novella hears the teacher yelling and somehow knows it was her walking off. She opens the door fully this time.


"Well are you going to come in or not?" She says to Neon with her hands on her hips.


She turns back to @@Civil Sunset, "Are you ok? Do you need help getting up? What's your name?" She asks.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Neon watched as that annoying lady walked away "Wow, can't take a joke now can you?" Neon mumbled then herd the door opan and saw a ponies head pop out. Neon walks in to the room "2 Questions, are-were you guys ponies and if you are do you know how we got here?!" Neon said "Also...is he alright?" Neon said pointing to the boy on the floor @@Civil Sunset,


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Civil sighed softly as he lifted himself up, going back to sitting on his bed. He beamed a smile to Novella before frowning while wiggling his legs. "Im alright, thank you. My name is Civil Sunset, whats yours?" He spoke gently, while picking up the bag next to him and placing it around his shoulders. "At least I still have my bag.." He looked to the other that just walked in and nodded.


"Yes, we both were and if you ask, you must have been too. This is just.. Confusing."

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Cloud went out of the room, closing her door quietly, trying not to disturv this... 'thing's sleep

she walked around a bit untill she heard a door getting slammed and someone turn someone's offer very loudly. cloud walked to this direction, and wondered for about 30 seconds where exactly did it come from, but then she saw a pale person getting into a room

Cloud Whisper knocked on the door and tried to understand the conversation she is hearing




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Ace was pacing once he got to use his legs properly and was talking amongst himself. "Ok, ok, don't panic just calm down and try to think this through I don't have my wings I'm in some...thing's body I don't know what's going on...maybe somepony is out there that can help." Ace ran over to his door and opened it looking down the hallway. "Hello, can anypony hear me?"

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Ms. James, while reminding the students of their first class, sees another student at that weird Mag dorm. She pushes the student out of the way and yells at them to return to their dorm.


"My name's Novel-WAIT!" Novella stares blankly ahead for a moment.

"ANNOYING LADY IS BACK!!!" She pushes Neon into her closet.

"Stay here and be quiet. If you're caught in here we'll all be punished!" She whispers hurriedly to Neon before closing her closet door and sitting on her bed.


Ms. James flings the door wide open and yells,"TIME TO GET TO CLASS DIRTY LITTLE MAGS. UNIFORMS ON, QUICK QUICK!"


Novella grabs a uniform she luckily took out of her closet earlier and runs into the bathroom. She comes out in ten seconds flat and stands in front of the annoying lady.

"I think we're quite capable of  walking to class by ourselves Miss. We are teenagers you know. We can take care of ourselves. Right Civil?" She says while staring a blank, unnerving stare into Ms. James' eyes. She looks like a china doll as she has absolutely no emotion, but it's quite creepy as well, as she looks like if you touch her she will hurt you where it hurts the most. 

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Icy Stars woke up to hear someone's voice calling out behind her. She rose and turned around to see some bipedal... Thing at the doorway. She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was seeing thing, but her hooves felt weird. She opened her eyes and looked at where her hooves should be. What was there looked like a dragons claws with the ends sanded off.

She screamed,

Edited by Silent Dawn
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''Uuuurrrg.'' Splinter moaned as his eyes opened forcefully to a nervous, screaming voice, the holder leaving the room. ''Where am I?'' Splinter muttered to himself as he sighed, gaining sight of his surroundings. He felt something twitch in his hoof. ''What the..'' Splinter said as he lifted up his so called hoof. ''What the buck?!'' He shouted as he stared at the five flexing fingers.


He felt another one of these strange.. things on his other hoof. He looked at his body and nearly fainted. He wasn't a pony anymore. He wore a grey T-shirt with blue jeans with used looking sneakers. He let out a short scream, but stopped. He didn't want to alarm anyone else, so he might as well go with it and get used to this new body.


He heard another threatening voice yelling to get to class. ''Whoop!'' Splinter said as he tumbled out of his bed. ''This is a start.'' He said as he spent the next 10 minutes trying to get up.

Edited by Calirolls
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